After seeing the power of Naruto, the naval marshal Sengoku will definitely try to recruit Naruto.

As long as the Warring States proposes a solicitation, then Naruto can enter the navy, become a dark child, and then constantly explore the information of the navy and the information of the Tianlong people.

Even if Naruto performs well, it is not impossible for him to become a lieutenant general or even a general.

Let the two vests, Ichigo and Vegeta, become famous in the world and make a name for themselves.

Let the Naruto vest enter the navy and become an important member of the navy.

This is Ling Feng's plan.

Soon, Naruto entered the advancing city.

Although the advancing city is known as a copper wall, but for Ling Feng, who has mastered various secret techniques, if he wants to enter this advancing city, it is simply an easy task.

Therefore, Naruto just released a transformation technique, and then released a magic that reduces the sense of existence on himself, and turned into a small fly and flew into the advancing city.

"The Shemale King-Is Ivankov on the fifth floor?"

Thinking of this, Naruto began to release his perception ability and began to perceive the entire advance city.

in his perception.

He clearly perceives that there are a large number of sea king-shaped behemoths on the seabed outside the prison, and in the advancing city, there are also various guards and telephone bugs monitoring.

Those phone bugs are hidden in very hidden corners.

But in Ling Feng's powerful perception, there was still one that did not fall.

"The first floor is quite big, Bucky the Clown?"

Suddenly, Naruto saw a very familiar figure in his perception.

Since Ling Feng crossed over, he has also seen a bounty about Bucky the Clown.

He didn't expect that he would still see Bucky the Clown here.

But Naruto ignored Bucky the Clown, and continued to search.

He wanted to find his way to the second floor.

Although he can easily reach that spot by releasing some chakra and then making a flying thunder **** mark on the perception.

But Naruto has to perceive all those routes, and then tell the **** king Ivankov that it will be convenient for them to escape from prison at that time.

So, under Naruto's undivided search, he quickly found his way to the second floor.

As time went by, he quickly searched out the way to advance the city.

"A total of six floors? It seems that I am going to find Ivankov."

Naruto took a deep breath, and then began to fly quickly in the direction of Ivankov.

During the search just now, he had already seen the figure of Ivankov, so this time, Naruto easily came to Ivankov.

"The Shemale King."

Naruto waited until Ivankov walked to a place where no one was there, and slowly said in his ear.


Hearing an unfamiliar voice coming from his ears, Ivankov hurriedly turned around and began to search for the place where the voice came from.

Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Five The Dialogue with the Shemale King

Hearing the unfamiliar voice in his ear, Ivankov directly tensed his nerves and hurriedly turned his head to look around.

He wanted to find the figure of the man whispering in his ear.

But no matter how Ivankov looked, he never found the figure of the man.

"Who are you? What are you trying to do?"

Ivankov took two deep breaths, tried his best to calm down, and slowly asked the unfamiliar voice.

The location where Ivankov is now is exactly in the gap between the fifth and sixth floors of the advancing city, which is the fifth and fifth floor.

This place, ordinary people can't get in, only his shemales will know about this place.

And at the entrance on the 5.5th floor, there are still many shemales secretly holding the entrance.

Therefore, in Ivankov's mind, the master who made this voice must be a powerful person.

Otherwise, why didn't he hear the sound coming from the entrance?

"Me? I am the Revolutionary Army."

Looking at Ivankov's appearance, the celebrity couldn't help laughing out loud.

His figure gradually appeared in front of Ivankov.

This stealth ability is exactly the skill of Lingfeng from another world.

As long as you have enough magic and energy in your body and you don't get hurt, you can stay invisible for as long as you want.

Therefore, relying on this skill, Naruto passed the entrance very easily and came to Ivankov.

As long as Naruto restrained his breath, then the 5.5-story shemales would not be able to detect Naruto.

"Revolutionary army? What revolutionary army? Who are you?"

Looking at Naruto who suddenly appeared in front of him, Ivankov was startled, hurriedly took two steps back, and said in a low voice.

‘Eat the transparent fruit? Actually able to hide. ’

Ivankov looked at Naruto in front of him and thought in his heart.

In front of this guy, Ivankov didn't know whether he was an enemy or a friend, so he pretended to be stupid on the surface, showing that he didn't know what the revolutionary army was.

But in the dark, Ivankov had already tightened his muscles. As long as Naruto showed signs of a shot, he would shoot directly.

"Stop pretending, I was sent by Long to talk to you."

Naruto looked at Ivankov's appearance, shook his head, showed a token, and said to Ivankov.

Ivankov took a step back, making sure that Naruto didn't have any intention of attacking him, and then slowly took the token from Naruto's hand.

"This token, are you really a revolutionary army?"

Looking at the token in his hand, Ivankov thought about it twice, then carefully observed it, and then said slowly.

Under the verification of Ivankov, that token is the symbol of the revolutionary army.

Therefore, after confirming the token, Ivankov knew that the person in front of him was a comrade of the revolutionary army and not a fake.

"Of course, you think so."

Hearing this, Naruto shook his head and said.

"So what do you want to do this time? Does the dragon have any orders? Are you going to let us escape?"

After Ivankov checked the token, he returned the token to Naruto and asked Naruto suspiciously.

"No, it's just a moment, there will be a big event here, I'm just here to remind you, as for escape, it's up to you to decide."

Naruto shook his head and said.

"A big event will happen later? Then do you have any mission to hand over to me this time?"

Hearing this, Ivankov thought carefully, then raised his head and looked at Naruto.

"Tell me all the information you have collected here, and I will go to the Navy to be an undercover agent."

After Naruto glanced at Ivankov, he said directly.

"What! Are you going to go undercover?"

Listening to Naruto's words, Ivankov looked very surprised.

Although they had sent Xiong to be the king to go to the Qiwuhai before, but it was very rare to send someone to be the navy.

Because the revolutionary army has very few personnel, if a weak person is sent to the navy, then that person is likely to be unable to climb to the top of the navy and cannot pass some useful information to the revolutionary army.

If a powerful person is sent to become the navy, then it will take a lot of time to gain the trust of the navy, and at the same time, the revolutionary army may lack a powerful combat force and cannot carry out operations.

Therefore, the revolutionary army will rarely send some powerful people to be undercover.

"Did Long agree? And if you go undercover, are you ready? You know, it's very difficult to gain the trust of the navy."

Ivankov looked at Naruto and said directly.

"I know that if it were normal, I would definitely not have this idea, but remember the big event I said before? I can rely on that big event to gain the trust of the navy."

Naruto said with a smile.

"As for Long's disagreement, he said that this action is entirely my own responsibility."

Naruto continued to add.

"If that's the case, then let's do it."

Hearing this, Ivankov nodded, then looked at each other, and began to tell Naruto little by little the information he had collected in the push city.

Listening to Ivankov's information, Naruto can be considered to have a preliminary understanding of the advance city and Marin Fando.

"Okay, these are the intelligence I gathered."

After a while, Ivankov paused and said slowly.

"No problem, in this case, this is for you, it can help you resist a general's full blow."

After Naruto digested Ivankov's information, he took out a note from his arms and handed it to Ivankov.

"Can this piece of paper resist the general's full blow?"

Looking at the white paper that was as light as ordinary paper in his hand, Ivankov looked at Naruto suspiciously.

"Yes, the power inside was sealed by me, you can test it with domineering, now it's time for me to go."

Naruto nodded his head, and then the entire figure gradually disappeared under the gaze of Ivankov.

'Is it really a transparent fruit person? I don't feel like it. ’

Looking at the figure of Naruto leaving, Ivankov kept thinking in his mind.

While thinking about Naruto's identity, he was thinking about what the big event in Naruto's mouth was, and at the same time thinking about whether he wanted to escape from prison after that big event happened.

At this time, Naruto didn't have such an idea.

After getting Ivankov's information, he ran directly in the direction of Marine Fando.

He was going to meet the navy for a while.


Thanks for a blade of [author update]

Thank you [Dream Fish] for three monthly passes

Chapter 526 The Whitebeard Pirates

Because of the intelligence of Ivankov, and the fact that the revolutionary army Lingfeng had done before about the route of advancing the city to Marin Vando.

Therefore, Naruto quickly passed through the advance city and came to Marin Fando.

Just arrived at Marin Vando.

Naruto saw many warships parked on the sea.

And on those warships, there are many navies.

It can be seen that this time, the warring states of the navy are preparing to kill the chickens to warn the monkeys.

The chickens that were killed were naturally Ace and the Whitebeard Pirates.

As for whether the chicken is a ferocious beast, and whether it will bite off an arm of the knife bearer, this is not what Naruto cares about.

"The three generals, Kiabou, Akainu, and Aokiji?"

Naruto sensed the powerful aura coming from Marin Fanduoli, and kept thinking in his heart.

If he wants to enter the navy and become an undercover agent, then Naruto had better show his face in front of the navy and brush his presence.

When the time comes to block Ichigo's attack in front of everyone, then no one will know who Naruto is.

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