Chapter 90 Up to 1 million horror points, using technology cards, set the first place in the city!!

I am afraid that only by constantly fighting and constantly obtaining more spoils of war can militarism be maintained.

Su Bai first used the mysterious technology card.

Follow the instructions above.

After use, you can upgrade your own civilization technology by one to a small level.

Although Su Bai did not know what the principle was, it was very convenient to use.

Along with the technology texture, the silver card turned into a burst of light points and merged into the Celestial Realm.

Lava Fort, Little Bear Market, White Mountain Holy Land, the heads of people in many cities suddenly became smarter.

I understood a lot of knowledge that I didn’t know before.

I don’t think the rough creatures in front of me look good.

“The fusion of metals has a better combination.”

“The way we used the Spirit Stone before was too rude, just used it as a bomb.”

“Walls made of mud can be knocked down as soon as the wind blows, so why not try other materials, such as special molecular materials, or alloys?”

Dinosaur people, corpse people, etc. feel that their previous selves are too stupid and have carried out scientific experiments.

Including other races that are not strong in the wild.

I also learned to use fire and build caves.

[Important log: You use the technology card, the Tianyuan Realm has entered an era of scientific and technological explosion, and the creation of new energy and new materials has been greatly improved. Sustainable to the level of the technology card. 】

“Can you cheat like that?”

Su Bai felt as if he was hanging on.

But watch the world change dramatically.

He followed.

The other two cards were also used.

“With the S-Class Medium Magic Mine Card, the S-Class card set “Infrastructure Engineering Team” is instantaneous.”

In the corner of the valley of the Heavenly Origin Realm, there was an extra magic mine that flashed and shone with the brilliance of the broken diamond.

Different from the Spirit Stone.

The attributes of the magic crystal are more chaotic and more violent.

It is more efficient to use it as raw materials, or bombs.

The other is even more important.

I saw only a square in the center of the Celestial Realm.

Suddenly, a series of lights and shadows appeared.

There were curious dinosaur people who looked over, and it turned out to be more than two dozen huge, different forms of large engineering machines.

They are: excavators, bulldozers, rollers, concrete mixers, trailers, etc.

Their smallest wheel diameter is 5 meters in size and is a well-deserved jumbo.

Even more magical.

He also transforms into a human form and can communicate with dinosaurs.

Even work on your own, dig the ground, transport, repair, replenish energy.

Such a vision surprised the local people.

“The archbishop, they are fighting outside, and they have really obtained a lot of good things. If only a few hundred more of them. Not only can underground deposits be dug up, but also the efficiency of mining in outer space can be greatly increased. ”

“Just now it seems that quite a few people have returned. Listen to them, this kind of robot, not long ago, they killed tens of thousands. ”

The returning warrior triumphantly publicized his great deeds and the glory of his contribution to the Father.

Tickle a bunch of people who didn’t go out.

Even the trainee soldiers, who were not yet adults, were whining to go to war.

“You’re the captain of the engineering team, aren’t you?”

Su Bai looked at it, like a miniature version of the Lanxiang Robot Dao.

“After that, you will be called Lan Xiang, and take your little brothers to mine.” Now the most urgent task is to go to that magic mine and collect magic crystals. ”

The reserve energy of the front line is used quickly.

The Spirit Stones prepared before were almost exhausted.

Under his arrangement, this group of engineers rushed to the magic mine to open up the mine.

Not only that.

Su Bai also instructed the scientific researchers to focus on the machine structure and energy principle of the engineering team.

It is intended to imitate them in the future and build simplified machines.

On his side when sorting out the loot.

The outside audience suddenly became noisy.

“You see, Su Bai suddenly has 200,000 more points!”

“My obedience, that iron castle, one person gave a score comparable to the four levels of nightmares, is it so strong?”

“Su Bai’s points have reached a terrifying 1 million! The second and third places are Chi Lansu they are competing for, and they are only about 200,000 to each other. The gap is too big! ”

The faces of the students who had originally sung the decline were embarrassed and embarrassed.

After thousands of hard work fighting monsters, they didn’t expect to be as good as a boss of the people!

Many students were not angry.

I felt that the Lord of the Iron Fort was so easy to fight and did not cause much damage to the Su and Bai troops.

But so many points were given.

This is unreasonable.

But Principal Pang’s words calmed the audience down.

“That hidden boss, in terms of destructive power is already comparable to diamond creatures, coupled with a huge body, the threat is extremely strong.” This exam was tested and scored by the parent machine of the alliance. Fully compliant! ”

“What you have to do is not to complain about other people, but to learn from the example who is still in the standings!”

Many students bowed their heads bitterly.

In the face of the college entrance examination, there is no opportunism, only students who are still alive and fighting with their real skills to fight the current big screen.

Only 56 bits.

The longer they hold on, the more points they have! This big test.

In addition to Su Bai, Chi Lansu has two super dark horses.

A commoner was born in the Eighth Grade, and the examinee named Deng Shi also attracted everyone’s attention that he was training a group of decent warriors.

The energy bred by the world barely reached the true qi of medium energy.

At the beginning of the Great War, many people were left behind.

Over time, however.

He’s steady.

Not the fastest, but the most stable. It jumped to a dozen or so.

At present, it is still fighting in the third level.

Make the most of your own martial arts strengths.

Don’t fight with the robot army, but wait for the opportunity to sneak attack.

Mainly to find command units, destroy the production base.

“This student has a good personality and is very self-aware.”

Many principals gave him high marks.

And as there are fewer and fewer people.

The personal images of the big screens of the World Tower are also getting bigger.

“Friends in front of the TV, please don’t walk away, it’s the most exciting end right away.”

The beautiful female host held the microphone at the venue and smiled: “Although the college entrance examination in Guangcheng District is not over, I have received news from all over the place at the same time.” Many of the sub-examination rooms have been fully completed and the points are being calculated. ”

“And the central venue, Su Bai’s horror points of up to 1 million, have been booked in advance for the first place in the city, let us congratulate him here.”

Snap ~~

A tsunami of applause came from inside the venue.

Many people in front of the television set were also infected, applauding and celebrating.

The female host also interviewed the people around Su Bai very intimately.

“Cough, this kid is smart when he’s young.” I remember that before I woke up to the world, I had already taken the book and written a plan for the world and a civilized exercise. ”

Director Li in the audience was interviewed and was a little nervous in front of the TV.

Talk about the years when she was Su Bai’s class teacher.

“He was waking up to the world and I was still there. Everyone thought that the 1-kilometer nascent world had been abolished, but I noticed that he was calm. ”

Manager Fang also stood up and told Su Bai’s story.

“At that time, I felt that this son was not a thing in the pool. Sure enough, within two days, I met again in the Genesis Building, and the first time I completed the world mission, I got an S-rated evaluation, which caused a commotion in the whole audience. ”

Manager Fang is very eloquent and rhetorical.

In the end, we must also advertise our own imperial enterprise group.

The hostess decisively interviewed the next one.

Born ordinary, even very poor.

The awakened world is the smallest, but now it is dominant.

In advance, the first place in the whole city.

Such a legendary contrast attracted the whole city, and the people of other surrounding villages and towns talked about it.

“I was so blind.”

Xiao Wang, who was at home, recalled that day and was ashamed to buy Su Bai’s world.

Give yourself a slap.

He hoped now, after Su Bai became a big man.

Don’t hate yourself anymore.

Otherwise, if you move your finger at will, you will be able to take your own life.

The short break passed quickly.

Su Bai took the time out and also used the space mothership.

And handed over to the successful Audi as captain.

It rushed to control the ship with thousands of Heartbreakers.


Thanks to the blessing of the infrastructure team, the B-class snowflake silver mine was emptied.

Boxes of silver were pulled back.

Many were sent to the warriors who were fighting outside.

After enjoying the dividends of war, whether it is a dinosaur man or a unicorn fairy beast, everyone is overjoyed.

In the third level. The battle losses were significant.

But it also gets more.

A robot gives a lot of experience.

More because they have source code data on them.

Many dinosaurs mutated, growing metal dragon claws and dragon wings.

What’s more, a technology furnace has evolved inside the body, which not only greatly enhances the ability to breathe, but also launches missiles.

The benefits of the unicorns are also many.

They defeated many air forces.

The body has evolved a structure that can automatically produce missiles and launch them.

It is the crystallization of biotechnology.

Tyrants, power gods and beasts absorb data programs with similar attributes, all of which have evolved a lot.

But to say that the harvest is the greatest.

Nature is the closest mechanical tyrannosaurus beast!

After the acceleration of time, it has accumulated a deep accumulation and successfully evolved into a gold-faced creature!

And because the energy was too large, he rushed to the Golden Intermediate Level in one breath! Become another leader in the team.

But the strange thing is.

It did not have the same evolutionary Ultimate Body as the Force God Bido Beast.

Instead, it went to the unknown mutation and increased the talent: armor evolution.

According to the Tyrannosaurus Beast, it absorbed a lot of technological code in its body.

Tyrannosaurus rex that can change into different attributes according to the environment.

Sea, land and air, all fields adapt.

The Tyrannosaurus Beast also triumphantly boasted with the Tyrant: “In the future, I will be no worse at what I am good at than your perfect creature.” ”

“Interesting, have a chance to compete. I’d like to see if my pure creatures are strong or if your mechanical transformation is strong. ”

The tyrant was aroused by the heart of the test.

Although it is said that from the perspective of strength alone, he is not as good as his old opponent Force God Bido Beast.

But he was an all-powerful warrior and was relied upon by Su Bai.

Now there is an additional Tyrannosaurus Beast that can evolve in armor.

The tyrant felt that his position was threatened.

“All right, everyone, get ready for the fourth floor.”

Under Alice’s command.

Prepare an army of dinosaurs to form a square.

Another 10,000 Koutao fishmen were also preparing for battle with harpoons.

“At present, Chi Lansu, they are already at war on the fourth floor. The fourth level is much larger in the world, and many people are suppressed by the home and weakened. ”

The audience discussed, the big blue screen.

“Su Bai’s world will contest this time is estimated to have no advantage.”

“Or Shi Qianyan is the most dominant.” You see her Water Demon Beast, in the fourth level, she is like a fish in the water, and she has evolved. ”

Only to see that in the standings, the data of the top ten is changing rapidly.

Ben’s second place in the tug-of-war was taken away by Shi Qianyan.

“This is?”

When the picture of the future city dissipates.

In front of Su Bai’s eyes was a blue sea.

In the sky.

There were also red-eyed seagulls, and albatrosses heard the news.

Run to the dinosaur man’s head to pull.

“Woohoo! Fly! ”

The land under his feet turned into data and disappeared, and the unsuspecting dragon knights fell into the sea.

They believe in earth and lava and are not very interested in the ocean.

In addition to being influenced by Godzilla, the five thousand Templar Dragon Knights who were also good at the ocean.

Most of the dragon warriors struggled in a panic in the sea.

【College Entrance Examination Fourth Layer Copy World: Top 2nd Order Ocean World, 2,000 km in diameter, no inch of land!] 】

【World consciousness confrontation is ongoing!】 】

Starting from Su Bai’s side, a projection of the Heavenly Element Realm appeared.

Two large pieces of land of varying sizes suppressed toward the sea.

Causing waves.

But this time.

The otherworldly consciousness resisted strongly, and he failed.

Fortunately, the Heavenly Origin Realm had accumulated deeply, and there were treasures such as the Eye of the Thousand Pupils to suppress the source.

Barely able to resist the anti-invasion of the marine world.

The two occupy one side of the territory and are in a standoff.

【The world confrontation is over!】 The two sides are evenly matched, and you are not suppressed by the strength bonus! 】

“As long as it’s not weakened.”

Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief and at the same time raised the Divine Tree Scepter.

Opening the portal of the portal, he ordered, “Ordinary dragon warriors who are not good at ocean combat, everyone else has retreated to the Celestial Realm.” ”

“Obey orders!”

A large number of dinosaur people, even evil eyes and other devices have fled.

The ocean was suddenly much empty.

The two capital ships in the air also command the unicorn beasts to resist the attack of the mutated seabirds.

“It seems that this wave is testing maritime capabilities.”

Alice personally directs the Kou Tao Fishmen.

“The enemy has detected our intelligence and is besieging us. Fishman Bishop you lead the team to stay vigilant. ”

They can only assist as an air force.

The frontal battlefield still depends on the Kou Tao fish people.

“It’s finally time for us to make an appearance.”

A leader of the Deepdivers raises his weapon.

Fish people are diving into the sea.


From sea level, you can see a meal fish fin approaching.

“Enemy Attack!”

With Alice’s order.

The Air Force, led by meteorites and space motherships, quickly drives away mutant seabirds and drops bombs.


Su Bai also saw the appearance of the enemy.

It was a large shark with a blue head and three scars on its skin.

Some sharks have also evolved into human form, holding shark knives in their hands and slashing at Kou Tao Fishmen.

The more ferocious warriors swimming in the rear were two meters high.

An odd humanoid monster with blue skin, webbed palms, and fan-shaped cheeks on both sides of its face.

They are not low in wisdom, and they see their commanders in the air.

Ride a shark and come to the surface.

He threw his trident into the air with all his might.

“With these backward weapons, you can defeat us?”

Audi piloting the space mothership was originally dismissive.

At that point, the tail of the trident ignited a tail flame.

Like a missile, it stabbed at the unicorn.

Many weak unicorn immortals have been pierced.

The tridents flashed a flash of electric light, burning their internal organs.

“This is not an ordinary weapon, but a high-tech weapon containing the power of lightning!”

The Force God Bido Beast shouted.

Flapping its wings, the two horns gathered electricity, and the nuisance split towards the enemy below while making the clan rise rapidly.

Don’t give them a chance.

“Strange, the others only encountered the attack of the shark people, how did Su Bai encounter this humanoid monster?”

The audience wondered.

Su Bai also received the details of the task.

【Please note! 】 You have reached the four-story sea, which was originally a secret place where the universe was naturally born, the whole ocean ecology, but it was seduced by demons and made enemies of mankind. 】

【In the blue ocean, there are people under the sea with extremely high level of science and technology!】 They created an undersea civilization and raised sharks, whales and other marine life as pets. It is divided into four seas, southeast and northwest.

And built the royal city of Poseidon, in the center of the four seas. 】

[Mission Details: Please kill the main army of 10,000 undersea people, as well as 100,000 sea beast minions, break through the city of Poseidon, and destroy the temple gods in it!] 】

[Friendly reminder: the faster the speed, the longer it is delayed by the four seas, the more prepared the undersea people are in the royal city. 】

“Most of the main legion dinosaurs are leaving, and only five thousand Templar Dragon Knights are still there. There are still four seas to conquer, the enemy’s level of civilization is very high, it is a little difficult to fight Su Bai in the sky to observe. Only to see the return of a large number of dinosaur people. ”

The Kou Tao Fishmen act as the main force and engage the underwater people riding sharks in the sea

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