All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 101 The Improper Abbot

The Taoist art that Xu Chenzhou practiced was the Amitabha Sutra, which was originally a Buddhist secret book, and it subtly echoed the Zen on the pilgrim's road.

Under the brewing of this Zen, Xu Chenzhou felt that the soul in his mind was constantly growing.

Crystal clear thoughts like crystals were slowly born from his sea of ​​consciousness.

With each additional thought, Xu Chenzhou felt as if he had an extra brain, and the speed of his thinking was doubled.

This feeling was very familiar to Xu Chenzhou. These crystal clear thoughts gave him the feeling that they were the core of Zhang Sanfeng and Hong Yi's thinking.

But the difference was that the core of Zhang Sanfeng and Hong Yi's thinking was running in another way of thinking, while his thoughts were exactly the same as his own way of thinking.

Chen Mu, who was standing aside, found that Xu Chenzhou had no sound while walking.

He turned his head and found that although Xu Chenzhou was still walking upwards, his eyes were closed.

He exuded a long and ancient temperament that was entrenched in the past and eternally motionless.

As if, Chen Mutou felt that the figure of this childhood friend in front of him overlapped with the figure of the past supreme Buddha he saw in the main hall yesterday.

At this moment, a monk wearing a patched robe with a wine gourd hanging from his waist staggered down the mountain.

The monk had very short hair on his head, black with blue, and a pair of tattered cloth shoes on his feet, looking free and easy.

The monk saw Chen Mutou going up the mountain and waved casually.

"Little Mutou, is this your friend? It's rare. I've never seen you bring friends back to the temple to play."

Chen Mutou also waved to the monk: "Hello, Master Kujiu, Xu Chenzhou is my best friend. I'll take him to visit the temple."

After saying that, the monk Kujiu swayed and was about to pass by the two.

But at this moment, the monk Kujiu noticed Xu Chenzhou standing next to Chen Mutou.

This young man seemed to have his eyes closed, but he walked very steadily with every step.

There was also a sense of Zen on him, which was very faint, but very far-reaching, as if it came from the endless past.

Every step he took was like walking from the past to the present.

With just this one glance, the bitter wine monk could no longer move his eyes away.

Others didn't know, but as a senior official of Ci'en Temple, didn't the bitter wine monk know?

The Pilgrim's Road is the greatest heritage of Ci'en Temple.

Every flower, grass, and tree on the road were carefully placed by the masters of Ci'en Temple, which contained the Zen that the masters of Ci'en Temple had realized.

The disciples walked on the Pilgrim's Road every day, and they could unknowingly imprint this Zen in their hearts, and the disciples with particularly outstanding qualifications could even use this Zen to achieve sudden enlightenment.

It was obvious that Xu Chenzhou was in a state of sudden enlightenment.

What surprised the bitter wine monk even more was that the Zen that emanated from Xu Chenzhou was vast, far-reaching, and endlessly ancient.

Even the abbot of Ci'en Temple, Monk Tiancan, might not be able to comprehend this level of Zen.

He vaguely saw a Buddha from Xu Chenzhou, sitting far away in the past, motionless, letting the long river of time wash away, but his Dharma body did not change at all.

This made Monk Kujiu a little crazy.

Xu Chenzhou walked in front, and Monk Kujiu followed behind him.

They walked towards Ci'en Temple step by step.

After a long time, Xu Chenzhou finally reached the end of the pilgrim's road, and his epiphany finally ended.

After the epiphany ended, Xu Chenzhou found that twelve thoughts were separated from his sea of ​​consciousness.

Each thought looked as bright and crystal as a diamond from a distance.

And beside him, in addition to Chen Mutou, there was actually another old monk.

Xu Chenzhou vaguely sensed a scorching power as vast as the sun from the old monk.

"Amitabha, good, good, I am the monk Kujiu, meeting Mr. Xu."

Chen Mutou patted Xu Chenzhou on the shoulder and whispered in his ear: "This is my uncle, Master Kujiu. In Ci'en Temple, he is the best to me besides my teacher."

Looking at the monk Kujiu in front of him, Xu Chenzhou felt a little dazed.

The last time he saw a real monk was in Shaolin Temple.

As for Chen Mutou, this kid just shaved his head and did not formally become a monk, so he was not a real monk.

However, Ci'en Temple is different from Shaolin Temple with strict temple rules.

According to Chen Mutou, the precepts of Ci'en Temple are very loose. Whether it is eating meat and drinking, or going down the mountain to dance, everything is allowed. The main point is that the wine and meat pass through the intestines, but the Buddha stays in the heart.

And the elders and abbots in the temple are very kind and are truly virtuous monks.

Knowing that he is Chen Mutou's elder, Xu Chenzhou will naturally not neglect him.

"Hello, Master Kujiu, I am Xu Chenzhou."

The monk Kujiu touched his head and smiled: "I have heard about you from Xiao Mu before. At that time, he even asked me for some Thousand Blood Spirit Steel for you. I didn't expect that you are such a talented young man who can comprehend the Zen of the past in the Pilgrim's Way. You should know that among the hundreds of disciples in my Ci'en Temple who have been going up and down in the Pilgrim's Way for many years, no more than a handful of them can achieve enlightenment."

It turned out that Chen Mutou got the Thousand Blood Yuan Ling Steel from the hands of the Bitter Wine Monk, which made Xu Chenzhou like the Bitter Wine Monk more: "Thank you Master Bitter Wine for the Thousand Blood Yuan Ling Steel, it helped me a lot."

The Bitter Wine Monk shook his head: "What is there to thank, Xiao Mutou also bought it from me at the market price."

Having said that, Xu Chenzhou was still very grateful to the Bitter Wine Monk.

The Bitter Wine Monk said it was the market price, but in fact it was the market purchase price of Ci'en Temple. The price was at least twice cheaper than the market price through the channels of Ci'en Temple.

And Xu Chenzhou also knew that the main reason why the Bitter Wine Monk would charge Chen Mutou was because the Thousand Blood Yuan Ling Steel was the public property of Ci'en Temple. Even if it was a scrap, giving it to Chen Mutou was not necessarily a good thing for him. Once people knew about it, they would inevitably gossip.

Master Kujiu paused and continued, "At that time, I was still wondering why Xiaomu's friend wanted psychic materials. Now I know that you are also a psychic. No wonder you want to purchase this kind of psychic-specific materials."

I am a psychic? This made Xu Chenzhou a little confused.

I am obviously a straight-forward extraordinary warrior, how can I suddenly become a psychic.

Xu Chenzhou said softly: "Master Kujiu, are you seeing things? I am obviously an extraordinary warrior, how can I become a psychic?"

Master Kujiu looked at Xu Chenzhou in surprise, then walked in front of him and stared at him: "Extraordinary warrior? Impossible, your soul is so powerful, how can you be one of those extraordinary warriors who can only transform their bodies."

"No, no, no, there is really no trace of spiritual power on your body. Could it be that you have no master yet, but you are really born with a strong soul, how is this possible?"

The more Master Kujiu looked, the more surprised he was, and the more he looked, the more surprised he was.

Every year, Ci'en Temple conducts free physical examinations in all high schools and elementary schools to screen for psychic seeds, but even so, there are bound to be some who slip through the net.

Some of these slip-throughs are because their talents are too weak, and some are because they have joined other hostile psychic forces, so they hide their talents and avoid inspections.

But according to the soul talent shown by Xu Chenzhou, it is impossible for him to slip through the net.

If even such a genius can be missed, then the elder in charge of the admissions department of Ci'en Temple can directly commit suicide to apologize.

The power cultivated by psychics is called spiritual power, which has all kinds of incredible power.

The soul is the basis for cultivating spiritual power. When the soul is combined with the body, it can attract the mysterious power from the sky and condense into spiritual power.

Xu Chenzhou has such a powerful soul, he is simply a peerless genius in cultivating spiritual power.

After discovering that Xu Chenzhou is not a psychic, the bitter wine monk became more enthusiastic. He took Xu Chenzhou to a meditation room and asked Xu Chenzhou about his well-being.

Xu Chenzhou was not opposed to chatting with the bitter wine monk, because the bitter wine monk was indeed a Taoist monk, with unique insights on various cultivation issues. After chatting with the bitter wine monk for a while, Xu Chenzhou felt that he had gained a lot.

Watching the two people chatting enthusiastically, Chen Mu, who was left alone, had some doubts about life. On one side was his best brother, and on the other side was his closest uncle, why did he become a passerby.

As they chatted, Master Kujiu suddenly asked: "Mr. Xu, what do you think of our Ci'en Temple?"

"It's pretty good, with beautiful scenery, pleasant views, and rich spiritual energy. It's a good place to practice."

"In that case, Mr. Xu, why don't you just join our Ci'en Temple,"


Hearing this proposal, Xu Chenzhou's first reaction was to refuse. He didn't want to become bald like Chen Mu.

"No, no, I still prefer to practice martial arts."

He just came to Ci'en Temple to buy psychic materials, why did he suddenly become a member of Ci'en Temple?

All these developments made Xu Chenzhou a little confused.

Just then, the door of the Zen room was pushed open, and an old monk wearing a cassock and full of muscles walked in.

The cassock of this old monk was very peculiar, only covering half of his body, and the skin above the right shoulder and the arm was completely exposed to the air, revealing lumps of muscles.

He didn't look like a serious abbot, but more like a boxing champion.

"Master, why are you here?"

Seeing this old monk, Chen Mu's face showed a look of surprise mixed with a hint of fear.

This old monk is Chen Mutou's master, and also the contemporary abbot of Ci'en Temple, Tiancan Monk.

"If you want to practice martial arts, joining Ci'en Temple is also a very good choice. After all, I am not only a fifth-level psychic saint, but also a fifth-level martial saint. Even the martial arts cultivation of the president of the Martial Arts Association is only comparable to that of me!

As long as you are willing to join Ci'en Temple, I will personally take you to practice martial arts."

Knowing that the person in front of him is Chen Mutou's master, Xu Chenzhou quickly stood up.

The words of Tiancan old monk also moved him, after all, the person in front of him is really a big boss.

The psychic system and the extraordinary martial arts system are both fifth-level. This level of master, let alone in Tiancheng City, is also walking sideways in the entire Shuilan Star.

If Xu Chenzhou had not awakened the chat group of the heavens, he would definitely nod and agree to such an invitation without hesitation.

After all, who wouldn't want to hug such a big and thick leg?

But now, Xu Chenzhou is not very excited. After all, with the chat group at hand, Xu Chenzhou still prefers a free and unrestrained life.

Thinking that becoming a psychic would not only require him to shave his head, but also join the Ci'en Temple and be subject to various constraints imposed by the temple's rules, Xu Chenzhou could only refuse.

"Thank you Master for your kindness, but I have no plans to join a sect now. I prefer the feeling of practicing alone without being bound."

Upon hearing Xu Chenzhou's answer, a look of disappointment flashed across Abbot Tiancan's face.

"If that's the case, it's a pity. After all, little friend, the past Zen you have understood is incomparably consistent with the past supreme Buddhist scriptures of my Ci'en Temple. Coupled with your naturally powerful soul, you are simply a natural psyker seed. "

When Abbot Tiancan was meditating in the Zen room, he had already sensed the appearance of a practitioner who had understood the Zen of the past on the pilgrim's road.

This made Abbot Tiancan extremely happy, thinking that another peerless genius had appeared in Ci'en Temple.

Ci'en Temple has three major Buddhist scriptures that govern the temple, each of which is a peerless magical power that ordinary psychics covet. They are the Silkworm Sutra of the Nine-Death Tathagata, the Immovable Heart Sutra of the Great Sun, and the Buddhist scripture of the Supreme Reincarnation of the Past.

The conditions for practicing these three Buddhist scriptures are extremely demanding. You must understand the corresponding Zen meanings before you can practice. This is why Ci'en Temple spends a lot of energy building the Pilgrim's Path.

In Ci'en Temple today, the first two Buddhist scriptures all have successors, but no one can practice the third Buddhist scripture, the Supreme Reincarnation of the Past.

Initially, Abbot Tiancan felt very happy, until Abbot Tiancan sensed that the practitioner who had understood the Zen in the past was not a disciple of Ci'en Temple, and then he rushed over in a hurry.

What about another peerless genius that was promised?

Why is it that in the blink of an eye it is no longer my own!

Don't let this genius escape, you have to grasp it quickly.

After meeting Xu Chenzhou, Abbot Tiancan was even more satisfied with Xu Chenzhou.

Because he faintly sensed a dozen different thoughts from Xu Chenzhou's sea of ​​consciousness.

The division of souls and the integration of thousands of people are abilities that only spiritual saints can possess.

Being able to divide the soul without even practicing it means that Xu Chenzhou has an unparalleled talent in the cultivation of psionic beings. There is a certain dimension that has vaguely touched the level of a psionic saint. He is a peerless genius that is unique among thousands.

If another person discovers a genius of this level, he will definitely let Xu Chenzhou join his sect even if he is forced.

But Abbot Tiancan is a real eminent monk, so he will naturally not do such things that distort other people's wishes.

But Abbot Tiancan didn't intend to give up. Although he didn't want to be tough, there was still a way to save the country through curves.

"But if you don't become a psyker with your talent, it would really be a waste. Let's do this. I will give you a token. With this token, you can enter the first floor of my Ci'en Temple library. Inside Most of them are some basic books on psychics and some basic exercises collected by Ci'en Temple. You can try to practice them. If you are interested in the future, Ci'en Temple welcomes you to join us at any time. "

After finishing speaking, Abbot Tiancan handed Xu Chenzhou a token. The token was golden in color, with complex patterns carved on it, and small tadpole-shaped characters on the back, as if it were made of gold.

Xu Chenzhou reached out and took the token. He was also very interested in the psyker's training system. Now that he had an opportunity to gain access to some basic knowledge, he would naturally not refuse it.

Of course, given Xu Chenzhou's character, since he has received benefits from others, when the time is right, he will naturally give some rewards to Abbot Tiancan.

Seeing Xu Chenzhou accept the token, Abbot Tiancan felt extremely proud, this was a sure thing.

Once Xu Chenzhou experiences how suitable his talent is for becoming a psyker, he will definitely give up on extraordinary martial arts.

In addition, our Ci'en Temple is so friendly to him, and we are the strongest psyker force in Tiancheng City, so he will definitely join Ci'en Temple.

All the heroes in the world will be put into my jar!

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