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Chapter 105 Yang Chan grows the Supreme Eye?

With the emergence of this strange phenomenon of heaven and earth, a vast and boundless merit was born from the prehistoric heavenly way.

Tai Shang looked up and sensed the strength of this merit, and then couldn't help but exclaimed: "What a vast merit, almost one-tenth of the merit that Nuwa got when she created humans."

However, Tai Shang didn't have any greed for this merit. After all, after he established the human religion, he could continuously gain merit and luck from educating the human race.

So far, the merit in his Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda is two or three times more than this merit.

Tai Shang and even the Three Pure Ones didn't care too much about this merit of heaven and earth. They cared more about the mastermind behind all these strange phenomena.

The mysterious man who made the prehistoric world have one more path and turned it into 3,001 avenues.

Since the merit was born, it must have a destination. Following the direction of this merit of heaven and earth, they can naturally find out the true identity of the mastermind behind the scenes.

But the two Taoists in the Western Buddhist Kingdom didn't think so.

The moment he saw this heavenly merit, the eyes of the Taoist Zhunti were bright, and he put his hands together: "Good, good, this merit is so vast, I know at a glance that this person is destined to go to the West."

The Taoist Jieyin standing aside nodded repeatedly: "My West is the land of merit, the supreme paradise. You and I are about to build the Western Buddhist Kingdom and build the Eight Treasures Merit Forest, which is exactly when we need a lot of heavenly merit. At this time, a person who has gained such vast merit appeared in the world. It must be that you and I have worked too hard, so the heaven has lowered the curtain and sent down such great merit."

The Taoist Zhunti shook the Eight Treasures Wonderful Tree beside him, and the Taoist Jieyin picked up the Pure Merit Bamboo in his hand, ready to go.

Once they find the direction of this heavenly merit, the two brothers are ready to do their best to bring this destined person to the Western Pure Land of Bliss and enjoy great freedom together.

"Zhunti Jieyin, this is the territory of our Taoist sect, not the bitter cold land of the West for the two of you. You are so unscrupulous in exploring our territory of the Three Pure Ones. It seems that you are itching for trouble?"

A cold voice sounded, and the voice was extremely cold and sharp, just like a peerless immortal sword, containing the supreme artistic conception of destruction and extinction.

The person who spoke was Tongtian Jiaozhu.

He was the one who disliked the two hypocrites in the West the most among the Three Pure Ones.

The Eastern World was originally the Taoist temple of the three brothers. At this time, Zhunti Jieyin's divine thoughts were sweeping through the Eastern World unscrupulously, which undoubtedly touched Tongtian Jiaozhu's reverse scale.

"What do you mean by your Taoist sect? Aren't we two brothers also disciples of the teacher? Tongtian, you are really stingy. We are obviously a family, but you have to distinguish between you and me."

Zhunti Taoist replied with a smile on his face, and did not take the murderous intention in Tongtian Jiaozhu's words to heart at all.

The Taoist Jieyin also sang a Taoist name with a sad face: "Brother, you are obsessed with appearances. All living beings are suffering. My heart is Bodhi. I only want to save all living beings. What is the difference between the East and the West?"

Hearing the answers of the two shameless people, Tongtian Sect Master couldn't help but tighten the hilt of the Qingping Sword on his waist, and wanted to draw the long sword and really cut the two shameless people with one sword.

The West is originally a bitter and cold place, but under the governance of the two brothers Jieyin and Zhunti in the past two kalpas, it seems to be thriving and gradually has the atmosphere of a blessed land.

Why is this?

Is it the result of the two saints Jieyin and Zhunti working tirelessly to pick up rare treasures in the chaos and working hard?

Of course not.

Tongtian Sect Master has never been a stingy person. He is generous by nature. Except for the treasures of Zhuxian Four Swords and Qingping Sword, Tongtian Sect Master does not care about external things.

At the beginning, Tongtian Patriarch and Zhunti Jieyin had a good relationship because they were both guests of Zixiao Palace. Every time the two went to the Eastern World, Tongtian Patriarch would greet them with a smile.

At the beginning, Tongtian Patriarch found that Zhunti Jieyin would occasionally move some famous mountains and blessed places from the Eastern World to the Western World, and sometimes they would take away some disciples who were still good at following.

At that time, Tongtian Patriarch didn't care about these.

They are all brothers!

Just take some things, what's the matter.

He knew how miserable the Western World was, it was simply a thousand miles of barren land with nothing.

It was reasonable to move some famous mountains and blessed places back to improve the living environment.

Until one day, Tongtian Patriarch went to the outer chaos to find the chaotic evil spirit to sharpen the four swords of Zhuxian. When he came back, he found that the spiritual energy on the Golden Turtle Island had dropped extremely seriously.

Not to mention compared with his brother's Bajing Palace, even Haotian's Heavenly Palace couldn't compare.

tndThe famous mountains and blessed lands around the Golden Turtle Island were almost completely emptied by the two brothers, Jieyin and Zhenti.

The area around the Golden Turtle Island became as barren as the West, with only a few small blessed lands scattered here and there.

No, you can take some, but why did you empty my house? I treat you as a brother, and you repay your brother like this?

So Tongtian went to the West to find the two brothers.

Tongtian's request was not high, just return the sacred mountains near the Golden Turtle Island to him, and then don't do such things again in the future.

As for the sacred mountains and blessed lands moved from other places, they were given to them because they were from the same school.

But Jieyin and Zhunti would never agree, and directly rejected Tongtian's request.

You should know that although the Supreme Taoist seems to be inactive, he is actually unfathomable. The Original Taoist is good at calculating and is not easy to fool.

In their territory, the two brothers Jieyin and Zhunti only dared to move some corners of the blessed land.

Only Tongtian Jiaozhu, the second fool, was very generous.

So the two brothers could move as much as they wanted, and they didn't know how much goods they had.

However, the brothers didn't dare to move the sacred mountain blessed land near the Golden Turtle Island.

After all, it was too close, and they were afraid that Tongtian would take action directly.

But the blessed land and caves near the Golden Turtle Island were too fragrant. They were the top batch of blessed lands and caves in the prehistoric world, and the brothers were really greedy.

And now they finally waited for Tongtian Jiaozhu to go to the chaos, so they just made a big one at once.

The two brothers acted quickly, and they were habitual offenders at a glance. They suddenly took action and even the Supreme and Yuanshi didn't react, and they emptied the area around the Golden Turtle Island at once.

There is no reason to spit out the meat that has been eaten, let alone the most refined meat, just don't even think about it.

This made Tongtian Jiaozhu, who came to seek justice, so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven.

But he couldn't do anything to these two shameless people.

Although he was the first among the six saints in killing, this was in the West.

The Western world was the dojo of Zhunti Jieyin. When they came to the West, even if the Three Pure Ones attacked together, it would be difficult to do anything to them.

It's not that they can't beat them at all, but if they really fight to that extent, the five saints will fight in a melee, and the earth, water, wind and fire of the prehistoric world will be re-refined.

At that time, it will be the teacher who will take action.

And the two brothers are very cautious. Since they angered Tongtian Jiaozhu, they rarely enter the East and the chaos.

This made Tongtian Jiaozhu so angry that his teeth itched, but he couldn't do anything to them.

The hatred between the three people became deeper and deeper, and it can't be resolved today.

The divine thoughts of the five saints kept colliding in the prehistoric world, all wanting to find the whereabouts of this heavenly and earthly merit at the first time.

The five saints confronted each other, and the atmosphere was tense.

But in the Snail Palace, the Saint Nuwa was quite leisurely. She held a small kettle in her hand and walked in the flower garden of the Snail Palace.

This small kettle was green all over, and it looked ordinary, but in fact it was an innate spiritual treasure, the Innate Green Water Kettle.

The kettle contained the vastness of the universe and contained an entire small world.

The liquid poured out of the kettle was not ordinary water, but chaotic spiritual liquid.

While watering the flowers, the Saint Nuwa watched the struggle of the five saints in the sky, with a slight smile on her lips.

If you want to say who has the most heavenly and earthly merits in the entire prehistoric world, it must be Nuwa.

Creating humans and repairing the sky has brought her a huge amount of heavenly and earthly merits.

Moreover, she is the Holy Mother of the human race. The entire human race was born because of Nuwa, so the merits obtained by the descendants of the human race in the future will be divided into Nuwa.

Although this share of heaven and earth merits is a lot, Nuwa does not care.

In addition, she is not interested in the mastermind behind the scenes.

Anyway, there are five senior brothers to support it if the sky falls, and there is still the teacher if it doesn't work.

She just wants to protect the human race she created to thrive in the prehistoric world.

Nuwa hummed a song and watered the various spiritual flowers and plants in the flower garden. She was in a very good mood.

This is certainly not because the five senior brothers are about to fight.

It is mainly because she recently calculated that a destined person was born in the human race, who is very suitable to be her disciple.

Since becoming a saint, Nuwa has been lonely for a long time.

Her brother Fuxi reincarnated into the human race and became the emperor of the human race. He was trapped in the Fire Cloud Cave by the Heavenly Dao.

Although there are some guardian boys and maids in the Wahuang Palace, there is no one who can really say intimate words.

The only ones who can really accompany Nuwa are the flowers and plants in the Wahuang Palace.

Before, Nuwa also calculated that there are several creatures suitable to become her disciples, but these creatures are not human.

As the Holy Mother of the human race, if she accepts these creatures as disciples, she will inevitably share the luck of the human race with these disciples.

This will undoubtedly reduce the growth potential of the human race.

Nuwa likes these little cuties she created very much, so she reluctantly gave up these disciples.

And this time, the destined person she calculated turned out to be a human race, which made Nuwa no longer have any scruples and look forward to accepting this human disciple.

Nuwa was watering the flowers in the Wahuang Palace, while the remaining five saints were concentrating on this merit of heaven and earth.

The five saints' thoughts were mixed, and under their vast magical powers, the time and space of the entire prehistoric world were locked.

The past, the future, the cause, the result, everything became meaningless.

But in such a fierce battle, this vast merit of heaven and earth suddenly disappeared from the five saints.

Literally disappeared.

It was clearly in front of the five saints in the last second.

But in the next second, this vast merit of heaven and earth disappeared, without any destination, as if it had never existed.

Seeing this scene made Yuanshi Taoist take a breath.

Even if the Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric world would suppress them, so that they could not extend the past and descend into the future.

But their power as saints would not change, and their own characteristics of the Great Dao would not change.

If you want to disappear this heaven and earth merit without any trace in front of the five saints, so that the five of them can't see the slightest clue, even if their teacher takes action himself, he can't do it.

The Supreme Being sat in the Eight Scenery Palace and sighed deeply: "It seems that the innocence of the prehistoric era is really going to change this time. There is one more path in the prehistoric world, and the mastermind behind the scenes can actually steal it from under our eyes. The merits of heaven and earth are taken away directly, and coupled with the teacher’s overwhelming divine eyes, I’m afraid even he doesn’t know the identity of the mastermind behind the scenes.”

As the Supreme Being sighed, the figure of Bajing Palace gradually disappeared, and actually overlapped with Yuxu Palace and Golden Turtle Island in an instant.

Then the three Taoists gathered together.

Opposite the white-haired old Taoist priest was a middle-aged Taoist priest with a fair face, and beside him stood a young Taoist priest carrying a long sword.

The three Taoists sat cross-legged and uttered the mantra of the Great Way. Suddenly, flowers fell from the sky, golden lotuses surged from the ground, and strange phenomena occurred frequently where the three Taoists stood.

The Three Purities gathered together to discuss the Tao and study together the secrets of the new three thousand and one.

This is the first time that the three pure beings have gathered together to discuss the Tao since the Lich Calamity.

In the Western world, Zhunti also had a sad look on his face when he received the two men. They watched helplessly as the great merit slipped away under their noses, which made the two brothers miserable.

With this kind of merit, the two brothers can directly save five guilds and build the Western Paradise.

What's more, you can directly follow the clues, find the mastermind behind the scenes, cross him to the west, and directly grasp the mystery of this newly emerged three thousand and one.

It hurts! It hurts!

For both of them, not picking up the money was more uncomfortable than losing it.

Little Yang Chan, who was sitting cross-legged and practicing in Yuquan Mountain, naturally had no idea that the six aloof saints were frowning because of what she had done.

Little Yang Chan only saw a flash of golden light, and a mighty merit appeared in front of her.

And the most amazing thing is that Xiao Yang Chan's cave is obviously next to the Yuding real person's cave, only a few dozen meters away.

But at such a close distance, Master Yuding was completely unaware of this heaven and earth merit.

Then, under Xiao Yang Chan's gaze, the power of merit was divided into four parts in the air.

Three of them contain about 30% of the merit power, while the remaining one only contains about 10% of the merit.

Then a force of merit flew into the animal bones that were the carriers of the Ishimura bone inscriptions.

A piece of merit flew into the jade carrier of the original true solution.

There is also a force of merit flying towards Xiao Yang Chan's body, leaving only a 10% content of the force of merit in the void.

With the integration of the power of merit, all the dark yellow traces on the large animal bones faded away, and then the animal bones turned into a warm and moist material similar to jade.

And the jade carrier became whiter and whiter, and there was even a trace of Taoism in the halo.

The changes in these two skills are nothing, but the one who has really changed a lot is Xiao Yang Chan.

Under the golden light of merit, Xiao Yang Chan felt that her body had become extremely transparent.

Yang Chan was originally a descendant of immortals. She had extraordinary talents and contained very few impurities in her body.

But no matter how talented he is, Yang Chan is still an acquired being, not as deep-rooted as a real innate being.

With this level of qualification, it is not difficult to become an Immortal Golden Immortal, but it is quite difficult to go further.

The gap in qualifications between congenital and acquired beings is huge.

Some realms are extremely difficult for acquired beings to cross, but do not exist for innate beings.

For example, to become an immortal, an acquired soul needs to undergo a heavenly tribulation and cleanse the physical body.

The more serious the sin, the stronger the catastrophe, and you can survive it and become an immortal, free and easy.

If you cannot cross it, you will die and turn into ashes.

But for innate beings, becoming an immortal is not just a matter of sleeping. If you sleep, you will become an immortal.

As for what the Heavenly Tribulation is, I can only say that I have no idea at all.

In the prehistoric world, nine out of ten people who could become Daluo True Immortals were innate beings.

If an acquired soul wants to cultivate into a Da Luo True Immortal, it must have great understanding, great luck, and great opportunities. None of the trillions of acquired cultivators can cultivate into a Da Luo True Immortal.

However, under the washing of this golden light of merit, all the impurities in Yang Chan's body were dissolved into ashes, and she truly became a pure and flawless glass body.

Not only that, under the washing of the golden light of merit, Yang Chan could also feel that an innate energy was born in her body. With the birth of this innate energy, Yang Chan completely broke away from the identity of an acquired creature and achieved The holy body of innate merits.

But that's not the biggest change.

Transforming Yang Chan's body into a holy body of innate merit only consumed one-tenth of the merit in Yang Chan's body.

After achieving innateness, Yang Chan suddenly felt itchy on her forehead, as if something was growing.

Yang Chan glanced with her consciousness and discovered that a bright golden line actually appeared on her forehead.

This thing looked very familiar to Yang Chan. Isn't it the divine eye on the second brother's head?

Could it be that this divine eye is not the innate magical power of my second brother, but is actually the blood inheritance of our family.

But I have never heard of Haotian and my mother having eyes on their foreheads.

Could it be that the bloodline of this first-born divine eye comes from my father’s side?

Sensing the sudden appearance of the third eye on his forehead, Yang Chan had countless guesses in his mind.

At this moment, Yang Chan felt the remaining merit power in her body swarming into the divine eye on her forehead.

Not only that, even the original true solution and the stone village bone text placed aside also lit up a shadow of merit power, echoing with the merit power in her forehead.

Yang Chan could feel that this merit power kept turning into runes in her eyebrow divine eye.

Some of these runes were exactly the same as the runes recorded in the original true solution, while some were runes she had never seen before.

As the runes gathered, Yang Chan felt that her eyebrow divine eye was becoming stronger and stronger, giving birth to an endless and terrifying power.

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