All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 106: Supreme Treasure Technique, World Upgrade

With the emergence of this power, Xiao Yangchan felt the divine eye on her head slowly open.

In the vision of this divine eye, the world in front of Xiao Yangchan completely changed.

Countless regular silk threads lay across the void, completely exposed in Yangchan's eyes.

Through the sight of the divine eye, Yangchan saw many things that she had never noticed before.

The rhythm of the wind, the softness of the water, the thickness of the earth

The essence of things became like the texture on the palm of Xiao Yangchan's hand, all visible.

But this is nothing, these are just the magical powers that this divine eye originally came with.

The truly terrifying thing is the runes condensed in the divine eye after the combination of the merits of heaven and earth and the cultivation system of the perfect world.

Xiao Yangchan can feel that with the condensation of these runes, her divine eye has a terrifying power.

This power is completely different from the path of the prehistoric world.

For Xiao Yangchan, it is more like the natural treasure technique of the perfect world described by the group leader.

However, the runes that make up this magic have many shadows of the power system of the prehistoric world.

In general, the divine eye breeds the supreme magic formed by the cultivation systems of the two worlds of perfection and prehistoric world.

Under Yang Chan's spiritual induction, she knew the name of this magic, the original Xuanhuang Jiudang Shenguang.

With the generation of this magic, the merit power integrated into Yang Chan's body was also consumed.

Of course, strictly speaking, it cannot be considered as consumption. In fact, all these merit powers are integrated into Yang Chan's divine eye, allowing Yang Chan's divine eye to have a part of the status of the innate merit treasure.

The divine object is self-concealed. With the end of Yang Chan's transformation, the divine eye on her forehead gradually closed, leaving only a snake-shaped golden line on Yang Chan's forehead similar to Yang Jian's forehead.

The animal bones and jade stones placed aside also restrained the divine light, becoming as ordinary as before.

Seeing this scene, Yang Chan breathed a sigh of relief. With this disguise and the protection of the chat group, no one should be able to discover her identity unless she exposes herself.

But things are not over yet, because Yang Chan still has a 10% share of heaven and earth merits in front of her.

This 10% share of heaven and earth merits, no matter what item it is integrated into, can create a treasure of acquired merits.

Yang Chan thought about it and pulled out a jade hairpin from her hair.

This hairpin was a birthday gift from her mother to her twelfth birthday, and it was also the only item left by her mother on Yang Chan.

Yang Chan temporarily integrated this 10% share of heaven and earth merits into the jade hairpin.

The heaven and earth merits with affiliations in animal bones and jade cannot be misappropriated.

Because these merits are originally rewards given to them by the Heavenly Dao for bringing the cultivation of the perfect world to the prehistoric world.

And this 10% share of heaven and earth merits has no affiliation.

Yang Chan can dispose of it at will, and can take it out of the jade hairpin at any time when needed later.

With the integration of the merits of heaven and earth, this jade hairpin has also become a treasure of acquired merits.

It has the characteristics of merits and treasures such as merits protecting the body, killing people without being affected by cause and effect, etc.

When everything was settled, Yang Chan couldn't wait to enter the cultivation space of the chat group.

She couldn't wait to test how powerful the original Xuanhuang Jiudang Divine Light was.

However, in Yuquan Mountain, with Yuding Zhenren sitting beside her, Yang Chan didn't dare to let go of her hands and feet to experiment.

It's no big deal to plant the Jiuyuan Xuanling Fruit.

After all, Yuding Zhenren would not cover the entire Yuquan Mountain with his divine consciousness all the time to observe every move on Yuquan Mountain.

It's not that Yuding Zhenren doesn't have this ability, the main thing is that he is not a pervert, wouldn't it be better to use this energy to comprehend the Tao.

But testing the original Xuanhuang Jiudang Divine Light is different. Just looking at the origin of this thing, you can tell that its power must be extraordinary.

Yuding Zhenren is not a dead man, and he will definitely be discovered.

It will be hard to explain at that time.

Just kidding, there is an extra divine eye on the head, and it can be explained that this is the ancestral bloodline of the Yang family.

My brother has it, why can't I have it?

But if Yang Chan suddenly releases a magical power with such terrifying power at such a sensitive time. I am afraid that she will go to Yuxu Palace for tea in the next second after she finishes the experiment.

After entering the cultivation space of the chat group, Yang Chan has no scruples at all. No matter what she does, she will not be discovered.

Yang Chan pointed forward, and the environment of the cultivation space changed dramatically. A rocky mountain rose from the earth and stood in the center of the cultivation space.

The chat group has always been very generous to group members. Group members can customize the environment of the cultivation space in the cultivation space.

Of course, there is a premise, that is, anything that appears in the cultivation space must be something in this world, and group members must have personally touched it before it can be materialized in the cultivation space.

The mountain in front of us is a strange peak next to Yuquan Mountain, called Black Dragon Peak.

On the Black Dragon Peak, there is a monster called the Die. This monster will eat all the plants around its habitat, turning the ground of its habitat into a bare rocky land. Then this monster will lie on the ground, motionless, and look like a rock from a distance.

When this monster lies on the ground, its abdomen can absorb the essence of the earth, and the shell on its back can absorb the essence of the sun in the world.

Through this kind of training method, the lot not only does not need to eat or drink, but also trains very quickly.

Each lot has the talent of lying on the ground for thousands of years without moving.

Many lot have become demon immortals by lying on the ground.

This kind of demon beast has no other special skills, except that it can lie down very well, and the only thing left is that it is very hard.

According to Jade Ding Zhenren, it is difficult for a lot at the Nascent Soul level to break his defense even at the Tribulation Crossing stage.

Yang Chan materialized this Black Dragon Peak for no other purpose, just to use the projections of these lots as targets.

These materialized lots have no life, but have the same physical material as the original body. Yang Chan has no psychological burden to use them as targets.

Yang Chan flicked her sleeves, and a golden cloud stretched out from her feet, carrying her to the Black Dragon Peak.

After selecting for a long time, Yang Chan finally found a projection of a lot at the same level as her.

Yang Chan was not polite. The snake-shaped golden line between her eyebrows slowly opened, revealing the purple divine eye on her forehead with golden light.

There was a complex and indescribable rune collection in the center of her divine eye, which kept rotating in Yang Chan's pupils, looking extremely mysterious.

As Yang Chan's divine eye opened, a terrifying breath appeared in the air.

Yang Chan's mind moved and activated the magic in the divine eye.

As the magic was activated, Yang Chan felt that two-thirds of the mana in her body was absorbed in an instant.

Then a divine light shot out from her divine eye and rolled towards the lot in front of her.

This divine light was dark yellow in color. There were thousands of chains of laws on the divine light, and thousands of runes flowed, brewing a primitive breath that destroyed everything.

The divine light flashed, and the carapace of the lot that was difficult for the true immortal to break was wiped out into nothingness in an instant.

Not only the lot, but also everything within a thousand meters around it was annihilated.

A circular pit with a depth of 300 meters and a width of 1,000 meters appeared on the ground.

This destructive range is not a big deal. After all, Yang Chan can easily create such a big pit with her cultivation in the Nascent Soul stage if she wants.

But the key point is that there is a lot in the Fusion stage next to this lot.

It was also annihilated into ashes with this attack.

It is difficult for even ordinary True Immortals to break the defense of the Fusion stage lot.

Being able to turn this lot into ashes means that the power of Yang Chan's attack has reached the level of ordinary True Immortals.

You know, there is a gap of four realms between the Nascent Soul stage and the True Immortal.

In other words, if this attack can hit, Yang Chan in the Nascent Soul stage now has the ability to kill immortals.

Although the cost of launching this attack is two-thirds of her whole body mana, after launching this attack, she lost most of her combat ability, but this is already terrifying enough.

Moreover, Yang Chan could feel that due to her limited cultivation, she had only brought out one percent of the mysteriousness of this magic.

Only when she became a celestial being could she fully bring out the power of this magic.

If Yang Jian stood in front of Yang Chan at this moment, he would probably doubt his life.

Why is it that his sister's magic eye is not only gorgeous in special effects, but also glows, and has such strong lethality, even though they are both divine eyes.

In comparison, his divine eye is just like a knife from Pin Xixi.

After testing the magic, Yang Chan was satisfied.

The chat group really didn't lie to her, saying that the second option would have huge gains, and it was really true.

Apart from anything else, the innate merit treasure body alone is worth the price, not to mention that it also allowed her to awaken the divine eye and this terrifying magic.

Sure enough, a bicycle turned into a motorcycle after a gamble.

Yang Chan opened the chat group and told everything that happened in the prehistoric world.

This made several group members eager to replicate Yang Chan's operation in their own world.

After listening to Yang Chan's story, Xu Chenzhou thought about it and then reacted.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "I'm afraid we can't replicate this operation. This should be a special operation of the prehistoric world.

The main reason why Yang Chan can make this special choice is because the prehistoric heavenly way is very special.

This specialness is reflected in the fact that the prehistoric heavenly way is alive and has a strong control over the prehistoric world.

This does not mean that the prehistoric heavenly way has consciousness and thinks like a human.

The heavenly way is fair, and the prehistoric heavenly way has no emotions. It is a purely rational existence.

And this pure rationality will make the prehistoric heavenly way make a choice that is absolutely beneficial to the prehistoric world.

Whether it is to send down the catastrophe to eliminate the termites between heaven and earth, or to send down the power of merit to reward those who have made contributions to heaven and earth, it is this kind of behavior.

And absorbing the cultivation system of the perfect world is definitely a time that can greatly enhance the foundation of the prehistoric world.

In addition, the prehistoric heavenly way also has the ability to transform the world into an environment suitable for practicing the perfect method.

So after coming into contact with the two exercises, the prehistoric world has undergone such a huge change.

It is precisely because of this that Xiao Yangchan can obtain a huge amount of heaven and earth merit. "

Lu Mingfei (dragon slayer): "No wonder, when I was looking for localization adaptation before, the chat group didn't give a second choice at all.

The heavenly way of the earth world is really not good, bad review!"

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "What's the use of giving a bad review, it's hard to say whether there is such a thing as the heavenly way in the dragon world!"

Hong Yi (Daqian scholar): "That is to say, if I can cultivate to the extent of changing the whole world, can we also be like Xiao Yangchan, without modifying the exercises, but only need to modify the world, and can practice the original exercises of other worlds.

If the Yangshen world is transformed into an environment suitable for practicing the perfect method, does it mean that the upper limit of the power of the Yangshen world has been raised?"

Hong Yi fell into this fantasy.

In fact, after joining the chat group, Hong Yi has been thinking about a problem, that is, the upper limit of the Yangshen world is too low.

Don't look at his fast cultivation. Except for Xiao Yangchan, he should be the best fighter in the group now.

But even if he cultivates to the ultimate of the Yangshen world, that is, the legendary other shore, the realm that countless practitioners in the Yangshen world dream of, it is not particularly powerful in the group, and it can even be said to be a bit ordinary.

In front of the sacrifice to the Tao, the Taoist ancestors, and the saints, the other shore of the Yangshen world is like a weak chicken.

Not to mention that Hong Yi also learned from Xu Chenzhou that in addition to the Yangshen World, there is also a world of the One-Life Supreme that also has the realm of the Other Shore. Compared with the vast power of the ancients on the other side of that world, the Other Shore of the Yangshen World is like a joke.

What is going on? The Other Shore of the One-Life Supreme is the Big Other Shore, while the Other Shore of the Yangshen World is just the Small Other Shore?

This is too much of a blow to Hong Yi's enthusiasm for cultivation.

Not to mention that the Other Shore is not the ultimate achievement of that world. There is a realm called Dao Fruit above the Other Shore.

But now Hong Yi sees hope of breaking the deadlock.

Even if the Other Shore of the Yangshen World is pulled again, it will always have the ability to transform the world.

Zhang Junbao (Young Sword Immortal): "This is also the question I have been thinking about in recent days. I have been troubled for several days. The resources in the Yitian world are too few.

I am fine. The upper limit of the world is not a big problem for me.

But it is difficult for others except me. Even if I teach them the Zhenwu Dan Condensation Method, I am afraid it will be difficult to lead them to the road of immortality.

But Hong Yi's words woke me up. Since the environment of the Yitian world is not good, I will directly transform the environment. It's not a big deal!

Anyway, I don't want to transform the Yitian world and directly insert a new cultivation system.

Just make some small changes on the original basis to raise the upper limit.

Thinking about it this way, the difficulty should not be very high."

Hong Yi (Daqian Scholar): "Well, Junbao makes sense. It is true. There is no need to copy the cultivation system of other worlds.

It is too difficult to insert a new cultivation system like the prehistoric world without affecting the original cultivation system.

This kind of large project can probably only be done by the Heavenly Dao with infinite computing power.

Even if I achieve the other shore, I can't do this.

On the contrary, it is easier to slowly transform the upper limit like Junbao and raise the upper limit of the world on the original basis.

In addition, we have the resources of the chat group, which can absorb the cultivation systems of the heavens and the worlds for our own use, and then find the way to advance the cultivation system of this world.

If the road is broken, we can directly transform the world environment, upgrade the whole world, and continue the broken road ahead. "

Xu Chenzhou nodded secretly. What if there is no road ahead? Just build a road to continue.

This sentence is indeed extremely arrogant.

But if the person who said this is Yizi who joined the chat group, then Xu Chenzhou can only say that he believes Hong Yi can do it.

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