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Chapter 102 Daluo Mitian Steel

Under the warm invitation of Abbot Tiancan, Xu Chenzhou was left to have lunch in Ci'en Temple.

Disciples of Ci'en Temple cannot help but eat meat, but perhaps to save some face for the Buddha, there are no meat dishes in the canteen of Ci'en Temple.

I have to say that although they are all vegetarian dishes, the chefs at Ci'en Temple are really good at cooking a table of vegetarian dishes with great flavor.

A Ding Hu Shang vegetarian dish is obviously just plain pork ribs, but the meat is so fragrant that it leaves a lingering aroma in your mouth and teeth.

As for the other Yangchun Baixue, the raw materials are two kinds of wild vegetables picked from Suyu Mountain, which are directly seasoned with water. The main focus is freshness, but it tastes refreshing in a different way.

Other vegetarian meatballs, vegetarian buns, etc. are also quite delicious.

There is also a seven-flower and nine-leaf tonic soup, which is made from seven kinds of spiritual flowers and nine kinds of spiritual herbs. It is not only delicious, but also very nutritious. The most important thing is that this soup can clear the mind and focus, and increase the spirit. The speed at which an able person condenses spiritual power.

According to Chen Mutou, the monks of Ci'en Temple only get one bowl of this spiritual soup a week.

But today, for Xu Chenzhou, Abbot Tiancan spent a lot of money and cooked a large pot. Chen Mumu who was next to him also got a lot of it. Three-quarters of the entire pot of Seven Flowers and Nine Leaves Big Tonic Soup was consumed. His belly.

While eating, Abbot Tiancan suddenly asked: "I heard from Bijiu, Shen Zhou, you came to Ci'en Temple this time to buy some psyker materials to make psyker weapons."

Xu Chenzhou nodded. The number of psykers was rare, especially in a small city like Tiancheng City, where there was almost no psyker market.

When shopping online, it is difficult to buy the kind of materials that are truly cherished.

Unless he uses cross-planet express delivery, Xu Chenzhou can buy the best material, which is almost the level of Thousand Blood Spirit Yuan Steel.

Really good goods are basically monopolized by major forces. If you want to buy them, you must have connections or be extremely rich.

So if you want to buy psyker materials, your best choice is to come to Ci'en Temple.

Seeing Xu Chenzhou nod, Abbot Tiancan stood up with a smile and took out a small sword from his sleeve.

This small sword is very short, only about thirty centimeters in length. It is dark in color, with little silver sparks flashing in the sword body.

The most amazing thing is that although it is dark in color, the blade of this small sword can give people a crystal feel, and you can easily see the scene on the other side through the blade.

Xu Chenzhou recognized it at a glance. The material of this small sword was Daluo Mitian steel. This steel was one of the ten most precious steel materials in Water Blue Star.

Chen Mutou had shown off to him before that there were two pieces of large Luo Mitian steel as tall as one person in the secret room of Abbot Tiancan.

"Before, I personally purchased a few pieces of Daluo Mitian Steel to refine my natal spiritual weapon. This small sword was a practice work that I made when I was familiar with the characteristics of Daluo Mitian Steel. Shen Zhou and I hit it off, and we clearly know each other. It didn't take long for me to feel that you were as kind as my nephew. Anyway, there is no use in keeping this little sword. If Shen Zhouqian doesn't mind that it is a work of practice, just take it away."

Xu Chenzhou looked at Abbot Tiancan's hehe expression in front of him, and couldn't help but want to complain in his heart, why was Abbot Tiancan like a treasure-delivery boy, popping gold coins out.

However, he also understood that Abbot Tiancan's intention was to do this because he was interested in his qualifications and wanted to build a good relationship and let him join Ci'en Temple.

But even so, Xu Chenzhou became more and more pleased with Abbot Tiancan.

Because his soul could feel that although Abbot Tiancan had a purpose, he was indeed full of goodwill toward him.

Moreover, what Abbot Tiancan said was so important that he had no reason not to accept it.

This small sword is indeed of great use to him now, and with his resources, it will be easy to repay Abbot Tiancan in the future.

"Abbott, you have said so, boy, I am disrespectful."

After saying that, Xu Chenzhou stepped forward and took the small sword made of Daluo Mitian steel from the hands of Abbot Tiancan according to the disciple's etiquette.

Abbot Yu Li Tiancan is the master of his brother Chen Mutou. Abbot Yu Qingtiancan treats him very well and is as kind as an elder. That's why Xu Chenzhou practices disciple etiquette.

Seeing Xu Chenzhou's thorough etiquette, Abbot Tiancan's affection for Xu Chenzhou increased even more.

"By the way, I heard that you went to Xiaomu to get some Thousand-Blooded Spirit Steel last time. Could it be that Shen Zhou, are you currently studying how to refine weapons?

If you are also interested in those low-level psyker materials, you can take the token I gave you later and go to the psyker workshop in Ci'en Temple.

Although Ci'en Temple does not have a Qi refining heritage, it has a rich reserve of psyker materials. The authority of your token is equivalent to that of a true disciple of Ci'en Temple, and you can purchase the materials inside at will. "

Upon hearing this, Chen Mutou, who was eating hard at the side, raised his head, with a trace of grievance flashing in his eyes.

When the master gave Xu Chenzhou the small sword, he did not feel aggrieved. After all, they were all brothers, and Chen Mutou would only be happy if the brothers got the good stuff.

But when he heard that Xu Chenzhou's token could gain the authority of a true disciple, Chen Mutou felt unbalanced.

What? I have worked hard as a monk in Ci'en Temple for three years and am now an inner disciple. I brought my brother to Ci'en Temple for a tour. Why did he directly have the authority of a true disciple, which is higher than my authority? Level 1, then wasn’t my three years of service in vain?

Abbot Tiancan, who was talking to Xu Chenzhou, noticed Chen Mutou's expression and laughed.

"Okay, okay, Xiao Mu, don't feel wronged. Your progress in cultivation is very good. I was going to give you a test in a few days. If you pass it, I will promote you to a true disciple. But seeing that you feel so wronged, let's do it. I will give you a promotion."

Hearing this, Chen Mu's mentality immediately became more balanced.

Okay, I have also been promoted to a true disciple, and I have also picked up a bargain without passing the test, so it's okay.

What he didn't know was that Abbot Tiancan was also secretly happy in his heart. Xiao Mu was still easy to fool. There was no need for any test for the promotion of disciples in Ci'en Temple. He believed it casually.

After eating and drinking, Abbot Tiancan left with the bitter wine monk.

This is not to say that Abbot Tiancan didn't want to stay with Xu Chenzhou for a while and keep in touch with him.

The main reason is that Abbot Tiancan knew that the two of them were high-level officials in Ci'en Temple. If they kept following the two juniors, it would make them have less fun.

Anyway, there is a long time to come. The bait has been spread. With the Ci'en Temple Library as a temptation, Abbot Tiancan does not believe that Xu Chenzhou will not take the bait.

After Abbot Tiancan left, Xu Chenzhou and Chen Mutou instantly relaxed a lot.

After all, with the elders around, it will definitely be less comfortable.

Chen Mutou stepped forward and hit Xu Chenzhou's shoulder: "You are good, why didn't I see before that you are not only a genius in martial arts, but also have such a good talent in the path of psychic. If I had known, I would have caught you and went up the mountain to become a monk three years ago."

Xu Chenzhou shook his head in his heart. His talent on the path of extraordinary warriors in his previous life was not bad, but he really didn't have much talent on the path of psychic.

He can have such a powerful soul, all thanks to the past Amitabha Sutra.

It seems that psychics in this world cannot improve the strength of their souls through visualization.

In other words, there should be a huge difference between the psychic system and the Taoist system.

The only common thing is that both require the participation of the soul.

Thinking of this, Xu Chenzhou couldn't help but become more interested in how psychics practice.

Since Taoist practice can be of such great help to the psychic system, then perhaps the psychic practice system can also be of great help to Taoist practitioners.

And looking at Chen Mutou beside him, Xu Chenzhou also had an idea in his mind.

However, whether to teach Chen Mutou Taoism, he had to study the psychic practice system before deciding.

Otherwise, if this kid goes wrong in practice, Xu Chenzhou doesn't have enough chat group points to buy him some washing potions.

After making a decision, Xu Chenzhou put his arm around Chen Mutou's shoulders and touched his bald head. .

"I don't know. If I knew I was a psychic genius, would I have watched you shave your head alone?

But to be honest, your bald head feels really good to touch."

"Go away, stop touching me! Your hands are full of calluses from practicing martial arts, and my scalp hurts."

"Okay, okay, if you don't want to touch me, then take me to the psychic workshop. I want to see what good stuff there is in Ci'en Temple."

Xu Chenzhou's current cultivation is still a first-level extraordinary warrior. He has not yet trained his palms into extraordinary organs, so he still retains the calluses left over from previous martial arts practice.

It has to be said that the area of ​​Ci'en Temple is really large. It is obviously just a temple, but it is several times larger than the university campus of Xu Chenzhou's previous life.

But this is normal. After all, Ci'en Temple is a landlord. The whole mountain is their territory. They have many extraordinary people, so they don't have to worry about transporting materials.

With land, money and people, it is understandable to build a bigger one.

The two walked for a while and came to the door of the psychic workshop.

This is also the largest place for psychic goods to be purchased in Tiancheng Temple.

In addition to the disciples of Ci'en Temple, there are also many psychic forces with good relations with Ci'en Temple who buy goods here.

Walking into the workshop, there are piles of steel of different qualities on the shelves inside, in addition to many finished weapons and various psychic medicines.

Chen Mutou took Xu Chenzhou to the third floor of the psychic workshop.

The third floor is only open to disciples inside Ci'en Temple, but Xu Chenzhou has Chen Mutou to lead the way, and now Xu Chenzhou also has the authority of the true disciple of Ci'en Temple, so he can buy.

The person in charge of the workshop is a fat middle-aged monk. When he saw the two people come in, he showed a monk's smile on his face.

Through Chen Mutou's introduction, Xu Chenzhou knew that the middle-aged monk in front of him was called Zuihu, and he was also a monk of Chen Mutou's uncle generation.

This surprised Xu Chenzhou a little. In his impression, temples should have a genealogy, and the first character of the monks of the same generation should be the same.

However, considering that Ci'en Temple was originally somewhat unorthodox, its disciples did not violate the temple rules even by eating meat, drinking, dancing and disco. It was nothing to be surprised about the issue of a Dharma name.

After the introduction of Monk Zuihu, Xu Chenzhou chose two types of steel after a selection.

One was the Xumi Fire Rock Rod. The psychic weapon made of this steel had its own flame power. The stronger the soul power, the more powerful the fire on the sword. According to Monk Zuihu, if a fifth-level psychic saint controlled a flying sword made of this steel, the flames he spewed out in one blow could melt an entire mountain into magma.

The other type of steel was more interesting. It was actually a specialty of Ci'en Temple. This steel was called Duoluoye Budongxin Zen Steel. It was said to be made by Abbot Tiancan himself.

This kind of steel has one advantage, that is, it can resist various spiritual powers. When controlling the psychic weapons made of this steel, the mind is like being trapped in a harbor, which can shield various interferences from the outside world.

Xu Chenzhou tested that the soul can completely shield the interference of the blood and qi of the martial saint level, and even has a strong resistance to the blood and qi of the human immortal level, and can also block the attack of the mind system. Refining a flying sword of this material and keeping it at hand will definitely be useful.

What's more, this kind of steel will definitely be of great use to Hong Yi. The value of materials that can resist the blood and qi of the human immortal level in the Yangshen world is absolutely inestimable, so Xu Chenzhou placed the order without hesitation.

After choosing what to buy, Xu Chenzhou paid decisively. Xu Chenzhou bought fifty kilograms of both types of steel, each of which was enough for him to refine ten flying swords.

However, the price of these steel materials is really expensive. They are just raw materials, but for such a small amount, he spent 2.5 million, an average of 50,000 yuan per kilogram.

And this price is the internal price. The material prices given to disciples by Ci'en Temple are basically the cost price, which is far lower than the market price.

In addition, even the internal price of the true disciples can be discounted by 20%.

Under such circumstances, Xu Chenzhou still spent so much money to get it.

According to Chen Mu, if it is a psychic from other forces, first of all, there is definitely no true discount, and secondly, there is no purchase qualification. If you want to buy these two precious steels, you must buy them at a premium. According to the market price, it will cost at least more than 4 million after the premium.

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