Chapter Ninety-Four The Suffocating Audience, Finally Hell Fifth Level, Shocked Su Bai!!

Dragon spirits are not suitable for moving through the ice.

On the contrary, the swordfish king is familiar with the road.

In the sea, like a flying sword, run away quickly. Occasionally, there are also fierce snowmen who are not afraid of death and rush to the dragon soul.

Even if it is killed by its dragon claws.

The cold ice power that came with his body also made the dragon soul’s movements freeze.

“Your sacrifices are all valuable.”

The Snow King shouted as he fled.

“She’s so good, those swordfish are faster than supersonic in the water.”

“Yeah, this year’s three middle schools are really luck.”

“Who let her get lucky, hit the subject.” There really is a copy of the ocean this year, and the swordfish she cultivated has made a big difference. ”

It was time for the final race point.

The whole city, no, is the second most contentious in the whole city.

Attracted the attention of tens of millions of viewers.

Shi Qianyan, who was still too late to celebrate, did not go up.

Instead, he and Mei Wanqing watched Chi Lansu’s final performance under the tower.

With the last of the snowmen dead.

The Swordfish King was also pushed to a dead end.

Faced with a gasp, the golden dragon’s body was stained with a layer of frost on the dragon’s soul.

The Snow King reversed the body of the Swordfish King and no longer fled.

Instead, he held aloft the ice cream scepter with a solemn look on his face.

With its starry eyes, the carrot’s nose looks particularly funny and serious.

“Let you taste the highest meaning of my snowman clan!”

“Swordfish, rush!”

As the Swordfish King turned into a bubble, he rushed towards the Dragon Soul.

The Snow King on his back was gone.

The Golden Dragon Soul grabbed the Swordfish King with one claw and tore it in half with a slight force.

Didn’t wait for it to relax.

The dragon soul suddenly felt a weight on his back, and a cold ice began on his back, quickly freezing his body.

It sensed something was wrong and struggled.

But he could never get rid of the cold ice on his back.

A wisp of inconspicuous cold that had previously been wrapped around the killing of a snowman erupted at this moment.

Internal and external difficulties.

Under the extreme cold ice, the golden dragon soul’s dragon whiskers and dragon tails were constantly frozen, and its thinking became slower and slower.

Only to see on the big screen.

A mountain of ice and snow of several hundred meters suppressed the dragon soul.

The 1 km long sea instantly freezes into ice.

Even with the camera, there was a clicking sound.

The audience exclaimed.

At the top of that snowy mountain, you can faintly see the carrot nose.

“This is the Snow King’s real body?”

“The Upanishads that are only once in a lifetime will be destroyed.”

But the next moment, the frozen Dragon Soul Dragon Tail moved slightly.

The solid ice that covered its whole body clicked, and cracks appeared.

Everyone’s hearts are tight.

Principal Chen, Lu Renjia, Xiang Hu and other classmates watched nervously.

At home, watching the live TV broadcast of Chi Dad, Zhuang Hong did not dare to breathe.

Watching the big boss get out of trouble again.

An overlooked cold wind appeared.

She followed the dragon soul’s mouth and nose and turned into her body.

Just listen to a boom of an explosion.

The frozen dragon soul turned into countless ice slag and disappeared into the ocean.

A snow girl in a costume flew out of the ice slag.

Her figure faded slightly.

“The loss this time is too great.”

Looking at the snow on the ground, Chi Lansu was very distressed.

The misfortune of the good fortune finally won.

And it’s not a real war, and there’s room for redemption.

A line of eye-catching handwriting appears on the large screen.

[Congratulations to Guangcheng Sanzhong Chi Lansu, successfully passed the fourth level of Nightmare, obtained the qualification to enter the fifth level of Nightmare, and added bonus points + 20,000! At present, the total number of points is 600,000, which is temporarily ranked second in Guangcheng! 】

The second place position in the standings has been refreshed.

Chi Lansu squeezed up.

Shi Qianyan fell to third place.

On the screen, sea ice fades rapidly.

Chi Lansu packed up the battlefield, ready to exhaust the only remaining world power. Use the recently dead snow block material to resurrect a group of snowmen.

The Snow King couldn’t come back.

But there was also a snow girl.

“Although I barely made it through, I was able to see the fifth level, which was already the biggest victory.”

Chi Lan Su Mei Zi thought.

The outside world has become noisy.

“The first two were all wrapped up in three!”

“The big and small exams in the city limits are over, and only the two of them are left!”

“Shi Qianyan is the most suitable for the fourth aspect, but he can’t imagine that what persists to the end is Chi Lansu, two dark horses!”

“The snowman looks funny, but he is actually very strong!”


Teachers, students, leaders, and even the management of various companies, the boss is discussing.

More Fang manager brightened, and the superior applied.

“Leader, I found a good seedling in Guangcheng, not only his own world is similar to our imperial enterprise. The men she cultivated were cute and tough. Very popular with girls and small children. ”

“I applied to sign an IP cooperation agreement with the girl to help her run the business of the snowman, the snow king.”

When the top management heard about this, they became interested.

Decided to send someone to visit.

“Success, our daughter is already the second in the city!”

Zhuang Hong at home wept with joy.

There is a sense of accomplishment in looking forward to the female becoming a phoenix.

Until now, she was dizzy, and she couldn’t believe that her girlfriend was so prominent.

“I still have to thank Xiao Su for her help, that group of swordfish seems to have been sent by him.” Chi’s father is calm on the surface, but he is also very excited inside. ”

“When the college entrance examination is over, please invite him to come to your home and thank him for a visit.”

“Yes, Xiao Su is still in the first place, far ahead of Zhuang Hong, the more satisfied he is with him.”

I can’t wait to say, “I agreed to this marriage.” ”

“It’s over, my college entrance exam is over.”

Looking at the standings, Shi Qianyan let out a breath of turbidity.

There was a trace of loss on his face.

Mei Wanqing on the side gently comforted her friend.

I thought that the other party was the biggest opponent, and I couldn’t imagine that I would kill a Cheng bite gold halfway, it was two!

“Don’t be discouraged, you candidates are the best in the last ten years, no, twenty years!”

Pang Qingshan comforted the students.

“At present, it is only a preliminary audition, and the top ten candidates in each city will all compete for the hegemony of the hundred cities in Jiangnan City, the provincial capital, and select the provincial champions, list eyes, and explore flowers!”

“And in the audition, each of you has a lot to gain. It will take seven days to prepare for the Battle of the Hundred Cities, which is enough for your strength to rise to another level! ”

Shi Qianyan, Chi Lansu, and even Cao Hua farther away, Deng Shi heard the eyes turn colored.

“The provincial examination, next time will not lose to you.”

Shi Qianyan secretly decided in his heart.

She got a lot of benefits in the fourth level, as long as she gave time to digest slowly, she could be reborn.

Inside the World Tower.

Ten minutes of rest time is fleeting. The fourth level gives a huge amount of experience from many sea beasts.

It also allows elite warriors to advance to the Silver level in large numbers.

In particular, the 5,000-member Templar Dragon Knights have evolved one level per capita! The biggest change, of course, is the first tyrannosaurus beast.

Trimmed with time acceleration.

It re-evolved into the mechanical tyrannosaurus beast form and went one step further.

Evolve directly to Advanced Gold!

You know, it hasn’t broken through the Silver level in the last level.

Crossing the triple barrier in one breath, the speed of its evolution made the companions stunned even Su Bai a little worried.

I am afraid that it will escalate too quickly, causing the foundation to be unstable.

Su Bai specifically told it not to rush to upgrade after that, but to consolidate and consolidate itself.

The blessing of the sea beasts.

Tyrants, Power God Bido Beasts, Alice, etc., have evolved to high-level gold.

In the college entrance examination, Su Bai’s subordinates underwent a great leap in evolution.

As for the Lord of the Four Seas, who gets the most benefits, he is even more evolving towards the diamond level! And it is not an ordinary diamond creature, but an ultimate creature that contains divinity! Consider the final level, and even the mysterious abyss mode that is about to be faced.

Missing a top fighting force.

Su Bai specifically called out, another peak pillar – Godzilla.

It slept soundly in the black water of the White Mountains.

Absorbing the mysterious dragon qi is also evolving!

There is a vague response to the call of the Creator.

This made Su Bai’s pressure suddenly increase.

“Alice next, you guys be careful. The two of them may not be able to provide assistance in a timely manner. ”


Alice and the others were more cautious.

With the disappearance of the last beach of seawater.

The surrounding environment disappears into countless data light spots.

It was pitch black, and the mysterious new world was revealed before everyone’s eyes.

“What is the fifth level of hell?”

The audience watched nervously.

The students were even more curious.

Even the teachers looked up, trying to take a closer look.

“As the last level of the audition, we must also screen out the top candidates who can challenge the abyss mode. If I were a problem teacher, it would be super difficult. ”

“Yes, at least 99% of the students who enter the fifth level must be eliminated, otherwise entering the Abyss Mode at will will insult the Abyss Daimyo?”

The principals came up with a common opinion.

“What world is this?”

When a picture full of pitch black appeared on the big screen.

The audience was full of doubts.

In the distance only a wisp of starlight came, providing a faint light.

“This is…”

Su Bai stood with his men on a meteorite fragment that was surrounding a planetary suit.

Feel both familiar and unfamiliar environment.

“It’s space!”

The fifth level of hell is actually a space environment! Extremely unexpected.

But if you think about it, it makes sense. The more you get to the end, the harder the quest becomes.

Space is an extremely difficult environment!

Ordinary creatures come out of the parent star and even die on the spot.

The start is extremely unfavorable, and 99% of the grassroots organisms will be eliminated.

But this problem does not exist at all for Su Bai! Every creature in the Celestial Realm has its own talent: Cosmic Control.

Born to be able to bounce around in space!

“Well, this is space.”

“A lot of meteorites.”

In the familiar environment, Alice breathed a sigh of relief.

The old problem of the Force God Bido Beast has been committed again, and when he sees the space junk, he wants to pick it up.

Soon, a golden light came from the depths of space.

There was also a dazzling laser cannon.

“It’s the enemy, avoid it!”

Alice quickly led the fleet to escape. And when the enemy of the fifth level appears.

The audience members were in tears.

The teachers exploded, took a breath of cool air, and cried out beyond recognition.

The presidents of various universities have scolded: “The difficulty is too high! The question is too harsh! ”

“They didn’t plan to get the students through customs at all!”

“Those who are eligible to enter the abyss mode are afraid that there will not be more than ten this year!”

“This is a space disaster, a super enemy of mankind!” For newcomers, it is tantamount to a natural disaster. ”

Governor Ma: “It’s tricky, the enemy is cunning.” ”

President Cai: “They have always been the focus of my research. Human civilizations have yet to infiltrate their astral realms to spy on intelligence. Every time you try to sneak in, you are spotted the first time. Set it in the college entrance examination, I think the difficulty is foul. ”


Jian Heng, Gao Hongwen and other executives nodded their heads in agreement.

And when you see the enemy.

Su Bai was silent. Alice was silent.

The tyrant was also silent.

All the warriors were silent.

【Please note for candidates No. 150! 】 Appearing in front of you is the Cosmic Evil, the public enemy of intelligent creatures, and the most junior combat unit under the command of the Cosmic Brain Demon, the Golden Brain Fleet! 】

[They have standard configuration, a high-level gold-level brain demon captain, a high-level gold test creature acting as a meat shield, dozens of silver branch captains, and thousands of bronze brain demons!]

There is a golden brain airship, ten silver castles, several fighter planes, reconnaissance planes, and carries extremely dangerous high-tech weapons, and even can kill diamond creatures! 】

[Mission Details: Please kill as many enemies as possible, and for each main fighter destroyed, 10,000 points are added.] A Silver Fort, points plus 100,000.

If you shoot down the Golden Brain, the total points are +1 million!

Only by completely annihilating the enemy and not letting a single escape ship fly out can you get the final reward: an invitation to the abyss! 】

【Special Warning!】 The number of brain demons you kill and the number of battleships you destroy will determine your college entrance examination score. Anyone who escapes from an escape boat will fail the mission! (Note: Brain demons will repay, if someone escapes, it will bring revenge to the diamond-level fleet)]

When finished reading the task details.

The audience even blew up the pot!

“Nima, this difficulty is also too high! The fault tolerance rate is extremely low, you can’t escape an airship, there are thousands of them here, and it’s a space environment! ”

“I don’t think the official wants anyone to go into the abyss!” There is no hope, even if Su Bai is strong enough to destroy the main ship, it will not avoid an airship to escape! ”

“It takes crushing, and a super genius who is very familiar with the Brain Demon Fleet, the flagship, to have a slim chance of doing it.”

In the face of a disobedient audience.

The principals thought it made sense.

“Reality is more magical than virtual, but any destruction of a battleship will usher in the bloody revenge of the brain demon, this requirement, no problem!” 」

“Very reasonable.”

The crowd looked at Chi Lansu on the big screen again.

Nightmare difficulty is missing a main flagship.

But there was also a junior gold captain who led ten Silver Castles to besiege and used a high-tech power grid to trap the Little Snowman Legion led by the Snow Girl.

After desperately destroying two flagships.

Chi Lansu’s army was completely destroyed!

[No. 121 candidate Chi Lansu, ended at the fifth level of the nightmare level, with a total score of 660,000, ranking second in Guangcheng! 】

【Currently the whole city, and all the test survivors under its jurisdiction: 1!] 】

[The parent machine is settling the rest of the field data, and is conducting the overall ranking of the audition! 】

The World Tower rumbled open.

A look of regret and excitement came out of it.

Although under the acceleration of time.

Just went through a morning.

But she felt that she had experienced five worlds and was impressed.

“If I try a little harder, I can destroy a few more warships, one is tens of thousands of points!” Equivalent to the total reward of the first level! ”

Just as she was immersed in her own world. There was already tsunami of applause all around.

She looked up slightly.

Looking around, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Only to see teachers, classmates, and even the principal come and beg.

“Congratulations, Mr. Chi, your college entrance examination results are excellent.”

“Surprisingly, let’s go to the lounge and take a break.”

Class Teacher Li and Principal Chen all smiled and encouraged.

The governor of Ma County, who is often seen on the TV, also said to her and Yan Yuexi.

“After the college entrance examination is over, I will represent the country and give you a reward.” Yan Guo never treats geniuses badly. ”

Too many congratulations and good news, Chi Lansu’s head was dizzy.

I have never felt that people in the world are so kind to themselves.

Before leaving, she quickly asked, “What about Xiao Su?” Where is he? ”

“Hahaha, he’s not still inside.”

Old Principal Chen raised his finger to the big screen.

The astronomical number of the high hanging list one made Xiao Nizi a little suffocated.

Even more amazing is the huge fleet he is facing!

The experience of being just destroyed by the Brain Demon Battleship made Chi Lansu even more worried.

And at this time.

On the big screen, there was only Su Bai.

All the candidates in the whole city have been eliminated!

“He is the strongest student in our Guangcheng, the final battle is coming, let’s see if Su Bai can create another miracle, how many points he can score under the infamous Brain Demon Fleet.”

A beautiful female host explained one after another.

Long guns and short cannons are aimed at the big screen, crackling and shooting, broadcasting.

Including the audience outside the city who heard other movements, they have transferred to Guangcheng TV Station for its super high ratings, which makes all the staff of the TV station stunned…

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