[Middle of the Fifth Age: The Lord of the Four Seas climbed up the Eye Demon, and the two leaders joined forces and slowly dragged Meteorite 1.] 】

After a month of hard work, Meteorite 1 was pulled into the gravitational range of the Celestial Elemental Realm, and the pressure on the two leaders was greatly reduced, and success was imminent! 】

The Lord of the Seas and the Eye Devil have recently noticed that whispers in their ears are becoming more and more frequent, disturbing their spirits and seriously affecting salvage work.

But they did not forget the oracle and still insisted on pulling the meteorite. 】

One day in outer space, the Lord of the Four Seas unexpectedly discovered that there was a flash of light that was rapidly flying in the direction of the Celestial Realm. 】

[The distance is too far, it can’t see clearly, but instinctively feels fear.]

As he looked at the flashing point, the voice in the head of the Lord of the Four Seas became louder and harder. 】

In a series of texts, a line of eye-catching golden text suddenly jumps out!

【Success! Meteorite 1 was successfully captured by the Celestial Realm! 】

[Like a heavenly creature, the meteorite crashed straight into the ocean, and the origin of the world was trembling and excited!] 】

【How long has it been!】 Born to the extreme, hungry for a long time, finally have the first meal to eat!

The world seems to be excited and tearful, feeding the biosphere in the next spiritual rain. 】

[The Heavenly Origin Realm blesses the three extraordinary races and rewards the three leaders.]

Grant the authority of the Lord of the Four Seas.

The Evil Eye Swamp’s authority and the increase in the spiritual realm. 】

【In order to reward the great contribution of the Super Bibido Beast, the Heavenly Origin Realm has given the One-Horned Immortals, the Sky Authority, and the increase in the wind, strength, and combat fields!] 】

【The Celestial Realm is evolving… The whole world rejoices. 】


This simulation is the most time-consuming for Su Bai!

It was already eleven o’clock in the evening, and he was still energetic and energetic.

It’s all worth it!

“Haha, if in a few days, it will be seen by the small class leader and Teacher Li.”

My world has grown from 1 km to 100 km, what will they look like? ”

He even burst out laughing.

This time it was an extraordinary achievement.

It took a full five epochs of reserves to snatch food from space.

Fundamentally different from the internal friction in the world, obtaining resources from the outside world is king!

Make the cake bigger and let the world itself evolve!

Meteorites contain rare elements that are not found in many worlds, as well as precious source power.

For the world, this is the long drought and the dew.

It doesn’t care if its children fight and die ten thousand times.

But very much for the resources obtained from the outside world!

Just when everything is going for the better.

Another eye-catching black text appeared in front of the eyes.

[You observed a strange meteorite, heading straight for the Celestial Realm.] 】

[Its diameter is more than 50 meters, which you feel a little familiar.] 】

“Wori, it is better to come early than to come by chance!”

Su Bai suddenly tensed up

But don’t be in the last step, the success is over!

How much effort did he and his men put into this meteorite?

In Su Bai’s nervous waiting.

A long-lost line of gold finally appeared.

Late Fifth Age: With your help, you will not hesitate to consume the recently accumulated Faith Points. 】

【The Celestial Realm consumed Meteorite 1 in advance, the land area increased from 99 kilometers to more than 100 kilometers, and the whole world evolved!】 】

[The world is turned upside down, the sea roars, the land grows to 102 kilometers, and the ocean area expands to 410 kilometers!] 】

【Ding-dong! Your simulation achieves milestone achievements, reaching save points! 】

【Your land area, solidified to 100 km!】 】

【Reward the first catch of a meteorite, break through to 100 kilometers, and the creation value is +5000!】 】

Seeing this number Su Bai laughed loudly, this simulation, earn crazy!!

He was eager to shout :

“Who else?”

There are also extraterrestrial meteorites.

Happiness was born of sorrow, and a black text appeared in front of his eyes.

[Sensing the evolution of the Celestial Elemental Realm, the world barrier was doubling and strengthening, and the meteorite with a diameter of 50 meters accelerated and crashed into it!] 】

[The crisis of extinction is coming again.] 】

“Yes, but it is one step too late, and the archive is successful.”

Su Bai’s smile stopped abruptly.

[The meteorite shattered the barrier of the world, crashed into the ocean, and set off monstrous waves, causing the death of Kou Tao fishmen, algae, and fish. 】

[Dust obscured the atmosphere, and most of the evil eyes and unicorn immortal beasts were killed and injured, and the eye demons were seriously injured.] 】

[The subsequent shock wave killed 99% of the creatures, the land was fragmented, and the origin of the world declined.] 】

[The three extraordinary races were extinguished in turn, and the eye demon was seriously injured and died.] 】

Your temple was razed to the ground and your statue collapsed. 】

[The only surviving Lord of the Four Seas was seriously injured, and the huge tentacles were shattered by inches, frantically searching for the culprit in the ocean.]

A tentacle swept toward the meteorite in an attempt to crush it in an attempt to vent its anger. 】

[The “meteorite” opened his eyes, swept his big cloudy eyes around, opened his mouth, and swallowed the Lord of the Four Seas in one gulp. 】

The Lord of the Four Seas was unable to resist and was chewed twice and died.] 】

The Celestial Realm was destroyed. 】

【This simulation is over.】 】

Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief, opened his eyes, and looked at the time.

Just before zero.

“The fifth wave of simulations took two hours and earned more than 8,400 Genesis

More importantly, the area is cured and the harvest is consolidated. Explored a lot of valuable information. ”

He muttered to himself.

Soon, Su Bai’s brow furrowed tightly:

But what does that last sentence mean? Meteorites are not meteorites? ”

Hide the plot, behind it is really deeper than you think!

Is that a living super-lifeform?

The inexplicable Su Bai consciousness sank into the starry sky again.

Suddenly, his eyes flickered.

Seeing the earth-shaking Heavenly Origin Realm again, I couldn’t wait to rub my eyes.

Unbelievable, everything in front of you!

Shotguns for cannons!

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