Sun Ba will not learn from others.

Although they didn't kill people, they scared the Hai people.

The leader of the sea clan saw a huge steel monster, and pulled a boa constrictor as big as several rooms behind him. He was scared to death.

Who can stand it?

He didn't even want to think about it. He yelled: "let these Terrans go first, withdraw..."

Before the words fell, the cold light flashed in front of me, and my head moved directly.

A middle-aged man came out of the dense forest. He glanced at the sea people and the Terrans in front of him and said with a sneer: "no wonder you Hai people can't beat the Terrans, a group of useless waste. So many people can't take three of each other."

Yes, barbarians

The soldiers of the sea people were panicked and began to flee in a panic. But the middle-aged man sneered and the gray sword flew out. However, after a few breaths, all the sea people were killed.


He sneered, and then he looked at the mysterious snake, his eyes showed a burning light.

"What a demon snake. It must have been blown up like this by your people's despicable bombs."

"Well, this snake belongs to me now!"

At the moment, everyone in the field has reflected it. Sun Yan shudders: "quick, shoot him!"

Without saying a word, Wu Lei and others started to sweep their rifles at the barbarians.

"Ding Ding Ding..."

As if the bullets had hit the iron plate, they were all bounced away. Then he waved his hand, and a gust of wind swept through, blowing people almost unsteadily.

"Machine gun?"

The middle-aged man sneered: "it's still useful to deal with the sea people, but in the eyes of our wild people, even children's toys are not worth it."

"It's bad luck for you to meet me."

He was too lazy to talk nonsense with Sun Yan and other people. He took off the long knife in his hand and chopped it towards Sun Yan!


Sun Yan exclaimed in surprise. Seeing that the female scientist was about to be split in two, suddenly a flash of thunder flashed, and a figure blocked her in front of her.

The long sword, which killed many sea people, is clamped by two beautiful fingers at the moment, and can't break free from its violent vibration!


The middle-aged man and Jack almost screamed out at the same time, needless to say, the hand of nature is Yang Ling.

He sighed, looked into the middle-aged man's eyes, with a wisp of anger.

In fact, he was pretending to sleep, because he felt peeping, but he couldn't find the other party's position.

There is a saying that he is not afraid of the thief but afraid of the thief's thoughts. This feeling makes him very uncomfortable, so he pretends to sleep, hoping to make the other party mistakenly think that he is very tired and fatigued, so he takes the initiative to attack him.

It looked like that if he didn't resist to fight against these sea people, it looked like that. As a result, the barbarians ran out to kill people and steal goods, forcing him to do so.

That's the man who's behind the bullets!

"Ding, you satisfied Sun Yan's wish that he didn't want to die. The wish value is + 1."

"Ding, you have satisfied Jack's wish that there will be a savior, wish value + 1."

Yang Ling looked at the middle-aged man indifferently and said, "you are crazy, but in my opinion, you are not so great."

"You are Yang Ling

The middle-aged man was stunned at first, and then his face showed the color of panic. He didn't even want the magic weapon. The whole man flashed back!

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