All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 97 Zhenwu Dan Condensation Method

After leaving Wu Wenhou Mansion on his sword, Hong Yi flew northward.

After making a big fuss in Yujing City, he knew that he was no longer suitable to stay in Luo Yun's mansion. With his current identity, he would only bring trouble to Luo Yun.

Moreover, Hong Yi felt that his current strength was fully qualified to go to the wilderness to seize the Immortal Bag.

The Human Bag contained the general outline of the Tathagata Sutra. After obtaining the Immortal Bag, it would have unimaginable benefits for his martial arts cultivation.

This time, Hong Yi gained a lot from making a big fuss in Yujing City.

Killing Mrs. Zhao in front of Hong Xuanji made his thoughts extremely clear, and his soul grew rapidly. Hong Yi felt that his current foundation was enough to survive the second thunder tribulation.

And in the chat group, it was as lively as the New Year at this time.

After Hong Yi took back the red envelope from Xu Chenzhou, he immediately sent all of Hong Xuanji's collection to the cultivation space of the chat group.

Many of the books hidden in the cultivation room by Hong Xuanji were the martial arts of other sects.

Almost every book is eligible to be uploaded to the chat group's practice space.

However, the chat group has its own operating rules.

Hong Yi uploaded so many secret books in one go, and many of the principles in the books are common to each other, so the chat group sorted out those highly similar secret books together.

In the end, the books presented in the practice space became Hongfu Wuzang 1 to 20 volumes, and a Taishang Danjing.

After completing this upload, the number of books from the Yangshen world in the group's practice space is unique, more than the practice of other worlds combined.

In the past, the Amitabha Sutra, now the Tathagata Sutra (incomplete), the Bull Demon's Great Strength Fist, the Tiger Demon's Bone Training Fist, the Spirit Turtle Breathing Method, the Taishang Danjing, Hongfu Wuzang 1 to 20 volumes, and the Wheel of Life and Death, densely packed, occupying most of the layout.

Xu Chenzhou couldn't help but sigh that Hong Yi is indeed a master of sharing practice, and the contribution of one person is almost equal to that of a group of people.

As the group owner, Xu Chenzhou has the authority to make fine adjustments to some group functions.

Under Xu Chenzhou's adjustment, all the techniques in the technique space were classified according to the different worlds.

The Yang God world belongs to the Yang God world, and the Honghuang world belongs to the Honghuang world, which looks much more beautiful.

After adjusting the group function, Xu Chenzhou remembered one more thing. He had not received the reward for the cub growth task this time.

Xu Chenzhou directly clicked to receive the reward.

The reward this time was inferior to the last time.

There were still three things, namely Hong Yi's understanding, ten years of Zhutian Life and Death Wheel cultivation, and ancient dragon tooth rice seeds.

First of all, understanding. The reward Xu Chenzhou received last time was the understanding of Zhang Sanfeng at the peak, but this time he lacked the word "peak", and only received Hong Yi's understanding as a reward.

There is actually a big difference between the two words "peak" and "peak".

Peak Hong Yi is the last son of the legendary philosophers and a figure at the half-step to the other shore level. If he could get the understanding of peak Hong Yi, Xu Chenzhou dared not imagine what it would be like.

Hong Yi's understanding should refer to Hong Yi's understanding now, which is much less helpful to Xu Chenzhou. After all, Hong Yi is still very immature now, and his experience and vision are far less than his peak period.

However, Xu Chenzhou was not disappointed with this reward. After all, Zhang Junbao's situation is completely different from that of everyone in the group.

Lao Zhang's debut was at the peak. After surviving the Shaolin disaster, his life has been smooth sailing since then, and there have been no more disasters.

Therefore, Zhang Junbao's cub growth task is both his first cub growth task and his last cub growth task.

The reward is naturally more generous.

The other members in the group are completely different. Everyone's life can be described by the four words "disasters".

It seems that the reward has become a little worse, but considering the comprehensive number of tasks, the income from being a nanny for other group members is definitely far better than Zhang Junbao's one-time deal.

As for why the reward of ten years of cultivation is the Wheel of Life and Death, Xu Chenzhou is actually quite curious.

Logically speaking, it should be the Amitabha Sutra in the past. He has never practiced the Wheel of Life and Death.

But to be honest, the Wheel of Life and Death is also very good. It is considered a first-class skill in the Yangshen World. It is worth learning it.

And the ten years of practicing the Wheel of Life and Death is also of great help to Xu Chenzhou.

The human immortal martial arts in the Yangshen World are far less effective in training the body in the pre-human immortal stage than the extraordinary martial arts system in the Star Domain World.

But the human immortal martial arts also has a huge advantage, that is, the fist intention.

Almost every martial saint can master the powerful fist intention, which is something that the extraordinary martial arts system cannot do.

The focus of the practice of the extraordinary martial arts system is to shape extraordinary organs, and they don’t care much about the illusory things such as moves and fist intention.

Therefore, in the Star Domain World, even many gods and demons have not mastered the mysterious things such as fist intention.

With these ten years of practicing the Wheel of Life and Death, Xu Chenzhou has completely mastered the fist intention of the Wheel of Life and Death.

As for the last reward, the Ancient Dragon Tooth Rice, Xu Chenzhou was also very surprised.

The Ancient Dragon Tooth Rice is the food of the ancient dragons. If a warrior can eat the Ancient Dragon Tooth Rice every day, then his body will be pure, his strength will increase, and he can easily become a human immortal.

Compared to the Ancient Dragon Tooth Rice, the Qiankun Yiqi Rice that Hong Yi obtained in the previous transaction is simply garbage.

Xu Chenzhou was very interested in the ancient dragon rice before. Now he can get the seeds of the ancient dragon rice through the chat group, and Xu Chenzhou feels very satisfied.

However, the ancient dragon rice also has a disadvantage, that is, it is difficult to mass produce.

The cultivation of the ancient dragon rice is much more complicated than that of the Qiankun Yiqi rice, because the ancient dragon rice is very picky about the land. The land must contain a large amount of thunder spirit energy for the ancient dragon rice to grow normally.

At present, there is no problem in small-scale planting to meet the needs of group members.

However, if you want to plant a large number of them in a short period of time through the small green bottle like the Qiankun Yiqi rice, there are still several technical barriers to overcome.

After taking inventory of the goods, Xu Chenzhou felt a little regretful.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "It seems that the Universe Scripture and the Creation Scripture should be in the hands of Emperor Qian Yang Pan now. What a pity. If these two secret books can be obtained together this time, it means that Hong Xuanji's background has been completely emptied."

Hong Yi (Daqian scholar): "There is no way. It is fate. It is very lucky to get the Supreme Alchemy Scripture this time. It can only be said that Hong Xuanji is really loyal to Yang Pan and has no secrets. But it doesn't matter. No matter who Hong Xuanji puts the Universe Scripture on, it is something my mother left me. I will definitely take it back in person."

Zhang Junbao (young swordsman): "This Supreme Alchemy Scripture is really helpful to me. I have just read it for a while and I have a lot of insights."

Zhang Junbao kept flipping through the Supreme Alchemy Scripture. He didn't care about the method of condensing and measuring the acupoints in the Supreme Alchemy Scripture. Instead, he focused on the general outline of the Supreme Alchemy Scripture.

Every word and sentence in it is the result of the hard work of the successive generations of the Tai Shang Dao, and contains the cultivation philosophy of the Tai Shang Dao sect.

The more Zhang Junbao read, the more inspiration surged in his mind. Many cultivation concepts of the Tai Shang Dao coincided with his own Zhenwu Ningdan method.

As he read, Zhang Junbao fell into a wonderful state. His mind was sometimes clear and sometimes chaotic, and thousands of ideas came out of thin air in his mind.

In this state, Zhang Junbao found that many cultivation concepts of the Tai Shang Dan Jing were even more profound.

Although it seems that the content and the Zhenwu Ningdan method are completely different things, Zhang Junbao can always draw inferences and suddenly see the light.

Zhang Junbao uploaded [Zhenwu Ningdan Method]

Zhang Junbao (Young Sword Immortal): "I understand, I finally understand it, this is the martial arts golden elixir method I want to create."

In fact, Zhang Junbao had already understood the Zhenwu Ningdan method a few days ago, but Zhang Junbao felt that the Zhenwu Ningdan method at that time still had many flaws and was not a mature cultivation method.

It was not until today that after reading the Supreme Alchemy Scripture, Zhang Junbao finally deduced a mature martial arts golden elixir method after his sudden enlightenment.

Lu Mingfei (dragon slayer): "No way, it's only been a few days, and you, Old Zhang, have opened up a new path in the Yitian martial arts. This is a bit outrageous."

Seeing Zhang Junbao's inhuman performance, Lu Mingfei couldn't help but smack his lips.

In fact, Lu Mingfei had long known that Zhang Junbao would become a top figure who could establish a school in the future, but he did not have an intuitive understanding of Zhang Sanfeng's comprehension.

It was not until this time that Lu Mingfei knew what kind of monster Zhang Junbao was.

But what Xiaolu didn't know was that Zhang Junbao was not the only monster with top comprehension in this group.

Whether it was Hong Yi or Xiao Shihao, their current comprehension was definitely not inferior to Zhang Junbao.

Moreover, their comprehension at their peak was far higher than that of Zhang Sanfeng at his peak. After all, the cultivation was here. Sometimes comprehension and cultivation were actually linked. The higher the cultivation, the stronger the brain power, and the stronger the comprehension.

But now they have all joined the chat group, and even Xu Chenzhou dare not make a final conclusion about who will have a higher level of comprehension in the future.

In addition to these three perverts, the comprehension and brainpower of other group members should not be underestimated. Misaka Mikoto can use a public telephone booth to invade the humanoid supercomputer of the research institute, and Yang Chan can become a disciple of Nuwa. Needless to say, her comprehension qualifications are naturally not much to say. Although Han Li's comprehension is a little worse, he eventually became a Taoist master. If he was really stupid, how could he have such an achievement?

So to be honest, the person with the worst comprehension in the group should be our poor boy Lu Mingfei.

Of course, Lu Mingfei is not really stupid. If we only talk about the talent of playing StarCraft, I am afraid that there are few people in the world who can be compared with Lu Mingfei, so it is reasonable to infer that Xiaolu's talent is all in playing StarCraft.

Hong Yi (Daqian scholar): "Junbao, your Zhenwu Lingdan method is really good. Even I feel that I have gained a lot of inspiration after reading it. If it weren't for the fact that my Taoist skills have been able to survive the second thunder tribulation, I would definitely have to change to your Zhenwu Lingdan method."

The chat interface of the chat group is basically the same as other communication software we usually use. Except for sending with thoughts, there is no difference in other usage methods.

So in addition to text messages, voice messages can also be sent in the chat group.

Hong Yi's sentence sent a voice message, and he also emphasized the four words "second thunder tribulation".

Hong Yi did this on purpose. He finally surpassed Zhang Junbao in Taoist skills, so he naturally wanted to show off.

Hong Yi's words aroused Zhang Junbao's competitive spirit,

Zhang Junbao (Young Sword Immortal) "After creating the Zhenwu Dan Condensation Technique, I also feel that my thoughts are clear and my soul has grown a lot. I am only one step away from the second thunder tribulation. Brother Hong, please be careful. , otherwise I will be ahead again accidentally.”

At this time, Misaka Mikoto, who was meditating on Amitabha Buddha in the past, looked at the speeches of these two perverts and couldn't help but hugged the Gutai doll tightly with a frustrated expression on her face.

It's simply too bullying. She has practiced the Amitabha Sutra for so many days, and her cultivation level has only reached the realm of manifestation, and there is still a huge gap between the realm of possession and possession.

Unexpectedly, these two group friends have already cultivated to the level of thunder tribulation ghosts and immortals.

Misaka Mikoto (railgun): "You two are so powerful! (Gutai Worship.jpg), I wish I could practice as fast as you."

Xu Chenzhou naturally knew Misaka Mikoto's current progress. It was normal for her to practice slowly. After all, visualization, meditation, and out-of-body experiences were indeed difficult to understand for a foreign girl who had lived in a scientific society for a long time.

Misaka Mikoto spent a lot of time just to understand the various technical terms used in the Amitabha Sutra in the past.

However, in fact, Misaka Mikoto's combat effectiveness has also been greatly improved during this period. After practicing the Amitabha Sutra to the realm of manifestation, Misaka Mikoto's computing power has increased by two times.

Although there is still a huge gap in Misaka Mikoto's computing power compared to the current Accelerator, this improvement has given Misaka Mikoto hope to defeat Accelerator.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Mikoto, you have practiced very quickly. By the time you enter the realm of possession and can distract your mind, your computing power will probably be enough to compete head-on with Accelerator."

After comforting Misaka Mikoto, Xu Chenzhou looked at Lu Mingfei again. This kid hadn't been doing much lately, so he didn't know what he was doing secretly.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Speaking of which, Mingfei, how is your relationship with Chen Wenwen going recently? Didn't you say that she is always pestering you now? She is your Bai Yueguang after all, and you really are not moved at all. ?”

Lu Mingfei (Dragon Slaying Master): "Don't be kidding me. Now I'm totally not interested in a woman like Chen Wenwen who has no ability to restrain a chicken. Well, it's better to choose Chen Wenwen than the Little Goddess. At least the Little Goddess looks better than him. Much prettier.”

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Hey, now I can see that the little goddess is more beautiful than Chen Wenwen. That's not what you said when you first liked Chen Wenwen."

Xu Chenzhou's words made Lu Mingfei blush. At that time, he liked Chen Wenwen wholeheartedly, and he was completely fascinated by the artistic girl. Beauty is in the eye of a lover, so naturally he would find Chen Wenwen pleasing to his eyes.

But now Lu Mingfei's aesthetics has been completely changed after being reshaped by the Monster Hunter World.

In the world of monster hunting, Lu Mingfei's life is extremely exciting. After experiencing the taste of a female hunter in the world of monster hunting, Lu Mingfei can no longer find her former self.

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