All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 98 Draw again, a great number!

Lu Mingfei (dragon slayer): "It's a different time now. I'm not in the mood for love right now. To be honest, I'm used to being wild in the world of Monster Hunter. It's boring to go back to school. I feel itchy from time to time and want to find a dragon to chop."

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "If you want to chop a dragon, it's not a big deal. Whether it's Odin or Fenrir, I know the location of their Nibelungen. I guarantee you can chop whoever you want."

After Xu Chenzhou finished speaking, Lu Mingfei looked at his empty palms, and the scene of himself standing in front of the Dragon King with bare hands and being torn to pieces by them emerged in his mind.

Lu Mingfei shook his head violently, shaking out such a terrible scene from his mind.

Lu Mingfei (dragon slayer): "No, no, this dungeon is too difficult. I'd better practice for a few more days. Unless someone can return my equipment in Monster Hunter World to me, I will go buy a ticket right away (I can't do it.jpg)"

Lu Mingfei couldn't tell how strong the Dragon King in Dragon World was, but he thought it shouldn't be worse than the Black Dragon in Monster Hunter World. He didn't have the equipment to kill a dragon of this level. He hadn't lived long enough and didn't want to die so early.

Lu Mingfei (Dragon Slayer): "Although school life is boring, I have found some fun recently. I found someone who has been following me secretly. If I am not mistaken, she should be Jiude Mai mentioned in the group leader's intelligence."

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Given your brother Lu Mingze's obsession with you, it would be abnormal for him not to find Jiude Mai to monitor you after seeing such a huge change in you.

This woman appears in your life. It seems that Mingfei, you will soon be able to get rid of the boring school life.

Given this woman's personality, I think it is normal even if she gets two Deadpools to test your changes.

And I think Jiude Mai is more in line with your current aesthetics than Chen Wenwen and Xiao Tiannv. She has big breasts, long legs, a perky butt, and is also very good at fighting."

Xu Chenzhou's words made Lu Mingfei blush again. Big breasts, long legs, a perky butt, plus being very good at fighting, are indeed his guide to choosing a partner in the Monster Hunter world, but he has never thought about anything happening with Jiude Mai.

At least before he saw Jiude Mai's true face, Lu Mingfei did not have any special ideas.

After finishing the chat in the group, Xu Chenzhou was surprised to find that the chat group actually gave him another group member's lottery quota.

Could it be that every time he completed the cub growth task, he could get a lottery quota?

However, Xu Chenzhou could not be sure, after all, Xu Chenzhou had not yet fully understood the operating rules of the chat group.

But no matter what the reason for getting the lottery quota, it was right to draw.

Xu Chenzhou was still quite confident in his luck.

After all, the results of his previous draws were quite good, which made him very satisfied.

Xu Chenzhou clicked the draw button without hesitation, and the familiar interface appeared again, and the world kept rotating.

This time, another pair of brothers and sisters appeared in front of Xu Chenzhou.

The younger sister was just over three years old, wearing a ragged patched clothes. Although her face was covered with dust, she looked very cute.

Although the elder brother is only eight or nine years old, he is a very extraordinary young genius with a heroic figure and bright eyes.

In the picture, the boy puts a bronze ring on the little girl's hand, and the little girl holds the boy's legs and keeps crying.

Beside them stood soldiers, each of whom was wearing golden armor and holding a spear shining with fairy light.

Surrounded by soldiers, the boy had no choice but to say goodbye to the little girl.

The little girl who left the boy sat on the ground and cried loudly, and her crystal clear tears were like strings of pearls falling continuously.

Xu Chenzhou saw this scene and the bronze mask held tightly in the boy's hand, and he also had some guesses about the identity of the little girl in the picture.

It seems that he has won the jackpot again this time.

And if it is this time point, it is not impossible to reverse the tragic future.

As time passed, the girl's name information gradually emerged under her body.

The ruthless emperor, Nannan (three years old)

World: The Heavens

Seeing the girl's identity information, Xu Chenzhou nodded. As expected, this time he drew the ruthless emperor, who was known as the most beautiful emperor in the history of The Heavens.

This is also a good sign.

Although in the original timeline, the final achievements of the ruthless emperor were not as good as Ye Fan and Shi Hao.

But that happened in the future that was unknown how long ago, and after joining the chat group, the ruthless emperor knew in advance that her achievements might not be inferior to Ye Fan.

Let's talk about the ruthless emperor himself. He practiced the Heaven Devouring Demon Art with his mortal body, devoured countless special physiques, and finally achieved the Chaos Body, which overwhelmed the entire universe.

Not only that, the ruthless emperor also created many ancient scriptures and supreme immortal methods with his own understanding.

The Great Dao Aquarius, the Heaven Devouring Demon Art, the Wanhua Saint Art, the Yi Nian Hua Kai Jun Tianxia, ​​the Feixian Art, and other ancient and modern unique skills were all created by the ruthless emperor himself.

However, Xu Chenzhou was still a little surprised that he had drawn the ruthless emperor.

After all, he had long known that the Perfect World and the Heaven-shaking World were actually different timelines of the same world.

Would Shi Hao and the ruthless emperor joining the chat group at the same time create a time paradox?

Or do these two people actually come from different worlds, but these two worlds belong to two similar flowers?

Xu Chenzhou couldn't guess how the chat group did it, but existence is reasonable. Since the ruthless emperor has successfully joined the chat group, Xu Chenzhou is too lazy to think so much. Anyway, as his cultivation strength continues to improve, he will eventually be able to touch the real secret of the chat group one day.

Xu Chenzhou clicked the invitation button without hesitation. There are too many treasures worth digging in the world of covering the sky, which is not inferior to the perfect world.

With the addition of new members, the chat group, which had been quiet for a long time, became lively again.

Misaka Mikoto, Lu Mingfei, Xiao Shihao, and Yang Chan were even more excited.

This was the first time that a new person joined the chat group after they joined.

The four expressed a warm welcome to the new member Xiao Nannan, but this scared Xiao Nannan.

Xiao Nannan (a wandering little girl): "What is this thing? How could it suddenly appear in my mind?"

Xiao Nannan burst into tears while typing in the chat group.

After all, the young ruthless emperor was only a three-year-old child. On one hand, he was facing the sadness of parting with his brother, and on the other hand, there was a strange thing in his mind.

This made the young ruthless emperor completely confused, and he didn't know what to do.

Xu Chenzhou was very soft-hearted about this young ruthless man who had just lost his brother, and did not routinely let Xiao Nannan read the content of the group announcement.

Instead, he slowly explained to Xiao Nannan word by word in the group chat what the Zhutian Cubs Chat Group was.

With Xu Chenzhou's explanation, Xiao Nannan slowly understood what the Zhutian Cubs Chat Group was.

After having a certain understanding of the chat group, Xiao Nannan became very excited.

Xiao Nannan (wandering little girl): "That's great, group leader brother, according to what you said, after I get the skills from the chat group, I can practice, so that I can go find my brother."

Seeing the message Xiao Nannan sent in the group, Xu Chenzhou felt a little heavy.

Unlike Xiao Shihao, when facing Xiao Nannan, Xu Chenzhou must tell her exactly what she will face in the future.

The reason why Xu Chenzhou concealed something from Shihao was that the information he told Shihao was enough to give him enough motivation to practice.

In this case, Xu Chenzhou naturally wanted to leave Shihao a beautiful childhood and didn't want him to bear the darkness too early.

But Xiao Nannan was different. She didn't have time.

Although at this point in time, Xiao Nannan had just separated from his brother.

But Xu Chenzhou was not sure when Xiao Nannan's brother would die.

Maybe there were still three or four years, or maybe only one or two years.

And Xiao Nannan wanted to save her brother, but the opponent she had to face was the powerful Yuhua Divine Dynasty.

Even with the existence of a chat group, it was really difficult to practice from a mortal body to the point where she could cross the void and go to the solar system to save her brother in one or two years.

But such a future was really a darkness that a three-year-old girl could not bear.

Xu Chenzhou had no choice but to choose to believe in the young ruthless emperor.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Xiao Nannan, you are right. After practicing, you can indeed find your brother, but the difficulty may be much greater than you think."

Xiao Nannan in the dilapidated temple tilted her head, and the tears on her round little face had not dried yet. She tilted her head and looked at Xu Chenzhou's message in confusion.

The uncles of Yuhua Divine Dynasty were unwilling to take me away because I am a mortal body that cannot practice.

If I can practice, then I can let those uncles take me to find my brother.

Why did the group leader say that this is a difficult thing?

Xu Chenzhou continued without pause: "What I will say next may be cruel, but Xiao Nannan, don't be afraid. Since you have joined the chat group, everything is possible. Even if the future is really dark, you must believe that with the help of group friends, we will be able to break through the darkness and successfully see the light you want to see."

Xu Chenzhou's solemn tone gave Xiao Nannan a bad premonition.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "In your world, a powerful person who dominated the entire universe appeared thousands of years ago. His name was Emperor Zun. Emperor Zun left a cauldron of immortality in a place called Yinghuo. Yuhua Divine Dynasty discovered this cauldron, but now the cauldron of immortality is broken. In order to repair it, monks must offer sacrifices. Monks with special physiques offer better sacrifices. And your brother's physique is the ancient holy body, which is the strongest special physique in the entire universe."

Before Xu Chenzhou finished speaking, Xiao Nannan's tears had already flowed into her eyes again.

Although she was very young, Xiao Nannan had already known the darkness of human hearts because of the suffering she had suffered over the years.

Before Xu Chenzhou finished speaking, she had already guessed how dark the future her brother was facing.

Xiao Nannan raised her hand to wipe away her tears, her eyes full of ferocity and determination.

Xiao Nannan (wandering little girl): "Brother group leader, do you know how long my brother has left?"

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "I'm sorry, I can't be sure about this, but it should be a year or two at least. With the help of the chat group, one or two years is enough for you to have considerable power. I will upload a copy later. The information in the chat group contains some information about your future. However, because the time period you are in is far away from the story line of Zhetian, the content in this information should not be relevant to you now. Very helpful.

In addition, due to your special situation, I temporarily give you permission to download the exercises in the group exercise space at will. If you exceed the quota of exercises, you can upload the exercises in the future to make up for it. "

After saying that, Xu Chenzhou returned to the practice quiet room and gave his little girl a lot of daily necessities.

In addition, there is also a large box of Shiquan Body Training Cream.

He has become a first-level warrior, and he has no use keeping these Shiquan body training ointments, so he simply gave them all to the little girl.

Shi Hao (Shicun cub): "My little girl is so pitiful. Although my parents are no longer with me, I still have the old village chief with me."

Seeing what happened to little Nannan, Xiao Shihao couldn't help but feel some sympathy in his heart.

Staring at his short legs, he ran into his house and took out a small earthenware jar from the deepest part of the house.

The earthen jar is filled with white liquid, which exudes a sweet smell.

Looking at the earthen jar, Xiao Shi Hao had a look of extreme reluctance in his eyes, but remembering what happened to his little girl, Shi Hao gritted his teeth and sent the earthen jar as a red envelope to his little girl.

Shi Hao (Shicun cub): "Nanny, I'll give this to you. It contains my favorite animal milk. Every time I'm in a bad mood, just drinking a little animal milk makes me feel a lot happier.

Oh, right! I also have a lot of precious medicine and precious blood here that are helpful for cultivation, which should be very helpful to you. I will go to the old village chief to get some, please wait for me."

After saying that, Shi Hao stared at his short legs and ran towards the old village chief's house.

The village chief had nothing to do with this little baby. He could only watch helplessly as Shi Hao dug out many precious medicinal materials from his house, as well as a jar of precious monster blood.

Regarding these things, there was no trace of reluctance on Xiao Shi Hao's face, as if these precious cultivation materials were not important at all.

He walked to a secluded corner and neatly distributed all these cultivation resources to the little girl.

In addition to Xiao Shihao, other group members also provided help to Xiao Nannan to the best of their ability.

Misaka Mikoto ran to the supermarket in Academy City and frantically purchased many snacks that little girls loved, as well as many daily necessities and toys that little girls could use.

Yang Chan sneaked into the house of Master Yuding, secretly took out a fruit as red as blood from the small jade box collected by Master Yuding, and then ran to her second brother's bedside and pulled out a stack of talismans.

Lu Mingfei reluctantly took out his pocket money from under his pillow and bought a lot of things to give to his little girl.

Although Lu Shaozi now has an astonishing physical strength, he has not had time to make money with this strength. What he has under the pillow is already his entire pocket money.

Even Han Li, who has always been relatively indifferent, stuffed two centuries-old medicinal herbs into the red envelope.

The red envelopes from the group members hit the little girl like snow.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Nanny, remember, don't be in a hurry to receive these red envelopes. You can see the detailed introduction of the contents of the red envelope by clicking on the exclamation mark next to it. Wait until you really need it before you receive it."

The care of the group members warmed the little girl's heart that had become cold.

When she heard that her brother had been deceived into working as a coolie and that he would be sacrificed to the Immortal Cauldron at any time, an impulse to destroy everything emerged in her heart. However, under the care of the group members, this impulse slowly disappeared. Calm down.

The tearful little girl looked at the series of red envelopes in the group and her tears kept flowing. She murmured to the chat group: "Thank you everyone."

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