"Let's do it together!"

Ze Yuezhi roared loudly, and there were actually several tentacles drilled out of the fleshy hand, and attacked the demon king straight at it.

At this time, Hirazaka Ryuji, who was standing on the side, also directly raised his arm.

Also several tentacles drilled out from his arm and attacked in the direction of the demon king.

"Give me death!"

The two roared.

Those tentacles were like living beings, intertwined with each other, and together they attacked the demon king.

"That's kind of disgusting."

Looking at the tentacles rushing in front of him, the demon king raised his arm as he spoke.

The tentacles that were like arrows just now seemed to be shaken by an invisible force, and flew back directly.

"Watch your feet!"

Seeing the defeat of his tentacles, Ze Yuezhi didn't panic at all, and even opened his mouth to remind the demon king.

When the demon king heard this, he looked down in confusion.

I saw that those tentacles had already arrived at the feet of the demon king without knowing when.

At the same time, the demon king also found that he also had many tentacles on his head.

It was as if those tentacles had already existed and returned to this room.

"What are you strengthening? Why are you so disgusting?"

The demon king shook his head helplessly, and a powerful flame burst out from his whole body.

The flames burned all those tentacles to ashes in one fell swoop.


I've been feeling a little sick recently, so the update is a little weak.

Chapter Five Hundred and Eighth God Cthulhu (Revised)


Seeing that his tentacles were suddenly burned to charcoal, Sawagoshi and Hirasaka Ryuji had expressions of disbelief on their faces at the same time.

"Can you tell me the questions I just said now?"

Looking at the two people in front of them whose faces were constantly changing, the demon king said slowly.

"Since you have mentioned the reincarnator, you should know that we cannot tell you about space."

Ze Yuezhi and Hirasaka Ryuji looked at each other at the same time, and after being silent for a while, he said slowly.

The two have compared their strengths with that of the Demon King.

They know that they are not the opponents of the demon king, so instead of waiting to be beaten to death by the demon king, they might as well speak their information directly in exchange for their own lives.

"Wait a minute, what's the difference between 'la' and 'then' in your sentence just now?"

The demon king frowned and asked aloud as he looked at Zeyoshi and Hirazaka Ryuji in front of him.

"Lord God."

Sawakoshi said in unison with Hirasaka Ryuji.

It's just that after these two words entered the ears of the demon king, they were automatically silenced.

"Sure enough, it was blocked."

At this time, Ling Feng, the **** of death, who was sitting in his room, took a closer look at the mouth shape of the two, and knew that the two of them were talking about the word "lord god".

But it should be the main **** who blocked the words of the two people because of a certain boat, so when the two of them talked about the main god, in the ears of Lingfeng and the wooden clone, it was the sound that was silenced.

"In that case, tell me how you were selected?"

The demon king took a deep breath and asked the two people in front of him aloud.

"I woke up one morning and appeared in that space."

Ze Yuezhi was the first to speak.

"how about you?"

The demon king turned his head to look at Hirazaka Ryuuji and asked aloud.

"I'm someone who died once, and when I opened my eyes, I found myself in space."

Hirazaka Ryuji was silent for a while, then said slowly.

At this time, Makoto Ito and Akizuki Kozo were obviously taught a lesson, they sat there honestly, and told all their own affairs to the world of Saiyuanji and Ari Qiuyue.

Learn from the mouths of these four.

Akizuki Kozo and Sawakoshi were in the main **** space after waking up one morning, while Ito Makoto and Hirasaka Ryuji died once before entering the main **** space.

And the wooden clones also inquired about their strengthening direction.

The strengthening direction of these four guys is all about strengthening the restraint system.

Simply put, it is the strengthening of Cthulhu.

And the wooden clones also learned that in their main **** space, all the reincarnators are basically strengthening in this direction.

Grim Reaper: Brothers, I really want to stab the big boss.

Recalling what the four reincarnators said, Ling Feng, the **** of death, directly opened the chat group and told the other Ling Fengs.

Chishou: Did you hit the big boss? What's going on? Who is the big boss?

Another World: Could it be that those four guys are just like the villains in the novel, who fought the young and came to the old?

Magician: Come on @Death, stop dawdling.

Looking at the information in the chat group, Death God Ling Feng took a deep breath, and then explained all the information he had learned in the chat group.

Jieku: That is to say, behind this main **** space, it is very likely that it is not actually a main god, but an ancient **** in the Cthulhu mythology?

Grim Reaper: Very likely. Anyway when I asked them. They were always saying that they couldn't see him, couldn't call his name, and could only bow down reverently.

Yuhuazi: If you say that, why do I feel similar to your 'God'? They don't know what a 'God' looks like, and they don't know what a 'God' is. They also have great power. .

The **** of death Lingfeng looked at Yuhuazi Lingfeng's words, and suddenly a cold sweat broke out on his back.

After thinking about it carefully, Yuhuazi Lingfeng said a lot, didn't the conditions of the 'god' who brought Lingfeng, the **** of death to this world, all meet the gods in the Cthulhu mythology?

And the reason why 'God' wants to kill those people on the list.

Those people should be sacrifices.

A sacrifice offered to a 'God'.

Grim Reaper: Damn it, it's very possible!

Qianshou: But since the 'God' and the Lord God are the same person, why send reincarnators to the world of @Death God? Did you let them kill each other? This doesn't make sense.

Cthulhu: It is very likely that the 'god' is still very weak, he needs those sacrifices to restore energy for him, or the 'god' is not the **** of Cthulhu at all, just a subordinate, or a small leader That's it.

Demon: That's right, and the reason why they sent reincarnators here should be to punish those reincarnators, or to characterize you and the old black as the nourishment for those reincarnators, and use you to cultivate those reincarnators .

God of War: Do you remember what Lao Hei said before, before you came, there were many people who were gods of death, but they all disappeared. If you say this, will those gods of death run over and become reincarnators? ? Or have those people killed by you and Lao Hei become reincarnations in the main **** space?

Many Lingfeng began to express their conjectures.

It's just that every time they made a guess, a few drops of cold sweat fell on Lingfeng's forehead.

Without him, if it really is what they say, then it represents the world in which he lives, the water is very deep, and it is not what he looks like on the surface.

Grim Reaper: Brothers, what should I do if it's really like what you said? The tasks on the reincarnator's watch have already included me and Lao Hei in the must-kill tasks. Even if we escape this time, there will definitely be another one.

Qianshou: At this time, you are going to be the Aite Saiyan boss. See if the Saiyan boss has made any progress recently. If he has any huge improvement, then you can protect yourself.

Cthulhu: Actually, don't panic. Judging from their signs, that 'god' should not be that powerful. If it is really those Cthulhu gods, before you get the chat group, see his In an instant, you're crazy.

Evil God: But now you are not crazy, which means that the 'God' is not so powerful, and it is very likely that he is just a scumbag.

Death: I hope so.

Ling Feng, the **** of death, just finished speaking.

The scene in his field of vision changed.

No, it should be said that the scene in front of the three wooden clones has changed.


Alas, my body is a little uncomfortable, so I went to sleep.

Chapter five hundred and ninth mysterious bubble

In the eyes of the wooden clone, the bodies of Sawakoshi, Hirazaka Ryuji, Ito Makoto, and Akizuki Kozo suddenly collapsed.

Many bubbles gradually appeared on their bodies, and even the tentacles they stretched out were no exception.

In an instant, those bubbles had covered the whole body of the four of them, as well as the tentacles.


Looking at the appearance of the four, the wooden clones took a step back.

In such emergencies, keeping yourself safe is the most important thing.


At this time, Hirasaka Ryuuji, who was full of bubbles, slowly raised his arm and stretched it straight towards the Demon King.

At the same time, his eyes were full of pleading.

He looked at the demon king and said slowly.

It's just that his words didn't come out, he just opened his mouth and stopped moving there.

It was as if his entire body was tensed up, and every muscle was tightly fitted together, making Hirazaka Ryuji unable to make any movements or say any words.

"What's the matter with Nima?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, the demon king took a step back and said slowly.

Because in his vision, Ito Makoto and Akizuki Kozo in the other room both had this situation.

The four reincarnations suddenly became rigid, unable to move or speak, and bubbles were constantly being generated on the whole body and on the tentacles.

"This will not be the revenge of the Lord God."

The demon king swallowed his saliva and said slowly.

"I feel like I still have to come over and let him see what to do."

The demon king turned his head and glanced at Ryuji Hirasaka, and said slowly.

Because just not long ago, the light in Hirazaka Ryuji's eyes had dissipated.

At the same time, the bubbles on his entire body are constantly floating outwards.

In just this short time, a small half of Hirazaka Ryuji and Sawakoshi's body disappeared as the bubbles drifted away.

Obviously, as long as it takes a while, then these four reincarnations will die directly in front of the three wooden clones.

Looking at the situation in the field of vision, the **** of death Ling Feng took a deep breath.

Grim Reaper: Brothers, I have uploaded the current memory to the group file, you can take a look.

The **** of death Ling Feng took a deep breath, and then uploaded his own files to the group file.

After uploading, Ling Feng, the **** of death, didn't wait for other Ling Feng to speak, so he directly used the technique of flying thunder god, and moved towards the place where the three wooden clones were located.

"You came."

The demon king looked at Ling Feng, the **** of death who suddenly appeared beside him, and said slowly.


Death God Ling Feng nodded his head, and then pressed his left hand directly on the wooden clone.

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