All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 2 Master Zhang, Han Paopao and Hong Yi

The first thing to do is to recruit group members.

At present, Xu Chenzhou has the right to search for group members three times.

As the group owner, Xu Chenzhou has the right to decide whether to invite the searched members to join the group or refuse to join the person.

With excitement, Xu Chenzhou pressed the search button with great expectation.

The search interface of the chat group began to flash wildly, and the three thousand worlds could be vaguely seen flashing in it.

Finally, the search interface slowly stabilized, and a thin boy appeared on it.

The boy was wearing a thin shirt, carrying a shoulder pole and two buckets of water, walking on the mountain road.

There was a line of small words under the boy.

The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber, Zhang Sanfeng (seventeen years old).

Seeing this result, Xu Chenzhou smiled slightly.

The famous Zhang Zhenren.

From the Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber World.

The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber World is a low-level martial arts world. Even if you practice to the limit, it is nothing on the Blue Water Star.

Even if Zhang Sanfeng was at his peak, he would be a three-star warrior at most if he were on the Blue Water Planet, not a big shot.

But Xu Chenzhou would not look down on Zhang Sanfeng for this reason.

Although the Yitian world is a low-level martial arts world, there is an exception in it.

That is Zhang Sanfeng.

Others can become top masters because they are gifted.

And Zhang Sanfeng became a top master only because the level of the Yitian world is only this high, not higher.

Just like Wang Chao in the Dragon and Snake Romance, there is no way ahead, because the world ends here.

Once the alien spacecraft fell, Wang Chao immediately trapped the dragon and ascended to heaven to become the Yuanshi Tianwang.

Joining the chat group is no less important to Zhang Sanfeng than Wang Chao encountering an alien spacecraft, and his achievements are limitless from then on.

It can be said that the young Zhang Sanfeng is definitely an existence with an extremely high growth rate.

Originally, Xu Chenzhou was a little worried that if he drew three idiots, the difficulty of completing the group task would rise sharply.

Unexpectedly, he drew an SSR in one draw.

With Zhang Sanfeng in hand, what group tasks are there to worry about?

This peerless genius can grow to an astonishing level even if he is left alone.

Besides, although Zhang Sanfeng is young at this time, he also has good things in his hands.

However, as a disciple of Master Jueyuan, Zhang Sanfeng has inherited the Nine Yang Magic Art.

This magic art is the supreme martial arts for cultivating internal strength.

The martial arts of Shuilanxing are mainly based on physical training. When you practice to perfection, you can cultivate various combat bodies, fight against heaven and earth, and destroy the sky.

The Nine Yang Magic Art is completely different from the martial arts inheritance of Shuilanxing.

Other people's stones can polish jade, not to mention the peerless treasure book like the Nine Yang.

Xu Chenzhou was satisfied with the result of the first draw.

He then pressed the draw key.

The interface rotated, and another boy appeared.

This boy had an ordinary face, dark skin, and a slightly delicate appearance.

From the outside, he looked like a silent and resolute rural boy.

There was a line of small words floating below the boy.

Mortal Cultivation: Han Li (13 years old)!

He actually drew Han Paopao.

Xu Chenzhou was even more surprised!

He drew a martial artist in the first draw, and went straight to the immortal in the second draw. He is really a little red hand.

Han Lao Mo comes from the world of Mortal Cultivation. He is an immortal cultivator who is proficient in alchemy and refining.

And Han Paopao has a treasure in his hand, the Palm of Heaven Bottle, which can promote the growth of spiritual medicine.

For Xu Chenzhou now, Han Li is definitely a treasure boy.

And Han Lao Mo is also quite good to his friends.

After Han Li became the supreme being, he still did not forget his childhood friend Li Feiyu.

In the end, Han Li even reversed time and space to protect Li Feiyu's soul, protect him from reincarnation, and finally ascend to immortality.

But if Xu Chenzhou remembered correctly, the 13-year-old Han Li should still be practicing Changchun Gong in the hands of Mo Lao, and he has not even discovered the wonderful use of the Palm of Heaven Bottle.

I was happy to draw Han Lao Mo, but this Han Lao Mo was too young.

If Han Lao Mo was older and officially entered the world of immortal cultivation, he would have at least dozens of times more treasures in his hands.

At that time, it would be easy to get a few talismans from Han Lao Mo and pass the Star Warrior Assessment in a month.

It can only be said that the cub chat group is indeed a cub chat group, and the group members are all very immature.

Xu Chenzhou touched his nose and clicked the draw button again.

"Come again! There is another chance."

The interface rotated, and thousands of worlds flashed again.

After a moment, a young man in a green shirt with clear eyebrows and eyes appeared on the interface.

This young man was a little thin, holding a book in his hand, and was studying hard all night.

There was also a line of words under the boy.

Yangshen World, Hong Yi (fifteen years old)

The moment he saw Hong Yi, Xu Chenzhou felt a little scared.

After all, Hong Yi is a ruthless person.

According to modern moral standards, Hong Yi is definitely not a good person.

Before he became a ghost fairy, he was ruthless in dealing with his enemies.

Enemies of Hong Yi were either beaten to death or surrendered to him, devoting their bodies and minds to him.

There was even one time when Hong Yi sold a boatload of martial arts masters as slaves after defeating his enemies and made a fortune.

After he became a ghost fairy, Hong Yi acted even more recklessly.

He even ignored the imperial power.

The imperial envoy wanted to bully him, so he called on his treasure ship and his men to be the vanguard.

He killed the imperial envoy directly, which was very powerful.

However, Xu Chenzhou did not hesitate at all and decided to invite Hong Yi to the group chat.

In his eyes, Hong Yi could not be considered a good person, but he was definitely not a treacherous and evil person.

In fact, Hong Yi could be considered a moral benchmark in the Yangshen world.

He kept his word and never regretted anything he promised.

And although he was ruthless towards his enemies, Hong Yi usually would not kill them.

Those who were willing to surrender and bow their heads could basically save their lives.

To put it bluntly, in a world like Yangshen, people would cheat each other and kill people at the slightest disagreement.

Hong Yi did not have such a decisive character, and there would be no dregs left.

Moreover, Hong Yi valued friendship and had a strong open-source spirit.

In terms of sharing skills, there were few protagonists in the heavens and the worlds who could compare with Hong Yi.

When Hong Yi just got the supreme classic of the Past Amitabha Sutra, his first thought was to share it with his good friend Bai Ziyue, one of the eight demon immortals.

Later, he also thought about sharing it with his subordinates Shen Tiezhu and Xiao Mu.

Although Hong Yi suppressed this idea in the end for various reasons.

But except for the Past Amitabha Sutra, Hong Yi has never been stingy with other magical secret books for his own people.

It can be said that it is quite comfortable to be friends with people like Hong Yi.

Whatever he has, his friends have.

Xu Chenzhou is quite satisfied with his luck.

If this is a card drawing game, then Han Li and Hong Yi are both SSRs.

Although Zhang Sanfeng was born in a worse world, Zhang Sanfeng himself is also an SSR.

And with the chat group platform, Zhang Sanfeng's future development will not necessarily be worse than the two SSRs.

And it is really lucky to be able to attract group friends like Hong Yi who are willing to share in the early stage of opening the chat group!

If it were someone else with a deep mind, it would be much more difficult to get benefits from them.

However, the only drawback is that these group members are too young.

Shaking his head, Xu Chenzhou calmed down.

Being young has its advantages.

A pure mind makes it easier to make friends.

The atmosphere of the group chat will also be better.

And there is more room for growth.

Without further ado, Xu Chenzhou immediately clicked the invite button after the draw was completed.

Beep, beep, with three prompt sounds, three new members were added to the group chat.

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