Su Bai couldn’t wait to get up and applaud!

The peak of the circuit turned, did not expect that the super multi-beast really had a cross-era discovery.

“It’s a small step for insects, but a big step for the whole world.”

He quickly took notes to record the coordinates, and specially numbered the small meteorite:

Small meteorite No. 1.

“This is a treasure in reality. The biggest advantage of the simulator is to detect all kinds of intelligence. ”

Su Bai knew

I am born inadequate, my resources are extremely scarce, and I must seize every opportunity!

Unfortunately, however, it was not possible to bring it back.

It was hard to grow to 90 kilometers, and the area could not be cured, if it was archived.

This simulation, almost said to be a big half!

Just when he regretted it, in the simulated text

A line of small blue letters is interspersed with it.

[Reminder: Chaobiduo beasts break through the limit, combined with their own exploration of the cosmic environment in one era, combined with the principle of underwater breathing.

Before dying, realize the blue talent: the intestines of the universe! 】

As the Lord of the World, you automatically acquire this talent. 】

[Cosmic Intestines (Blue): The talent of supernatural beings and beasts to understand, can breathe in the universe, initially resist radiation, low temperatures.

Although it is not yet perfect, a new path has been blazed. Extremely versatile. 】

(Realize it yourself, without restricting the talent column.) )

“This talent….. What a miracle! ”

Su Bai felt that the value of this talent was no worse than that of the orange talent.

If you want to evolve cosmic creatures, you don’t know how much time, how much energy, and how many resources you will have to consume.

Even for those proud sons of the heavens, stepping from the parent star, stepping into the universe, and officially hunting in the starry sky is also a watershed.

This is the gap between a probationary world master and a formal world lord!

As you can imagine, the importance of this one talent!

It can help Su Bai save a lot of resources.

Of course, it is also relatively rudimentary.

Talent is based on a certain physique, barely moving.

It’s still too early for the flesh to cross space, fight at will, and pull meteorites home.

But with this talent, everything is ready to operate.

Su Bai continued to watch.

[The end of the Fourth Age: The bad news of the failure of the exploration of the super-bido beast is sad, and the giant insect family led by the unicorn fairy beast begins to decline and retire from the stage of history.] 】

[The eyes of the devil and the lord of the four seas were filled with sorrow for the dead fox of the rabbit.] 】

[The Lord of the Four Seas, who is in despair, has a bold plan in his mind, wants to break the jar and break it, and hold a mysterious sacrifice according to the whisper in his ear.] 】

“It’s coming, it’s coming again.”

Su Bai’s eyelids jumped.

Combined with the clues of the previous text,

He was convinced that there was something in the universe that had already set his sights on the Heavenly Elemental Realm.

And special attention is paid to the Lord of the Seas.

Lord of the Seas, this super tentacle monster will take relative action even if it does not perform sacrifices.

“If there is no guess, it should be the outer god camp of the enemy of mankind, I just don’t know which big guy it is.”

Su Bai knew very little about the knowledge of the starry sky, and the teachers were also cautious in their words and deeds.

Fortunately this is simulation, if in reality.

Truly carry this talent.

Su Bai felt that he might have to die before he could get out of school.

The Heavenly Origin Realm is going to make a wedding dress for others.

To his surprise, there was another point of divergence of fate here.

[Fate Divergence: Your devout believer Lord of the Seas breaks the jar and breaks it, intending to seek the help of an unknown being.]

It is very nervous, I don’t know if it will anger you, so I ask for your opinion in my heart.

Did you intervene? 】

[1. Since you want to be a leading party, then I will fulfill you. Let it go. 】

[2. This is my territory, and I can’t let people touch it!

But I can give them the divine revelation to inform them of the coordinates of Meteorite 1, so that they can do whatever it takes to capture the meteorite and make the land advance 100 kilometers! 】

Is it still a choice?

Decisive 2, of course!

That meteorite is not the one we are dealing with now!

As soon as he was sure in his mind, the words refreshed out.

[A bolt of lightning struck the altar and destroyed the sacrifice.] The Lord of the Seas trembled and knelt down to beg for your forgiveness. 】

You have appeared and warned them of the dangers of the universe, of the horrors of aliens and foreign gods. And informed the coordinates of the super-multi-beast with life probe. 】

[At the same time, you gave the “Cosmic Intestine” to all living things, lowered the highest oracle, at all costs, the sooner the better, dragged back the meteorite, and promoted the Celestial Realm to 100 kilometers! 】

[You are keenly aware that even if the sacrifice is not yet successful, with the passage of time, the desperate Kou Tao fishmen, evil eyes, and even unicorn immortals are crazy and distorted more and more frequently.] 】

[There is a deep aftershock of gaze thrown at the Heavenly Origin Realm, and there is not much time left for you.] 】

“Oh, I know.”

Su Bai cried out in his heart.

The behemoths had gained knowledge from their strange whispers and were now going to spit it out.

Now it’s up to who’s faster.

He somewhat underestimated the importance of hope.

At the oracle’s command, it was known that the Superbeast had not died in vain.

After having a clear goal.

The world erupts with unimaginable potential, all in order to move into space, dragging meteorites!

The new talent has made many ordinary creatures join in it and become a member of space exploration.

[Early Fifth Age: The three extraordinary races that have regained their new life unite and use the intestines of the universe to advance towards Meteorite 1.] 】

[The Lord of the Four Seas came out of the universe half of his body, and it was extremely adaptable, seeing the No. 1 meteorite and the Super Bido beast lying on it.]

With the help of the evil eyes, he used his tentacles to bring back the corpse of the Super Bido Beast. 】

[The three races of the Extraordinary Ones held a grand funeral for the Super-Beast.] But they don’t have time to grieve. Continue dragging the meteorite’s grand plan. 】

[The Heavenly Origin Realm returns to the light, squeezing the last aura from the source and supplying them.] 】

[The world has temporarily recovered to 95 kilometers, and the mental state of the three ethnic groups has been renewed.] 】

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