Grim Reaper: Brothers, something new has happened, take a look.

After the death **** Ling Feng finished speaking, he directly uploaded the group file.

When the other Lingfengs saw this, they received the group files when they came one after another.

Grim Reaper: Well, what's your opinion?

Death God Ling Feng waited for a while and asked aloud.

Qianshou: I feel that their main **** should be a subordinate of God Cthulhu. Otherwise, after you and the others die, the body will start to mutate directly.

Another World: Possibly, I think it's better to do research as soon as possible. After all, you don't know when the next batch of reincarnators will come.

Chapter five hundred and eleven seals

Then, the other Lingfengs discussed it together.

And the content of their discussion is naturally to deal with the monster that Hirazaka Ryuji transformed into, and the palm left by Sawagoshi.

In the following time, Ling Feng, the **** of death, obtained a large amount of money by virtue of the technology level of Ling Feng, the celestial being.

On the day he got the money, Ling Feng, the **** of death, bought a laboratory directly, and then transferred the monster's huge body and palms to the laboratory and sealed it with ice.

After the transfer was completed, Lingfeng, the **** of death, set up a lot of barriers in the laboratory to prevent other humans from coming in to study the laboratory.

After all the preparations were made, Ling Feng, the **** of death, moved out of the place where he lived, and moved directly to the laboratory, where he began the process of studying the monster's body and that palm.

The essence of the work of Death God Lingfeng, that is, the list, was assigned to the wooden clone by him.

After all, the main task of Lingfeng, the **** of death, is to study the secrets of that monster.

If there is a list, let the wooden clones use it, and the effect is the same.

Therefore, now Ling Feng, the **** of death, has put all his energy into studying monsters.

Of course, during the research, it was not Lingfeng, the God of Death, who was doing the research alone, but many wooden clones working together with Lingfeng, the God of Death.

Therefore, the research on monsters is progressing in an orderly manner.

During that time, the wooden clone in charge of the list met those reincarnators again.

It's just that the samsara I met this time was much weaker than the samsara I met for the first time.

Therefore, there is no need for Reaper Lingfeng to come out.

It's just that those wooden clones passed over and asked for the information.

And after those guys said they knew the information, the whole body became exactly the same as the payment on Ze Yuezhi before.

Various kinds of bubbles are constantly floating on the bodies of those reincarnators.

And the body of one of them became the same as Hirazaka Ryuji, completely turned into a monster.

Then that monster became another experimental material for the Death God Lingfeng Laboratory.

Just when Lingfeng, the **** of death, was working hard to study this monster, some members of the chat group started to blow water.

Although they also have a wooden clone to help the death **** Lingfeng study.

However, their world is an entity without monsters, and with only some data, nothing can be researched.

So these Lingfeng people began to work, and they lived in the water group if they didn't work.

However, because of the wooden clones, most of them can use the wooden clones to practice while the water group.

Qianshou: I've been thinking about it for more than a month, why hasn't a new person joined the group yet?

Cthulhu: What does it mean after more than a month, hasn't it been more than a year before new people have joined the group?

Truck: And since a year ago, you have asked this sentence many times, almost once a month, brother, you are a bit of a repeater.

Qianshou: There is no way. Judging from the group files uploaded by @Death, there are indeed more advanced civilizations in his world, such as the **** of death, and the **** of his world.

Another world, in fact, we can change our thinking. Judging from the group files uploaded by @神神, the level of the main **** is not very high, otherwise, the reincarnations sent will not be weaker than each other.

Magician: Yes, but still need to pay attention, @Death, brother, how is your research on that monster? Have you researched anything?

The magician Ling Feng directly asked Ling Feng, the **** of death.

Grim Reaper: All right.

At this time, Ling Feng, the **** of death who had not been online for a long time, suddenly said a word.

And what he said directly triggered the other Lingfeng Aite.

The previous death **** Lingfeng silently uploaded all the things he had researched to the group file, and then went offline directly.

It can be said that Ling Feng, the **** of death, basically did not join the chat group during this period of time.

Therefore, after the death **** Lingfeng bubbling, the other Lingfengs all started to speak.

And the questions they spoke were all about whether they found useful information on the bodies of those two monsters.

Qianshou: How is it, did you find some useful information from it?

Yuhuazi: Brother, hurry up, don't hang your appetite, or you can upload group files.

Empty bar: Add one, brother, speak up.

Looking at the messages sent out in the chat group, Lingfeng, the **** of death, was not ambiguous, and directly uploaded his memory to the group file.

Grim Reaper: It has been uploaded to the group file, you can take a look.

Looking at the news of Lingfeng's forehead, the other Lingfeng began to receive group files one after another.

Just one second later, the other Lingfengs had already received the group files of Lingfeng, the **** of death.

Another World: In other words, you took out a seal from those two monsters?

After receiving the group files, Lingfeng from Another World was the first to speak.

Grim Reaper: Yes, you have seen that seal too.

Yuhuazi: Well, I saw it, but how do I feel that when my eyes are fixed on that seal, it feels like my soul is going to be sucked in.

Because when receiving group files, other Lingfengs can feel the emotional state of the uploader at that time.

Therefore, they will also perceive what happened to Lingfeng, the **** of death before.

Grim Reaper: That's right, at the moment when I took it out, my eyes were firmly attracted to the seal. If it wasn't for the wooden avatar beside me that woke me up, I might have been addicted to the seal. bingo.

Lingfeng, the **** of death, recalled what happened before, and said slowly.

Qianshou: @Evil God, @ Demon King, @ Different World, you are all in the Western Fantasy system, do you know the origin of that seal?

Qianshou Lingfeng directly asked the other members in the chat group and asked aloud.

Cthulhu: I know, the pattern on that seal is the pattern of Yoggsothoth. But there are no Cthulhu gods in my world.

The evil **** Ling Feng was the first to answer the other Ling Feng.

In the world of the evil **** Lingfeng, there are naturally books about the myth of Cthulhu, but after the evil **** Lingfeng asked other people, the evil **** Lingfeng understood that the myth of Cthulhu in their world was nothing more than Made up by others. There are no gods in the Cthulhu mythology.

After all, in the world of Evil God Lingfeng, there are also top combat powers. If there are really the words of those gods in the Cthulhu mythology, the top combat power in the world of Evil God Lingfeng will definitely stand with them.

That's why the evil **** Lingfeng said that there is no God Cthulhu in his world.

Chapter Five Hundred and Twelfth The Situation of Other Lingfengs

Demon King: I haven't heard anything about Cthulhu in my world.

Another world: Plus one, I haven't heard of it in my world. This should be a problem with each world. Just like now, some worlds have it, and some worlds don't.

Death: @Evil God, in that case, tell me about that Yoggsothoth.

Lingfeng, the **** of death, wrote the evil **** Lingfeng directly in the chat group.

Cthulhu: That Yoggsothoth is like this, he is omniscient and omnipotent, the door of truth.

Afterwards, the evil **** Lingfeng told other Lingfeng people about Yoggsothoth in the chat group.

Simply put, Yog-Sothoth is a thing that exists infinitely within the self.

In the whole world, in the universe, He is omniscient and omnipotent, grasping all the truths in things.

Moreover, in the Cthulhu mythology, Yogsothoth is in other dimensions, and ordinary people cannot observe his information.

Under the popular science of the evil **** Lingfeng, other Lingfengs quickly learned what kind of existence Yoggsothoth was.

Qianshou: That's the way it is. It looks like that Yoggsothoth is not the **** of the world of the Lord God and @Death. Otherwise, @Death should be cold now.

Cthulhu: This may not be the case. After all, that guy in Yoggsothoth is relatively honest compared to other Cthulhu gods, and even if @Death has a strong desire for knowledge, he may even reward him.

Cthulhu: As for those who will reward you or not, that is your problem.

Looking at the words of the evil **** Lingfeng, the death **** Lingfeng also had a little understanding of Yoggsothoth, the Cthulhu god.

Cthulhu: Then, what are you going to do next?

The evil **** Lingfeng and the death **** Lingfeng popularized some knowledge about the myth of Yoggsothoth and Cthulhu, and then asked the death **** Lingfeng aloud.

Grim Reaper: Of course, we first find out about these reincarnators, and then check how often those reincarnations come. After investigating these, I will investigate what is going on with the 'God' in my world.

Grim Reaper: If it doesn't endanger my life, then I won't trouble them. If they want to kill me, I can only resist.

Lingfeng, the **** of death, told all the other Lingfengs what he wanted to say.

Saiyan: Okay, I can only cheer for you. I hope your research can make a breakthrough sooner.

When the other Ling Fengs heard the words, they all began to cheer for Ling Feng, the **** of death.

Grim Reaper: Well, I continue to study those monsters.

After Ling Feng finished speaking, he immediately started to study the corpses of the two monsters.

As for those two seals inside the monster? It was sealed by Ling Feng, the **** of death.

After all, for Ling Feng, the **** of death, those seals still have a seductive power to him.

That's why Ling Feng, the **** of death, sealed the two seals.

Afterwards, Ling Feng, the **** of death, continued to study the two monsters in the laboratory.

At the same time, the Lingfengs in the chat group continued to chat.

Jieku: @玉华子, brother, how is your apprentice? How is his martial arts training now?

It was Lin Pingzhi of Yuhuazi who Jieku Lingfeng asked.

Because Lin Pingzhi worshipped under Yuhuazi's door before, he practiced hard at the place where Yuhuazi Lingfeng was.

The purpose is to avenge the Qingcheng faction.

Yuhuazi: I have already left the apprenticeship. In the past few days, I should have waited until I arrived at the Qingcheng faction to take revenge.

Quit suffering: so fast? I remember that he has only been practicing for more than a year, almost two years, so he can take revenge?

Yuhuazi: It's alright, mainly because he has a good talent, so he's a duck to water when practicing martial arts.

Cthulhu: @Devil, tell me how is your current strength? Have you reached the level of a monarch?

At this time, the evil **** Lingfeng heard about the demon Lingfeng, so he directly typed and asked.

Demon: It's still a little short. I didn't expect that it would be so difficult to be promoted to the level of the monarch. I have been practicing for so long, and you are still one step away from helping.

Yuhuazi: It seems that the monarchs of your world are very demanding.

Demon: Of course, after all, the monarch's words have already become the top combat power in my world. If I want to improve further, I can only shatter the void and jump to other worlds.

Demon: What's more, if I have the power of a monarch, @Death, he still needs to be afraid of that main **** and that 'god'? I can go straight to help.

Demon Lingfeng took a deep breath and said slowly.

Jiujiu: Okay, now I can only hope that you can become a monarch as soon as possible, and save @Death from water and fire.

Demon: Hope, I also want to become a monarch as soon as possible!

After that, the other Lingfengs started chatting one after another, and the content of their chats was almost all about their current situation.

After all, when they upload group files, they upload their memories to the group files after a period of time.

Only in emergencies will they upload group files directly.

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