Several people looked at each other, hesitated for a while, Wu Lei nodded his head and said, "OK, everyone, take your weapons, hide in the cabin for the time being, don't come out, let's go and have a look!"

The rocket car began to move, and Yang Ling seemed to be really asleep, and there was no movement.

In the open space of a dense forest, a stopped fighter is spraying fire tongue on the front, where seven or eight sea people's bodies have fallen.

On the wing of the fighter, there was also a dead man in a North American uniform.

In addition, there is a man and a woman two soldiers are lying under the plane, carrying rifles to shoot.

From time to time, there was a scream in the dense forest. It should be the sound of a gun in the sea people.

The white man soldier said, "Lee, don't shoot with machine guns anymore. These strange fish have spread out!"

Hearing this, the Chinese soldier in the cockpit jumped out with his rifle in his hand. He quickly rolled under the plane, firing and yelling, "Jack, how many people know?"

Jack also said, "at least 30 people, they move very fast, it is difficult to hit them!"

"Jack, Lee, let's break through!" the white woman nearby yelled

Jack smelled the speech and looked at the soldier surnamed Li. As a result, he immediately shook his head and said, "no, they are too fast to go far!"

"They can only be killed here!"

As soon as the voice fell, a fish flew from the dense forest and inserted it into his thigh. The soldier named Li snorted and could not hold his gun in pain.


The white woman seemed to care about the soldier. Her eyes turned red, and she fired wildly at the bush. There was a scream.

Jack said, "Carlo! Don't waste your bullets for nothing

Carlo's face turned white, and the shot she had just shot left her short of bullets.

She simply threw down the gun and crawled to the soldier surnamed Li on her knees. Looking at the man in front of her, her face was pale and her thigh was full of blood. Tears gushed out.

Although the soldier surnamed Li was badly injured, he still had his wits. He looked at the grenade hanging on his waist and said, "Jack, take Carol with you. I'll cover you!"

Jack said in surprise, "you are crazy, you will die!"

"There's no difference between us and waiting for death."

The soldier with the surname of Li bit his teeth and put the grenade in front of him. At the same time, he picked up his gun again and fired it. It seems that he is ready for sacrifice.

Jack suddenly said with a smile, "Li, you don't want to be a hero alone."

"Carol, you go, I'll stay with Lee!"

Carol shook her head hard and kept talking about nono.

The three men were determined to die, but soon their ammunition was used up. Looking at the approaching sea people, the soldier surnamed Li said with a faint smile: "we met by chance. We said we would let you go. Why should we bury with me..."

Carol just shakes his head, but Jack sighs, "faker, I didn't expect to die in this place."

"How I want to see my wife and daughter!"

Then he grabbed the grenade and said, "ugly monster, come on, die together!"

Just as he was about to blow up the whole plane and die with the sea people, suddenly a light came over, and then the engine roared violently.

"Dada dada..."

A series of gunfire noises forced the sea people to scurry. Unfortunately, no one was killed, which shows that the shooting method is poor.

Jack's three eyes were fixed, and their faces were full of ecstasy!

"It's human!"

"Great! Someone is coming to save us!"

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