All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 107 Xuanhuang Pagoda, Five-Colored Divine Light

After Hong Yi and Zhang Junbao finished sending messages, they temporarily disappeared from the group. It was obvious that these two people went to test their conjectures.

Everyone in the group continued to chat, and the topic soon turned to the divine eye on Yang Chan's forehead.

Lu Mingfei (Dragon Slaying Master): "I just checked the information. No matter where in the Chinese mythology, there is no record of the Third Eye having a third eye."

The history of the dragon world is very similar to Xu Chenzhou's previous life, and the myths and legends are basically the same.

And there are many similar works, such as StarCraft.

When it comes to StarCraft, Xu Chenzhou feels that with Lu Mingfei's strategic talent, traveling to the world of monster hunting is really an understatement.

If he could travel to the interstellar world and incarnate as the Zerg Queen, eight years would be enough to push the gods and humans together.

However, now that Lu Mingfei has joined the chat group, there may be hope that he can obtain the Zerg Queen and experience a real-life version of StarCraft in the future.

Xu Chenzhou asked Guo Mingfei carefully. There were still some differences in the literary works of the two worlds.

For example, there is also Mr. Jin Yong in Lu Mingfei's world, but that Mr. Jin Yong did not write the Condor Trilogy, but instead wrote three other martial arts novels.

However, Mr. Jin Yong’s first two books, The Legend of Swordsmen, The Blue Blood Sword, and the last three books he wrote, Swordsman and The Deer and the Cauldron, are no different from Xu Chenzhou’s previous life.

Xu Chenzhou guessed that it was probably because the historical trends were slightly different at certain points in time, which led to Mr. Jin Yong having different inspirations.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "According to Xiao Yang Chan's description, the divine eye she awakened is indeed a bloodline talent. I have never heard of Haotian having this kind of bloodline in my previous life, so Yang Chan, the divine eye you awakened should be As you guessed, it comes from your father’s bloodline.”

Yang Chan (from Yuxu Sect): "So my father is not an ordinary person?"

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "It's possible, or maybe there was some big shot in his ancestors.

After all, if I think about it carefully, there are quite a lot of fairies that descended to earth and gave birth to children in my memory.

For example, the Seven Fairies and Dong Yong, the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl.

They should all have offspring, but their offspring are all walk-ons.

It seems that only Yang Jian is the only descendant of fairies who has truly achieved great achievements.

Well, no, there is also Xiao Yang Chan, you should be considered one too.

If you put it this way, your father probably has some special bloodline. "

In fact, there is another person who is Yang Chan's future son Chenxiang.

It's just that after Xiao Yang Chan joined the chat group, the trajectory of her destiny has changed. Chen Xiang will probably no longer exist in the future.

Therefore, Xu Chenzhou did not send Chenxiang's information to Xiao Yang Chan.

Shi Hao (young child in Shicun): "Sister Yang Chan, from your description, the divine eye you awakened is a bit like my supreme bone."

In fact, Xiao Shi Hao no longer remembers what his Supreme Bone looks like.

But through Xu Chenzhou's description, he still had a rough understanding of the Supreme Bone.

Now I heard that Yang Chan's divine eyes were pregnant with countless runes and generated a treasure technique, which instantly reminded Xiao Shi Hao of his Supreme Bone.

Yang Chan (from Yuxu Sect): "It is indeed a bit similar, or to put it simply, it is the same thing. The only difference is the bones and eyes."

After finishing speaking, Yang Chan sent a video to the group where she had just tested the original Xuanhuang Jiudang Divine Light.

Yang Chan (from Yuxu Sect): "I just tested the original Xuanhuang Jiudang Divine Light and found that it has the power properties of both the prehistoric world and the perfect world. In addition to its powerful offensiveness, it also has two uses."

Following Yang Chan's news, Yang Chan in the video also started demonstrating simultaneously.

In addition to being able to match the attack power of a true immortal in one blow, Yang Chan can also hang the original black and yellow Jiudang divine light outside her body, forming a protective light shield.

Within this body-protecting light shield, no matter earth, water, wind, fire, thunder, smoke, or all kinds of energy can enter, it is simply impossible for all kinds of energy to enter.

However, Yang Chan is only a cultivator in the Nascent Soul realm after all. No matter how powerful the original Xuanhuang Jiudang divine light is, there is an upper limit.

After Yang Chan raised the black-yellow light shield, ordinary Nascent Soul realm attacks could not break through Yang Chan's defense, or even cause any ripples to the divine light outside her body.

However, if the intensity of the attack is increased to the level of the God Transformation, and a cultivator of the God Transformation level attacks with all his strength, then Yang Chan can only sustain it for an hour.

This is already unbelievable. It is an absolute defense across a large realm. This kind of turtle shell is simply too shameless.

However, Xu Chenzhou noticed that the name of this treasured technique was Original Xuanhuang Jiudang Divine Light, and then thought that this treasured technique was bred by the power of merit, and he instantly felt relieved.

After all, Taishang Dao Master also has a treasure related to the power of merit and virtue [The Exquisite Xuanhuang Pagoda of Heaven and Earth]. The name also has the word Xuanhuang. It can be called the most powerful defensive magic weapon in the entire prehistoric world.

That thing is far more outrageous than Yang Chan's black and yellow light shield. Once it is used, it will be invincible.

It is simply a super invincible turtle shell.

Yang Chan's treasure technique can be closely related to the exquisite black and yellow pagoda of heaven and earth. It becomes normal to have such outrageous defense power.

But at this time, Xu Chenzhou suddenly thought of something. Since one usage comes from the two words Xuanhuang, then the other usage should come from Shenguang!

Not sure, let's see!

If it's really as he thought, then the magic that Yang Chan awakened is too amazing, it can attack and defend, and has a strong auxiliary effect.

Yang Chan in the video really began to demonstrate, and Yang Chan waved her hand, and a whole team of heavenly soldiers and generals appeared in the practice space.

This team of heavenly soldiers and generals is the team of heavenly soldiers and generals that chased Yang Chan.

The heavenly soldiers and generals materialized in the practice space cannot move, and have no consciousness, but both their cultivation and the magic weapons on their bodies perfectly reproduce their appearance at that time.

When Xu Chenzhou first discovered that the practice space of the chat group could materialize people and objects he had seen before, his first reaction was to grab the wool.

However, the chat group would definitely not leave such an obvious loophole. No matter how many materialized treasures he carried, they would turn into nothingness after leaving the practice space.

The divine eye on Yang Chan's forehead opened, and a dark yellow light shot out from Yang Chan's forehead, rolling towards the pile of heavenly soldiers and generals in front of him at a very fast speed.

As the divine light passed, all the weapons in the hands of this team of heavenly soldiers and the armor they wore, except for the innermost underwear, were all swept into the divine light.

After ten seconds, a pile of weapons and armor fell out of the divine light with a clang.

Xu Chenzhou had some enlightenment when he saw this scene. The divine light that Yang Chan comprehended could indeed sweep other people's weapons and magic treasures like the five-color divine light, but it was not particularly effective.

First of all, the duration of the sweep was limited and could only be controlled for a short while.

Secondly, Xu Chenzhou noticed that the clothes and weapons on the heavenly general were not affected by this divine light.

It seems that facing those with very different cultivation levels, this magic will not work.

This is far inferior to the original five-color divine light. You must know that Kong Xuan's five-color divine light can even sweep Zhunti into the divine light.

However, this is a one-to-many situation after all. If it is a one-to-one spell, the control time of the original Xuanhuang Jiudang divine light is estimated to be much longer.

This is already very strong.

Imagine two cultivators with similar cultivation fighting, and one of them is suddenly disarmed for more than ten seconds. What will happen to the disarmed person?

The scene is so beautiful that Xu Chenzhou can't bear to watch it.

Zhang Junbao (Young Sword Immortal): "I have been called the Young Sword Immortal all day recently. I was a little arrogant, but today I saw Yang Chan's video and I know what it means to be better than others."

She can fly and hide, and can destroy a hundred miles with a casual blow. Zhang Junbao was excited by Yang Chan's various abilities.

The other group members also expressed their amazement.

Yang Chan is the ceiling of the current combat power in the group.

This is also the first time that Yang Chan has fully demonstrated her combat power in front of these group members.

Especially Misaka Mikoto, she couldn't help blushing when she saw Yang Chan's invincible power.

She once had a level 5 superpower and felt that she was at the top of Academy City.

After entering the chat group, she knew what it means to be better than others.

Apart from anything else, Accelerator alone is an enemy that she cannot fight against at all.

Not to mention that the group members in the group are stronger than each other.

In particular, the power displayed by little Yang Chan made Misaka Mikoto extremely amazed.

If she can have this level of power, then what can the initial version of Accelerator be compared to her.

Xu Chenzhou was also very tempted by this treasure technique.

Although the defense of this treasure technique is not as good as the exquisite pagoda of the mysterious yellow of heaven and earth, and the use of collecting people's weapons is not as good as the five-color divine light, it is already enough to defy the heaven.

After all, one technique can be used for three purposes. After learning it, you can travel all over the world with this trick alone.

And in the future, if it really doesn't work, you can let Yang Chan go to Kong Xuan to learn from him, and learn from the experience of the genuine five-color divine light to improve this treasure technique.

However, Xu Chenzhou has no idea whether this innate magical power engraved in the body can be uploaded.

In theory, this kind of innate treasure technique from the perfect world can be taught to others, and it meets the upload conditions.

But Yang Chan doesn't have a physical secret book after all.

Moreover, this is Yang Chan's natural treasure technique, similar to a natural supernatural power, which involves some privacy. Xu Chenzhou is not sure whether Yang Chan is willing to upload it.

Although Xu Chenzhou wants this treasure technique very much, he will not force Yang Chan if she is unwilling.

Just when Xu Chenzhou was still thinking, little Yang Chan suddenly spoke.

Yang Chan (Yuxu Sect member): "I just tried to use the chat group system to extract the supreme treasure technique in my eyebrow center, and unexpectedly found that it can be uploaded.

But after the chat group extraction, the runes of this treasure technique are too complicated, even I feel a little dizzy.

I think it may be difficult for you to learn it."

Yang Chan's words made Xu Chenzhou feel extremely surprised. It's OK to upload it. As for the difficulty of learning, Xu Chenzhou said that he can accept it.

After all, he is not fighting alone now. He has the spiritual core of Lao Zhang and Xiao Hong, plus him.

The comprehension of the three of them is definitely the best in the world.

As long as he is willing to spend time and grind slowly, Xu Chenzhou does not believe that he can't learn this treasure technique.

After Xiao Yangchan uploaded the original Xuanhuang Jiudang Shenguang, the group gradually fell into silence.

The video Xiao Yangchan just posted in the group was really exciting and itchy.

Now that Xiao Yangchan has shared this magic, everyone is eager to learn it right now.

Xu Chenzhou is no exception. He immediately downloaded the original Xuanhuang Jiudang Shenguang cultivation method.

The chat group was very considerate. Not only did they give Xu Chenzhou a piece of treasure bone containing the original Xuanhuang Jiudang Shenguang, but they also came with a cultivation manual.

This cultivation manual lists all the runes in this magic separately, and also gives a step-by-step cultivation method.

But Xu Chenzhou still felt a headache because there were too many runes in this magic.

More than two hundred pages are filled with dense runes, and learning these runes can only mean that the practice of this magic has reached the preschool level.

The most mysterious part of the original Xuanhuang Jiudang Shenguang is the change rules between different runes. Sometimes they are in groups of two, sometimes in groups of three, and sometimes in groups of four, rotating and changing continuously.

If you want to learn this magic, you must be familiar with all these change rules.

But despite the headache, Xu Chenzhou was still quite happy.

Because although this magic is complicated, it only takes time to learn.

Coupled with his super high comprehension, his learning progress will far exceed that of ordinary people.

And what he lacks the least is patience and practice.

But now he has some other things to deal with, and he can't spare time to study this extremely difficult magic.

In the perfect world, in the ancestral village of the Shi clan, a little guy is sitting under the shade of a tree.

He holds a crystal clear treasure bone in one hand, and a thick kraft paper book next to the other hand.

Little Shi Hao keeps flipping through the treasure bone and kraft paper book in his hand.

The whole person is extremely focused.

Runes jump in his mind, constantly combining and separating.

Looking at it, Little Shi Hao is actually a little crazy.

He has the original true solution in his hand, which is the supreme treasure book for cultivation.

But although the original true solution is good, it also has a disadvantage.

In the original true solution, there are many illustrations of duels between powerful men.

These illustrations can be called the God of War Atlas, with the Golden Winged Dapeng dueling with gods and the Nine-Leaf Sword Grass sniping the gods.

However, these illustrations only have simple runes and do not contain any treasure techniques.

This is the biggest flaw of the original true solution.

As a natural supreme being, Xiao Shihao should have a supreme treasure technique that can ignore this shortcoming of the original true solution.

But unfortunately, Xiao Shihao's supreme bone was dug out and implanted in his cousin Shi Yi's body.

But now, Xiao Shihao has obtained a new supreme treasure technique.

And this supreme treasure technique comes from a supreme eye.

Xiao Shihao can't wait to know whether Shi Yi's double pupil is more powerful or the original Xuanhuang Jiudang Shenguang he got from Xiao Yangchan is more powerful.

Double pupils are invincible, so why borrow other people's bones?

But with Xiao Yangchan's Supreme Eye, how can your double pupils be invincible!

It just so happens that you took away my Supreme Bone, so I will use the magic born from the Supreme Eye to defeat your double pupils.

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