The intelligence said that the navy would execute Ace at the Marine Headquarters - Marine Vendor.

"At the headquarters of the Navy?"

Looking at the information in his hand, Ling Feng began to think.

He knew very well that Marin Fanduo was the headquarters of the navy, and if Ace was executed there, there would definitely be many navies there to guard him.

This also means that if some pirates want to go there to do things, they must first measure their abilities, and whether they are enough to support themselves to do things at the naval headquarters.

At the same time, this also greatly increased the difficulty for the Whitebeard Pirates to rescue Ace.

"But even if that's the case, then it's convenient for me to see the comrades."

Thinking of the revolutionary soldiers who were imprisoned in the advancing city, Ling Feng directly spread the map on the table and began to observe it carefully.

Propulsion City is located not far from Marin van Dou.

Therefore, when the navy is fighting against the Whitebeard Pirates, he can sneak into the advancing city and get in touch with his fellow revolutionaries.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng began to carefully look at the location of the advancing city and Marin Vando on the map.

As he watched, a bold idea gradually emerged from his mind.

When Ace is executed, then the high-level combat power of the Navy will definitely go to Marine Fando, because in order to prevent the Whitebeard Pirates from successfully taking Ace away from their hands.

Plus for the majesty of the navy.

Therefore, the navies should send most of their generals to guard Marin van Do.

It was there to defend against the attacks of the Whitebeard Pirates.

In this way, the defense of St. Mary Joa on the red soil continent will definitely be empty.

In this way, Ling Feng could take advantage of this opportunity to sneak directly into St. Mary Joa and kill most of the Tianlong people there.

In this way, even if Ace is executed by the navy, the Tianlong people will definitely suffer heavy casualties.

As for the lives of those Tianlong people?

Some people may say that there are good people among the Tianlong people!

But as far as Ling Feng knows, Tianlong people can catch ten, kill nine, and release one. In that case, there will still be a lot of wicked Tianlong people left out.

Hence the St. Mary Joa place.

For the Draconians, it's completely heaven, and for everyone else, it's a living hell.

Not even **** has the pain of Santa Maria gioa.

Therefore, Ling Feng set his sights on St. Mary Joa again.

He was thinking about whether he wanted to go to St. Mary Joa while the Navy was at war with the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Huh, come on, it's not a Tianlong person. I'll change my name and put on a vest. No one will know it's me, and I won't be involved in the revolutionary army."

Ling Feng thought for a while, then made up his mind.

When Ace is executed, he will go to St. Mary Joa's place by himself.

After deciding on his own thoughts, Ling Feng began to watch the map.

Although it is said that he can pass through the windless zone and reach any place in the world with his own ability.

However, Lingfeng still has to plan a high level, and find a route from the map to reach the three places of Marin Vando, Advance City and St. Mary Joa.

That's right, now Lingfeng wants to do things in three places at the same time.

In this way, three people appear in three different places at the same time, and then show the same identity.

In this case, the navies and pirates will think that a new force has appeared on the sea, so they will not suspect the revolutionary army.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng began to carefully observe the map.

Under his constant search, he gradually planned the route of travel, and then kept it firmly in his mind.

The next few days were spent in Lingfeng's plan.

Looking at the endless sea, Ling Feng slowly closed his eyes.

Then his body floated in the air.

"Count the time. Tomorrow is the execution time announced by the Navy. I should go."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and then his hands quickly knotted up.

The two figures gradually walked out from behind Ling Feng.

"If it's just a wooden clone, I'm still a little worried, why don't I add some buffs to you?"

Looking at the wooden clones standing on both sides of him, Ling Feng thought about it.

"Magic, boost, magic, double boost..."

Under Ling Feng's chanting sentence by sentence.

The bodies of the two wooden avatars began to flash with various lights.

Every time a kind of light is lit, it means that there are BUFFs on the body of the wooden clone.

As Ling Feng continued to chant.

The two wooden avatars and his own body have almost flashed dozens of lights.

Some of those buffs came from the group files of Lingfeng from another world, some came from the group files of the evil **** Lingfeng and the demon Lingfeng, and of course, some of them were group files of other Lingfengs.

Under the constant superposition of those BUFFs.

Lingfeng and the wooden clones felt that their current situation was much worse than before.

Now Ling Feng felt that a random action he made could cause damage to a large area of ​​land.

"It's time to change your vest, what kind of vest are you going to change?"

After Ling Feng released the buff, he looked at the two wooden clones beside him.

"You give me some vests that can be seen, don't think about those vests made by Lingfeng, the **** of death."

Lingfeng of the revolutionary army received the group documents, and naturally he knew what kind of vest the wooden clone of Death God Lingfeng had made some time ago.

This time, the revolutionary army Lingfeng is going to create a non-existent force, so the vest he wants to create will naturally be able to see people.

Like the demon king's vest, as long as the wooden clone dares to come out, he dares to cancel the wooden clone and create a new clone.

"Uh, we get it."

Listening to the words of the revolutionary army Lingfeng, the two wooden clones looked at each other, nodded their heads, and said aloud.

As the wooden clones of the revolutionary army Lingfeng, of course they knew the vests made by the wooden clones of Lingfeng, the **** of death.

"In that case, I'll use this."

The wooden clone on the left pondered for a while, and then his hands began to quickly form a knot.

Soon, a puff of smoke dissipated.

Appearing in front of the revolutionary army Ling Feng was a tall, white-skinned man with a mask on his face and two long horns on the mask.

This look is clearly a bull's head!

"And you?"

Looking at Niutou Ichigo in front of him, the revolutionary army Lingfeng turned to look at another wooden clone beside him.

Chapter 524 Jump


Listening to the words of the revolutionary army Lingfeng, the wooden clone was silent for a while, and then his hands began to seal.

Soon, a puff of smoke cleared.

Appearing in front of the revolutionary army Lingfeng is a golden light, wearing a forehead guard, holding a black long stick, and behind him there are many small black **** floating.

This is clearly Naruto in Six Paths Immortal Mode!

"You two! One Kurosaki Ichigo, one Uzumaki Naruto, this is One Piece, do you want to gather the sea of ​​dead fire here?"

Looking at the changing situation of the two wooden clones in front of him, the revolutionary army Ling Feng couldn't help but complain.

He felt that if he split up two more clones, would the remaining two bring out Xiaojie and Kakarot.

In that case, he doesn't even need to think about the name of the force, just call it JUMP.

"It's a pity that there is already Luffy here, you can't change Luffy, otherwise, I really want you to change Luffy."

Looking at the revolutionary army in front of Ling Feng, Niutou Ichihu circled around him twice, and said with a pity.

Because at this time is in the world of One Piece.

So the wooden clone made Niutou Ichigo's figure bigger by two laps.

At this time, Niutou Ichigo was more than three meters tall, half a body taller than the revolutionary army Lingfeng, who was more than two meters tall.

"Indeed, how about you change into a silver age?"

At this time, Naruto Liudao also spoke directly.

"Change him? I might as well change to Kakarot."

Thinking of this, the revolutionary army Ling Feng waved his hand weakly, and then his hands began to seal.

As Ling Feng's movements continued to fall.

His entire physique has also undergone tremendous changes.

At this time, Lingfeng has become the appearance of Vegeta.

Of course, in the process of change, Ling Feng still adjusted Vegeta's figure.

Otherwise, Vegeta's 1.6 meter figure is really not enough in the world of One Piece.

Therefore, under the adjustment of the revolutionary army Lingfeng, his height at this time also came to more than three meters high.

"Okay, the name of the force is called JUMP. You two choose one to advance the city, the other to go to Marin Vando, and I to go to St. Mary Joa."

After leaving the words to Ichigo and Naruto, Ling Feng flew directly towards Santa Maria Maggiore.

"I'll go to the advance city, you go to Marin Fando. After all, you look more vicious than me now."

Naruto patted Ichigo on the shoulder and said aloud.

"Okay, it's not far anyway."

Ichigo shrugged and flew directly in the direction of Marine Fando.

"Yes, after all, the execution has not yet started, we still have one day."

Naruto nodded and followed behind Ichigo.

Afterwards, the two of them counted the time and gradually rushed towards the advancing city.

The first place to arrive is, of course, Marin Van Doo.

Because Ichigo had already reached his destination at this time, he just stayed in the air.

"Aren't you going to sit down at the Admiralty?"

Looking at the figure of Ichigo who stopped, Naruto said with a smile.

"Go for a hammer. There are three generals in the Navy and hundreds of thousands of navies staying there. What am I going to do there, I just need to wait here for Whitebeard."

Ichigo shrugged and said aloud.

"Okay then, I'll go to advance the city first."

Hearing this, Naruto waved at Ichigo and walked towards the advance city.

Since Ichigo wants to help Whitebeard.

Then he Naruto is going to help the Navy.

In this way, wait until the navy fights the pirates.

He can fight Ichigo and show his strength in front of many navies.

Then Ichigo and Naruto can be called.

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