All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 11 Star Alliance Basic Body Building Skills

As we all know, no matter what system it is, there will be losses when using external objects for cultivation.

Not only that, there will be various side effects.

The most common one is elixir poison.

After taking elixir, toxins will accumulate in the body, which will affect the progress of cultivation in the long run.

But after practicing the basic body-building exercises of the Star Domain Alliance, it is different.

It doesn't matter whether it is a high-quality elixir or a low-quality elixir.

Anyway, when it is eaten into the stomach, whether it is elixir or elixir poison, it can all be melted into energy.

And this is just one of the benefits.

The core of cultivation is energy.

The speed of cultivation will be faster when the energy is sufficient.

The ability to quickly obtain energy from food means an increase in the speed of cultivation.

This kind of practice that can increase the speed of cultivation is the most suitable as a welfare practice for the chat group.

This wave is not a loss!

Without paying attention to the reaction in the group, Xu Chenzhou directly closed the group chat.

Anyway, when the chat group distributes the practice, it will naturally bring the introduction of the practice. With the wisdom of the group members, there is no need for him to explain in detail.

After closing the chat group screen, Xu Chenzhou rubbed his hands excitedly.

This time, he opened the group chat, and he gained a lot.

He got four secret books.

There is also an origin-level technique.

The technique received in the red envelope exists in the virtual space of the chat group.

Xu Chenzhou can read it in his mind at any time.

In addition to the basic body-building technique of the Star Alliance, among these four techniques, the Amitabha Sutra was the most precious in the past, followed by the Changchun Technique.

But now for Xu Chenzhou, his focus is not on these two techniques.

In order to cope with the Star Warrior Assessment in a month, the most important thing Xu Chenzhou should do now is to enhance his martial arts strength.

Obviously, for enhancing martial arts strength, the Nine Yang Divine Art and the Great Bull Demon Fist are definitely more helpful.

The previous practice method of a one-star warrior was also very simple, that is, to temper the body through various means.

When the body is tempered to perfection, it can penetrate the sky and sense the world, and become a one-star warrior.

Due to their strong absorption ability, all practitioners who practice the basic body-building skills of the Star Alliance have extremely fast recovery ability.

Even if they are exhausted from training, they can quickly recover and return to training.

Some very hardworking warriors even train for twenty hours a day and rest for only ten minutes every hour.

Of course, even with the basic body-building skills of the Star Alliance, not everyone can bear such training intensity.

For example, the original owner of this body died like this.

The methods for entry-level warriors in this world to strengthen their bodies are a bit rough.

Basically, they are all modern fitness methods and some ancient boxing methods.

But this is also normal, because the training methods of one-star warriors are completely different from those before they became warriors.

After becoming a one-star warrior, you have to start building a combat body.

At that time, the training method is to guide various energies to flush the body and transform it into a combat body.

The warriors in this world are all focused on developing combat body martial arts. How many people are so idle to help entry-level warriors develop physical training methods?

Those with talent will naturally succeed if they are given enough resources, while those without talent cannot even pass the first level, and it is more practical for them to go home and farm.

But Xu Chenzhou is different. He has the body-refining secret method from the Yangshen world, the Bull Demon Power Fist.

The Bull Demon Power Fist is a body-refining secret method from the Great Zen Temple. There are three styles in total, which are from the shallow to the deep to train the flesh, tendons and membranes. It is the entry book for the strongest warriors in the Yangshen world.

Bai Ziyue, one of the eight demon fairies, once said that there are thousands of martial arts in the world, and there is no basic method that is stronger than the Bull Demon Power Fist.

Compared with the rough body-building methods of the Star Domain Alliance, the existence of the Bull Demon Power Fist is simply a dimensionality reduction attack.

The comparison between the two is like the difference between a bicycle and a nuclear submarine.

However, this does not mean that the practice method of the Star Domain Alliance is completely without merit.

The extremely strong digestion ability coupled with the extremely fast recovery ability gives the Star Domain warriors extraordinary advantages in practicing any body-refining method.

Moreover, warriors in the Star Domain World can use the rough body-building method to forge a perfect body, penetrate the sky and become a one-star warrior.

This can already show how powerful the digestive ability brought by the Star Domain Alliance's basic body-building skills is.

Now the Star Domain Alliance's basic body-building skills have evolved super-evolved, and there is also the help of the Bull Demon's Great Fist.

Xu Chenzhou dared not imagine how smooth his next practice would be.

Xu Chenzhou waved his hand, and countless light points condensed in front of him.

This is the materialization function attached to the chat group of the young cubs of the heavens.

Every method circulated through the chat group of the young cubs of the heavens can be materialized into a physical body using this function.

And after materialization, the method can also be engraved in the mind through the function of the chat group.

"Ding, the method of the other world is detected, and it is checking whether there is a conflict of laws!"

Hearing this prompt, Xu Chenzhou was stunned for a moment, and then he understood it.

The basic laws in different worlds are very different.

For example, the immortal cultivation method in the mortal world requires spiritual roots, while the Taoist method in the Yangshen world requires continuous thunder tribulation.

Not to mention the subtleties, the differences between them are even greater.

There are even some worlds where even the basic physical rules are not universal.

If the difference is too big, then under the conflict of laws, the peerless magic will become a pile of waste paper.

"If the laws conflict, then this method can't be used?"

Xu Chenzhou hurriedly asked the chat group assistant.

The chat group assistant is the chat group's own auxiliary AI, without any wisdom, and can only passively answer some questions raised by Xu Chenzhou.

He wanted to know if the chat group would provide corresponding functions to solve this problem if the laws conflict.

The cold and hard mechanical voice of the chat group assistant came.

"If the laws conflict, you can use the chat group points for local adaptation.

The so-called local adaptation is to adapt to the laws of the world while trying to ensure the original flavor of the method.

After completing the local adaptation, the power of the method will change according to the different worlds..

The chat group is only responsible for adaptation to ensure that the method can be practiced smoothly. As for other changes, it has nothing to do with the chat group.

In addition, as a member of the chat group, the right to cross-border travel will be opened in the future. At that time, group members can also choose to cross-border travel and go to a world suitable for practice to practice."

After listening to the assistant's answer, Xu Chenzhou nodded.

As long as the technique can be practiced, other problems are not a big deal.

As for the increase or decrease of the power of the technique, these are all normal.

Take Changchun Gong, for example, as a technique for cultivating immortals in the mortal world.

To practice this technique, you need not only spiritual roots but also spiritual energy.

How can a low-level martial arts world have these things?

If practicing Changchun Gong in the Yitian world can have the same power as Han Li's original version, then it would be strange.

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