Ziyan is speechless when she is blocked. The whole world knows that a Ling's mouth gun skill is full level. She has learned it today.

"Ding, it is detected that you have skillfully avoided sharp questions and answered many people's puzzles about emotional problems. The system judges that you have dominated a small area and won a reward: wish chest + 1."

Another treasure chest, Yang Ling heart straight happy, looking at the simple and honest cousin began to get up.

Well, he is such a real person

After silence for a while, Ziyan looked at Ailin who was at a loss. Her eyes turned and she said with a smile, "Mr. Yang Dong, we've pulled the problem far away. Today is the elder sister of Miss Ailin who hopes to recover her fiance."

"As far as we know, Mr. Wang didn't want to pay five million betrothal gifts before he proposed to retire. Do you think your cousin did the right thing about it?"

Yang Ling looked at Ailin in surprise and said, "this guest, do you think my cousin did it right?"


Ziyan thought for a moment and then said, "about this, I'm also discussing with several other guests. It's better to listen to miss Irene first."

This woman began to delay time, the reason is very simple, every time Yang Ling appears on the camera for an extra minute, under such a huge audience rating, these people can get a high commission.

The camera turned to Irene. She looked at Wang Mantao and said, "man Tao and I are really in love. With his condition, a five million betrothal gift is not too much!"

Wang Mantao sighed: "Irene, don't think my family is so rich. I have already agreed to write your name on the new villa, but I can't afford another five million betrothal gifts..."

Eileen heard the speech and said excitedly: "you said you love me, your family is so rich, five million can't defeat you at all!"

"You just don't love me anymore!"

At the scene, people looked at each other, and the woman was a little self righteous.

Five million yuan should not be too much for Wang Mantao. After all, Yang Dong is standing behind him. But is that too much to say?

Yang Ling also frowned. During the Chinese new year, Liu Muhan took out the year-end bonus and gave it to his relatives. Yang Ling knew this, but he didn't ask how much he got.

In this way, the wife of his own family has also shared a lot of things.

In addition, the parents also gave them big red envelopes, and because of their own relations, relatives received a variety of preferential treatment, it is estimated that the family is really a lot.

Of course, he doesn't care about some money. He's not a stingy person. He gives some money to his relatives to make life easier. It's nothing. But the woman's mouth is five million betrothal gifts, which is too exaggerated!

The host finally went online, and he said, "Erin, don't get excited. I want to ask why you want this five million betrothal gift?"

"For your own use?"

Irene said of course: "my family has a brother, I need this money to buy a house for him, help him marry his daughter-in-law!"

"Help the devil!"

The word came out of everyone's heart, and the host said, "well, you want these five million to buy a house for your brother and marry a wife. We all know that."

Then he looked at Yang Ling and said, "Mr. Yang Dong, you have already said that you do not agree with this marriage, but you can put aside this premise and not say anything about it. Do you want to talk about your views on this matter?"

According to Yang Ling's temper, she is simply too lazy to pay attention to this kind of thing, but it has already made it to the program. If it is not good to hang up the phone now, this matter still needs to be solved.

What if the system gives the box again?

After silence for a while, he said with a light smile: "OK, since you have called me, I will give a statement."

"Miss Irene, don't you think you're worth five million?"

"Or are you worth my cousin's five million betrothal?"

All the people shut their mouths at once. Aline's familiar soul torture is coming!

Irene thought about it and said, "it's worth it!"

"Mr. Yang Dong, I don't think five million betrothal gifts are too much on my terms!"

"Oh? I'm quite confident. "

Yang Ling said with a light smile, "tell me, which school did you graduate from? What do you do now? What's your specialty? "


Eileen was a little excited and said, "I don't have a job now, but Yang Dong, I think my appearance is worth five million!"

When this was said, many people looked at each other in awe. To be reasonable, Miss Irene was a little bit small, but could she really be worth five million?

This is also a sharp problem, girls in the end is the appearance is important or education, ability is more important!

Many people are looking forward to what Yang Ling will say next.

Yang Ling said with a light smile: "indeed, Miss Irene is a beautiful girl."

"Then I'll ask you again, have you ever talked about a boyfriend before you and my cousin met? How many have you talked about? Have you ever lived together? "Sharp!

One is more acute than the other!

Ah Ling's soul torture directly points to another deep social situation. The experience of girls before marriage is not important!

Irene knew that it was stupid to lie on such an occasion. She gritted her teeth and said, "I had three boyfriends before and lived with one of them for more than half a year."

"But Yang Dong, I don't think men should go after their girlfriends' past. This is an outdated idea!"

This question and answer has directly pointed to some sharp problems in the society. With Yang Ling's position today, his attitude is very important and may affect the values of the whole society. This is a matter concerning the vital interests of some people!

Yang Ling did not speak, the barrage has been noisy, the major forums are also in a heated debate, boys should care about the past of girls!

Through the screen, Yang Ling looked at the girl with a natural expression on her face and said with a smile: "OK, you have three ex boyfriends, and you have lived with one of them for half a year."

"So do you think my cousin can marry a girl who has never talked about a boyfriend or cohabitation experience if he gives five million betrothal gifts and writes down the name of the woman in his villa?"

As soon as this speech was made, the whole audience was in an uproar!

Ah Ling is ah Ling, pointing to the core of the problem!

The price of five million betrothal gifts plus villa hukou, this condition is enough to marry a big girl!

So the question is, why do you want to be a disc collector for the same amount of money? Why can't you marry a genuine one?

Wonderful, really wonderful!

Eileen's face turned pale. Yang Ling's question was too sharp for her to answer. At this time, Ziyan said, "Yang Dong, I think it involves a virgin complex."

"It's an age of free love. It's against today's universal values to ask such questions."

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