All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 104 Hongjun, is the way of heaven no longer under my control?

After sitting on the hillside for a while, Yang Chan returned to the cave.

The second brother worked so hard, how could Yang Chan slack off?

Since Yang Jian told her that she would be responsible for finding her father, Yang Chan would naturally try her best.

After returning to the cave, Yang Chan began to fall into deep thought.

There are so many cultivation paths in the group. The group members have absorbed the essence of other cultivation systems by learning from each other's strengths and weaknesses, and have improved their strength a lot.

After practicing to the Nascent Soul Realm, Yang Chan felt that she could now practice other cultivation systems in addition to practicing.

After thinking for a while, Yang Chan's mind was full of complicated thoughts.

The immortal cultivation method in the mortal world is very promising, but it belongs to the same immortal cultivation system, and brother Han Li is not exposed to advanced immortal cultivation methods now, so it is not very helpful to herself for the time being.

The upper limit of the star domain world of the group leader's brother should also be very high, but the group leader does not know much about the information of his own world, so this option will be temporarily excluded.

In this case, the range of choices is very small, leaving only the perfect method and the Yangshen method.

After thinking for a long time, Xiao Yangchan gave up the Yangshen Method, because from the current point of view, the upper limit of the cultivation system in the Perfect World is much higher than that in the Yangshen World.

In addition, the Perfect Method now has an original true solution. The original true solution uploaded by Xiao Shihao can be regarded as the supreme secret book in the entire Perfect World, and the starting point is higher than choosing other cultivation systems.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yangchan no longer hesitated to download the two methods of Shicun Bone Text and Original True Solution from the group method space.

As soon as these two methods appeared in Xiao Yangchan's hands, a prompt from the chat group came to her mind.

"It is detected that Shicun Bone Text and Original True Solution are not compatible with the prehistoric world. Please ask if you want to consume 50,000/100,000 chat group points for localization adaptation."

Xiao Yangchan's face changed. She didn't expect that the localization adaptation of the method from the Perfect World would actually consume so many chat group points.

After these days of cultivation, Xiao Yangchan now has only 1,800 chat group points left, and is unable to pay for this localization adaptation.

This made Yang Chan a little disappointed. It seemed that she could only try the cultivation system of other worlds.

At this time, the chat group's prompt sound came into Yang Chan's mind again.

"It is detected that the current world is a special world. In addition to the localization adaptation of the chat group, there is another way to adapt. This choice may have a huge impact. Please choose carefully."

Yang Chan was stunned. In addition to localization adaptation, there is another choice!

I haven't heard of it from the group members before!

Is it the special nature of the prehistoric world?

What is the choice?

Fortunately, at this time, the chat group passed all the information about this choice to Yang Chan's mind.

After getting this information, Yang Chan suddenly realized it.

It turned out that the other way was that Yang Chan gave up the chat group's protection of the two exercises.

Once she issued this order, the heaven of the prehistoric world could sense the existence of these two exercises.

And the prehistoric world is very special. According to the chat group, once the heaven of the prehistoric world comes into contact with the two exercises of Shicun Bone Inscription and Yuanshi Zhenjie.

Then, an environment suitable for practicing these two methods will naturally be generated in the prehistoric world.

In other words, Yang Chan no longer needs to modify the perfect method or make any local adaptations, and can directly practice the original perfect method in the prehistoric world.

Simply put, the first option is to change the method to adapt it to this world, and the second option is to change the world to adapt it to the method.

But after knowing everything, Yang Chan instantly fell into a dilemma.

Just by listening to the description of the chat group, Yang Chan knew that once these two methods were exposed to the prehistoric heavenly way, it would cause a huge change to the prehistoric world.

The whole world was transformed and became suitable for practicing another system.

This huge change, let alone saints, I am afraid that even ordinary true immortals can feel it.

If you play like this, it will really make things worse.

I am afraid that some of the future predicted by the group leader brother will undergo huge changes.

However, the chat group also gave information that once she exposed these two methods to the prehistoric heavenly way, she would get unimaginable huge benefits.

This made Yang Chan feel a little anxious again.

Yang Chan looked at the price of the localized adaptation of the two exercises, and the total cost was 150,000 chat group points.

This was a huge sum of money for Yang Chan. If she only relied on signing in, she would need to sign in for more than a thousand years to get it.

Then Yang Chan looked at another option. Although it would have a huge impact, she could not only get chat group points for free, but also get unimaginable huge benefits.

This made Yang Chan extremely entangled.

After all, Yang Chan was just a little girl in her teens. When she thought that her decision might change the entire prehistoric world, Yang Chan was a little scared.

But in the fear and entanglement, Yang Chan suddenly thought that a month ago, their family was still living a plain and happy life.

As a result, it was just a decree from the Heavenly Court, and the heavenly soldiers descended from the sky, and her family was broken up in an instant.

Her father died tragically, her mother was pressed under the Peach Mountain, and the brother and sister were forced to flee. I don’t know how much suffering they suffered.

The root of all this is that the Heavenly Court has a power that they cannot resist.

Thinking of the information given by the group leader, she will become the Third Holy Mother in the future, and her brother will become the God of War of the Heavenly Court.

From the current extreme hatred of the Heavenly Court to joining the Heavenly Court in the future, what exactly did she and her second brother experience in the meantime? Little Yang Chan felt so scared that she trembled when she thought about it.

If she practiced step by step like this, Little Yang Chan didn't know how long it would take her to gain the power to fight against the Heavenly Court.

The timid will die of starvation, and the bold will die of gluttony.

"Chat group, if I choose the second option, will people find out that all this is caused by me?"

The cold voice of the chat group sounded in Little Yang Chan's mind: "Group members, please rest assured that the chat group has the highest priority.

As long as the group members do not actively expose the existence of the chat group, no one in the heavens and the worlds can explore the secrets of the chat group.

Even if the prehistoric world undergoes huge changes, as long as the group members do not actively expose themselves, no one can infer the existence of the group members through these changes."

Hearing the cold and emotionless voice of the chat group, Yang Chan's heart became extremely stable.

If the chat group didn't have some skills, they certainly wouldn't dare to offer her this choice.

In this case, what's there to be afraid of? Just go ahead and it's done.

"Chat group, remove the shielding on these two exercises."

Xiao Yangchan made a prompt decision and issued an order directly.

After the chat group materialized the exercises, it would provide the corresponding carrier for the exercises.

The Shicun bone text was engraved on a yellowed animal bone, while the original true solution was engraved on a piece of flawless ancient jade.

Xiao Yangchan looked at the two exercises in front of her. As she gave the order, the two exercises seemed to have not changed at all.

The animal bone was still broken, with jagged cracks on the edge, and the front bone was still yellow, as if it was a trace of time.

The original true solution was the same, still flawless, as if nothing had happened.

But Xiao Yangchan felt that there was an unspeakable power that disappeared from the two exercises in front of her.

Outside the thirty-third heaven, a magnificent palace complex stood in the void.

Below the palace, the earth, water, wind and fire were surging, brewing an extremely terrifying force.

But when this force touched the palace above, it calmed down in an instant.

At the main entrance of the palace, there was a plaque hanging.

On the plaque were three big characters, Zixiao Palace.

No one knew what these three big characters were written in, and no one could recognize them, but everyone could understand their meaning after seeing these three characters.

And in Zixiao Palace, there was a Taoist sitting in it.

No one could see the appearance of this Taoist clearly. He seemed to be an old man, and a young man. All the thousands of faces and thousands of appearances seemed to be this Taoist, and it seemed that these external appearances were not this Taoist.

Taoism has no appearance, and right and wrong are determined by the heart.

At this time, there was a chessboard in front of the Taoist.

This chessboard seemed small, but in fact it was infinitely large.

On the chessboard, there were no traditional chess squares, only countless twisted and tangled balls of thread.

Black and white flags were placed on the focus of the connection between the balls of thread.

No one played chess with this Taoist priest, but he was having a great time holding a black chess piece in one hand and a white chess piece in the other.

The Taoist priest reached out and picked up a white chess piece, and was about to make a move.

At this moment, he suddenly sensed something, and a chess piece in his hand was not held firmly, and it actually smashed directly into the chessboard.

In an instant, many of the entangled lines on the chessboard hit by the chess piece broke.

And in the vast prehistoric world, countless strange things suddenly happened.

Two golden immortals who had a very good relationship suddenly fought each other, and they had to decide one life and death.

The Jade Emperor's trusted immortal suddenly fell in love with a mortal woman, and actually gave up his magic power and cultivation, saying that he would leave the heaven and go down to the earth to get married.

In the bitter cold land of the west, outside the Buddhist country led by Zhunti, the Bodhi Mountains suddenly collapsed, causing the spiritual energy of the entire west to drop by another 10%.

There were also various strange things, making the entire prehistoric world like a pot of porridge.

But at this time, the Taoist priest had no mind to care about his game of chess.

He muttered to himself, "There are three thousand great ways in the prehistoric world, and three thousand is the maximum number. This is the destiny of the heavenly way. But why did another way appear in the heaven and earth at this time? This way is neither an external way nor a destiny that existed originally, but it suddenly appeared in the prehistoric heavenly way.

How is this possible? The prehistoric heavenly way is me. Since I am the prehistoric heavenly way, how could anyone block my perception!

Is this heavenly way not under my control?"

The Taoist's mind moved, and his thoughts covered the entire prehistoric world.

The next moment, all the cultivators in the prehistoric world felt that a supreme power that was above everything appeared in the prehistoric world.

In every corner of the prehistoric world, thunderclouds appeared in the sky, and countless heavenly tribulation thunders flashed in the thunderclouds.

The heavenly tribulation thunder is used by the heavenly way to punish those who go against the heaven. Even if the immortal golden immortal is contaminated with a little bit, his body will instantly dissipate and his bones and flesh will turn into mud.

But at this time, the prehistoric sky was actually full of heavenly tribulation thunder.

In the divine thunder, countless divine eyes of heaven opened, and each divine eye contained the pressure of heaven, which even the Golden Immortal could not look directly at.

The rumbling thunder seemed to shake the entire prehistoric world.

The divine thunder of heavenly tribulation continued to strike down, and thunders fell on the earth, turning into streams of spiritual energy and merging into the world.

This is not only Hongjun's search for the initiator of the extra Dao, but also the Honghuang Heavenly Dao changing this Honghuang world to make it suitable for the practice of the perfect method.

Following Hongjun's big move, the old man who was refining the elixir in the Bajing Palace raised his head, his eyes were indifferent and ethereal, and he was forgetful.

The old man murmured to himself: "What happened that made the teacher take action."

The young Taoist who was practicing sword on the Golden Turtle Island also put away the Qingping Sword in his hand, and his consciousness rose into the sky to explore the root of everything.

The other four saints were also alarmed by this huge movement, and they separated their consciousness to explore the entire Honghuang.

Now the Honghuang Heavenly Dao has not yet transformed the world into a practice environment suitable for the perfect world.

This means that the perfect way of practice has not really appeared in the Honghuang world.

The relationship between the six saints and the Heavenly Dao is not as close as Hongjun, and there is no way to know the changes in the Heavenly Dao in advance, so although the six saints at this time are confused, they can't find any clues.

This makes the six saints even more confused, and they have increased their efforts to explore the Honghuang.

Waves of holy power spread out, and for a moment, all the cultivators in the prehistoric world trembled.

Heaven is above, the six saints are on tour, and the last time there was such a huge movement was during the witch and lich catastrophe.

Countless cultivators showed fear on their faces. Could it be that the time has come and the next round of catastrophe is coming?

Just as everyone was worried, the transformation project of the prehistoric heavenly way went smoothly.

Countless cultivators were suddenly surprised to find that with the advent of the heavenly tribulation thunder, the spiritual energy of the prehistoric world increased by two levels.

Yang Chan silently watched the changes in the prehistoric world, but her heart was calm.

She knew that this wave was stable. If someone in the prehistoric world could really find her location, then there shouldn't be so many heavenly eyes in the sky, and the six saints' divine thoughts shouldn't have been hanging in the sky all the time, and she probably couldn't sit so peacefully in Yuquan Mountain. She had been pulled somewhere by the unknown big man to drink tea.

As the thunder of heavenly tribulation continued to reverberate, Yang Chan's mood became more and more peaceful. She could feel that the prehistoric world was becoming more and more suitable for practicing the perfect method.

Yang Chan silently recalled the details of the perfect method in her mind, striving to be foolproof in the process of practicing later.

When the thunder of heavenly tribulation slowly disappeared from the sky, the pairs of heavenly eyes in the sky slowly closed, and the pressure of the six saints gradually faded, Yang Chan knew that the time had come for her to practice the perfect method.

The prehistoric world is now completely in the shape of the perfect method!

Many group members in the group have practiced the perfect method. Yang Chan absorbed the opinions given by these group members, and coupled with her own extraordinary qualifications, Yang Chan's progress was very fast after she started practicing.

It didn't take long for Yang Chan to master the practice of the perfect method and successfully entered the early stage of the blood-moving mirror.

At the moment when Yang Chan entered the blood-moving realm, the heavenly way of the prehistoric world shook again.

Billions of colorful fairy flowers appeared in the sky, and billions of golden lotuses emerged from the ground.

In every corner of the prehistoric world, whether in the bitter cold land in the west or in the sky above the Golden Turtle Island of the Jade Void Palace, there were beautiful music movements.

Taishang had just sat back on the futon and slowly picked up the fan to fan the alchemy furnace. Before he could even sit still, he sensed another big movement between heaven and earth.

He couldn't help but look up and sighed, "Ah, what's going on, again?"

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