Chapter Ninety-One Translation What is a Surprise?! Evolved, Ultra Ultimate Body Mega Sea Beast!!

Layer 4 replica.

The water splashes and the waves keep coming.

The competition between the fishmen is the affinity of the water system. And the five thousand dragon knights are like churning sticks.

As we all know, Godzilla came from the bottom of the sea.

It is not unfamiliar to the marine environment and is affected by this.

The Templar Dragon Knights were not afraid of the sea, but instead they were furious and burst into flames, burning the river and boiling the sea to force back many strange-looking sea beasts.

“Don’t get entangled with those sea beasts, those are minions. It is important to kill the undersea people. ”

Su Bai found the clue at a glance. As long as the underwater man is lost.

Many sea beasts are not at all worried.

So Alice, Audi turned the program.

Bombs were constantly dropped from above and the undersea people were attacked.

The Electro-Light Trident of the Undersea Man is not a small threat.

But the air forces that have suffered losses have all taken off in advance and have enough reaction time.

After a while, the underwater people of the vanguard were already very powerful.

A leader of the undersea people wearing a seaweed tight combat suit shouted: “The enemy fires fiercely, first retreat to the depths of the East China Sea, let the sea beasts entangle them.” ”


The undersea man was very desperate and commanded the sea beast to block.

One by one, they rode sharks into the sea and escaped.

“Hey, I didn’t expect the talent I just acquired to be useful now.”

While pursuing the undersea troops.

The Tyrannosaurus Beast that had been paddling the water suddenly burst out laughing.

“Big guy, haven’t you always been bad at the ocean?” I urge you to stay away. ”

The tyrant has changed his form, and his body has become half fish and half man. The lower part of the body has an assembly line of fish tails, and the movement is extremely fast.

The arms of the upper body turn into slender blades.

The whole person is galloping in the ocean, and he does not feel the obstruction in the water at all.

Tyrants love to brag about it.

But the talent of the perfect creature still did not take effect.

Even in unfamiliar seas, you can be like a fish.

Comparatively speaking.

The Force God was a little wary of the ocean.

Long-range fire assistance can only be provided in the air, offshore areas.

Don’t dare go deep into the seabed.

Hearing the tyrant’s provocation, the tyrannosaurus beast was not happy.

“Just let you see my new form!”

“Armor Evolution!”

As the Tyrannosaurus Beast erupted with a burst of evolutionary light, the nearby seas were lit up

It was originally adapted to the bloated body of the land, quickly emaciated, elongated.

Transformed into a body structure similar to that of a sea snake.


Strands of steel armor turned into golden armor and covered the whole body.

Both hands turned into two bladed fish fins, cutting through the wind and waves.

The tail is also split in two, turning into a knife whip.

The head is covered with a layer of golden armor and grows an indestructible blade fin.

A golden sea dragon came out of the scene.

A rotten blue whale came crashing into it unconsciously.

Thrown by the new form of the Tyrannosaurus Beast with a dragon tail.


At sea level, it is split in two by a knife.

The blue whale also collapsed in half, blood staining the sea.

“This is my new form, the Ocean Ultimate Body: the Iron Sea Dragon Beast!”

The Tyrannosaurus Beast triumphantly sprayed water cannons with the Dragon’s Nose.

A single person fired thousands of water bombs, accurately piercing the heads of the sea beasts and causing the surrounding delayed sea beasts to disappear into points of light.

“Boss mighty!”

“Good handsome sea dragon beast, if I had this form, why worry about being trapped in the ocean?”

“Worthy of being the number two person in the Dragon Clan, how will the leader of the dinosaurs fight you in the future?”

“Boss, you are very big, can you carry us on the road together?” After all, in the ocean, our movement is limited. ”

The Templar Dragon Knights heard a tsunami-like celebration.

Even the Kou Tao Fish Man looked at the Steel Sea Dragon Beast in awe.

Look at the golden light reflected in the sun, the golden blade of the body.

The beautiful assembly line body is simply built for the ocean.

Listen to everyone’s praise and enjoy the awe-inspiring eyes of everyone.

The Tyrannosaurus Beast laughed triumphantly, “This ocean is also my domain, and I still have new forms to show.” ”

“In the ocean, it’s really not as good as you.”

The tyrant took a closer look at its new body.

Raise a heartfelt sigh.

“What other skills do you have to show it, after all, in the enemy’s sea, many sea beasts sneak up and cause a lot of trouble.”

Alice’s voice came from the meteorite.

After triumphantly showing off its new body, the Tyrannosaurus Beast activated its own X antibody.

A strange orange light enveloped the whole body.

Its body keeps getting bigger and longer.

In the end, it exceeded the size of a kilometer!

Double the original largest lord of the four seas!

“X Evolution, the apex of the Ocean Dragon System, Ultra Ultimate Body: Dry Mega Sea Dragon Beast!” It triumphantly spewed an energy cannonball from its mouth. ”

With a gentle force, it reaches a distance of 100,000 meters.

Swept away the sea beasts gathered from all over the place.

“Get so big.”

Su Bai did not expect.

The biggest surprise of this battle is the Tyrannosaurus Beast.

When I checked the introduction of the Gigabit Sea Dragon Beast, I laughed even more.

[Gigabit Sea Dragon Beast: Fastest movement speed in the water and has the strongest attack ability.] A troop transport space was built inside the body, and a super-large sea beast with the ability to control the sea was built. It can be said to be a biological assault amphibious battleship. 】


At the first sight of it, Su Bai decided how to use it.

“More than 10,000 Kou Tao fishmen, all enter the body of the Gigabit Sea Dragon Beast, and you will form the abdomen and tail.”

“Five thousand Templar Dragon Knights make up their heads.”

“Other air forces provide early warning and assistance on the periphery, attacking the East Sea, condensing all forces in one lump and not being entangled by sea beasts.” Purify the four seas as quickly as possible and reach the main city under the sea! ”

The gigabit sea dragon beast with the heavy burden roared.

A monstrous tsunami came from his mouth, swallowing up all the fish in his stomach.

After a while.

The Great Ocean was suddenly empty.

There was only an unprecedented giant sea dragon, at a speed that did not fit the structure of the body.

Head east and ride the wind and waves.

In order to avoid being detected by the enemy.

It also dives extremely cunningly into the deep sea.

Avoid the sea beasts that are searching along the way.

Just ten minutes.

Sneaked to the hinterland of the East China Sea.

Pass through the dense outlying troops and see a slightly glowing undersea city in the depths of the ocean.

The four seas have their own hubs.

Only by subduing the four seas can the power of the ocean be weakened to the limit.

in order to attack the city of Poseidon.

The audience was shocked to find out.

Su Bai, who is one step behind because of the hidden plot of the third level.

It was only after that.

Be the first to arrive at Tokai City!

“What’s going on with that super sea dragon?” Can you swallow more than 10,000 soldiers, and you are not afraid to break yourself? ”

“Was it the arrogant dinosaur who transformed?” Didn’t expect it to have new features for the ocean. ”

“I thought the ocean was not Su Bai’s home, and every time it was unexpected.”

“You found that no, this sea dragon is extremely fast, does not conform to the quiet of the body, and has arrived in Donghai City, and has not yet attracted the attention of the enemy.”

Just as they were talking.

The Gigabit Sea Dragon Beast had not delayed for a moment and opened its dragon mouth.

A wave of destruction brewed deep in the mouth.

This is not only its own strength, but also the energy of fifteen thousand compatriots in its body!

This is the special feature of the strongest ocean dragon beast! The talent that X antibodies bring!

And at this time.

Inside Donghai City, there was chaos.

The water wave shield outside the city flashed a ripple.

“What’s going on?”

The underwater people of the city lord’s mansion were strong and sensed the fluctuations in the outside world.

Holding a trident in his hand, he looked into the distance in an undersea combat suit.

A large group of shark people, riding sharks in the underwater escort patrol, but did not find a clue.

But in everyone’s heart, it was as if a great tsunami was coming.

Very depressing, uncomfortable.

“What about the enemy? Still flying? ”

The leader of the undersea people, realizing that something was wrong, quickly gave the order.

“Activate the searchlights in the temple, as well as the Ocean Cannon!”

When the temple shines brightly.

When a large pillar of light with a diameter of more than 100 meters scans around. All those who remained at the bottom of the sea saw a picture that will last a lifetime.

Only to see the dark depths of the ocean.

A sea beast that had never been seen before was opening its blood plate and aiming at them.

A destructive energy gathered in its mouth.

Through the afterglow, you can also faintly see a personal shadow in its body.

【Gigabit Sea Destruction Cannon!】 】

Without waiting for the undersea people to react.

A torpedo of ultimate energy that divides the ocean roars and fires.

The seawater along the way is directly evaporated into nothingness.

A large vacuum is formed.

The sea beasts outside the city, the guards turned into fly ash and annihilated at the moment of contact.

Donghai City is proud of the underwater protective cover, many underwater people, and even the treasure device of the temple.

In an instant, the kung fu is surrounded by the light of destruction.

The whole city was falling apart.

It was destroyed in the presence of tens of millions of viewers.

Su Bai occupies 90% of the big screen.

Only silent annihilation.

No words to describe.

Everyone knows how high the energy is in this instant! Including the audience stage, everyone was silent.

Many people’s jaws of amazement have not yet been withdrawn.

Donghai City, which had thought that it could at least stop the footsteps of the army, did not hold on for even a second, and it no longer existed.

on the standings.

Su Bai was already far ahead of a million, and suddenly added another 200,000! A total of 1.2 million points, far ahead.

There is a million yuan gap with the second Shi Qianyan! Pang Qingshan, the principal of the first middle school who looked at it, was speechless.

The original location of Donghai City was left with only a large void in the center.

Until this time.

The surrounding sea water seemed to react.

Frantically filling in the gaps, a super large spiral of sea eyes is revealed.


A 10,000-meter-long wave rises in the eye of the sea.

The whole East Sea was shaken!

The earth shook and the swarms of fish and squids shook the heavens.

The Wanjun Sea Water spreads towards the southwest, north, south, and three seas.

At the same time, the will of the Sea Eye World withdrew rapidly from the East Sea.

In its place was the world will of the Celestial Realm.


The sea area of the Celestial Realm suddenly increased.

With a roar of thunder.

It was a super heavy rain, and the people who stayed behind were confused!

“This is the talent of the Gigabit Sea Dragon Beast?”

Alice opened her mouth slightly, and was also frightened.

I didn’t expect that the tyrannosaur beast that was not stingy all the way gave such a big surprise.

“The blow just now, I am afraid that it is a peak blow that can rival the high-grade diamond creatures, which is really terrible.”

Audi calmly gave a judgment.

“Without our assistance, the sea will be taken.”

Other controllers were talking about it.

Su Bai, who was at the bottom of the sea, also flashed a touch of shock in his eyes.

[Tip: You have successfully conquered the East China Sea Domain, with +10% water system resistance and a permanent increase of 5% water system adaptability! 】

[Important Log: After taking over an ocean, your world’s sea expands by 200 kilometers, and it rains down, and water resources increase. 】

“What is a surprise?”

“This is called a surprise!”

Su Bai didn’t expect the Gigabit Sea Dragon Beast to be so fierce.

“You’ve done a good job, Bishop Kou Taoyuren is leading people in the ocean to find the resources they explode.”

“Alice is in the air, turning to the West Sea to check on the enemy’s movements.”

“Pack up here and continue to attack the West Sea as soon as possible, don’t give them time to react.”

Gigabit sea dragon beasts, fish people are also immersed in great success.

Suddenly, I saw Su Bai’s figure at the bottom of the sea.

Suddenly, a thrill was put away.


A squad of divers crawled out of the mouth of the Gigabit Sea Dragon Beast.

Quickly clean up the battlefield.

Such a large underwater city, such as pearls, coral trees, shells and other treasures are many.

But because it is a copy, it is all virtual.

Only a few treasures were exploded.

Although the quantity is not much, each one is worth thousands of dollars!

Su Bai took a look at it, and there was an A+ level water source card “Eye of the Pale Sea”. The effect is to add a freshwater sea eye at the selected location after use.

It will be given a large freshwater lake that can feed hundreds of thousands of creatures.

It forms an ecological circle nearby, which is extremely practical.

There’s also an S-rated resource card!

[Deep-sea oilfield: S-class, large oil field, after use, a large oil field appears in your sea, containing more than 10 billion tons of crude oil! 】

“Good baby.”

Su Bai took the card from the fishman’s hand and carefully put it away.

The last one is the Monster Card.

[Artificial 100 kinds of shellfish: S-class card, once a staple food of the undersea people.] After scientific and technological transformation, it can swallow seawater, microorganisms, and can multiply in large quantities of mutant shellfish, including oysters, shells, scallops and other hundreds of species. 】

“Food is just needed, to complement the diversity of species.”

The card depicts a blue seabed, with different shells swallowing microbes.

Su Bai used this card on the spot.

Thus, within the Heavenly Elemental Realm.

The dinosaur people, the zombies, who are busy going home to hide from the rain, are shocked to find out.

The rain water is also mixed with oysters, abalone, flower snails and other food.

They fall through the rain into all corners of the world.

From the sea, to the inner lake, to the inner river, there is the sound of shells everywhere.

And by eating plankton, and even sewage, they quickly multiply into groups.

The happiest nature is the Kou Tao Fish Man.

They are in the ocean and have built farms.

Collect the shells of Mezizi and continue to cultivate.

“Mom and Dad, don’t hide from the rain, come out and collect food.”

The dinosaurs who discovered this wonderful phenomenon rushed to greet their friends and family. Or holding a basin, or holding a bowl, or even a fishing net and other tools.

Rain down to find 0.8 food.

A group of small spiders that had just joined the Heavenly Origin Realm were no longer working.

Ignore Silverwing’s orders.

Escape from the textile factory and weave cobwebs on the spot.

After catching a large group of insects, the two of them will carry the booty together and return to the Pansi Cave to enjoy the delicious meal.

“Thank you for nature’s gifts.”

There are little spiders sighing.

Unexpectedly, she was hit by a spider leg by the mother spider.

“Thanks should be given to the Creator.”

“Yes, it was the Creator who gave us food.”

“We should also thank the warriors who are fighting abroad, according to the propaganda of the sacrifices, this is called the war dividend, and the resources are plundered from others.”

“I’m going to be a warrior too.”

The little spider carefully pried open a scallop that was larger than it.

Put your head in it and gobble up the shellfish.

Its mother shook her head in disbelief.

“Our family is not good at fighting, or working in factories, when logistics are safer. It’s just too tired, and I’m vomiting all day except for sleeping. ”

I’m complaining about sweatshops.

The mother spider found that the little one was locked in a scallop and could not get out.

“The brothers who fought outside the country have worked hard.”

The so-called draft does not forget to dig wells.

The people who enjoyed the dividends, under the leadership of the bishops.

A great sacrifice was held.

[Important Journal: You gave the earth a heavy rainstorm full of seafood, which deeply moved the dinosaurs and others, who held a luxurious sacrifice today, the faith value of +10,000 (which has automatically condensed into a drop of divine power), and in order to commemorate today’s harvest, named this day “Thanksgiving”. 】

“There are 4 drops of divine power.”

Su Bai said slightly strangely.

He looked out to sea.

Packing up the battlefield was quick, and it was done in ten minutes.

A group of people sat down into the Gigabit Sea Dragon Beast again, and slaughtered the West Sea with great momentum.

But I didn’t think that in an instant, the kingdom of the undersea people, which had lost a quarter of its territory, was now in a big earthquake…

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