All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 1 The chat group of all the youngsters

Xu Chenzhou wore a loose warrior robe and walked on the bustling street.

The steel monsters in the middle of the road were suspended in mid-air, traveling at extremely fast speeds, causing waves of piercing wind.

And above these suspended vehicles, there is a strong man flying in the air, and his speed is faster than that of suspended vehicles.

Colorful neon lights flashed on the buildings in the distance.

A rainbow whale projected on a virtual projector swims between the buildings, sprinkling countless colorful light spots on its body.

These light spots reflected streaks of neon light in mid-air, making the city scenery somewhat bizarre.

Looking up at the surrounding scenery, Xu Chenzhou couldn't help but sigh in a low voice.


What a bad luck.

After working as a social animal for ten years, I finally made enough money to put it aside.

Unexpectedly, I haven’t started enjoying it yet.

He actually traveled through time. "

Yes, Xu Chenzhou is a time traveler.

Before time travel, he was a hard working worker.

After ten years of struggle, the company Xu Chenzhou worked for finally went public successfully.

And the original shares he got ten years ago can also start to be realized.

The income from selling the shares plus the salary saved over the years is almost 10 million.

This money is enough for Xu Chenzhou to spend the rest of his life leisurely.

It can be said that in one fell swoop, he stepped into the class that salted fish covets.

Unexpectedly, just one day before he was to go back to his hometown to enjoy life, he would travel through time inexplicably.

Thinking of this, Xu Chenzhou felt extremely sad.

After all, he will be able to lie down soon, so who wants to fight again in another world.

But after wearing it, there is no point in feeling uncomfortable.

And this ten million is not earned in vain.

At least after he leaves, his parents can live a good life with these ten million.

And now what Xu Chenzhou has to do is to face the life after time travel.

Xu Chenzhou is currently located on the Aqua Blue Star under the Star Alliance.

The Star Alliance is a cross-galaxy-level force with tens of millions of living planets under its command.

Aquamarine is a very inconspicuous one among these planets with life.

There are a total of ten paths for humans in this world to practice extraordinary things, which are called the Ten Extraordinary Paths.

There are four of these inheritances on Aqua Blue Star.

Extraordinary warriors, monks, mechanics, and psychics.

Among these four inheritances, the only extraordinary inheritance that Xu Chenzhou has access to is that of extraordinary warriors.

The threshold for becoming an extraordinary warrior is the lowest. All humans have the talent to become an extraordinary warrior.

It can be said to be the most civilian profession on Aquamarine.

Every school has a course called Extraordinary Martial Arts.

So he is almost a person from Aqua Blue Planet and knows a little bit about martial arts.

The other three extraordinary paths are existences that Xu Chenzhou cannot touch.

Psykers rely on awakening, while monks rely on talent.

These two professions require either excellent talent or a strong background, otherwise it will be difficult for ordinary people to access them.

And mechanics are the exclusive extraordinary profession of the Aquablue Star military. Every mechanic is a killing machine.

However, the conditions of Xu Chenzhou's family after time travel are actually not bad.

Both parents are dead, and my sister has a house.

It even comes with a martial arts gym in a bustling area of ​​the city center.

This martial arts gym was left to Xu Chenzhou by his parents.

It carries the hard work of seven generations of the Xu family.

Although the martial arts gym is good, it also has a lot of troubles.

The extraordinary warrior path is the only extraordinary path that ordinary people on Aqua Blue Planet have access to, and it is highly valued by the government.

If you want to be the owner of a martial arts gym, you must have the certificate of a star martial artist certified by the Martial Arts Association.

If there are no stars of martial arts in charge, the martial arts association will withdraw the operating license of this martial arts gym.

Of course, the Martial Arts Association has also considered Xu Chenzhou's situation.

Therefore, the martial arts association also stipulates that if the previous martial arts master unfortunately dies, the martial arts gym can continue to operate until the next heir reaches adulthood.

But the problem is, the time of adulthood is almost here.

To be precise, next month, Xu Chenzhou will celebrate his 18th birthday.

Without the business license of the martial arts gym, it means losing the protection of the martial arts alliance.

Baihe Martial Arts School is located in the bustling area of ​​the city center.

A martial arts gym opened in the city center is nothing more than a giant cash cow and a piece of fat that everyone will envy.

Previously, with the protection of the Martial Arts Alliance, no one dared to act rashly.

But without the protection of the Martial Arts Alliance, with Xu Chenzhou's strength, there is absolutely no hope of saving the White Crane Martial Arts School.

As for relying on one's own strength to pass the examination for the Star Warrior Certificate, that is even more difficult and is nothing short of a fantasy.

If you want to pass the assessment of many star warriors, you need at least the strength of a one star warrior.

The original owner died because he was eager to break through to the one-star warrior and practiced until he was exhausted and vomited blood.

Even so, the original master's physical strength has only been tempered to 80%, and there is still a long way to go before he can break through to become a one-star warrior.

It is definitely not something that can be achieved in just one month.

Just when Xu Chenzhou was worried, a beeping sound suddenly sounded in his ears.

“The Zhutian Cubs chat group has been bound.

Since you are the first person to bind, you automatically become the group leader.

If it is detected that the host's body is severely strained, a free body repair will be provided. "

Xu Chenzhou felt as if his whole body had been soaked by a burst of cold water, and then there was a long-lost sense of transparency in his body.

Many hidden injuries on the body caused by the original owner's crazy practice were repaired one by one.

Then a lot of information flooded into Xu Chenzhou's mind.

In his previous life, Xu Chenzhou's biggest hobby after work was reading novels.

He was so familiar with the chat group.

His originally troubled mood calmed down instantly.

Just kidding, with the chat group, as long as the group members are a little bit strong, then passing a small star warrior assessment is not a piece of cake.

Xu Chenzhou saw a chat group panel floating in front of him, and there was an instruction manual on the far right.

With the instruction manual provided by the chat group, Xu Chenzhou soon became familiar with how to operate the chat group.

The chat group of all heavens cubs, as the name suggests, the members of the group are rookies who have just embarked on the road of practice.

The purpose of the chat group is to protect the smooth growth of these cubs.

At the same time, Xu Chenzhou also received a task from the chat group.

Protect the smooth growth of group members.

As long as Xu Chenzhou can protect the smooth growth of group members, the chat group will reward him.

The stronger the group members grow, the better the rewards Xu Chenzhou will receive.

This made Xu Chenzhou's passionate heart feel like being poured with a bucket of cold water.

I thought that if I joined the chat group, I would have a group of big guys to lead me, or at least a few famous martial arts masters like Yue Buqun and Gu Santong.

As a result, after a long time, all the group members are a bunch of rookies!

The nanny turned out to be me!

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