All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 95 Hong Xuanji feels socially dead!

Just as Hong Yi said this, a reminder sounded in Xu Chenzhou's ears.

Xu Chenzhou knew immediately that the group owner's exclusive cub protection task must have been activated again.

But this time, he had no intention of intervening in the battle between Hong Yi and Hong Xuanji.

Why would an outsider like him intervene in such a critical father-son situation?

Just watch the show.

However, although Xu Chenzhou did not intend to intervene, it did not mean that Xu Chenzhou would not accept the task.

Why should he miss the free reward? He still opened the group task panel and checked the task information.

"【Group leader's exclusive cub protection mission】

Group member Hong Yi is facing the first major turning point in his life. After this turning point, Hong Yi's life will enter a new stage.

As a group leader, it is your obligation to accompany group members to overcome difficulties and protect the cubs to successfully break out of the cocoon and become butterflies.

Please ask if you accept the mission.

If you accept the mission, you can go to the world where the group members are for seven days.

After Hong Yi successfully passes this turning point, the group leader will receive an exclusive reward."

Sure enough, the chat group did not force Xu Chenzhou to take action. As long as he accepted the mission, he would be able to get the corresponding reward. So why hesitate? Xu Chenzhou directly accepted the mission.

Like last time, a light gate appeared beside him.

Xu Chenzhou knew that he only needed to step through this light gate to come to the Yangshen world.

But this time Xu Chenzhou did not step into it.

Anyway, he just planned to watch the show this time, so there was no need to go to the Yangshen world to join in the fun.

Having just obtained the Fanxing star warrior certificate, Xu Chenzhou still had a lot of affairs to deal with. In addition to the threat of Tianyuan martial arts hall, Xu Chenzhou could not spare time to travel to the Yangshen world for the time being.

Moreover, the feeling of watching the group live broadcast is definitely not worse than the experience of being there in person.

If Hong Yi is really in danger, he will be able to rescue him through the portal in time.

After closing the task panel, Xu Chenzhou's attention returned to Hong Yi's live broadcast.

As Hong Yi kept knocking on the door, the Hong Mansion was in chaos.

After a while, the door of the Hong Mansion was suddenly opened, and a group of people filed out of the inner hall of the Hong Mansion, led by Mrs. Zhao.

Mrs. Zhao's voice came before she arrived.

"Little beast, you actually know to come back. It's okay to come back, but you dare to call the master's name directly. It seems that you have forgotten how strict the family rules of the Hong Mansion are!"

Another sarcastic voice came from her side.

The person who spoke was Mrs. Rong.

"It's the son of that bitch Meng Bingyun. He was born without any education. It's a pity that the Marquis was so kind to raise him in the mansion for more than ten years, but he actually raised such an ungrateful person."

The two ladies took the lead, walking with a faint breeze and a haughty look.

Behind them were hundreds of servants, each of whom was dressed in neat armor and looked well-trained.

Such a well-trained army could cause a bloody storm on the battlefield.

Hong Yi didn't even bother to look at them. He put one hand behind his back and held the head of Wu Guanjia with the other hand, looking up at the sky.

"I don't bother to talk nonsense with you. You two bitches dared to call my mother's name directly. You deserve to be beaten to death.

Where's Hong Xuanji? Call him out quickly."

When Mrs. Zhao heard Hong Yi call her a bitch, she was so angry that she was like a Buddha born and two souls ascended to heaven.

"You are such a waste, and you dare to speak so arrogantly here. I want to see what you have eaten wrong."

Mrs. Zhao saw the head of Wu Guanjia in Hong Yi's hand before she finished speaking.

This was a very serious sight. Mrs. Zhao, who was originally arrogant, was frightened and lost half her soul in an instant.

Her face was pale, cold sweat ran down her head, and even her chest, which was originally high, became a little hunched.

"The one in your hand is Wu Guanjia."

Mrs. Zhao had not finished speaking when another sharp and sarcastic voice came from Mrs. Rong beside him.

"Hong Yi, you are really a wolf and a dog. You even killed Wu Guanjia.

Butler Wu watched you grow up and held you when you were young. You are really cold-blooded and a whore."

Mrs. Rong had not finished speaking when she was tightly covered by Mrs. Zhao beside her.

Mrs. Rong was only the third wife, so she didn't know the strength of Wu Guanjia.

But she was the mistress of the Hong Mansion, how could she not know how strong the second person in the Hong Mansion, Wu Guanjia, was.

This was a martial saint. If he entered the court as an official, he would instantly become a first-rank official. If he joined the army, he would directly become a general guarding a place. If he founded a school, he would be a master of a lineage.

Now this peerless master who could have a prominent position no matter where he was placed, was only left with a head, and was held in Hong Yi's hand.

The meaning behind this made Mrs. Zhao sweat and even her words were a little unclear.

Mrs. Zhao pulled Mrs. Rong back and kept retreating until they retreated into the protection of hundreds of servants, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

She stretched out her hand and the maid beside her ran into the Hong Mansion.

Hong Yi knew that the maid was going to call Hong Xuanji, but Hong Yi did not stop her. The purpose of his coming to the Hong Mansion today was to meet Hong Xuanji.

After a while, a man wearing a purple gold crown and a purple gold robe slowly walked out of the Hong Mansion.

Hong Xuanji looks like he is in his thirties or forties, with a white face and no beard, and his skin is as bright as white jade. At first glance, he looks like a well-read scholar.

But if you look closely, Hong Xuanji is dressed in brocade and iron, with dragon-like steps and tiger-like steps. His eyes are shining, and he flashes with the majesty of ruling the nine heavens and ten earths.

Under his appearance of a great scholar, there is a supreme god who rules the heavens.

Xu Chenzhou, who was watching this scene through the group live broadcast, felt that Hong Xuanji in front of him was inexplicably familiar.

After thinking for a while, Xu Chenzhou remembered that the appearance of Hong Xuanji in front of him was actually five points similar to Zhu Wusi, the Iron-hearted God Marquis in the world's number one.

The moment he saw Hong Xuanji, Hong Yi's originally calm expression became stern.

He stared at Hong Xuanji with his eyes extremely deep.

"Hong, Xuan, Ji."

These three words, spoken from Hong Yi's mouth, were colder and harder than the other words.

It was just three words, but everyone present heard endless hatred and anger from them.

Hong Xuanji looked at Hong Yi and the head in Hong Yi's hand with indifferent eyes without any emotion.

"Hong Yi, you are so brave! It seems that I can't keep you today."

Hong Yi's tone was cold, and Hong Xuanji's tone was colder than his. Hong Yi's tone was hard, and Hong Xuanji's tone was harder than his.

Obviously, the two were father and son connected by blood, but now the atmosphere between them was as cold as ice and iron, and there was no trace of father-son affection.

"I'm so brave? Hong Xuanji, Hong Xuanji! In that case, your courage is several times greater than mine."

Hong Xuanji's face was as hard as iron: "Hong Yi, I have supported you to study for so many years, and you have learned so many principles for so many years. Have you even forgotten the most basic Three Bonds and Five Constant Virtues? I am your father, and you dare to call me by my name."

Hong Yi stretched out his hand and threw the head of Wu Guanjia forward, and it rolled to Hong Xuanji's feet.

"You are a husband, but you harm your wife. As a father, you don't know how to educate. As a minister, you cholera the government. People like you are not qualified to talk about the Three Bonds and Five Constant Virtues ethics and morality?"

After saying this, Hong Yi's soul turned, and he sensed that many people who were watching the fun gradually appeared around the Houfu.

Although no one dared to walk under the sun and watch the joke of the Houfu directly, there were many people hiding in the dark who were paying close attention to the development of the Houfu.

Hong Xuanji raised his eyebrows, and his face became as hard as iron.

In his heart, everything he did was right.

If he were in another place, he would definitely be able to debate with Hong Yi without changing his expression.

But where is this? This is the center of Yujing City, at the gate of Wu Wenhou Mansion, under the eyes of countless people.

It is so difficult to stop the gossip of the people.

Moreover, Hong Yi was so arrogant that he threw the head of his loyal servant at his feet.

Even with Hong Xuanji's Qi-cultivation skills, he was so angry that one soul left his body and the other soul ascended to heaven.

This was undoubtedly rubbing his face on the ground.

Even if he was Wu Wenhou, the current prime minister, he was not sure that what happened in front of the mansion today would not be spread.

"You little brat, you are still spreading rumors and making trouble here.

All these things are just your nonsense.

You are courting death, you bastard."

After saying this, Hong Xuanji was about to kill Hong Yi,

but at this time, Hong Yi suddenly showed a narrow smile on his face: "No way, no way, you are the current Grand Master, the Grand Master of Neo-Confucianism, and you have to fight when you can't win the argument.

No way, no way, is there really someone so useless, who actually fights when he can't win the argument?"

Hearing this and seeing Hong Yi's mean expression, Hong Xuanji's forehead was bulging with veins, beating like a caterpillar.

In his life, he has never heard such a mean tone and seen such a mean person.

"Okay, okay! If you want to argue, you little beast, then I will argue with you."

Seeing that Hong Xuanji was a little bit broken and looked anxious, Hong Yi couldn't help but want to laugh.

The quarreling method of the group bishops is really useful, even a bloody hero like Hong Xuanji can't help breaking his defense.

However, Hong Yi also understood that the reason why he could achieve such an effect was mainly because he chose a good place.

This is the center of Yujing City, which means that everything they do is exposed to the eyes of the world.

As the current Grand Master and the master of Neo-Confucianism, Hong Xuanji will be attacked by the crowd in an instant if he reveals a flaw in front of the world, and he will no longer be able to maintain his current status.

"I'm asking you, when my mother met you, she was just a commoner with a low status. But my mother is the saint of the Supreme Dao. You got the Supreme Alchemy Sutra from her, and then you were able to leap over the dragon gate and have the cultivation and status you have today. But when the slut Zhao poisoned her, you pretended to be ignorant even though you knew about it. Is that true?

I was bullied in the mansion, with no clothes in winter and no food in summer. You forbade me to practice martial arts. You obviously started with martial arts, but once I practiced martial arts, you beat me into a cripple. You even forbade me to read the books in the mansion. I was able to pass the exam for a scholar, and every book I read was borrowed from outside and copied by myself. From childhood to adulthood, I have met you no more than twenty times. But you taught other children martial arts by hand. Is that true?

I'm asking you, when I stayed at Princess Luo Yun's house for a few days, you sent your subordinate Butler Wu to sneak into the princess's house. Regardless of the rules of the monarch and ministers, you relied on the power of the grand master to bully the royal relatives, and caused a big fuss in the princess's house, trying to take me away. His martial arts skills were abolished and he was taken back to the Marquis's mansion. Is there anything going on? "

Hong Xuanji's eyebrows twitched. It was obvious that all these things were done by him. Until now, Hong Xuanji didn't feel that he had made any mistakes. But for some reason, being exposed by Hong Yi in the eyes of the world made Hong Xuanji feel... Boundless anger.

"Your mother is just a concubine with a humble status. She lurked beside me just because she wanted to rely on me to bring trouble to Chao Gang. What's wrong with my wife killing her? It's reasonable and legal.

You were born from a concubine. Although you are my son, your status is still low. What's wrong with me not allowing you to practice martial arts?

As for what Butler Wu did, he was just a lowly slave who broke into the princess's house on his own initiative. If you kill him, you will kill him. It has nothing to do with me. "

After saying these three sentences, Hong Xuanji refuted what Hong Yi said one by one, each citing scriptures based on Neo-Confucianism.

But while Hong Xuanji was talking, he kept hearing whispers from the onlookers.

"I didn't expect that the grand master Hong Xuanji would be such a person?"

"Yes, the treachery, ungratefulness, and incorruptibility are really eye-opening."

"It turns out that being a person who doesn't recognize his relatives is the goal of Neo-Confucianism. It seems like it's okay if you don't learn Neo-Confucianism."

These comments were like poisonous snakes burrowing into Hong Xuanji's heart.

Although he has invincible boxing spirit and unparalleled self-confidence, everything he does is absolutely correct in his heart.

But at this time, the people all over the world were talking about it, but it made him extremely irritable.

"The principles of heaven and earth, monarch, minister, father and son, this is the eternal truth. Hong Yi, don't stir up trouble here and make trouble. Come back to Hong Mansion with me, so that I can save your life."

Hearing Hong Xuanji's words, Hong Yi laughed.

"I spread rumors and caused trouble? How did I spread rumors and cause trouble?

Oh, I just recounted what you, Hong Xuanji, did.

It turns out that stating the facts is called spreading rumors to stir up trouble. It seems that what you have done, Hong Xuanji, is very shameful.

Bull! He is indeed a great master of Neo-Confucianism. This mouth really opened my eyes!

Maybe it's because you're afraid of me if you don't let me learn martial arts.

I am afraid that after I learn martial arts, I will avenge my mother. The majestic Marquis Wu Wen is actually afraid of a child. It is really embarrassing. "

After being influenced by the modern nonsense of Xu Chenzhou and Lu Mingfei, how could Hong Xuanji be able to speak better than Hong Yi in terms of words alone.

Hong Xuanji roared, unable to hold back any longer, he rushed towards Hong Yi.

The moment Hong Xuanji really decided to take action, his thoughts enveloped the void, and a fist force circulated in the void.

This fist force, let alone Hong Yi, even everyone hiding in the darkness watching all this a few hundred meters away felt as if they were trapped in a dead void, and their thoughts were completely distorted. , completely unable to move.

Even Hong Yi relied on constantly visualizing Amitabha Buddha in the past to keep thinking in Hong Xuanji's fist.

After using his spiritual cultivation from the past Amitabha Sutra to neutralize Hong Xuanji's punch, Hong Yi did not dodge, summoned all his strength, and punched out fiercely, confronting Hong Xuanji head-on.

I don’t know how to describe the scene of two fists colliding.

It was obviously still noon, but in everyone's eyes, the world between heaven and earth became dark.

Where the two fists met, a black hole seemed to be created, sucking all the sunlight into it.

A muffled sound came, like a thunder in the sky, or like an earth dragon turning over.

Where the two of them were standing, the floor tiles at their feet were turning up piece by piece, extending into the distance like ocean waves.

After receiving the punch, Hong Yi took three steps back.

He raised his head and looked at Hong Xuanji in surprise: "Such a powerful martial arts. Is this the legendary immortal? He is actually stronger than me."

Hong Yi was surprised to find that even if he used his past training in the Amitabha Sutra to neutralize Hong Xuanji's fist, and then tried his best to use nearly 90,000 kilograms of force, his physical strength was still not as good as Hong Xuanji's.

But Hong Yi didn't know that Hong Xuanji in front of him was even more surprised than him.

In fact, Hong Xuanji, who had just become an immortal, was not as powerful as Hong Yi at this time.

Hong Xuanji's body strength at this time was about 66,000 kilograms, which was about the same as Hong Yi who did not have the increase of divine power talisman.

It's just that Hong Xuanji's martial arts and boxing skills are too high. When he strikes, he contains boxing principles that can conquer 50% of the strength. Coupled with various tricks of transforming strength, this allows him to comprehensively suppress Hong Yi in a head-on confrontation. .

"You are such a traitor. If you can develop such great strength, I know how Wu Wenhui died at your hands.

Not only that, your soul is so tenacious. Although you can ignore my Wheel of Life and Death Fist Intent, I am afraid you also have another amazing inheritance.

Sure enough, you, like your mother, are evil demons with ulterior motives and practice all kinds of evil tricks, with the purpose of defeating Cholera and subverting my great power. "

The more Hong Xuanji talked, the more frightened he became, and he secretly decided in his heart that Hong Yisheng must be suppressed and killed here today, otherwise he will become a big trouble in the future.

Although Hong Yi did not have the upper hand in the head-on fight, he was not depressed at all but gradually showed joy.

If Hong Xuanji only had this ability, then today he might really be able to keep him here forever.

Hong Yi knew that Hong Xuanji was the son of Daqian. According to common sense, no matter what difficulties he encountered, he could turn danger into safety.

So before coming to Hong Mansion today, Hong Yi did not actually want to kill Hong Xuanji today, because he knew that this was not realistic.

However, if Hong Xuanji only had this ability, then he was not without any chance.

After all, he was the son of the era at a higher level than Hong Xuanji.

Others could not kill Hong Xuanji, but Hong Yi was not necessarily.

Thinking of this, Hong Yi pulled off the white jade paper talisman hanging around his waist without hesitation, and his soul turned into a thought and slammed into the paper talisman fiercely, stimulating the effect of the divine power talisman.

Although the chat group is a bit tricky in terms of skills, it requires chat group points to be localized and adapted.

However, the chat group was surprisingly generous with items. No matter what the item was, as long as it was sent using the chat group's red envelope, it could be adapted for free without losing any effect.

In an instant, Hong Yi's strength soared fivefold, from 65,000 jin to a terrifying value of 325,000 jin.

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