This is a sigh of relief for many people. At last, some people have raised the banner of values and freedom of love. If Yang Ling can't be refuted here, it will directly affect the interests of many people, which is not a joke!

Yang Ling also knows what she's talking about. It's a very sensitive issue. Even the big guys dare not talk about it.

But such a sensitive topic can make the system better judge the domain hegemony!

No matter how many people's interests have been touched, Lao Tzu will go to the North Pole immediately and try my best. As for what kind of social repercussions will be caused and whose interests have been touched, it will be none of our business?

Sure enough, the prompt tone of the system rang on the spot: "Ding, the detection of the host's question has caused a huge social discussion, but there is no result. The system evaluates that you have dominated a small field and rewarded a treasure chest of wishes."

Hearing the prompt tone of the system, Yang Ling was pleased, but she said with a light smile: "OK, this guest said that I violated the common social values. Let's talk about it from another angle."

"Under the premise of your so-called values, what do you think is the standard match for men and women to marry?"

"Standard configuration?"

Ziyan seems to have noticed something, but she still said: "nowadays, the premise of male marriage is to have a house and a car, and then give betrothal gifts."


Yang Ling said with a smile, "what about the girl?"

"What's the standard for girls?"

This let everybody be stunned!

What are the standard girls? The house and car are all out of the man, but also out of the betrothal, what is the girl?


But compared with the above things, it is not an order of magnitude at all!

This directly baffles a large number of people, and some smart people have a premonition of something.

Ziyan is frowning and thinking, but Irene is right and strong to say: "we are out of people!"

"We are the standard configuration ourselves!"

Yang Ling jokingly said, "my cousin is not a human being? He's out of the company, too

There was laughter, but Irene had nothing to say.

This problem caused a huge discussion on the Internet, some people said filial piety, good health and so on.

But these are very soft conditions, girls can do these, boys can do the same, there is no argument out.

It's the elite like Ziyan who don't know what to say for a while.

In fact, the answer is very obvious, girls' standard configuration is no standard configuration!

Irene is right. It's just one person

See the scene of a silence, Yang Ling mouth slightly upward way: "since you can't answer, so still say some practical bar."

"My cousin also gives money, houses and betrothal gifts. Why can't I marry a big girl with a yellow flower, but marry a girl who has made three boyfriends and has lived together for half a year?"

It's done!

The answer is out!

Yang Ling's meaning inside and outside the words is very obvious, the girl's standard configuration is innocent body!

All of us are in a state of sudden enlightenment!

Why can't the future wife be a perfect wife when there are so many things for boys?

Why can't you get the best of your wife?

The speech on the network is completely one-sided, because others can not find the reason to refute Yang Ling's view!

Why not?

To put it more bluntly, you can either clean yourself up and leave the best things to your husband. It's OK for him to get out of the house and drive.

Now that you have left the good things to others, let's drive the house and car in half!

Yang Ling's soul torture basically answers the core of this question, the so-called real equality between men and women!

"Ding, detected that your speech has gained an overwhelming advantage in dominating the field."

"Ding, the host gains rewards: wish value + 100, one wish chest, cultivation upgrade progress + 1, current progress: 3 / 4."


Hearing the prompt sound, Yang Ling was overjoyed. As expected, he succeeded in dominating the field!

He looked at his cousin, who was confused. He changed from being more agreeable to him to being very agreeable to him, and secretly determined to help his cousin find a beautiful daughter!

Now that he's dominating the field, he's not going to waste any more time.

See the scene of a silence, Yang Ling hehe said with a smile: "well, you want to know I said, I think you have the answer in mind."

"Of course, what I said above only represents personal views, and I won't have nothing to do to urge the relevant laws to come out. That's it."

"By the way, cousin, when you go back, you spend some money to buy better clothes for a blind date. If you lose face on me, you will skin yourself.""Hang up!"

Then she was about to hang up the phone, but at this time, Ziyan suddenly called out: "Yang Dong, wait a minute!"

All the people were stunned and only listened to Ziyan seriously saying, "Dong Yang, I admit that what you just said is impeccable, but there are tens of millions more men in China than women in China. In a sense, women don't worry about getting married, so your remarks only exist in theory!"

This once again makes everyone interested, more men than women, many men can not even find a wife, let alone virgin.

Hearing this, Yang Ling said with a smile: "now there is international integration. In some places, there are more men than women, while in some places there are more women than men."

"I don't think that as long as they have the strength and ability, the men will not really be unable to get a wife. It's just that the skin color is not the same, and there is no reproductive isolation, so it's OK."

"And I heard that many people went to Wukelan and found Mao / Mei in Maoxiong country in the north. Isn't that good?"

This remark made many people laugh. In fact, people have been doing this kind of thing all the time, otherwise it would have been a mess.

And hear Yang Ling's words, also let a lot of people's hearts have a sense of tension, things to rare is expensive, but if more imports, this is not rare?

"Ding, I have detected that your comments have pointed out a way for many bachelors, dominating a small field, and the wish value is + 100 points."

After that, Qiba will gradually increase its influence in some fields.

Often, if he says something in front of the public, he may dominate some fields, nothing else. If he sees more people, he will recognize more people, and if he approves more people, he will dominate the field.

That's it!

Before Yang Ling hung up the phone, Ziyan gritted her teeth and said, "Dong Yang, I still think what you said is too empty. Although the state has not advocated premarital sex, it is quite normal for men and women to live together under the general trend."

"Now it is very difficult to find innocent girls again, especially beautiful girls!"

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