All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 10 Group Chat Benefits Origin of Gongfa

Zhang Junbao was moved to tears when he saw this scene in the group.

Although he is the future Sanfeng Zhenren, he is only a teenager now.

How could he not be touched when several friends of the same age treated him so well?

He waved his hand and sent a red envelope to the group.

[Nine Yang Magic Skill (Incomplete, 70%)] 3/3

Zhang Junbao (Youfang Sanren): "Thank you for your help. Zhang Junbao will definitely repay you in the future.

I will go to Master Jueyuan to learn the complete Nine Yang Magic Skill and pass it on to you in the next two days."

Zhang Junbao also knew that the Nine Yang Magic Skill he gave was the lowest value in the group.

However, Zhang Junbao would not refuse the kindness of his friends.

He secretly made up his mind that he would definitely give back to several friends in the group when he had the chance.

After Xu Chenzhou sent out the secret book, he saw that other friends also sent out their own secret books, and he couldn't help but smile.

He received these secret books at a very fast speed.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Since everyone has got the secret book, why not comprehend it on your own first.

If there is anything you don't understand, use the group chat to communicate with each other."

Hong Yi (Daqian scholar): "The group leader is right."

Han Li and Zhang Junbao also echoed.

Now almost all the people in this group chat are ancient people, so their conversations in the group chat are quite literary.

Unlike the chat habits of modern people, all kinds of sand sculptures emerge in an endless stream.

However, Xu Chenzhou also knows that as the number of group chat members gradually increases.

As long as there are more modern people in the group chat, the chat environment will be completely different at that time.

Even these literary ancient people will definitely be infected by modern chat habits.

After all, sand sculpture group members also have the pollution power of sand sculpture emoticons, and few beings in the heavens and the worlds are immune.

Just when Xu Chenzhou was about to close the group chat, the chat group suddenly issued a prompt.

"Congratulations to all group members for completing the hidden achievement "Sharing Spirit" (each group member in the current group chat has sent out at least one technique).

Reward: A technique will be randomly selected from the group for origin-level deduction, and it will be deduced into an origin-level technique, and shared with every group member in the chat group as a group member benefit."

Xu Chenzhou was a little excited that the achievement was actually triggered.

The chat group has an achievement system, which is divided into hidden achievements and ordinary achievements.

The conditions for completing hidden achievements cannot be seen, and whether they can be completed depends entirely on luck.

Sharing spirit is a hidden achievement.

I didn't expect that sending red envelopes could complete a hidden achievement, which is a surprise.

And this reward is very cool as soon as you hear it. The origin-level technique is not ordinary stuff.

I saw a roulette wheel appear in the center of the chat group. There are many blocks of different colors on the roulette wheel, and the names of different techniques are written in large gilded characters in the middle of the blocks.

Nine Yang Magic Skill, Changchun Skill, Past Amitabha Sutra, the tenth set of basic body-building skills of the Star Domain Alliance, Burning Flame Demon Fist, and Bull Demon Power Fist.

The pointer kept spinning at a very fast speed, causing a phantom to appear in front of Xu Chenzhou.

Xu Chenzhou looked at the roulette in front of him with some entanglement.

In the long run, Changchun Gong and the past Amitabha Sutra have higher potential.

But the system he is practicing now is the extraordinary warrior. There is no doubt that the martial arts method will improve him more in a short period of time.

For a moment, he didn't know which method he should expect to be selected.

The speed of the roulette pointer slowly slowed down.

The golden pointer passed the past Amitabha Sutra and slowly stopped at the tenth set of the basic body-building exercises of the Star Domain Alliance.

Seeing this result, Xu Chenzhou's eyes went dark.

Damn, how could this happen.

The basic body-building exercises of the Star Domain Alliance were actually selected.

This method is a basic method that must be practiced by the extraordinary warriors of the Star Domain Alliance.

The most core effect is that it can speed up the digestion speed of the practitioners through practice.

There are six levels of basic body-building exercises. The digestion speed will double with each level.

After practicing to the sixth level, the digestion speed will increase twenty-four times.

Of course, there are very few people who can practice this skill to the sixth level. It is very good for ordinary warriors to practice this skill to the third level.

With a digestion speed that exceeds that of ordinary people, the recovery ability of the practitioner will be greatly improved, and they can withstand higher loads of practice.

The higher the level of practice of the Star Alliance Basic Body Strengthening Skill, the faster the warrior will practice in the early stage.

To a certain extent, the Star Alliance Basic Body Strengthening Skill is no less than the peerless magic skill for the body-training warriors.

That's why Xu Chenzhou uploaded the Star Alliance Basic Body Strengthening Skill to the group chat.

But in a thousand words, the core of the Star Alliance Basic Body Strengthening Skill is to improve digestion ability.

For a practice system that mainly relies on digesting food to obtain energy, it may be of some value.

But for other practice systems, it seems very useless.

No matter from which angle, the Star Alliance Basic Body Strengthening Skill is the worst choice among the six skills.

Forget it, it's already been selected, and there's no point in being uncomfortable.

Let's take a look at the results first.

Xu Chenzhou clicked on the start deduction in the center of the screen.

The chat group interface instantly changed into a starry sky, with countless whirlpools sweeping and starlight swaying. Mysterious laws scattered from the chat group interface, dyeing a series of magnificent colors.

After a long time, all the strange phenomena disappeared, leaving only a lonely secret book standing in the middle of the screen.

Xu Chenzhou clicked to receive, and the introduction of this secret book instantly appeared in his mind.

After the chat group deduction, the basic body-building skills of the Star Alliance retained its strongest feature, which is to improve digestion ability.

In addition to retaining the original ability to improve digestion speed, the basic body-building skills of the Star Alliance have also gained the ability to improve digestion efficiency.

Simply put, it is not only fast digestion, but also high digestion efficiency.

It can achieve 100% energy utilization.

This is quite terrible.

Simply put, the evolved basic body-building function of the Star Alliance allows practitioners to eat only in and not out.

Because all the food eaten into the stomach can be quickly digested by the practitioners, without even leaving any residue, and completely converted into energy.

Of course, what practitioners can eat is not only food, but also elixirs, spirit stones, etc. As long as they can eat anything that is not toxic, they can digest it.

Even if it is poisonous, as long as the practitioner's body can hold on and not be poisoned to death, they can still eat it.

Anyway, as long as it is eaten into the stomach and digested, no matter what kind of toxin it is, it is a joke in front of the origin-level skills.

Moreover, the converted energy is universal.

It can be fully applied to internal strength, physical training, cultivation of immortality, or other cultivation systems.

Seeing this, Xu Chenzhou couldn't help laughing.

It really deserves to be the origin-level deduction.

He actually deduced the basic body-building skills of the Star Domain Alliance from a training auxiliary method dedicated to physical training martial arts into a god-level auxiliary training method applicable to the entire system.

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