
A blast, colorful Xiaguang and yellow light bump into each other. Yang Xiaoling flies away with Yu Zimi in his arms!

"Daughter, smash the statue!"


Leiya held Jue Xian sword in her hand. She didn't talk nonsense. She just chopped her sword!

It seems that the terrible sword Qi is going to cut the space, and it is about to chop the statue. Suddenly, countless earth elements are pouring around, which instantly attach to the sword Qi and melt the sword Qi directly!


Leia's eyes flashed, but she was saying something. The next moment, there was an arc beating around her, and the golden lightning was splitting out!


For a while, the whole palace was full of thunder and lightning, but the statue suddenly cracked, and a terrible smell spread. When the statue was completely broken, it revealed the true face of Lushan Mountain.


"It's a real snake!"

Leiya Xingfen said: "it seems that today, I'm going to have one more pet!"

Before the two wings boom, I want to hear a question from both sides

"Woman, did you lie to me about the empty space you mentioned just now?"

Yang Xiaoling, who was holding Yuzi honey in the distance, chuckled: "yes, of course, it is to cheat you."

"If we want to have this ability, how can we be trapped here?"

"Now you move first. I have this girl in my arms. I'm afraid I'll wake up soon."

"I have never cheated others, no one can cheat me!" said the snake

"You three women must die!"

"I'm afraid you don't have this skill!"

Leiya drinks lightly, but she unfolds Epiphyllum, Epiphyllum belongs to wood, five elements wood Ke soil, her choice is very correct!

When the snake saw this, his huge eyes narrowed and looked at the Epiphyllum. His voice boomed and said, "in a flash, the young lady is old."

"I didn't expect you, a girl, to have such unique skills."

"But on the first floor of this palace, I am invincible!"

After that, the earth yellow light flashed all over the body, and the massive earth elements around him poured in again, but they were attached to the Epiphyllum. Even though the attribute was restrained, the Epiphyllum was still blocked.

No way. It's too much!

Leiya didn't panic when she saw this. Jue Xian sword split out again. For a while, she fought fiercely, but it was difficult to distinguish the upper and lower parts.

The main attribute of the baby daughter is metallicity, and the secondary attribute is thunder attribute. Although the metal property has no wood attribute, it still has certain advantages.

Even if the earth elements in the temple are endless, but the power of Leia is not built. For a time, no one can do anything about it.

Yang Xiaoling looked at all this and frowned slightly. If he was right, the level of the snake should be the 11th level of the peak, which is as good as mu WANYING.

But at the moment, she is not very good to help, because she has to protect Yu Zimi.

The reason why I talked with Leiya just now is to deceive the spirit beast into thinking that there is really a way to pull Yuzi honey out of the illusory fear space, but it is just bragging.

The so-called first attack for the strong, then the disaster, as snake this treacherous creature, can not understand this truth, it is indeed the first to attack Yang Xiaoling!

Unfortunately, Yang Xiaoling had been prepared. As a result, the snake appeared and was entangled by Leiya. Naturally, she could not continue to control people's fear, and Yu Zimi would be safe and sound.

Sure enough, a moment later, Yu Zimi woke up with a gentle whine, opened her eyes, and saw Yang Xiaoling's face.

"Miss Yu, are you ok?"

At this moment, Yu Zimi burst into tears like the tide, but she hugged Yang Xiaoling and said, "brother Yang, I had a terrible dream. In the dream, although I dominate the world, but..."

"But to death, I'm still alone."

"I'm so scared..."

Yu Zimi's body trembled slightly, as she said. Before the female leader, she was a woman first.

Women are still afraid to live alone.

Yang Xiaoling allowed her to hold herself, but she chuckled in her ear and said, "Miss Yu, what you are afraid of may not come true. Even if it does, the right to choose is in your own hands."

"If a beautiful and excellent woman like you really want to find someone to accompany her, even if she is 70 years old and 80 years old, I'm afraid that the young men will also rush for it."

She chuckled as she spoke.

Yu Zimi was stunned at the smell of speech. She was amused by some desolate mood. After looking at Yang Xiaoling for a while, she suddenly blushed and said, "I'm afraid of loneliness, but my vision is also very high.""Ordinary people don't marry But if it's you... "

With this saying, she looked at Yang Xiaoling lightly, but saw that this guy didn't seem to listen to himself. At the moment, she was watching the fight between Leiya and snake.

After seeing this silence for a while, Yu Zimi couldn't help laughing. She looked at Yang Xiaoling's eyes and showed a trace of love.

It's true. It's a total love.

This time, if Yang Xiaoling didn't save her, she would be exiled forever in the world of fear, unable to extricate herself.

In addition, Yang Xiaoling's amazing performance before, as well as her easygoing personality, all let the female leader indulge in it.

What makes her feel a little strange is that Yang Xiaoling, after all, is a female identity, which It's kind of weird.

At the moment, Yang Xiaoling is looking at the war situation, and her eyes are filled with wonder.

It has to be said that in this place with endless earth elements, the snake is indeed invincible. No matter what magic power it exerts, it will be wrapped by earth element, reducing its power until it is invisible.

However, the fighting power displayed by Leiya is amazing to Yang Ling.

The subtlety of various moves and the ingenious transformation of supernatural powers are all top-notch.

Leiya is absolutely worthy of the third place in the heaven list. Yang Ling even thinks that she is low. As the daughter of the two xianzuns, she should be the second and even keep pace with herself.

As for the ice Yi, Yang Ling is not afraid at all. Only he knows how terrible he is.

It's not boasting that the Lord has come. Under the blessing of various skills, the holy land is absolutely invincible!

Around, Yu Zimi sighed: "brother Yang, your daughter is really amazing, but I am very curious."

"The serpent manipulates the earth element, and even the supernatural powers can attach to it. Why not attach it to the little girl?"

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