So at this time, the Zong family only felt that his eyes were staring at the stars, and the whole world was spinning.

And at this time, the Zong family also felt that water was slowly flowing on his lips, like raindrops.

But he was in the moon at this time, where did the water come from?

The Zong family didn't care about the detonating talisman on his body at this time, he hurriedly wiped his lips with the back of his hand, and then took a look.

I saw blood on the back of my hand.

At the same time he spat on the ground.

It was a pool of blood, and in the blood, there were several teeth.

And the Zong family also felt the burning sensation that kept coming from his neck.

The Zong family knew very well that the detonating talisman was about to explode.

"Hey, am I going to die? If so, I'll pull you into the water too!"

There was a pale smile on the face of the Zong family, and his eyes stared at the branch in front of him.

I saw him staggeringly stood up and walked towards the branch.

However, at this time, the branch family had already thrown a punch with all the strength just now, coupled with the physical injury of the branch family.

He could only sit there and watch the Zong family walk towards him.

The distance between the two kept getting closer.

In the end, the master tightly hugged the branch's body with his own hands.

"Since I die, I will also drag you into the water. In this case, your son will die there because there is no one to take care of it. Hahahaha!"

The Zong family put their arms around the body of the family and said softly in the ears of the family.

And after the Zong family finished speaking, they laughed wildly in the ears of the branch family.


The branch family listened to the Zong family's words and wanted to stretch out his hands to push the Zong family's body away.

But as soon as he raised his hands, they fell down weakly.

He has no strength.

"You die with me! Hahahaha!"

In the end, under the wild laughter of the Zong family.

There was a huge explosion sound from the two bodies.

The flames devoured both of their bodies in an instant.


Looking at the explosion, Ling Feng shook his head and walked in the direction of the baby.

Although Ling Feng didn't want to take care of the Zong family and the split family, he was innocent to that baby.

That's why Ling Feng stood indifferently and watched the Zong family and the branch family fighting, but did not help one of them.

Soon, Ling Feng walked into a deep room.

There, Lingfeng saw the baby sleeping in the cradle.

"This little guy, it's still the truth."

Looking at the baby in front of him, Ling Feng shook his head, then stretched out his hands to the baby.

A chakra flew out from Ling Feng's hand, forming a protective barrier around the baby.

As long as it wasn't for the ninjutsu of Earth Blast and Shinra Tianzheng, other ninjutsu would not be able to break through this protective barrier.

"I'll go to Kaguya Otsutsuki first, and I'll see you later."

After Ling Feng finished speaking, he continued to walk towards the depths of the moon.

Because he was able to perceive that the chakra of Kaguya Otsutsuki was exuding in the depths of the moon.

Tell me the reason why I recently updated the underworld

I have revised the previous chapter, you can see it after refreshing.

In the past few days, everyone has discovered that I updated it in the middle of the night, even at six o'clock the next day. This time can be said to be updated in the underworld.

This is because I recently rented a new house, something is moving, and another is that I have opened a new book, (I want a meal) (this is why sometimes Lingfeng's name will become He Yao s reason.)

In the case of writing two books, so my update time is so hellish.

However, I have also been adjusting my status recently. I can resume the update of the world almost today or tomorrow, and I can add updates at that time.

Chapter 497: The Secret of Kaguya Otsutsuki

Under the continuous advancement of Lingfeng, he soon came to the depths of the moon.

This is where Lingfeng feels the closest to Kaguya Otsutsuki.

Looking at the thick stone wall in front of him, Ling Feng thought carefully.

Here, Ling Feng could feel the strong chakra coming from Kaguya Otsutsuki, and even gave Lingfeng a kind of Kaguya Otsutsuki that was inside the stone wall at this time.

But Ling Feng knew that there was no Kaguya Otsutsuki inside the stone wall.

This place is just the surface that seals Kaguya Otsutsuki.

And Kaguya Otsutsuki's real body is in a different dimension.

"Is this the Six Paths, the Earth-Blasting Star?"

Lingfeng looked at the stone wall in front of him, and suddenly remembered the scene where Uchiha Lingfeng sealed Kaguya Otsutsuki.

It was Kaguya Otsutsuki being sucked into the air, and then countless rubble continuously gathered towards Kaguya Otsutsuki.

It now appears that those stones will eventually form a moon.

"Alas, now only Chakra can be used to perceive space."

Ling Feng sighed and closed his eyes.

At this time, Lingfeng released the chakra on his body around himself, and drew the spell of the God of Thunder on the surrounding.

Because the technique of flying thunder **** is also space ninjutsu after all.

As long as Lingfeng disturbs the surrounding Chakra, and then cooperates with those flying thunder gods to interfere with the space spells.

It is very likely that Ling Feng will be able to find a way to the different space of Kaguya Otsutsuki.

With an idea, Ling Feng began to act.

Soon, in the surrounding area, Ling Feng was filled with many Flying Thunder God techniques.

At the same time, Lingfeng is still exuding its own chakra, which is used to interfere with the flow of chakra in this space.

Under the constant interference of Ling Feng, finally, Ling Feng sensed a small wave of spatial fluctuations.

And from that sign, you can feel that there is a powerful chakra in that space.

The owner of that powerful chakra, Ling Feng, is very familiar with it.

That is the chakra of Kaguya Otsutsuki.

Arriving here, Ling Feng opened his eyes directly.

Now he has a small coordinate in that space.

For the rest, you just need to follow the vines.

Under Lingfeng's constant search, now Lingfeng has asked to accurately locate the space where Kaguya Otsutsuki is located.

Now Ling Feng only needs to plant his own imprint of the God of Thunder in that space, then Ling Feng can directly reach that space.

After you have a road, it is very easy to get a road sign on the road.

Soon, Ling Feng planted the imprint of Flying Thunder God in Kaguya Otsutsuki's different space.

At this moment, Ling Feng opened his eyes and snapped his fingers in the air.

Then Ling Feng's entire figure disappeared into the interior of the moon.

Now, he appeared directly in the different dimension.

And in this different space, Ling Feng saw Kaguya Otsutsuki.

"You are?"

Kaguya Otsutsuki looked at Ling Feng who suddenly appeared and took a step back, her pure white eyes staring at Ling Feng tightly.

For thousands of years, Ling Feng was the first living person she saw.

"My name is Ling Feng."

Looking at Kaguya Otsutsuki in front of her, Ling Feng directly waved at her and said aloud.

"Why did you appear here, are you also sealed by Yuyi?"

Looking at Ling Feng in front of him, Kaguya Otsutsuki asked with a frown.

"Otsutsuki Yui? In fact, he has been dead for thousands of years."

Ling Feng heard the words, was silent for a while, and said slowly.

After all, Otsutsuki Yui was the son of the woman in front of her, and it would be a little bad if he said in front of her that his son had been dead for thousands of years.

"Heh, has it been dead for thousands of years? Sure enough, it is the same as the lifespan of a human being. If it is my clan, at least it won't die so early."

Listening to Ling Feng's words, Kaguya Otsutsuki showed a slightly miserable smile on his face, and said slowly.

"Not your clan? Are Otsutsuki Yui and Otsutsuki Yumura not your children?"

Hearing this, Ling Feng looked at Kaguya Otsutsuki suspiciously.

In his memory, Kaguya Otsutsuki should be the mother of Yui Otsutsuki and Hamura.

And now it seems that Kaguya Otsutsuki said that they are not his own clan.

This made Ling Feng a little confused.

"They just got the children of Chakra of the divine tree, with some of my blood flowing on them, not my clan."

It may be the reason why no one has spoken to her for thousands of years.

Kaguya Otsutsuki shook his head, opened the chatterbox, and started talking to Ling Feng about the origins of Yui Otsutsuki and Hamura Otsutsuki.

thousands of years ago.

Just after Kaguya Otsutsuki came to earth, he planted a sacred tree on earth.

The mission of her coming to earth is to let the divine tree absorb the life energy of the earth, and then bear the fruit of the divine tree, and finally hand it over to the Otsutsukimoto family.

But Kaguya Otsutsuki had other thoughts in her heart.

She didn't want to go back to Otsutsukimoto's house.

So she shot and injured the Otsutsugi clansmen who came with her.

During the fight, Kaguya Otsutsuki's blood accidentally splashed into the river.

Then the river water with the blood of Kaguya Otsutsuki was drank into the stomach by a pregnant woman.

Therefore, Otsutsuki Yui and Otsutsuki Yumura will have some blood of Otsutsuki Kaguya.

Afterwards, Kaguya Otsutsuki ate the fruit of the divine tree after defeating his comrade.

This made her become one with the divine tree.

She is the divine tree, and she is the ten tails.

Therefore, Kaguya Otsutsuki also obtained eternal life and infinite chakra.

Relying on his powerful chakra, Kaguya Otsutsuki quickly unified the ninja world.

But as a member of the Otsutsuki family, Kaguya Otsutsuki knows very well that as long as the Otsutsuki family finds out that she has not brought the fruit of the divine tree back to the Otsutsuki family.

Then someone must come to arrest her.

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