"As long as he comes to the earth after Zhang Dahou, then he will be the head of the new Otsutsugi family, and you are just a speck of dust in history."

After the split finished laughing, he continued to add, constantly provoking the Zong family's nerves.

"Are you looking for death?"

The Zong family clenched the weapon in his hand and stared at the branch in front of him.

At this time, the expression of the Zong family has become ashen.

But at this time, the thoughts in his mind were no different from those of beasts.

Because he wanted to kill the branch in front of him, and then kill the child in that branch with his own hands.

Now the Zong family has only anger in their minds.

Other thoughts have been left behind by him.

"Zong family, are you thinking of killing my child after you kill me? Then you plan to control the moon to go to the earth, and then reproduce your descendants on the earth?"

The branch looked at the face of the Zong family, took a step back without leaving a trace, and looked at the Zong family in front of him.

"But are you still fertile now? Do you know how old you are?"

The branch said aloud while gathering the Chakra in the body.

"Just based on your appearance, will someone be willing to give birth to a child for you? Stop dreaming."

The branch continued to speak aloud.

"What this branch said, it's just killing people!"

In Ling Feng's eyes, the Zong family looked very old at this time, just like an old man in his seventies.

So there is nothing wrong with what the division said.

With his appearance, no one would marry him.

"If that's the case, what's the matter? You're seriously injured, otherwise, why don't you attack me, a lousy old man?"

The Zong family looked at the branch in front of them, took a step forward, and said slowly.

"You must have been seriously injured, so I just need to drag you here now. As long as you die, your child from the family will also die under my hands."

At this time, the Zong family's expression showed a smile, and said slowly to the branch family.

The Zong family's expression looked very intimidating, and the corners of his mouth were raised high to an incredible angle, even close to the base of his ears.

And his smile also showed his few teeth.


Listening to the Zong family's words, the branch family took a step back and stared at the Zong family's movements.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with what Zong said.

The injury from the separation is really serious now, so severe that he can't take a shot at the seventy-year-old man in front of him.

That's why he kept using words to provoke the Zong family in front of him.

I want to let the Zong family in front of me take action, and then I can counterattack.

Otherwise, if it continues like this, the people who die will be separated.

In this way, the son of the branch family will also die under the hands of the ancestral family.

Because the current Zong family is a lunatic who will do anything.

"Is this the dispute between the clan and the division? It seems that the Hinata clan in the ninja world is quite gentle, and nothing like this has happened."

Ling Feng looked at the Zong family and the branch family in front of him, thinking in his heart.

Because Ling Feng has a very low sense of existence at this time, and because he used stealth magic, as long as Ling Feng doesn't attack the two of them and touches something that makes a loud noise, then Ling Feng passes by them even if he does. , they will not have any response.

"Let me sense where that baby is."

Ling Feng closed his eyes, and then began to perceive the son in the family's mouth.

Ling Feng did feel a very weak chakra before, but now it seems that it should be the son of the family.

"found it."

Soon, Ling Feng sensed the very weak chakra in a room in the distance.

In Ling Feng's perception, the baby was in a deep sleep at this time, and there was no danger to his life at all.

This is the experience that Lingfeng brought Naruto and Naruko to.

Just when Ling Feng felt it.

There was the sound of fighting in his ears.

Ling Feng quickly opened his eyes to take a look.

I saw that the Zong family had already fought with the branch family.

The Zong family clenched the weapon in his hand and kept attacking the branch in front of him.

Judging from the Zong family's rapid attacks and skilled skills, he doesn't look like an old man in his seventies at all.

And the middle-aged branch family was beaten and retreated by the Zong family, constantly resisting the Zong family's attacks with the weapons in their hands.

"Sure enough, you were seriously injured. As long as I kill you, then I will be able to kill your heir. Since you make me unstoppable, I will make you unbreakable too!"

Seeing the blood oozing out from the branch's chest, the smile on the Zong family's face became more and more hideous.

"When the time comes, I will give you a sigh of relief, and I will kill your offspring in front of you."

After the Zong family finished speaking, they directly kicked the wound of the branch family.

The separation was like a cannonball that flew out, and the whole body flew out upside down.

At this time, the Zong family pursued the victory and rushed towards the branch family.

On the way to rush over, he also raised his weapon high.

This time, his goal is to separate the limbs.

The Zong family wanted to break the limbs of the family first, and then kill the children of the family with their own hands in front of the family.

"go to hell!"

The Zong family rushed directly in front of the branch family, the weapon in his hand aimed at the branch family's arm, and was about to fall.

And right now.

Separation's entire body spun up.

A huge force emanated from the branch's body.

That power helped the branch to block the attack of the sect.

At the same time, it also made the whole body stand up.


Thanks [y. . ooOO] a monthly pass

Thank you [author update ah] for a monthly pass

Chapter 496: The End of the Zong Family and the Branch Family (Revised)

Looking at the separation of the family, Ling Feng knew in his heart what kind of ninjutsu he was using tomorrow.

He didn't expect that here, he could actually see the return of the Hyuga clan.

That's right, the move used by the branch is Huitian.

The thing formed by that blue blue chakra is the Huitian of the Hyuga clan.

"I didn't expect you to come back to heaven."

Looking at the branch family who stood up, the Zong family's face turned darker at this time.

If he had a 90% chance of defeating the division in front of him before.

Then after the branch family showed his return to heaven, the Zong family understood that his winning rate was only 60%.

And this 60% is based on the fact that the branch was seriously injured.

"Why, only the members of your sect can master Huitian, and those from our branch can't practice, right?"

Looking at the Zong family in front of him, a very mocking smile appeared on the branch's face.

"You are courting death!"

Looking at the branch's smile, the Zong family clenched the weapon in his hand and attacked the branch directly.

Looking at the onslaught Zong family, the branch family hurriedly avoided an attack from the Zong family, and then shot directly with the left hand.

The palm with Chakra patted the Zong family's chest at once.

Just when the palm of the branch family just fell on the chest of the Zong family, a proud smile appeared on the face of the Zong family.

Opposite of this.

There was a painful expression on the face of the split.


The branch family endured the severe pain from the hand, and directly took his palm back from the Zong family's body.

At this time, there was still a few traces of blood on the palm of the branch.

At the same time, there were several more blood holes on the palm of the split family.

Obviously, the Zong family is wearing armor with small thorns.

Otherwise, the hands of the separation will not receive such damage.

"How about the taste of thorn armor?"

The Zong family took off his shirt with a smile, and looked proudly at the branch in front of him.

I saw that the Zong family was wearing an armor full of spikes.

The blood holes in the hands of the branch were caused by the spikes on the armor.


Looking at the Zong family in front of him, the family took a deep breath and quietly took out something from his trouser pocket with the other hand.

That thing is very hidden, and the proud clan naturally can't see it.

But the place now has a third person present.

Ling Feng, who was standing on the side, clearly saw what the branch family took out from his trouser pocket.

That's a detonator!

"Is there a detonator on the moon too?"

Looking at the detonating talisman in the hands of the branch family, Ling Feng thought about it in his mind.

Just when Ling Feng was thinking about it, the branch family clenched the detonating talisman in his hand, and then injected a trace of chakra into it.

Then the detonating talisman was affixed to the Zong family by the family.


Looking at the detonating talisman on himself, the Zong family shouted.

He threw the weapon in his hand directly, wanting to take off the detonating talisman on his body.

The Zong family knew very well that if the detonating talisman really exploded on his body, then he would die here.

And how could the branch family standing on the side watch the Zong family just take down the detonating talisman?

So the branch family directly clenched his right hand and slammed it towards the head of the Zong family.

Since the Zong family stretched out his hand and was pulling the detonating talisman, he didn't have any extra hands to defend against the branch family's attack.

So the Zong family ate the attack of the family division abruptly, and at the same time his body flew out like the previous family division.

The punch from the split contained all the strength of his whole body.

Then the whole family sat on the ground and looked at the Zong family not far away.

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