All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 99 Improving Qualifications and Returning to the Original Nature

Yang Chan (disciple of Yuxu Palace): "Little girl, my sister gave you this fruit. You can find a place where no one is around to eat it later. I secretly got this fruit from Uncle Yuding. Listen to Yuding The uncle said that this fruit is called Jiuyuan Xuanling Fruit. After eating it, mortals can improve their qualifications and return to their innate body, which should be helpful to you. "

In fact, Yang Chan also had a sense of proportion in his heart. Although the Jiuxuan Yuanling Fruit was quite precious to mortals, it was nothing to an immortal of the level of Master Yuding.

But this time he was definitely going to get a beating. Thinking of this, Yang Chan touched her butt. Uncle Yuding's ruler would be quite painful.

However, Xiao Yang Chan has no regrets at all, because she knows that the Jiuxuan Yuanling Fruit can be of great help to the little girl who has a mortal body, so although the beating will be painful, it is worth it.

After reading Yang Chan's message, the little girl immediately took out the Jiuxuan Yuanling Fruit from the red envelope.

The ruined temple where she is now is very secluded. It is the home of little Nannan and her brother.

Due to the extremely remote location of the ruined temple, almost no one comes here.

In addition, the soldiers of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty had already left long ago, and they would definitely not return here because of her mortal body.

As soon as the little girl took out the fruit, an amazing fragrance filled the air from the fruit.

As the fragrance spread, emerald green appeared deep in the cracks of the originally dark floor tiles, and weeds emerged from the depths of the floor tiles.

Where the fragrance is diffused, there are lush vegetation.

In the blink of an eye, the originally dark ruined temple turned green.

When the little girl saw this situation, she knew that she had underestimated the fruits that her group of friends had given her.

She was too reckless this time. It seemed that she could no longer stay in this ruined temple in the future. A dead ruined temple suddenly became green, and many people would definitely come to find out what happened.

She should find a more secluded place to take the fruit.

This made the little girl secretly make up her mind to be more cautious from now on, because now she is not just living for herself.

Only by living well can she save her brother from the devil's cave of the Yuhua Dynasty.

The little girl no longer hesitated and swallowed the Nine Yuan Xuanling Fruit into her mouth.

She understood that to be able to have such an impact, this Nine Yuan Xuanling Fruit was absolutely extraordinary.

Now that it has been taken out, the longer it is kept in the hand, the more unsafe it will be and the more variables will arise.

So the best choice is to eat the fruit quickly and leave the ruined temple quickly.

The moment the flesh of the Nine Yuan Xuanling Fruit entered her mouth, it turned into streams of fresh air and flowed into her belly.

The little girl could feel nine streams of fresh air coming out of her belly. These fresh air were floating in her body. Some flowed into the sea of ​​consciousness, some flowed into the Dantian, and some continued to circulate through the meridians throughout her body.

It feels like a full body massage, very comfortable.

As the fresh air slowly integrated into the little girl's body, the transformation was slowly completed.

Originally, the little girl looked very cute, and her skin was breakable, just like a little apple.

And now after the transformation, little Nannan's appearance has improved dramatically. From a distance, little Nannan's whole body seems to be glowing, her skin is as white as gelatin, and she looks like a fairy descending to earth, with fairy energy floating all over her body. With the wind.

Not only that, after the transformation was completed, little Nannan felt that she could easily sense the energy existing between heaven and earth.

Little Nan felt that now she could easily absorb this energy into her body if she wanted to, and run it as directed by her arm.

This is a novel experience that a mortal girl has never experienced before.

After the renovation was completed, the little girl left the ruined temple without stopping for a moment.

After leaving the ruined temple, the little girl pinched a handful of mud from the ground and smeared it all over her body, completely covering up the transformed skin.

She didn't dare to show the slightest sign of abnormality, otherwise she would be discovered by the people of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty, and she would be easily outed.

Little Nannan (a homeless girl): "Sister Yang Chan, I have eaten the fruit you gave me. It is very helpful to me. I feel that I can now easily mobilize the energy in the air, and my physical fitness is also stronger. a lot of."

Seeing the news about his little girl, Xu Chenzhou nodded.

The Nine Yuan Xuanling Fruit is indeed of great help to young ruthless people.

The time that little Nannan has is very limited. She must have strong enough fighting power in the shortest time to hope to rescue her brother.

Although the ruthless emperor used his mortal body to create his own heaven-swallowing demonic skill, he embarked on the road of devouring thousands of ways, and finally achieved the acquired chaotic body.

Being able to step by step from such a low starting point to the position of supreme emperor in the entire universe, the only ruthless emperor in the entire Zhetian Universe has always been the only one.

But in this process, how much hardship the little girl endured and how many detours she took are absolutely unimaginable to others.

You must know that the ruthless emperor is a mortal, and even practicing and feeling the spiritual energy is very difficult.

Not to mention anything else, just taking the first step into spiritual practice from scratch, the little girl must have suffered countless hardships.

Now that he has the Nine Yuan Xuanling Fruit, the starting point of the ruthless emperor who has improved his qualifications is much higher than the original timeline.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Little girl, have you thought about the next step? There are still quite a lot of exercises in the group exercise space, so don't be picky."

Xiao Nannan (wandering little girl): "Brother, I have made up my mind! I plan to try the Perfect Method and the Primordial Method first. After I gain a certain amount of power through practicing these two systems, I will try to seize the cultivation methods of this world, and then try the three cultivation systems together."

Xu Chenzhou approved of Xiao Nannan's plan.

As expected, she is the ruthless emperor. Although she is only three years old, she has an almost terrifying intuition about cultivation. Her choice is indeed the best solution at present.

The Perfect Method and the Heaven-shaking Method are from the same big world. In a sense, as long as the Heaven-shaking World has no restrictions on the Perfect Method, the ruthless emperor can even use the Perfect Method as her main cultivation method.

Because the Perfect Method and the Heaven-shaking Method are essentially different paths to the same destination, after entering the Red Dust Fairyland, there is no barrier between the two methods.

So practicing the Perfect Method in the Heaven-shaking World is definitely the best choice for Xiao Nannan to increase her strength in the early stage.

As for the Honghuang method, Xiao Nannan had just eaten the immortal fruit of the Honghuang world, and she had obtained the innate body. She would definitely be able to achieve twice the result with half the effort in cultivation.

In addition, the Honghuang method has a characteristic, that is, the practitioners are extremely long-lived. They do not need to cultivate to become true immortals, and they can have a long life of hundreds of thousands of years. Moreover, the longevity logic of the Honghuang method is different from that of the Zhatian method. There is no need for any longevity particles at all. As long as there is enough energy, they can live long.

For the Zhatian world without longevity particles, this is like a dimensionality reduction attack. With the Honghuang method, living another life is simply a joke.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "By the way, Xiao Nannan, did you have any fruit core left after eating the fruit? If so, can you give it to me?"

Xiao Nannan (wandering little girl): "Yes, if you want it, I will send it to you now!"

After Xu Chenzhou got the fruit core, he fell into deep thought.

Xu Chenzhou was very greedy for the Jiuyuan Xuanling Fruit. The effect of improving qualifications and returning to the innate body was also quite attractive to him.

Not only that, he also has a little bun at home.

Xu Chenzhou is not the kind of person who forgets his relatives after getting benefits.

Little bun's martial arts aptitude is very poor. Even if he has Qiankun Yiqi rice and Taigu Longya rice, it only gives little bun hope of becoming an extraordinary warrior.

In this case, why do we still practice martial arts? Why not practice immortality directly?

Martial arts are tiring and hard, and it is difficult for little bun to achieve great achievements with his talent. Xu Chenzhou is reluctant to let his sister suffer this kind of pain.

However, Xu Chenzhou knows that the Jiuyuan Xuanling Fruit should be extremely precious to Xiao Yangchan, otherwise according to Xiao Yangchan's temperament, she would have given one to each group member long ago.

So if you still want to get the Jiuyuan Xuanling Fruit, you must find a way yourself.

He asked Xiao Nannan for this fruit core, and his main purpose was to use the Cantian Creation Liquid to cultivate the Jiuyuan Xuanling Fruit again.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Han Li, if I give you this fruit core, are you sure you can cultivate the Nine Yuan Mysterious Spiritual Fruit?"

Xu Chenzhou still had some hesitations. If Han Li was in the fairy world now, then Xu Chenzhou would have no worries.

But Han Li is in the mortal world now. With the spiritual power level of the mortal world, is there really a way to cultivate this top-level spiritual fruit from the prehistoric world?

Han Li (disciple of the Seven Profound Sect): "I feel it's very uncertain. The difference in the concentration of spiritual energy between the prehistoric world and the mortal world is too big. There is an 80% chance that nothing can be cultivated, and there is a 20% chance that a degraded version can be cultivated. However, it is a bit of a waste to cultivate this spiritual fruit created by heaven and earth into a degraded version."

Han Li actually has a lot of ideas about the Nine Yuan Mysterious Spiritual Fruit. Not only can it improve qualifications, but it can also restore the innate body. This is too tempting for those who take drugs all the way to cultivate immortals.

He really can't accept the possibility that he will kill the Nine Yuan Mysterious Spiritual Fruit or degenerate it.

Yang Chan (disciple of Yuxu Palace): "How about this, Brother Han Li, you give me the Cantian Creation Liquid and let me plant it. It's very big on Yuquan Mountain, I'll go to the back mountain to find a safe place to plant the kernel."

Han Li (disciple of Qixuan Sect): "Isn't this a bit bad? Didn't the group leader say that there are several perverted beings called saints in the prehistoric world. Will they notice you bringing the Cantian Creation Liquid to the prehistoric world? If you fall into their sight, there may be terrible consequences."

Yang Chan (disciple of Yuxu Palace): "Don't worry, I was also worried about this when I took things from the red envelope before, But the chat group assured me that with its protection, no one could detect my abnormality. "

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "It is indeed the case. The ability of the chat group is still trustworthy. Han Li's world, Xiao Nannan's world, Shi Hao's world, and Yang Chan's world all have extremely terrifying existences. Those existences can wander between the past and the future. If the chat group cannot block their perception, I am afraid that you will be discovered by them the first second you enter the group."

Xu Chenzhou is still quite confident about the chat group. After all, if he is not good enough, he dare not pull Shi Hao, the ruthless emperor, and Han Lao Mo into the chat group.

Yang Chan (disciple of Yuxu Palace): "In this case, then we have a deal. I will cultivate the Nine Yuan Mysterious Spirit Fruit.

There are eighteen fruits on a branch of Nine Yuan Mysterious Spiritual Fruit. I have already eaten the fruit, so eating more won’t help me much. So I only need one fruit to return to Uncle Yu Ding, and the other seventeen will be divided equally between Brother Han Li and Brother Group Leader. ”

Xu Chenzhou: “I don’t need that many, just leave three for me, and give the other five to other group members. "

Xu Chenzhou calculated it just right. He got one fruit, his sister got one fruit, and he kept one fruit in his hand for emergency use. The remaining five were distributed to the group members.

There happened to be five group members who didn't have the Nine Yuan Mysterious Spirit Fruit, so one fruit was just right for each person.

And the remaining nine were all left to Han Li. After all, the Cantian Creation Liquid for cultivating the Nine Yuan Mysterious Spirit Fruit came from Han Li's small green bottle, and no one would object if he took a little more.

Star Domain World, Tianyuan Martial Arts Hall, the owner's training room.

At this time, the training room was very quiet, the air was filled with a solemn atmosphere, the light was dim, and the flickering candlelight printed two long shadows on the ground.

The owner Li Xuanqi was wearing a martial arts uniform, and his burly figure stood there like a mountain.

The style of his martial arts uniform was very strange, without sleeves, and a golden dragon was embroidered on the back. This golden dragon embroidery passed through his shoulders and A ferocious dragon head was exposed on his chest, looking extremely arrogant.

Li Xuanqi's two thick arms were exposed in the air, and the lumpy muscles looked like rocks.

In front of him, there was a man kneeling.

This man knelt on the ground carefully, not even daring to breathe, without any movement, just like a stone statue. If it weren't for the slight rise and fall of his abdomen, he would probably be mistaken for a dead person.

The man kneeling on the ground was Li Guanze, the young master of Tianyuan Martial Arts Hall.

At this time, Li Guanze had long lost the arrogant confidence in front of Xu Chenzhou, and turned into a trembling quail.

He also took off the extremely conspicuous golden silk clothes on his body, and hid the dragon blood bodhi fan tightly around his waist, and changed into a simple martial arts outfit.

"Tell me, where did you go wrong! "

Li Xuanqi's voice was very cold, as if he was chewing a piece of cold iron in his mouth.

Every word made people feel a chill in their backs, and the chill enveloped the whole body.

"I shouldn't have provoked Baihe Martial Arts School for the sake of merit before I understood the situation. If I had been more careful in advance and knew earlier that Xu Chenzhou was a limit-breaking warrior, I could have avoided this conflict and would not have provoked such a great enemy for the martial arts school. "

Li Xuanqi was silent for a while, and a trace of disappointment flashed in his lowered eyes, and then he sighed faintly.

"Wrong, very wrong,

I'm not angry about you provoking a limit-breaking warrior, but about you being indecisive, which is not like my son, Li Xuanqi, at all.

Since we have set our sights on the land of Baihe Martial Arts School, it doesn't matter who the enemy is in front of us. Once we do something, we must do it thoroughly.

The Martial Arts Association does protect every martial arts school in Tiancheng City, and we have no way to do it openly.

Your initial approach was correct. You used the withdrawal of classes to create financial pressure and force Baihe Martial Arts School to sell the land to us.

But your plan was broken by Xu Chenzhou's strength, and we also had a grudge against him.

In this case, you have to do it thoroughly.

If you can't do it openly, then you can hire someone to kill someone on the black market!

Didn't I give you enough funds for the operation?

The sooner we know his strength, the less threat Xu Chenzhou poses to us.

We had to wait until the martial arts assessment to give him a stage to show his strength.

Now, Xu Chenzhou's identity as a martial artist who broke the limit has been known by the Martial Arts Association.

Now even if I want to eliminate this threat, I have to pay a huge price.

This is where you really did something wrong. "

After saying that, Li Xuanqi took a few steps forward and slapped Li Guanze hard in the face.

Li Guanze, who was slapped, looked extremely miserable. There was a red palm print on his hand, half of his face was swollen, and even one of his front teeth was knocked out.

But after being beaten like this, Li Guanze didn't even dare to make a sound, and still knelt quietly on the ground without moving.

"Very good, this is like my son, Li Xuanqi.

Who told me that I am your father, I will help you clean up the trouble you caused.

But you must remember that in the future, no matter whether you are a person or a person, you must do it thoroughly as long as you do it. "

Hearing this, Li Guanzhe raised his head suddenly, with an anxious look on his face.

"Father, you must not do this.

You can certainly kill Xu Chenzhou by yourself now, but he is now a limit-breaking warrior. If the martial arts association knows about this, you may have to serve in the border. "

Li Xuanqi looked at his son kneeling on the ground and sighed again.

"After I leave, Tianyuan Martial Arts School will be handed over to you. If you are still so indecisive, I will be worried.

Since you know what a super-limit warrior means, and you also know that we have a deadly feud with Xu Chenzhou, why do you still have a fluke?

Yes, if Xu Chenzhou really kills you and me, even if he is a super-limit warrior, he will still have to serve in the border.

But with Xu Chenzhou's talent, even if he serves in the border, he will be treated at the most elite level. It won't take a few years for him to return to Tiancheng City with merit.

For him, serving in the border is not a punishment, but a kind of practice.

If you don't strike first, are you waiting for him to kill us? "

After saying that, Li Xuanqi took out two iron gloves from the safe behind him.

The two gloves were dark black, with a cold light flashing on the surface. There were colorful strips inlaid on the finger bones of the gloves, which looked quite strange.

After putting on the gloves, Li Xuanqi's aura became more ferocious, like a beast that chooses its prey.

He was ready to fight Xu Chenzhou tonight in the dark.

Just when Li Xuanqi was about to take action, a long sigh sounded.

This sigh was ethereal, as if it came from the left, right, front, and back, and there was no fixed direction, as if it came from the sky.

Hearing this ghostly sigh, Li Xuanqi was not surprised but happy. He turned around and looked at the young man in Taoist robes standing behind him.

"Xuan Gang, it's you, why are you back!"

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