Chapter Ninety-Three The Myth Reappears, Su Bai divides the sea, and rewards the Sea God with a fragment of the divine personality!!

A red warning appeared in front of Su Bai’s eyes.

The gigabit sea dragon beast that could originally control the sea water instantly felt that the sea water was difficult to drive when it solidified, and in turn suppressed itself.

“The donkey skills are poor.”

Su Bai also stopped hiding himself.

Instead, a scepter appeared in the air.

His body was generous and bright, and he said in a loud voice, “Let the curtain fall for this battle of the oceans.” ”

“Divide the sea!”

Su Bai gently pointed his scepter at the North Sea.

An incredible divine force shot out from the sacred tree and shone on the bustling North Sea.

In an instant, the North Sea was split in half! Myths reappear.

Rushing 10,000 meters of sea water rolled to both sides.

Spectators can even see fish and shrimp shells of different depths on the sea wall.

The unbelievable expressions of the shark man and the undersea man are vividly remembered.

The seabed, which has not been illuminated by the sun for hundreds of millions of years, is presented to the world.

An incredible Tongtian Avenue divides the entire North Sea!

At the end of the Avenue of Heaven, there is the Crystal Palace.



The gigabit sea dragon beast threw off its dragon might, and its huge body flew like an arrow in the Heavenly Avenue.

The target is Crystal Palace!

“Cover Operation Tyrannosaurus!”

Under the command of Alice, Audi.

Led by two flagships, the Unicorn Immortal Beast guards the skies over the Avenue of Heaven.

And constantly throw mines on both sides to prevent the sea beasts from destroying.

Until this time.

The underwater talent is like a dream.

The queen of the sea lost her voice and commanded, “Quick, quickly control the sea and cover it!” ”

A gold-level undersea man with a thunder and lightning trident in his hand rode a blue whale and rushed towards the gigabit sea dragon beast like a wind and waves.

Attempt to stop its charge.

Unexpectedly, from the air, a golden light flashed by.

The horns of the Power God Bido Beast successfully pierced his body, with a slight force.

Two horns erupted with golden arcs, wiping out the evaporated ash of the boss.

Sea creatures that wake up like dreams, from both sides of the ocean, drown towards the Avenue of Heaven.

Attempts were made to form a human wall by relying on numbers.

The upper echelons of the undersea people were panicked, and had never been so frightened before. This move of the enemy leaders completely destroyed their plans.

To stop the oncoming gigabit sea dragon beasts.

The Sea King used his powers to allow the entire army to launch suicide attacks.

Just to delay the Gigabit Sea Dragon Beast’s steps!

As a result, the audience saw this spectacle.

Hundreds of thousands of sea beasts of various shapes pounced on the gigabit sea dragon beasts.

Including the seabirds in the air, they did not care about the sniping of the unicorn immortals. They turned themselves into bullets and hit the gigabit sea dragon beasts.

Instant kung fu, has been through most of the half.

Only ten kilometers away from the Crystal Palace, the Gigabit Sea Dragon Beast was buried by a dense crowd of enemies.


Whether it is the audience on the spot, or the television, or even the people who watch the live broadcast with the help of the Internet, the atmosphere does not dare to breathe.

The situation is changing too fast.

The crowd did not have time to think, how could Su Bai have such equal division of sea power.

Just want to witness the miracle.

The miracle is that the gigabit sea dragon beast surrounded by hundreds of thousands of enemies shines golden light on every pore of its body.

“Air Wave Attack!”

Countless water guns, water bullets shot from the body of the gigabit sea dragon beast.

Annihilated hundreds of thousands of enemies who surrounded themselves.

It doesn’t turn a sprint either.

Opening the blood basin mouth, he bit down on the Crystal Palace.


The changed Neptune shouted the name of the Forbidden with a hoarse voice.

The tail of a sea serpent several kilometers long swept towards the gigabit sea dragon beast.

It turned out to be a super sea snake that surrounded the North Sea!

Its length and tail envelop the whole sea.

At this time.

Entangled the Gigabit Sea Dragon Beast, instantly blocking its attack.

He did not wait for the sea king to breathe a sigh of relief.

A golden light like a meteorite into the sea once again slammed into the head of the super sea snake.

The golden light is not big, but the movement is earth-shattering.

Let the sea snake collapse and fall back into the depths of the sea. The stopped Gigabit Sea Dragon Beast was naturally also liberated.

Before the sea snake could react from the sneak attack.

Deep in the sea, suddenly deep in the super tentacles.

With lightning speed, catch the sea snake.

With a slight force, the snake bone cracked.

The super sea snake rolled desperately, turning the entire North Sea upside down.

But he could not get rid of the entanglement of the tentacles, but instead fell deeper and deeper.

Until being pulled into the depths of the sea.

“What’s going on? Where do the tentacles come from. ”


“Is it a big octopus raised by the people of the seabed?” How to attack your own people? ”


The sudden rise of the underwater monster made the audience look confused.

“It can’t be a native monster, just in the third level, when the Lord of the Iron Castle fell, it was very strange, and now it seems that this tentacle monster has struck.”

It was still Chairman Cai on the high platform who saw the hint.

“Su Bai has cultivated so many fish people, how could he not cultivate a big monster in Zhenhai, but where did he come from so many resources to cultivate such a large tentacle monster?” The principals were talking. ”

Some people even joked that Principal Chen hid deeply.

But he didn’t think that he was also confused.

“The little guy is too good at hiding, the audition is almost over, only to reveal the tip of the iceberg, what does the tentacle monster look like?”

The crowd didn’t even see the appearance of the Lord of the Four Seas.

The Super Sea Serpent had been spotted.

One of the biggest hole cards, the Evil Beast, is pulled away by the enemy.

Aquaman, the queen of the sea is full of shock.

When they saw the gigabit sea dragon beast with its mouth wide open and its mouth gathering destructive energy, they knew that it was all too late.

The original strongest back move, also too late to use, stillborn.

With a ray of destruction rising from the ocean.

The city of Poseidon was destroyed.

The power god is more than a beast, and the tyrant leads the people to kill the Yu Party.

The Gigabit Sea Dragon Beast spat out a head of Kotao Fishman, and the Templar Dragon Knight cleaned up the battlefield itself because the consumption was too severe.

In one breath, it degenerated into the most primitive Destruction King Dragon form.

Let his men not believe their eyes.

No one expected it.

Armageddon ended so quickly.

The main reason is that the Su Bai Sea Divine Technique is too sudden, so that many of the arrangements of the Sea King are not used.

And when you hear a tone for task completion.

Su Bai smiled slightly.

“Didn’t waste a drop of my divine power.”

【Congratulations on your successful completion of the fourth layer ocean copy of the college entrance examination!】 And perfectly attack the city of Poseidon, causing their evil plan to resurrect the statue of Poseidon destroyed! 】

[Mission completion points + 300,000, sabotage conspiracy extra +100,000!] Your total points have now reached 2.15 million! Ranked first in Guangcheng, first in the hundred cities of Tianji Province! 】

Giving 400,000 points in one breath was something that Su Bai did not expect.

“Resurrection of the idol? No wonder the task prompts me that the sooner the better, really dragging on to the back and there are variables. ”

The waters of the four seas are fading rapidly.

This symbolizes that the fourth layer copy is rapidly disappearing.

Others are happily packing up the battlefield.

Su Bai noticed that in the ruins of the Crystal Palace, a golden fragment was fleeting just as it was about to fade away with the sea.

Su Bai resolutely caught.

What surprised him was that the golden shard, as if it had wisdom, could hide.

It wasn’t until Su Bai used the power of the world that he could not grasp it.

“What is this?”

Su Bai looked at a golden bead between his palms and felt a hint of law contained in it.

It touched his heart.

[Poseidon Divine Personality Fragment (a wisp): The hidden reward of the fourth level of the college entrance examination will only be condensed under extremely harsh conditions. After use, it can turn its own priesthood to the god of the sea. The sea in its own world has soared, the affinity of the water system has been greatly improved, fish, seaweed and other marine organisms will be favored by the world, and the effect of cultivating water system organisms will be greatly enhanced. 】

“This thing is the Divine Fragment?”

Su Bai’s pupils narrowed.

I have seen its introduction on the forum for a long time.

It is the most precious treasure of a true God, containing many incredible treasures such as divine power, priesthood, and laws.

Whether it’s self-integration or integration into one’s own world.

can make a huge difference.

If it is placed in the auction house, it is estimated that at least a few hundred billion bottom!

When you meet a buyer with similar properties, you will definitely be desperate to take a picture!

However, Su Bai’s current clerical attributes have not yet been determined, and the ocean is only one aspect of him.

If you merge now, I’m afraid it’s a little limited yourself.

After thinking about it carefully, Su Bai suddenly threw the Sea God Divine Personality Fragment into the sea.

“The stronger the stronger, you should accept this Divine Personality Fragment, and carefully understand the laws in it to avoid being targeted by the Outer God Giant Beast again.”

A large mouth of blood suddenly appeared in the ocean, and the Lord of the Four Seas, Mei Zizi, accepted this divine fragment.

[Your pet Lord of the Four Seas has swallowed the Sea God Fragment, with similar attributes, 99% of the fusion, and is digesting…… Has fallen into a deep sleep! 】

“Well, I won’t have indigestion.”

Seeing that the Lord of the Four Seas was asleep, Su Bai simply sent it back to the Heavenly Origin Realm.

In fact, the Lord of the Four Seas has always followed the army to battle.

But it took a long time.

“I hope the fifth level, as well as the abyss mode, is not too difficult.”

Without a strongest combat force, Su Bai was slightly uneasy in his heart.

But soon, his fears were dispelled by the huge spoils of war.

“Thanks to the guidance of the Father, this special card brings us food, I am afraid that we can eat for ten years.”

“This fountain is not damaged?” Quickly dismantle it and bring it back. ”

“Oh, this pool is so beautiful, colorful, and the water in it seems to drink, Archbishop Alice, come and have a look.”

From the ruins of the Crystal Palace came one exclamation after another.

Beihai and Wangcheng were destroyed together.

Its booty, just a few treasures that can be used directly by bursting pearls, sea cucumbers, sea urchins, etc.

The three treasures that everyone had just discussed were touched by even Su Bai.

[Fish explosion: S+ level food card, after use, there will be thousands of edible fish such as carp, crucian carp, grass carp and so on for ten years, and the fish tide will appear in the sea. 】

[Magic Music Fountain: Special buildings, can be placed in the home, can also be placed in the world, not only in the night there is a fountain wonder, but also automatically release music, happy body and mind.

Special effects: Pleasure +50, doubling the reproductive rate within a radius of 100 miles, doubling the probability of successful evolution, and +10 times the probability of giving birth to a special creature! 】

[Colorful aurora pool: can be placed in an ocean, suppress the sea, and accelerate the purification of harmful substances in the whole world.

Enhance the aquatic affinity of all living organisms in the world, +10% water system resistance for all marine organisms, +5 times the yield of marine animals and plants, and increase the probability of giving birth to special populations.

Special effects: Every day, it can condense a ton of colorful holy water, and even heal holy relics to promote evolutionary development. 】

“It’s all very practical, if I were the water world, this wave would really eat fat.”

While sighing, Su Bai carefully packed up these three treasures.

The sea has faded by half.

It’s time for a break again.

When he adjusts the flow rate of time to meet the fifth level.

There is a lot of talk from the outside world.

Mei Wanqing withdrew and fell on the underwater temple of the fourth level. Strange, why was it that when she was illuminated by the divine light, her red-clothed female ghost died? ”

“That female ghost seems to be a big boss with a mysterious shadow, how did she get caught by her?”

“Unfortunately, the underwater world is not very suitable for psychic monsters. Mei Wanqing’s total points are 470,000, ranking fourth in Guangcheng! ”

When Mei Wanqing, whose black hair covered her face and was full of mysterious atmosphere, walked out of the World Tower.

A tsunami of applause came from inside the venue.

It frightened her into a frenzy of curiosity, and a pair of curious little eyes poked out of her black hair.

“Finally out, our big hero.”

There was a warm welcome from a middle school teacher.

“Hasn’t Xiao Shi come out yet?”

Mei Wanqing looked back at the standings.

Seeing that the points were beating violently in the second, third, frowned. The second place is still Shi Ganyan.

Her points have reached 510,000.

Leading the Water Demon Beast, the Serpentine Woman Naga to attack the Underwater Dragon Palace.

It’s all difficult.

The same is true of the copies of the two encounters.

Because of this, Mei Wanqing understood her strength.

“Don’t be discouraged, your world attributes are special, and the fourth level is Shi Qianyan’s home field, for another stage, maybe you perform better.”

See the triumphant disciple return.

Principal Pang Qingshan personally exhorted.

However, the third Chilansu point bites very tightly, and there are 507,000 points.

Hit until now.

Chi Lansu’s Snowman Legion also suffered heavy losses, and the basic Yeti died a lot, and was revived by her consumption of the world’s power.

But as an elemental life.

Snowmen have the advantage that even if they are seriously injured, filling in some ice and snow can heal quickly.

In addition, Chi Lansu prepared a lot of materials for the resurrection of the snowman for the college entrance examination, and the world power consumed was much less.

Logically, fight in the oceans.

The snowmen suffer a lot.

But I didn’t expect that a few days ago, she communicated with Su Bai, and the unexpected swordfish swarm had a miraculous effect!

After the cultivation of the previous few days.

The group of Swordfish evolved into an extraordinary race: the Ice Swordsmen.

Not only did it strengthen its speed and attack, but even its upper jaw evolved into an ice magic sword, carrying snowmen, riding the wind and waves all the way, and making great achievements.

“Look, the temple that killed you is out again.”


Shi Qianyan and Chi Lansu both broke through the outer defense line of the Undersea Dragon Palace after paying a huge price.

The temple glowed.

A golden dragon soul rushed out to kill the four sides.

“This monster has the strength of mid-level gold, and it has home advantage, which is comparable to high-level gold in general.”

As a first-hand experiencer.

Mei Wanqing’s words are very authoritative.

“Oops, even if the Water Demon Beast of the Shi Goddess evolves along the way, it can’t stand up to the Dragon Soul!”

The students of the first middle school changed color one after another, and sure enough, with the final BOSS appeared.

The snake goddess Naga is suppressed by the bloodline and will be strangled by pieces of shrimp soldier crabs.

More importantly, the leader of the Naga Snake Woman was also killed!

“Only the last step away!”

Shi Qianyan gritted his teeth and used a hole card, which was a drop of magic water.

The droplets of water fell on the Water Demon Beast, instantly making it go berserk.

“Magic items worth 2 billion can double the strength of water creatures in a short period of time.”

On the high platform, many big guys recognized it.

And the mad Water Demon Beast and the Dragon Soul fought to the death.

The battle between the two made the underwater dragon palace completely reduced to ruins. The shrimp soldiers and crabs that are still resisting will be crushed to death.

Soon after, with the help of the remaining snake women.

The Water Demon Beast and the Dragon Soul perished.

Shi Qianyan’s points also reached 580,000!

“It’s all over.”

Look at the dead and wounded men.

Shi Qianyan sighed slightly.

Only to see the sea and her world projection quickly disperse.

Whether it is the body of the snake goddess Naga, or the collapsed underwater dragon palace, it has disappeared into data.

Row by line task settlement, rewards are now in sight.

On the big screen, cross a line of numbers.

[Guangcheng Yizhong Shi Qianyan passed the nightmare four levels, with additional reward points + 10,000, and a total of 590,000 points, temporarily ranking second in Guangcheng.] Feather]

As the gates of the World Tower open.

Shi Qianyan, who still had a look of regret in his eyes, walked out.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the venue was lit up to a higher level.

“Well, that little girl isn’t dead yet?”

But what everyone didn’t expect was that.

Chi Lansu, who is listed as the No. 2 dark horse, the snow king who has been holding out longer than Shi Qianyan is riding the swordfish king and is peeking with the dragon soul!

Although the Dragon Soul has the advantage of the home field.

But thanks to the Legion of the Snowmen.

The sea water of the Dragon Palace froze into ice…

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