All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 3 Cautious Han Paopao

Zhang Junbao (Shaolin disciple): "What is this? How did it suddenly appear in my mind? Could it be because of the iron arhats that Miss Guo gave me?"

Hong Yi (Daqian scholar): "I am practicing the mystery of Taoism, how did I come to this strange place? Who are you, and how can you have such magical powers?"

Faced with the two people's questions, Xu Chenzhou did not rush to speak.

He was quietly observing the movements in the group chat to get more information.

After a while of talking at cross purposes, Zhang Junbao and Hong Yi gradually calmed down.

After all, the two of them were not ordinary people, and they started to talk after calming down.

At this time, Zhang Junbao was far from the future master Zhang Sanfeng, and his words were still a bit naive.

And the young Hong Yi had an extraordinary demeanor and did not hide his origins.

Although the two were a little wary, they slowly revealed their situation during the communication.

As the communication deepened, the two were surprised to find that they came from two completely different worlds.

Daqian and Dasong, Shaolin and Hong Mansion

Everything about the two of them seemed like two parallel lines that could never intersect.

But the two of them discovered that although the national geography was completely different, the cultural heritage of the two worlds was indeed the same.

Confucianism and Taoism, Buddhism, benevolence, righteousness, loyalty and filial piety.

Almost carved out of the same mold.

The two of them communicated more and more enthusiastically.

And Han Li was clearly online, but he didn't say a word.

Xu Chenzhou smiled slightly. Han Paopao was worthy of being Han Paopao. He was still so cautious. He kept a low profile and didn't say a word before he figured out the situation.

But this caution didn't work at all.

Han Li was different from the others.

For the other two, he still needed some information to locate which stage they were in.

Han Li was much simpler. The thirteen-year-old Han Paopao must still be practicing under Mo Lao, and he didn't even really discover the magical use of the artifact, the Palm of the Sky Bottle.

Watching them chat for so long, Xu Chenzhou also collected all the information he wanted to collect.

At this time, Zhang Sanfeng had just said goodbye to Guo Xiang and got two Iron Arhats containing Shaolin Arhat Fists from him.

Ten days later, He Zudao, one of the Three Saints of Kunlun, will attack Shaolin.

Hong Yi had just said goodbye to Bai Ziyue, one of the eight great demons in the world, and returned to Hong Mansion with the martial arts scripture containing the past Amitabha Sutra.

Hong Yi and Zhang Junbao were still arguing about what the chat group was.

Hong Yi thought it was a creation of a Taoist master, while Zhang Junbao thought it was a Buddhist treasure, containing the Buddha's telepathic power.

This is not surprising. No matter how high the achievements of these two people will be in the future, they are only fourteen or fifteen years old now.

Their horizons are limited by their experiences.

One stays at home in Hong Mansion and has just come into contact with the world of Taoism.

One is a lay disciple in Shaolin, listening to the distant chanting all day long.

It is not surprising to have such thoughts.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader):

"You are wrong.

This thing is the chat group of the heavens.

It can connect the heavens, break the barriers of time and space, and connect countless worlds.

Although I don't know the specific origin, it is definitely not something that the Taoist masters or Buddhas in your mouth can refine."

Xu Chenzhou's name in the group chat has a golden group leader hanging in front of it.

It looks very different.

In fact, as a group leader, Xu Chenzhou has the right to change his name.

As long as he wants, he can change his name to something like the Almighty and Omniscient God, the Taoist of Heavenly Secrets, or the Taoist God.

Using a mysterious identity to disguise as a powerful person has many benefits, and it is easy to cheat many benefits from group friends.

But Xu Chenzhou gave up this approach after careful consideration.

Xu Chenzhou likes to be upright and upright. It is not his style to pretend to be a god or something like that.

If he is facing an enemy, Xu Chenzhou can use any means.

But facing friends, Xu Chenzhou does not like to deceive.

Although Xu Chenzhou is not familiar with the three people now.

But everyone is a member of the chat group, and there is a natural bond of connection.

In addition, he also knows these group members, who are all people who value friendship.

With Xu Chenzhou's personality, he will definitely become friends with them in the future.

This makes Xu Chenzhou not want to use deception.

In addition, there is another reason, that is, there is no need to disguise his identity.

The nature of the chat group of the young cubs of all heavens is quite special, and the members who join the group are all blank rookies.

Unlike some chat groups where there are all kinds of monsters and ghosts, you can't get by without disguising your identity.

Moreover, Xu Chenzhou also has the right to invite and kick people.

Coupled with the advantage of being a prophet, it is enough for Xu Chenzhou to have enough voice in the group chat.

Han Li (disciple of the Seven Mysterious Sect):

"This is the chat group of the young cubs of all heavens. The note behind your name shows that you are the group owner.

Group owner, group owner, the owner of the chat group.

Could it be that you are the owner of this place?"

When the group owner Xu Chenzhou appeared, Han Li, who had been lurking, finally spoke.

He had been lurking because he saw Xu Chenzhou's presence in the chat group's member list.

The group leader never spoke, and Han Li had all kinds of concerns in his heart.

He was not sure whether chatting in this chat group would violate taboos.

Out of caution, he had not spoken rashly.

Now seeing Xu Chenzhou finally speak, and he looked very friendly.

Han Li finally couldn't help his curiosity and asked.

Xu Chenzhou (group owner):

"The master of this place? Of course not.

You can understand the title of group owner as an administrator.

I do have more permissions than you in the chat group, but that's all.

In addition to these permissions, I was suddenly pulled into this group chat, which is no different from you."

Hong Yi (Daqian scholar): "I see. But I still think that you know a lot more about this chat group than we do. I wonder if you can introduce us to the information of the chat group."

Hong Yi has been studying for many years and has a good grasp of people's hearts.

From Xu Chenzhou's words and deeds, Hong Yi can feel that Xu Chenzhou is familiar with the chat group of the youngsters of the heavens.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Of course, it is my job as the group leader to explain the information of the chat group to the group members."

"The place we are in now is called the Zhutian Cubs Chat Group.

The chat group has no entity and exists in everyone's mind.

It can be called out at any time.

The word Zhutian in the chat group is very different from the Zhutian you have come into contact with in the original world.

For example, your world, Hong Yi, is called the Yangshen World by the chat group. There are many different worlds in the Yangshen World.

In addition to the Great Thousand World you are in, there are many Middle Thousand Worlds and Small Thousand Worlds formed by the thoughts of Yangshen masters.

The civilizations in these worlds are of the same lineage, and they all practice Taoism and martial arts.

And the distance between these worlds is also very close.

For people in the Yangshen World, these worlds are considered different Zhutian.

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