All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 4 The immortal cultivator is actually me!

But for the chat group, these middle thousand worlds and small thousand worlds are just accessories of the Yangshen world.

Every world connected by the chat group has an immeasurable distance from each other.

No matter how high the supernatural power is and how powerful the power is, it is still difficult to overcome.

And among these different heavenly worlds, completely different civilizations are inherited.

Even if some civilizations look very similar on the surface, their roots are completely different.

For example, Zhang Junbao's world seems to be very similar to the cultural heritage of Hongyi Your World.

But in fact, the power of martial arts practice inherited in Junbao's world is called internal force.

A breath of true energy is contained in it, and it travels through the meridians of the heaven and earth. When it is fully practiced, it can leave the body and hurt people.

But the warriors in Hong Yi's world cultivate Qi and blood.

By working hard on the body to strengthen Qi and blood, you can finally reach an incredible state!

Ever-changing, reborn with drops of blood, even shattering the vacuum.

And Han Li's world is even more powerful.

In his world, there is a kind of being named Immortal Cultivator.

Immortal cultivators rely on their spiritual roots to cultivate spiritual energy, and after cultivating to a high level, they can even ascend to immortality and live as long as the heavens.

Moving mountains and reclaiming seas is even easier.

Logically speaking, these heavens and worlds are infinitely far apart and will never be connected.

But under the power of chat groups, we are gathered here.

This is the power of chat groups. "

After Xu Chenzhou finished speaking, the entire group chat fell into silence. There was no sound and no one spoke anymore.

Obviously, everyone was shocked by Xu Chenzhou's words and were silently chewing and digesting everything Xu Chenzhou said.

After a long time, Hong Yi spoke again.

“What Brother Xu said is really unbelievable to the extreme.

But if you think about it carefully, it's not impossible.

I have read a record in a book before. After studying, medieval scholars suddenly realized that their thoughts flew out of their bodies and traveled to all the heavens and realms in a trance.

Every world is bizarre and completely different from Daqian.

In some worlds, humans control iron birds and fly to the underworld, while in other worlds, there are wild and ferocious beasts.

Perhaps the medieval scholars had truly traveled through the heavens and realms mentioned by Brother Xu through some special means. "

Zhang Junbao: "That's true. I often listen to Master Yuan's lectures.

The Buddha said that the worlds are as numerous as the gravels of the Ganges River.

From this point of view, even if there are really heavens and realms in this world, it is normal. "

Only Han Li was slightly confused.

Han Li (Qixuanmen disciple): "Brother Xu, you said there are immortal cultivators in my world.

is this real.

Although there are many masters in Qixuan Sect, they are all martial arts practitioners.

Although I often hear rumors from others that there are immortals in the world.

But I have never seen it. "

Xu Chenzhou smiled slightly when he saw Han Li's words. The young old devil Han was really green.

He is obviously already a cultivator of immortality, but he doesn't know it at all.

He is practicing the Changchun Jue, a magic technique for cultivating immortals, but regards it as a martial arts secret book.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): “I don’t know the true face of Mount Lu, just because I am in this mountain.

Han Li, you have not only met immortal cultivators.

Moreover, he lived with the immortal cultivators day and night, eating and sleeping together. "

Han Li: "???????"

What are you talking about?

Han Li was completely confused.

The group leader had previously said that there were immortal cultivators in his world, and Han Li believed him.

Because although he has never seen it, he can often hear the legends of immortal cultivators.

But now the group leader says that he has been living with the cultivators day and night all year round, eating and sleeping together.

This left Han Li completely confused.

Who is the cultivator that the group leader mentioned?

Could it be Zhang Tie?

But Zhang Tie looked innocent, and he didn't look like a cultivator.

Besides, it’s not like he hasn’t seen Zhang Tie’s Elephant Armor Skill before.

Most of them are techniques to strengthen the body.

How could it be the secret method of cultivating immortals?

Moreover, Zhang Tie left a letter and left Qixuanmen after he had mastered the Elephant Armor Kung Fu to the third level a year ago.

There may be only one left, and that is Doctor Mo.

Doctor Mo usually looks aloof and mysterious.

If Doctor Mo is a hidden immortal cultivator, Han Li completely believes it.

Thinking of this, Han Li couldn't help but feel a little excited.

There are only two disciples under Doctor Mo, one is him and the other is Zhang Tie.

According to this, Doctor Mo's mantle will definitely be passed on to both of them in the future.

In other words, I, Han Li, have great hope of becoming an immortal cultivator.

Han Li (Qixuanmen disciple): "Master, is the immortal cultivator you are talking about my master, Doctor Mo? That's great!

If you put it this way, then I am not a disciple of the immortal cultivator, a reserve immortal in the future. "

Hong Yi (Da Qian Scholar): "Congratulations to Brother Han, congratulations to Brother Han!"

Zhang Junbao (Shaolin disciple): “Congratulations to Brother Han, congratulations to Brother Han!”

After hearing Han Li's words, Hong Yi and Zhang Junbao quickly sent their blessings.

The two of them now understand in their hearts that joining the chat group is definitely a great opportunity for them.

The more awesome the group members are, the more benefits they can get from it.

Now that Han Li had announced that he was a disciple of an immortal cultivator, the two of them were overjoyed and couldn't help but send blessings.

Only Xu Chenzhou laughed dumbly, while Han Li's imagination was still a bit lacking.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "If you say that Doctor Mo is a cultivator, it is not completely wrong.

Doctor Mo does have the immortal cultivation method Changchun Gong, and even a secret method Seven Ghosts Soul Devouring.

It's just that Doctor Mo does not have the most important thing for a cultivator, that is, spiritual roots.

People without spiritual roots do not have the qualifications to cultivate immortals.

So even though he has the secret book in his hand, Doctor Mo cannot practice.

Han Li, the cultivator I am talking about is actually you.

The method you practice is the immortal cultivation secret book Changchun Gong in Doctor Mo's hand.

And you are the only cultivator in the Seven Profound Sect!"

Seeing this, all kinds of thoughts kept surging in Han Li's mind, as if he was struck by thunder in the sky and fell into paralysis.

There were a lot of things going on.

But Han Li has always been calm. Even if he knew such bizarre news, he quickly regained his calm.

And among the thousands of things, he quickly cleared up a thread.

He was able to practice Changchun Gong, which obviously means he has spiritual roots.

Doctor Mo cannot practice without spiritual roots.

Plus the name of the secret technique Seven Ghosts Devouring Souls.

This made Han Li have a bad association in his heart.

His face was calm, and it seemed that his mentality was not affected at all.

But the intention of typing in the chat group was word by word, showing that his heart was definitely not so calm.

Han Li (disciple of Qixuan Sect): "Seven Ghosts Devouring Souls, could it be that the real purpose of Doctor Mo accepting me as a disciple is actually for my spiritual roots."

Xu Chenzhou nodded.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "As expected of Han Li, he guessed the truth from my few words.

That's right, Doctor Mo accepted you as a disciple just for your spiritual roots."

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