
Yang Xiaoling smell speech a Leng, but in the mind of the rapid calculation up.

"Yes, why isn't it attached to Leia?"

"Didn't you feel angry just now? Don't you say you're going to kill us? "

"Why don't you attach the earth element to the human body, which can't greatly reduce Leia's fighting power?"

It's hard to understand.

Yang Xiaoling really does not understand, why?

From the exploration to the secret of imaginary space, this place is full of mystery. The predecessor who built this place has never been aimless. There must be a reason for everything!

At the moment, Yang Xiaoling's mind quickly calculated, so after about 10 minutes, she suddenly thought of something, her eyes showed a shock color.

In the ancient temple of Zhenmo, isn't that what the tree demon was like?

Mingming, as an eye of array, suppressed mu WANYING for millions of years, but he didn't know he was an eye until he died!

This is because she has engraved the technique in the sea of knowledge. If she uses modern words to explain it, it is the steel seal of thinking!

The subconscious is under control!

And the snake's subconscious mind is likely to be under control, and its mind seal is probably not allowed to use earth elements to attack the other party's original!

"I see!"

"I understand everything!"

Youdao is all connected. Yang Ling understood everything in an instant. From the moment of entering the hall, the trial began!

No, it should be said that from the moment of entering the imaginary space, the trial has already begun!

After entering the hall, the first test to welcome is the most fearful thing in the heart, namely the spiritual test, and this snake talks about the welfare of spiritual trial.

Yes, it's welfare.

Because it will not attack the noumenon, it will only dissolve the supernatural powers to attack the past, in other words, it is refining moves in the invisible!

The key is that it's also ferocious and cannibal, so you have to deal with it with all your strength and be killed at the same time!

But the snake can't kill its opponent. No matter how hard it tries, no matter how angry it is, unless it can crack the mental seal.

Obviously, the power to build this imaginary space is unlikely to be deciphered.

The fate of the snake has been doomed, sad, it is too sad.

After sighing, Yang Xiaoling didn't break through, but chuckled: "we went up to help and try to solve the snake as soon as possible!"

"But don't get close to the snake. Let's hit it in the distance."


However, Yu Zimi took out a long sword and said something in her hand. The sword floated up and chopped at the snake!

Its speed is still very fast, and its prestige is not small.

Physical training mainly focuses on physical skills, but also knows Daoism, but he is not proficient in it. But at the moment, Yu Zimi's sword fighting skill is quite a model.

Of course, under such intensity of exercise, her sword skill proficiency will be improved quickly.

See Yu Zimi has also put into the battle group, Yang Xiaoling is also exerting magic.

Yes, it's not Taoism, it's magic!

Because she doesn't need to contact Daofa very much. Wish value and skill card can increase skill level. On the contrary, magic has to practice Qi in a down-to-earth way.

Not to mention, magic can be fun sometimes.

The last time I chatted with sister xianzun, I said that in the distant past, the kingdom of heaven once created a place named as the main god space. It would pull all kinds of experimenters from all the celestial realms to enter it and do missions in other dimensions.

Although it was sealed together with the kingdom of heaven, sister xianzun seemed to have a high opinion of the concept of the main god space.

If you can't get into the space of master Yang.

With the passage of time, the three people constantly use their Taoist and magic methods to attack the snake, and the snake roars repeatedly. It seems that he is furious, but he only defends and does not attack.

After half a day like this, Yu Zimi couldn't hold on.

It also needs true Qi to release Taoist Dharma. She has exhausted her true Qi and gasped for breath: "brother Yang, Jinlei girl, I have to meditate and regulate my breath for a while. You can insist on it for a while."

"Go ahead."

Yang Xiaoling smiles and answers, but she looks at Leiya and says, "daughter, don't always use those kinds of Daoism, use light attribute to bombard it!"


"But I don't use light properly. What if I'm attacked by it?"

"It's OK. I'll hold it for you."

Yang Ling is determined to let her daughter exercise more. Leiya has full trust in her father. She doesn't talk nonsense and directly uses the light element control skill.

A gold laser from Leiya fingertips fly out, but without accident, all of them are blocked by the earth element!Seeing this, Yang Xiaoling began to use the magic of light element.

Her body is the main attribute is the light attribute, the secondary attribute is the wood attribute, Qixia body is born to control the light.

For a while, they cast the spell again and again, and their proficiency in skills also increased rapidly.

I don't know how long it took, even Yang Xiaoling and Leiya's true spirit were a little too much to eat. Leiya's clever little brain had already found something unusual. She said strangely, "Dad, I seem to understand something."

Yang Xiaoling chuckled: "OK, it's almost time to end."

At this time, the snake also found that Yang Xiaoling and Leiya were really angry, but suddenly burst out laughing and said: "you two women are really very powerful. You are one of the strongest monks that I have ever seen. But I said that in the mountain temple, I am invincible!"

"Invincible, do you understand?"

"Kill yourself, or leave a whole body, and then I will devour you! Make you a part of me

With these words, the snake's letter son vomited, his eyes showed a greedy color, and obviously also with a trace of strange desire!

Yang Xiaoling jokingly said, "do snakes like beautiful women?"

"But it doesn't matter, because what you say is meaningless."

While talking, Yang Xiaoling is walking forward.

After death, Yu Zi Mi startled: "brother Yang, what are you doing?"

She even wanted to rush out to take Yang Xiaoling back, but she was held by Leiya. Leiya giggled and said, "don't be nervous. When have you seen my father miss?"

"Take a good look, and then you will have to refresh your three outlooks again."

"But just for the performance of your concern just now, I'll give you a point."

"Plus Add a point? "

Hearing Leiya's words, Yu Zimi also reacted. It seems that Yang Ling did not miss. This man must have a full grasp of this.

This thought, she relaxed down, while looking at Yang Xiaoling's back, good strange way: "little girl, what does this one mean?"

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