Afterwards, life energy was continuously introduced into the body of the demon king from the body of Lingfeng, the **** of death.

"That's enough."

The demon king took a deep breath and said to Ling Feng, the **** of death beside him.


When Ling Feng, the **** of death, heard the words, he withdrew his palm.

At this time, the demon king stretched his body and walked straight towards Hirazaka Ryuji and Sawagoshi in front of him.

At this time, there was a door opening sound behind Ling Feng, the **** of death.

Saiyuanji World and Qiuyue Aili walked in directly.

"Now that you're here, you don't need us."

Looking at Ling Feng, the **** of death in front of them, the two looked at each other and said slowly.

"Uh, you should change back to the way you were, it always feels weird to me."

The **** of death Ling Feng covered his face and said aloud.

The world of Saiyuan Temple and Qiuyue Aili glanced at each other, and the transformation technique on her body came into direct contact.

After a puff of smoke dissipated, the two returned to their original appearances.

"They are completely lifeless."

At this time, the voice of the demon king reached the ears of Ling Feng, the **** of death, and the two wooden clones.

I saw that the demon king was squatting on the ground at this time, a dazzling light flashed on his right hand, and he said to everyone.

"Has the vitality disappeared?"

A wooden clone walked in front of Hirazaka Ryuji, squatted down, and said slowly.

"Well, I have already checked, the two people's bodies have no vitality, and now there is only one body left."

The demon king nodded and said aloud.

"Really? Let me see."

Hearing the words, the wooden clone stretched out his fingers and directly touched the body of Hirazaka Ryuuji in front of him.

At the moment when the fingers of the wooden clone just touched the body.

The wooden clone felt a huge suction coming from Hirasaka Ryuji's body, and the energy in the wooden clone's body was quickly absorbed by Hirasaka Ryuji.

Feeling such a change, the wooden clone hurriedly pulled out his hand from Hirazaka Ryuji's body.

The moment when the wooden clone pulled out his hand.

I saw all the color faded from the left arm of the wooden clone, and the whole arm turned brown wood color.

Here is what it looks like when the energy in the wood body is sucked out.

"So fierce, it sucked most of my energy away at once."

The wooden clone looked at the hand that he had drawn back, and said slowly.

"So put a protective cover on your hands, otherwise, how do you know if there will be any bad effects on that corpse?"

At this time, the demon king who was standing on the side looked at the wooden clone and said slowly.

"Oh, yes. But now you can only see your kaleidoscope ability, the main body."

The wooden clone sighed, turned to look at Ling Feng, the **** of death beside him, and said aloud.


The **** of death Ling Feng nodded his head, and then his eyes immediately changed back to the eternal kaleidoscope.

"This is the first time I've used this kaleidoscope's ability."

The **** of death Ling Feng's gaze was directly on the corpse of Hirazaka Ryuuji.

I saw a red light flashing directly in the eyes of Ling Feng, the **** of death.

Then a tear of blood flowed from his right eye.

As said before, the power of the kaleidoscope in the right eye of Lingfeng, the **** of death, can restore a corpse to the moment before death.

After the death **** Lingfeng released the kaleidoscope, the bubbles floating in the air flashed directly towards the body of Hirazaka Ryuuji.

At this time, the Demon King saw this and reached out to touch the body of Hirazaka Ryuuji.

Because at this time there is still energy in the demon king's right hand protecting the demon king's body, the energy in the demon king's right hand will not be absorbed by Hirasaka Ryuji.

At the same time, the demon king is still injecting energy into Hirazaka Ryuji's body.

With the continuous injection of life energy, I saw that Hirazaka Ryuji's body began to swell.

His body began to change.

Hirasaka Ryuji grew wings directly behind him, some long tentacles grew on his face, and the color of his body darkened.

Chapter five hundred and ten monsters

"Fuck, what's going on?"

Looking at what happened to Hirasaka Ryuji in front of him, Death God Lingfeng tensed his nerves and stared at Hirasaka Ryuji in front of him. As soon as he had any changes, then Death God Lingfeng would directly kill him. .

I saw that the changes in Hirazaka Ryuji's body did not stop, and his changes are still continuing.

The color of Hirazaka Ryuuji's body continued to darken, and eventually from the original human Asian skin color, it gradually became dark green, and the body was gradually covered with scales.

The color of his eyes gradually changed from black to amber, and the hair on the top of his head kept falling out.


In front of him, Hirazaka Ryuji let out a painful scream, and his nose and mouth continued to make dull sounds because of the big mouthfuls of breathing.

At the same time, Ryuuji Hirazaka's body continued to hear bursts of sounds.

This sound, like a cowhide drum being beaten, was dull and long.

The **** of death Ling Feng looked at Hirazaka Ryuji in front of him, his brows furrowed tightly.

He knew that the sound was officially coming from Hirazaka Ryuji's chest.

That sound was the sound of his heart beating.

"Has the shape changed towards Cthulhu?"

Looking at the situation in front of him, Death God Ling Feng kept thinking in his heart.

Now Ling Feng, the **** of death, is going to wait for the completion of this Hirasaka Ryuji transformation, and take a good look at him, and at the same time see if he can ask something out of his mouth.

If he can't ask, then Lingfeng, the **** of death, can only send him to see death.


Only the former Hirazaka Ryuji, no, it should be said to be a monster.

That's right, Hirasaka Ryuji's appearance is no longer human, but a monster.

He stood up directly, his eyes glowing with yellow light, and when he looked at Lingfeng, the **** of death, he let out an inexplicable roar.

At the same time, liquid was dripping down from his mouth.

And when those liquids fall on the ground, they will make a sizzling sound.

Just like sulfuric acid, it corrodes the ground.

"Gan, why do I feel that this guy is a bit alien!"

Looking at the monster in front of him, the demon king took a step back and said slowly.

"He's lost his mind."

Death God Ling Feng shook his head and said aloud.

Under the perception of Ling Feng, the **** of death, the monster in front of him has lost all human emotions, and now he is completely a monster, a monster facing evil.


The monster made a roar in the direction of Lingfeng, the **** of death, and then attacked them.

This monster's skills are unexpectedly agile.

The huge body was like a decoration, and in an instant, it rushed in front of the demon king.

This monster raised his fist high, and threw a punch directly in the face of the demon king.

"I feel like I can get him up and study it first."

The Demon King looked at the monster in front of him and snapped his fingers.

I saw a transparent wall suddenly appear in front of the demon king, blocking the attack for him.

"What about the remaining three bodies?"

The wooden clone standing on the side suddenly asked the demon king aloud.

"Most of their bodies have disappeared."

Death God Ling Feng said.

At this time, the wooden clone realized that most of the body of Ze Yuezhi that was lying on the ground just now had disappeared, and only one palm was left on the ground.

"But it's still useful."

Ling Feng, the **** of death, kept moving in the direction of that palm.

A light group flew out from Ling Feng's fingertips and flew straight to the palm.

When the light ball touched the palm, the light ball suddenly emitted a dazzling light, and then all of a sudden, the palm was frozen.

"Would you like to study this monster?"

The demon king patted the body of the monster in front of him with one hand, and asked Ling Feng, the **** of death, beside him.

I saw that starting from the hands of the demon king, the ice continued to spread outward.

Those cold ice froze the entire body of the monster at once.

Due to the speed of freezing, the monster didn't have time to struggle, and it immediately disappeared, and the whole body could not move.

"Well, if the chat group can bring people from other worlds, then I will definitely call Orochimaru, Tony, Bulma, Sister Hua, Luke and the others. After all, the value of researching this thing is very high. "

Looking at the monster frozen in ice, Ling Feng, the **** of death, said slowly.

"There's no way. After all, our chat group doesn't want to be like other chat groups. You can traverse the world at will, and you can send items at will."

The demon king shrugged and said helplessly.

Now I can only rely on Lingfeng, the **** of death, to study this monster alone.

Fortunately, with the existence of group files, Lingfeng, the **** of death, can upload all the things he has researched into the group files, and then let other Lingfengs download them, and then let them discuss with others.

"What about that monster? Is it here, or is it moved somewhere else?"

The demon king patted the ice cube in front of him and said aloud.

"Put it here first, I'll get some money in a few days, and then buy a laboratory to study the monster in this ice cube."

The **** of death Ling Feng took a deep breath and said slowly.

As long as Lingfeng, the **** of death, takes out the robots of Lingfeng, the celestial being, or the omnipotent capsule in the Dragon Ball world, or the technology of Ling Ziyang's world, he can get a huge amount of money.

Therefore, buying a laboratory is not too easy for Lingfeng, the **** of death.

"Okay, I'll see how long it will take for this house to expire. I'll renew it for another week."

The demon king took a deep breath and said slowly.

Then he walked straight out of the hotel.

"Then you two are optimistic about them here, and I'll fix the lab."

After Ling Feng, the **** of death, finished speaking to the two wooden clones, he directly used the technique of flying thunder **** and left here.

When the **** of death Lingfeng opened his eyes again, he had already returned to where he lived.

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