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Chapter 96: Killing Madam Zhao and plundering Xuanji Mansion

Under the blessing of the divine power talisman, Hong Yi's figure did not change at all, but the power contained in his body had undergone earth-shaking changes.

What is the concept of 320,000 jin of strength? Hong Yi stomped his feet lightly, and a huge spider-web-like crack appeared on the ground of the entire long street.

Under the impact of this huge force, Hong Yi's body suddenly appeared beside Hong Xuanji as if it had broken the void.

He pinched the Buddha seal with his hand and punched out. A phantom of the present Tathagata Buddha as tall as a mountain appeared behind Hong Yi.

At this time, Hong Yi's temperament was like the Buddha coming to the world, unmoved.

Let Hong Xuanji's fist control the life and death cycle of the heavens, still unable to shake this Tathagata Buddha entrenched in the present.

This is the Tathagata fist meaning that Hong Yi comprehended from the present Tathagata Sutra.

Although he has not yet obtained the general outline of the present Tathagata Sutra, Hong Yi can still glimpse some of the essence of this boxing from the 108 acupoints of the Great Zen Temple.

Feeling this fist intent, Hong Xuanji exclaimed.

"This is the fist intent of the Martial Saint. You actually cultivated it to become a Martial Saint."

For Hong Xuanji, the surprise that Hong Yi could cultivate to become a Martial Saint was greater than Hong Yi's great strength.

Although Hong Yi's strength was amazing, Hong Xuanji could still barely understand it. He had also seen many similar examples in ancient books.

There are always lucky people who eat some exotic flowers and fruits by chance, or encounter various opportunities, and thus gain terrifying physical strength.

However, the fist intent of the Martial Saint is cultivated in a real way, and can only rely on oneself. Even if the legendary existence exhausts its energy, it is difficult to become a Martial Saint in a short time.

The two fought back and forth several times in a row.

In a trance, everyone seemed to see a life and death wheel that covered the sky and the sun. There were countless gods around the life and death wheel constantly pushing it, as if this life and death wheel was the supreme existence that controlled the gods above the heavens.

On the opposite side of the wheel of life and death, there is a huge Buddha sitting cross-legged, with a mysterious smile on his round face, and the Tathagata seal in his hands, grasping the present, unmoved.

In addition to these artistic confrontations, the bodies of the two in reality have made the streets of the entire Yujing City a mess.

From the place where the two fought, huge shock waves spread to the distance.

There were no stone slabs on the ground for a long time, and all the stone slabs were shattered into powder under the huge force of the two.

The houses in the distance also collapsed under the aftermath of the fight between the two. Fortunately, the residents in the houses had already run out, and no casualties were caused.

After this period of fighting, Hong Yi found that although Hong Xuanji's strength was not as terrifying as his.

But compared with the previous fight, Hong Xuanji's strength has actually improved significantly.

Facing his huge force of 320,000 pounds, Hong Xuanji actually still has room to fight back.

Hong Xuanji was also surprised at this time, and his trump card was this reversal battle pill.

He is now a human immortal, and has condensed 360 acupoints. With the help of these acupoints, he can use the reversal war pill with all his strength to increase his strength by four times.

Moreover, as a human immortal, he has extremely strong physical fitness and can burst out continuously, continuously increasing his strength for an hour.

But even so, his strength is far inferior to that of the rebellious son in front of him. If it weren't for his profound martial arts training, he would be able to use one strength as two. I'm afraid he is not the opponent of the rebellious son in front of him.

For a while, the two of them fell into a stalemate. Hong Xuanji's strength is not as good as Hong Yi, and Hong Yi's boxing intention is not as good as Hong Xuanji.

This fight is a tug-of-war for both of them, physically and mentally, whoever can't hold on will lose.

The two kept fighting, and while fighting, Hong Yi suddenly looked up to the sky and roared.

"I just talked to you so much, but only one thing is the most important.

It turns out that my mother really died at the hands of Mrs. Zhao, the bitch.

Why don't we make a bet? Your first wife could kill my mother in front of you.

Then can your son kill your first wife in front of you today?"

Hearing this, Hong Xuanji's face turned pale, and he shouted: "Rebellious son, how dare you, she is your mother!"

According to the Neo-Confucianism that Hong Xuanji advocates, Mrs. Zhao, the first wife, can be regarded as Hong Yi's real mother, and Meng Bingyun, the biological mother, is more distant.

Hearing that Hong Yi wanted to kill his mother at this time, Hong Xuanji's anger surged in his heart, and he could hardly suppress his emotions.

Even his boxing skills were no longer as calm as before, and the cycle of life and death in the heavens also showed a little sluggishness.

Hong Yi smiled coldly: "Only according to your Neo-Confucianism can that bitch be related to me.

But the books I have read and the principles I have learned all tell me that my body and hair are from my parents, and whoever gave birth to me is my biological mother.

This is the principle left by the saints of various schools of thought, which is much stronger than your so-called Neo-Confucianism.

According to Article 105 of the Daqian Law, if there is no hatred, if a close relative dies at the hands of others, the children can take revenge if they have solid evidence. As long as it is confirmed afterwards that it is true, the children can be exempted from punishment.

You just admitted in person that it was that bitch who killed my mother. The current Tai Shi said it in person, so it is naturally conclusive evidence. In broad daylight, there will be countless people to confirm what you said for me.

Besides, even if we follow the Confucian doctrine you advocate, the hatred for killing one's mother is still irreconcilable, and if one cannot take revenge, one is unworthy of being a son.

It is reasonable and in accordance with the law for me to take revenge for my mother. "

After saying that, Hong Yi threw several punches, each of which he used all his strength to hit Hong Xuanji fiercely.

Under such a series of powerful punches from Hong Yi, Hong Xuanji gradually couldn't hold on and was hit in the chest by Hong Yi's punch. He retreated ten steps violently.

After beating Hong Xuanji back, Hong Yi didn't want to fight at all.

He directly abandoned Hong Xuanji and rushed towards Madam Zhao.

Hearing what Hong Yi said, Madam Zhao was already scared to death.

Now she didn't dare to regard Hong Yi as a waste. The man in front of her was a peerless villain who could compete with her master.

Hearing such a peerless villain say he wanted to kill him, how could Madam Zhao not be afraid even if she had some martial arts skills?

Among the servants, Madam Zhao hurriedly fled to the Hong Mansion.

These Many of the servants were deadly warriors, and they did not flinch even when facing a peerless villain like Hong Yi.

Hong Yi naturally had no mercy on those who were blocking his way. He pushed gently, and a huge force of 320,000 pounds burst out. The servants in iron armor were like a piece of paper in front of Hong Yi. They were directly hit and their bones were broken, lying on the ground, and their lives were unknown.

Under the obstruction of these servants, Mrs. Zhao successfully escaped back to the Hong Mansion.

The majestic gate of the Hong Mansion was also closed.

Looking at the closed gate of the Hong Mansion in front of him, Hong Yi smiled lightly.

This Hong Mansion has trapped him for more than ten years, but it can no longer trap him today.

Fists are power. With fists in hand, no matter what high-ranking family he is, they are all shit.

Hong Yi did not hold back at all, and punched forward with all his strength. With one punch, a shadow of a Buddha from the past emerged and also punched forward.

This punch hit the heavy door of the Hong Mansion that was painted red, and suddenly there was a terrifying loud noise.

The four-meter-thick phoenix wood door was smashed to pieces by this punch, and countless wood powder flew in the air.

Not only that, a whole high wall connected to the wooden door also collapsed at this moment.

After the wall collapsed, the mysterious and majestic Hong Mansion was exposed to the eyes of the people of Yujing City like a little girl stripped naked, and anyone could explore it.

Behind the door, Madam Zhao ran inside in a panic under the protection of the servants.

But no matter how fast they were, how could they be as fast as Hong Yi.

Hong Yi's figure was like lightning, and he stomped his feet suddenly, and then he crossed a hundred steps in the void and came in front of Madam Zhao.

At this moment, the man who was beaten back by Hong Yi Hong Xuanji finally arrived.

He stretched out his hands, and the shadows of his palms fluttered in the air, drawing circles one after another, forming a series of wheels of varying sizes.

Standing in the middle of countless wheels, Hong Xuanji really looked like a god who controlled everything in the world.

In front of Hong Xuanji, the Wheel of Life and Death of Wu Guanjia seemed like a joke.

But Hong Yi didn't care at all. With the current Tathagata Fist and the restoration of the soul by the Amitabha Sutra in the past, he could completely resist Hong Xuanji's fist.

Seeing that Hong Yi was about to touch his first wife, Hong Xuanji was completely crazy at this time.

But no matter how crazy Hong Xuanji was at this time, the power gap between him and Hong Yi was real.

The power gap of 65,000 kilograms made it impossible for him to block Hong Yi's way.

Passing Hong Xuanji's heavy palm shadows, Hong Yi suddenly grabbed Madam Zhao in his hand, just like holding a chick.

Mrs. Zhao, who was in a high position and had great power, was so frightened that she lost her mind and no longer had the arrogant look she had before.

She was caught in the air by Hong Yi and was even frightened to the point of incontinence. Drops of smelly liquid dripped down the hem of Mrs. Zhao's noble dress of the first-class Haoming Lady to the ground.

Looking at Mrs. Zhao's miserable appearance, Hong Yi had no sympathy in his heart, but was even more pleased.

It was this woman in front of him who turned his mother from a peerless fairy into a sick ghost lying on the bed coughing up blood.

Hong Yi still remembers that his mother was obviously in pain at that time, but in order not to make him worry, she pretended to be fine in front of him.

After his mother died, Hong Yi found countless deep scratches on her mother's bed, and there were bloodstains next to the scratches.

These were the marks that his mother secretly scratched in the quilt in order to endure the pain and not let him find out.

All of this was caused by this woman in front of him.

Hong Yi grabbed Madam Zhao's neck with one hand, hung her in the air, and then turned his head to look at Hong Xuanji.

"Hong Xuanji, if you want to save this woman, it's not impossible. I can give you a chance."

Seeing Madam Zhao fall into Hong Yi's hands, Hong Xuanji, who was already close to madness, gradually calmed down.

He was an extremely rational person. Since his wife had fallen into Hong Yi's hands, no matter how crazy he was, he couldn't stop Hong Yi, so he instantly regained his composure.

"Hong Yi, what conspiracy are you thinking about again."

Hong Yi smiled and shook his head: "I'm not thinking about any conspiracy, I just want you to pay me back everything you owe me.

I know my mother is worried that I will be bullied in the future, so she secretly hid the two sutras of the universe of the Supreme Dao under my quilt.

It's just that I was young and ignorant at the time and didn't find it, so these two supreme scriptures were secretly taken away by you.

Today, as long as you return the Second Scripture of the Universe to me, I will temporarily spare your wife's life.

Do you want to make this deal or not? "

Hearing this, the frightened Mrs. Zhao's face suddenly showed a desire for life. She kept blinking her eyes and looked at Hong Xuanji with a pleading face.

Hearing Hong Yi's request, Hong Xuanji's originally sullen face became even more sullen. His eyebrows were raised high and his hands were shaking.

Hong Xuanji never hesitated when doing things, and he was always very decisive.

But at this time, he hesitated for the first time.

What was placed on the two ends of Hong Xuanji's scale was not his wife's life and the Second Scripture of the Universe.

For Hong Xuanji, a mere Mrs. Zhao was naturally not as important as the Second Scripture of the Universe.

But at this time, after all, in the world In front of everyone, if he gave up his first wife, it would be equivalent to completely confirming his image of being unfeeling and ungrateful.

This is the real source of Hong Xuanji's hesitation. On both ends of this choice scale are actually Hong Xuanji's image in the eyes of the world and the Universe Sutra.

But giving the Universe Sutra to Hong Yi is something that Hong Xuanji cannot accept at all.

Without the Universe Sutra, this little beast in front of him can practice such terrible kung fu.

If he has the Universe Sutra, Hong Xuanji has no confidence that he can subdue this little beast in the future.

After hesitating for a while, Hong Xuanji looked up suddenly.

"What Universe Sutra, I don't know, I have never seen it. Your mother didn't leave you this thing, so naturally there is no way to trade with you."

Hearing Hong Xuanji's answer, Mrs. Zhao's face, which was originally full of hope, turned extremely pale. She was strangled by Hong Yi's throat and could not speak. She could only look at Hong Xuanji with hatred, and the resentment in her eyes was just like a ghost.

Seeing Hong Xuanji's reaction, Hong Yi's face did not fluctuate at all.

"Wonderful, it's really wonderful!

I hope that from now on, Hong Xuanji, you will never use the skills of the two sutras of the universe in your life.

Otherwise, you will be confirmed as a hypocrite who is unfeeling, full of lies, and doesn't even care about the life and death of his wife."

After saying this, Hong Yi twisted it hard, just like he broke the head of Wu Guanjia, and broke Mrs. Zhao's head.

Then Hong Yi threw Mrs. Zhao's head to the feet of Hong Xuanji. After the head fell to the ground, it kept spinning on the ground, and the white brain spilled out and sprayed on Hong Xuanji's boots.

Hong Yi's action completely concealed Hong Xuanji's anger. It was simply rubbing his dignity on the ground.

Hong Xuanji rushed forward, holding the Wheel of Life and Death in the Heavens, and fought with Hong Yi again.

This time, Hong Xuanji was completely crazy and no longer cared about where he was. The Marquis' Mansion, just wanted to kill Hong Yi here.

The battle between the two became more and more intense. The Wuwen Marquis' Mansion, which was originally as beautiful as a fairy palace with carved railings and painted buildings, became a ruin under the battle between the two.

As the fight went on, Hong Yi's soul suddenly felt that there was something wrong with the ground under his feet, as if there was a space deep underground.

Could it be Hong Xuanji's secret room?

A flash of inspiration flashed through Hong Yi's mind.

He had been to Hong Xuanji's study, and most of the books placed in it were books before the Martial Saint realm.

However, with Hong Xuanji's achievements over the years, he had destroyed countless sects and temples. It is impossible that his collection only has these ordinary skills.

The truly precious skills should have been hidden by Hong Xuanji.

Now it seems that these skills should be It was hidden in the secret room under his feet.

Thinking of this, Hong Yi showed an excited expression on his face.

I didn't expect that there would be an unexpected gain today.

Taking the opportunity of fighting with Hong Xuanji, Hong Yi kept exerting force on his feet.

Under his huge force, the ground began to crack.

It is unknown what material this secret room is made of. It has not collapsed under such violent vibrations.

Hong Yi saw a deep crack under his feet leading directly to the secret room. He was delighted and jumped directly in.

After jumping into the secret room, Hong Yi found that there were hundreds of secret books of different materials in the secret room.

In addition, on the desk in the center, there was a book with more than a dozen white jades strung together.

On the cover of the book, it was neatly written. There were four big characters written on it, "Taishang Danjing".

Seeing these things, Hong Yi was not soft-hearted. He waved his hand and packed all the books, and directly gave these secret books to Xu Chenzhou as red envelopes.

Seeing Hong Yi jump into the secret room through the crack, Hong Xuanji secretly said in his heart that it was not good.

The precious secret books in it were like the sand of the Ganges River. If Hong Yi got them, Hong Xuanji could not imagine what level Hong Yi's martial arts background could reach.

He hurriedly jumped in with Hong Yi, but what Hong Xuanji did not expect was that in just a blink of an eye, the books in the room disappeared.

Hong Xuanji shouted: "Storage magic weapon, you actually have a space magic weapon, could it be the human fairy cloth bag of the Great Zen Temple! "

After taking these secret books, Hong Yi felt that there were four more spirits like wolf smoke around the Hong Mansion.

Behind these four spirits like wolf smoke, there were hundreds of equally abundant blood and energy.

Hong Yi knew that it should be the support of the Daqian Dynasty that had arrived.

This also made Hong Yi understand that it was impossible to solve Hong Xuanji once and for all today.

With the help of four martial saints and hundreds of innate martial artists, there was only one outcome waiting for him to stay, that is, his spirit would be refined by Hong Xuanji's fist.

In fact, at the beginning, Hong Yi did not intend to kill Hong Xuanji, but after carefully studying the information Xu Chenzhou told him, Hong Yi realized that Hong Xuanji must be killed.

If he was not killed, this person would always be able to make a comeback. As the son of Daqian, he could easily have a chance to defy the heavens.

The ever-changing cultivation was abolished, and in a blink of an eye, he could achieve a higher realm of shattering the vacuum, which was simply terrible.

Moreover, Hong Xuanji was extremely stubborn and could not change his mind at all. Keeping him would cause endless harm to the world. For such a person, killing him was the best choice.

Since he could not kill Hong Xuanji, Hong Yi was not in love with the battle. Today's gains had far exceeded his imagination.

Hong Yi waved his hand and took out a Thousand Blood Spirit Sword from the red envelopes. With a thought, he flew into the air on the flying sword.

"Since your helper is here, we'll see each other next time.

I hope you'll be satisfied with the gift I brought you today.

The next time we meet should be during the Spring Examination. See you then."

Hong Xuanji looked at Hong Yi flying in the air on the flying sword, his eyes full of disbelief.

This rebellious son not only became a martial saint, but his Taoist skills were about to reach the level of a ghost fairy. Fortunately, he didn't give him the two scriptures of the universe just now, otherwise it would really lead to irreversible consequences.

"Rebellious son, you are a rebellious son who has no king or father and killed your mother in public. You actually want to participate in the Spring Boudoir. This is simply a fantasy. I will report to the emperor and issue a nationwide wanted order to make you have nowhere to stay."

Hong Yi smiled: "Then I advise you not to do this. I didn't violate the Daqian law. Wu Guanjia broke into the princess's palace without permission. I killed him and not only did I not do anything wrong, but I also made a contribution.

As for that bitch, it is natural and legal for me to avenge my mother.

The most important thing is, if Daqian doesn't want me, then I am still a scholar of Daqian, and naturally a minister of the emperor.

But if I become a wanted criminal, are you sure that Daqian can really deal with me now?

There are some things that I advise you to think clearly before you say them, so as not to cause big trouble at that time.

No more, see you in the Spring Examination."

After that, Hong Yi stepped on the Thousand Blood Yuanling Sword and flew into the Qingming in full view of everyone.

Although only four chapters have been updated, each chapter has quite a lot of words, and I have finished writing this plot in one go. I will continue writing after I get up from my sleep. Please support me.

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