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Chapter 100 The Pilgrim's Path!

The young man wearing a Taoist robe flicked his sleeves, and the black and white Taoist robe suddenly rose and fell.

"I can go home naturally because I have already graduated."

Get out!

Hearing these words, Li Xuanqi's heart was wrapped in a big surprise.

Of course he knew what it meant for a cultivator to become a disciple.

As long as you have the qualifications to cultivate an immortal, no matter how poor your abilities are, you can still become a fifth-level immortal cultivator.

Therefore, almost every sect of cultivating immortals regards the fifth level as the watershed of whether a cultivator can become a master.

Before becoming a disciple, the Immortal Cultivators Association strictly prohibited the Immortal Cultivators from participating in secular affairs.

After graduation, there is no such restriction.

This is because before this rule existed, there were many low-level immortal cultivators who had conflicts with people for various reasons and ended up in the end of life and death.

Moreover, among these immortal cultivators there are some amazingly talented cultivators.

Later, Tianxuan Xianzun, the president of the third Immortal Cultivator Association, suddenly realized that since their immortal cultivators can cultivate to the fifth level regardless of their qualifications, why should they fight to the death with cultivators of other cultivation systems? Woolen cloth?

Even if he wants to fight, he has to wait until he reaches the fifth level of cultivation and ascends to immortality, otherwise it will be a big loss.

People from other cultivation systems may die as mediocre people if they lose, but if they die as immortal cultivators, they will lose the seed of a true immortal.

Whoever likes to do this kind of loss-making business can do it, but he doesn’t do it anyway.

After reacting, Tianxuan Immortal Lord immediately issued an order. All immortal cultivators in the Immortal Cultivator Association who have not reached the fifth-level ascending realm are not allowed to get involved in world affairs.

Later, other immortal cultivating sects also realized the mystery of this order and followed suit, and finally it became an established rule among immortal cultivators.

Li Xuanqi couldn't help but reveal a smile when he looked at the young man in Taoist robes: "Xuan Gang, you are indeed the strongest genius in our Li family. It really surprises me. Obviously you only broke through to the fourth level two years ago. I originally thought It will take at least seven or eight years for you to break through to the fifth level, but I didn’t expect that Kung Fu Qi would reach the fifth level in such a short time.”

Li Xuangang's face showed a hint of pride: "According to the normal trajectory, it will indeed take me seven or eight years to reach the fifth level. But some time ago, the Taishang Creation Sect accepted a new talent. Disciple, for this disciple, they opened the Secret Realm of Qiankun, and I was lucky enough to get an opportunity in the Secret Realm of Qiankun, so I was able to practice so quickly. "

The Supreme Creation Sect is the overlord of the immortal cultivation world on Aquablue Star. Even the branch of the Immortal Cultivation Association on Aquablue Star has to shun the Supreme Creation Sect. In the secret realm opened by such a sect, there are countless precious opportunities.

Li Xuangang paused and then continued: "Brother, I heard everything you just said. You have Jiuyou Liuguang gloves on your hands. My father once left a family motto, if Jiuyou Liuguang doesn't take action, it will be done. Once he does, he will be sure If you want to see blood, are you going to kill someone?"

Li Xuanqi nodded and shook his head: "I originally planned to kill people, but now that you are back, in this case, it is okay not to kill people."

With Li Xuangang, a fifth-level immortal cultivator here, even if Xu Chenzhou becomes a fifth-level extraordinary warrior, Li Xuanqi is no longer afraid of him, so there is no need to strike first.

As for the possibility that Xu Chenzhou could become a sixth-level god and demon warrior, Li Xuanqi had never even thought about it. The probability of a sixth-level god and demon warrior appearing among warriors was too low.

Hearing Li Xuanqi's words, Li Xuangang just shook his head: "Brother, have you forgotten what you just said to Guan Zhe? You must root out the roots and do things absolutely. Since hatred has been left, then naturally it cannot be left behind. hand."

Li Xuanqi was a little hesitant. He was so decisive just now because he had foreseen that if he couldn't kill Xu Chenzhou in advance, then Xu Chenzhou would beat him to death.

But now that he has a way out, he naturally doesn't want to go to the border to serve. After all, that place is famous for its flesh and blood winches. Except for geniuses who receive special preferential treatment, other ordinary people are simply looking for death when they go there.

Li Xuangang's voice came slowly: "Brother, don't worry, with me behind you, you can take action boldly. Believe me, I have the bottom line. As long as there are no sixth-level beings to take action, this Xu Chenzhou will be dead if he dies. It won’t make any waves.”

Li Xuangang was very confident that if he personally killed Xu Chenzhou, the impact would be huge.

But if his family killed Xu Chenzhou and he was just protecting his family, then even the Immortal Cultivation Association would not punish him for this behavior.

Therefore, with his strength at the fifth level, coupled with his relationship with his teacher, he can completely go sideways in Tiancheng City, and keeping Li Xuanqi is a piece of cake.

Hearing these words, Li Xuanqi looked back at his brother.

I saw Li Xuangang wearing a black and white Taoist robe, with a pair of yin and yang fish engraved on his chest. His eyes were lowered, and he was extremely indifferent, as if he was an immortal descending from the sky, as if nothing in this world could move him.

Indeed, if he had the support of a fifth-level immortal cultivator behind him, then even the Martial Arts Association would be powerless against him.

"Okay, then I will listen to you. I will kill Xu Chenzhou now."

After saying that, Li Xuanqi planned to leave the practice quiet room in a big stride.

But Li Xuanqi, who was about to leave, was left behind by Li Xuangang.

"Give me three days, I'll go and talk to my friends, and when everything is done, you can kill him, I promise there will be no trouble."

In the luxurious presidential box of the spaceship on the sky track from Luoan City to Tiancheng City.

Zhou Xuanyi was touching things here and there with a curious look on his face.

"As expected of the head of the Joint Research Institute, this is a grand show. I, an old man, have never sat in a presidential box in my life!

This is incredible, the leather of this sofa is actually made of the leather of the fifth-level thunder rhinoceros beast.

And this desk, wow, wow, it is actually made of the sixth-level thousand-year-old blood-sucking tree as the raw material.

This is really luxurious, rich dog!"

Liu Xuanyan shook his head speechlessly.

"The spacecraft is operated by a subsidiary of the United Research Institute. As a senior executive of the United Research Institute, I can naturally upgrade my cabin for free.

Besides, Zhou Xuanyi, can't you sit in the presidential box? It's just that you are too lazy.

The United Research Institute has already awarded you the status of a lifetime honorary professor-level researcher, but you are too lazy to even accept the nameplate."

Zhou Xuanyi patted his thigh: "I call this a people-friendly route. You don't know a thing. You are already old, half buried in the ground, and you don't enjoy your normal life."

The two of them joked for a few more words. This pair of bad friends haven't seen each other for many years, and they have endless things to talk about.

As they chatted, the topic of the two turned back to the treatment plan.

"It's incredible. I've studied it for two days, and the plan is so perfect.

He clearly calculated every step to the second level, but there was no omission.

I used a supercomputer to review it a hundred times, and every treatment was successful.

Do you know what this means?

This means that as long as the treatment goes smoothly, you will definitely become a sixth-level god and demon warrior.

Become a true martial arts legend!"

On the Blue Water Star, few martial arts doctors can plan the time of the treatment plan to the second level.

Because being able to do this means that this martial arts doctor knows all the changes that may occur in the patient's body.

What's more, Zhou Xuanyi's case is so special that all martial arts doctors on the Blue Water Star are helpless with Zhou Xuanyi's condition.

As a result, this master can not only come up with a solution for this difficult patient, but also give such a detailed treatment plan.

This makes Liu Xuanyan feel extremely adoring of this mysterious master.

Liu Xuanyan suddenly stared at Zhou Xuanyi seriously.

"Old Zhou, why don't you want to tell me the identity of that master?

I really want to know.

My research on the theory of the change of the five elements has reached a bottleneck in recent years. It was not until I saw the treatment plan you gave me that I had a new idea.

If I can learn from the master in person, it won't take long for me to truly implement my research."

Zhou Xuanyi didn't want to answer, pretending not to hear and looking to the other side, whistling while looking.

As a fun person, he naturally wouldn't easily meet Liu Xuanyan's request.

Although he brought Xu Chenzhou back to Tiancheng City because he wanted to introduce him to Liu Xuanyan.

But Zhou Xuanyi didn't say it, leaving Liu Xuanyan hanging.

Liu Xuanyan was still begging, "Old Zhou, I have been trapped here for many years. I want to make progress so much. Just tell me." Zhou Xuanyi waved his hand: "Okay, okay, seeing that you are so sincere, I will ask the master if he is free to have dinner with me tonight. If you want to come, then come with me! But if you come, remember that you will pay for today's bill." Zhou Xuanyi said while laughing in his heart. He was already looking forward to how explosive the expression on Liu Xuanyan's face would be when he saw Xu Chenzhou's true body. Xu Chenzhou, who obtained the Star-level Warrior Certificate, did not rest, but became even busier. First of all, there are many affairs that need to be handled by him at the martial arts hall, such as personnel adjustments, changes in business licenses, etc. So far, Baihe Martial Arts Hall is still his only way to make money, so Xu Chenzhou did not give up, and patiently handled all the affairs of the martial arts hall. In addition, he also wanted to buy some more advanced materials to make psychic weapons. Although Xu Chenzhou's Taoist skills are not as good as the two perverts in the group who can enter the ghost fairy realm at any time, he has also practiced to the possession realm.

In order to exert the full power of the possession realm, you must obtain a powerful psychic weapon.

The main purpose of Thousand Blood Yuan Ling Steel is not to make psychic weapons, but to make statues of gods.

It is said that statues made of Thousand Blood Yuan Ling Steel will produce various supernatural powers after being worshipped by believers for a long time, which is of great benefit to the practice of psychics.

In terms of weapons, Thousand Blood Yuan Ling Steel is not outstanding. Whether it is speed or spiritual power conductivity, Thousand Blood Yuan Ling Steel is very average.

If you want to buy psychic materials, the most reliable place near Tiancheng Temple is naturally Ci'en Temple.

Because every time he asks Chen Mu to buy something, he is unwilling to accept money.

Even if Xu Chenzhou transfers money, Chen Mu will transfer the money back, and then send a message to Xu Chenzhou, we are all brothers, why are you polite!

Although Xu Chenzhou didn't mind getting some benefits from his brothers, his principle of doing things was reciprocity. If he got benefits from Chen Mutou, he would naturally return the benefits in the future.

But after all, he had troubled Chen Mu for three or four times, and this time he asked Chen Mu to pay. He was afraid that this kid's small treasury would burst, so this time Xu Chenzhou planned to go to Ci'en Temple in person to take a look.

Xu Chenzhou had just arrived at the foot of Shuoyu Mountain when he saw a shiny bald head.

Knowing that Xu Chenzhou was coming, Chen Mu came to the foot of the mountain early to wait for him.

"You kid! You have to come in person to buy some psychic materials. Do you think your brother Chen is an outsider?"

Seeing Chen Mu's expression and posture very similar to the way a husky points at people, Xu Chenzhou couldn't hold it in and couldn't help laughing out loud.

"How dare I think of you, brother Chen, as an outsider? Don't I want to come and see in person what materials suit my eyes?"

"If you don't dare, why are you laughing so weirdly!"

"No, no, let's get going quickly and go up the mountain!"

Xu Chenzhou's laughter made Chen Mu a little confused. He scratched his bald head and was a little puzzled.

The two walked together towards Shuoyu Mountain.

To be honest, the scenery of Shuoyu Mountain is really beautiful. The mountain road is long, the springs are flowing, the green fields are shady, the breeze brings a faint fragrance of flowers, and the sound of birds singing from time to time comes from the trees. It is simply a paradise on earth.

No wonder these monks in Ci'en Temple chose to build the temple here.

There are two roads to choose from from the foot of Shuoyu Mountain to Ci'en Temple.

One is called Songfeng Ancient Road. It is the easiest to walk on this road. This road is built smoothly and gently. There will be a pavilion for people to rest every few distances.

This mountain road was built specifically for pilgrims. Before the construction of this mountain road, the incense of Ci'en Temple was very bleak.

It was not until this generation of abbots built this mountain road that Ci'en Temple became the most prosperous temple in Tiancheng City in just three to five years. 、

After all, the monks of Ci'en Temple are really capable. The reason why the incense was so bleak before was mainly because the geography was too remote.

Another mountain road is called the Pilgrim's Road. This mountain road is quite rugged. It passes by cliffs, cliffs, streams, etc. along the way. Bodhi trees are planted on both sides of the road. There are 360,000 steps in total.

From a distance, you can see that the Pilgrim's Road is entrenched on Shuoyu Mountain, one circle after another. It is simply a textbook on how to make people take a detour!

It is said that walking on this Pilgrim's Road can cleanse the soul.

Therefore, the disciples of Ci'en Temple must take this Pilgrim's Road every time they go up and down the mountain.

Because Chen Mu was with him, Xu Chenzhou did not use the physical fitness of an extraordinary warrior to quickly pass through this Pilgrim's Road.

Instead, he accompanied him slowly walking on this rugged mountain road, passing through cliffs, cliffs, streams and other difficulties and obstacles along the way.

As he walked, Xu Chenzhou actually felt that his mood became very peaceful, as if he felt a special Zen, and his whole mind began to empty.

The more Xu Chenzhou walked, the deeper his understanding of this pilgrim's path became. All the scenery on this path, whether it was the mountains, trees, grass, or the jagged rocks and bodhi trees planted on both sides of the road, should have been carefully arranged by Ci'en Temple, so people could feel the Zen spirit.

The clear spring water flowed, the bodhi trees bloomed, and in an instant Xu Chenzhou fell into enlightenment.

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