All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 5: The Fantasy of Heaven and Earth, Enlightenment of the Heart

The Seven Ghost Soul-Eating Technique is actually a technique of seizing the body.

Once your Changchun Kung practice reaches a certain level, Doctor Mo will use the Seven Ghost Soul-Eating Technique to take away your body.

By the way, Zhang Tie, who became a disciple of Doctor Mo with you, has been trained into a puppet by Doctor Mo.

There is something wrong with the Elephant Armor skill he practices, which is the best material for making puppets.

In the final battle with Doctor Mo, he was defeated by Zhang Tie and was captured by Doctor Mo.

It's just that your level of Changchun Gong cultivation was much higher than Doctor Mo expected, which led to his failure to seize the body. "

Hearing these words, Han Li's face turned pale, his whole body trembled, and a feeling of fear surged into his heart.

Although he is very calm and mentally mature than his peers, in the end he is still just a 13-year-old child.

Hearing that his friend Zhang Tie was turned into a puppet by Doctor Mo, Han Li felt fear mixed with anger in his heart.

Although Han Li seems to be a taciturn person, this is only because he is relatively precocious. In fact, Han Li pays more attention to feelings.

During these few years in Qixuanmen, he and Zhang Tie depended on each other. It could be said that Zhang Tie was his only friend.

As a result, a living person was turned into a puppet by Doctor Mo, neither alive nor dead.

This caused the murderous intention in Han Li's heart to surge, and even the fear was offset a lot.

It's just that although the Changchun Kung Fu he practices is a technique for cultivating immortals, it doesn't show anything special now.

Facing Dr. Mo, who is highly skilled in martial arts, he now has no ability to resist at all.

The only thing he can rely on now is the chat group that suddenly appeared in front of him.

Xu Chenzhou naturally knew what Han Li was thinking at this time.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): “Although I know you are in a hurry, please don’t be anxious yet.

If you have not joined the chat group, Dr. Mo is indeed a great threat to you.

But now that you are a member of the chat group, we certainly won’t stand idly by.

What can Dr. Mo mean? "

After seeing these words, Han Li felt a little relieved.

At this moment, Hong Yi, who had been diving for a long time, suddenly spoke up.

Hong Yi (Da Qian Xiucai): “I can see from the group leader’s words that he has a good understanding of the world between me, Jun Bao, and Han Li.

We can even know Han Li’s future

I don't know what the reason is.

Could it be that the group owner can figure out our information through the contact in the chat group? "

This is actually Han Li's doubt, and he also wants to know why.

The group leader had a very thorough understanding of his situation.

However, Han Li was shocked by the news about the immortal cultivators and did not have time to think carefully.

Now that Hong Yi raised this question, Han Li quickly opened his eyes and stared at the group chat interface carefully.

Xu Chenzhou had already made up his mind not to play tricks in the group chat.

“Of course that’s not the case, this is the chat group of cubs in the heavens.

You should have noticed a long time ago that the members in the group chat are all teenagers.

Of course I am no exception, so how could I have such magical powers?

As for why I understand your information so well.

This starts with another secret of mine.

The place where I am now is the Aqua Blue Star under the jurisdiction of the Star Alliance.

But in fact, I am not a native of Aquablue Planet.

In fact, he is a time-traveler who has been reincarnated with memories.

The reason why I know you so well is actually because you are all characters in novels that I have read in my previous life.

Hong Yi comes from the novel "Yang Shen", Han Li comes from the novel "The Story of a Mortal Cultivating Immortality", and Jun Bao comes from the novel "The Story of Heaven and the Dragon Slayer". "

Xu Chenzhou didn't hide anything at all and told the truth directly.

Since we all decided to be honest with each other, there was no need to hide it.

After telling the truth, it would actually be more conducive for Xu Chenzhou to help them grow.

Am I a character in a novel?

As soon as these words came out, the three people seemed to be knocked down by huge waves, and they could not calm down for a long time.

This news is more shocking than any other cub chat group.

The novel is virtual, constructed from the author's imagination.

They are characters in the novel. Doesn't that mean that the existence of the three of them is virtual.

Han Li was better off.

After all, he was born in a rural area. After joining Dr. Mo, he was busy practicing martial arts and did not read many books.

At this time, Hong Yi and Zhang Junbao's hearts were already turned upside down.

One of these two people often reads books, and the other listens to scriptures all year round.

Regarding this kind of true and false, virtual reality, I have already had a set of opinions about myself.

But now I suddenly heard that I was a character in the novel, my world view was completely shattered and my world view was completely reshaped.

Of course Xu Chenzhou knew how much his words would shock the three of them.

He was also prepared.

“You actually don’t need to worry about this.

Although your world is recorded in novels, it doesn't matter.

There is no need to worry about virtuality or reality.

Although the distance between the heavens and the world is infinite.

But human thinking is faster than light, and wherever the thought goes, it can be reached in a moment, no matter how far away it is.

Besides, the world in my previous life also had a theory called quantum mechanics.

One of these phenomena is called quantum entanglement.

Two quanta sense each other and can influence each other regardless of distance, no matter how far away they are.

It is normal that what happened in your world is sensed by people in another world and then written into novels as stories.

Everyone, look down at yourself, then look up at the sky.

How can such a vast sky and such a real self be false?

If it is false, then am I who am communicating with you at this moment also virtual?

Besides, after you joined the chat group and met me, your fate has been completely different.

Then can those written into the novel still be called the future? "

As soon as these words came out, Hong Yi's frown gradually relaxed.

It seemed as if a huge stone was put down in his heart.

It is indeed true, virtual reality, fantasy of heaven and earth, so what.

As long as you can grasp the present and the future, the false can also be transformed into the real.

In an instant, Hong Yi seemed to have cleared the dust from his mind, and the spirit in his heart could not help but grow a lot.

Hong Yi (Daqian scholar): "Brother Xu is right, I am obsessed.

But I don't know what my future will be like in the novel called "Yang Shen"

Although the future can be changed, if we can know the future, we can better grasp the present. "

Zhang Junbao and Han Li also came back to their senses and began to ask about their future.

Knowing the future is an irresistible temptation for anyone.

Xu Chenzhou pondered for a while.

Xu Chenzhou only had a rough impression of the contents of these three books.

After all, "The Immortal Cultivation Biography of a Mortal" and "Yang Shen" were both novels 10 years ago.

Although they are good, there are really not many parts he can remember.

But this is only temporary.

Let's not talk about anything else, just say the Amitabha Sutra in Hong Yi's hand. As long as you practice to a certain level, your thoughts will be clear and flawless, and everything in the past will be like reading lines on your palm.

When the time comes, all the plots of these novels in your memory will naturally be remembered.

Hong Yi and Han Li's futures are easy to talk about, Xu Chenzhou remembers them more or less.

The most troublesome one is Zhang Junbao.

The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber is broadcasted on TV every year, Xu Chenzhou does remember it more clearly.

But these are all things that happened after Zhang Sanfeng turned 100 years old.

They have nothing to do with Zhang Junbao who is now in his teens.

The only thing related to Zhang Junbao now is the first two chapters of The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber.

And those TV series deleted this section at the beginning of The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber for the sake of plot continuity.

If Xu Chenzhou hadn't been curious about the emotional entanglement between Zhang Sanfeng and Guo Xiang, he would have bought the original book of The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber.

Maybe he hadn't even seen this plot.

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