All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 9 What is the spirit of sharing?

Before Guo Xiang left Zhang Junbao, she gave him a gold bracelet.

Let Zhang Junbao go to Xiangyang to find Guo Jing and his wife.

She also told Zhang Junbao that her sister had a bad temper and just had to obey Guo Fu.

Logically speaking, in this situation, at least nine out of ten people will go to Xiangyang.

Zhang Junbao himself has a vague affection for Guo Xiang.

Moreover, the reputation of Guo Jing and Huang Rong spread throughout the world.

Being able to learn their martial arts from Guo Jing and Huang Rong, and getting along with the world-famous heroine Guo Xiang day and night.

I'm afraid not all young heroes all over the world are flocking to him.

If we can queue up, I'm afraid we can queue directly from Xiangyang to Beijing.

But Zhang Junbao chose to start his own business.

He said: "I am a good man, why should I be humble to others and compromise?"

Zhang Junbao, who can say such things, will naturally not reconcile with the Shaolin Temple under any circumstances.

And this is exactly what Xu Chenzhou wants.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): “The best solution is even simpler.

He Zudao, with a single sword, can boldly challenge Shaolin and retreat.

In such a big Shaolin, no one dared to take action to keep He Zudao.

To put it bluntly, it’s not because of strength.

The bigger the fist, the louder the voice.

Junbao helped Shaolin resolve disasters, but was dismissed as a traitor by Shaolin.

Who can bear this?

As long as you are strong enough, you can conquer the entire Shaolin.

Then you won’t betray the Shaolin Temple and be hunted by them.

Instead, the monks of the Shaolin Temple respectfully saw you off from the Shaolin Temple. "

Seeing this passage, Zhang Junbao murmured to himself.

“The bigger the fist, the louder the sound.

Yes, a real man lives between heaven and earth.

How can you live under others in depression for a long time?

I don’t want to stay in this Shaolin anymore.

But even if you leave Shaolin, you must leave in glory.

At the same time, the Shaolin Temple must be disgraced.

Only in this way can we repay their fault for causing my master's death. "

Zhang Junbao (Youfang Sanren): “What you said, group leader, makes sense.

But there were less than ten days left before He Zudao entered Shaolin.

My current strength is low, how can I have the strength to overwhelm the entire Shaolin within ten days. "

Hong Yi (Da Qian Xiucai): "Jun Bao, please don't belittle yourself, your strength is not simple.

You must know that He Zudao is the person who made the entire Shaolin Temple want to admit defeat.

And you can use the most common Shaolin Luohan Fist in Shaolin Temple to catch the ten moves of He Zudao.

In the huge Shaolin Temple, there are only a few people who can do it. "

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): “Hong Yi is right.

You have been practicing the Nine Yang Magic Skills with Master Jue Yuan since you were a child.

With such profound internal strength, there are only ten monks in the entire Shaolin Temple who can be stronger than you.

In addition, you are extremely talented and your understanding of martial arts is different from ordinary people.

After just ten days of learning Arhat Boxing, he was able to fight against He Zudao.

So the only thing you lack now is martial arts moves.

As long as you can make up for this shortcoming, there will be few people in the entire Shaolin Temple who can be your opponent.

If you can cultivate your inner strength further.

Then conquering the entire Shaolin Temple will be an easy task for you. "

Zhang Junbao had a sad face. He also knew that his shortcoming was his moves, but it was not that easy to learn advanced martial arts.

Although Master Jueyuan is the administrator of the Sutra Pavilion.

But Master Jueyuan manages Buddhist scriptures.

During the Tianlong period, many people secretly learned the martial arts from the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

Since then, the Shaolin Temple’s martial arts secret books have been stored separately.

Master Jue Yuan has no right to read it.

Zhang Junbao naturally has no way to obtain these martial arts.

What's more, the Shaolin Temple monks had falsely accused him of secretly learning martial arts.

If these Shaolin monks were slapped in the face with Shaolin martial arts, wouldn't it just confirm the fact that they secretly learned martial arts?

Zhang Junbao (Youfang Sanren): “The group leader’s suggestion is a good one.

But where this martial arts move comes from is a big question.

Moreover, it is a fantasy and basically impossible to achieve my inner strength within ten days. "

Seeing this, Xu Chenzhou was very satisfied and smiled slightly.

Zhang Junbao's ability to say this is his guidance.

Next, he planned to upload the two martial arts he inherited from his predecessor to the group chat.

If you want to get benefits from others, the best way is to give them benefits first.

Trust and bond are inherently an upward spiral process.

Only through constant communication and elimination of doubts can we gradually become stronger.

Of course, this also has a premise, that is, these people are principled people.

This certainly does not apply to free prostitutes and shameless people.

However, Xu Chenzhou knew the character of his friends well, so he naturally gave out benefits boldly and confidently.

But before Xu Chenzhou could express anything, Hong Yi directly sent a message.

Hong Yi (Da Qian Xiucai): "Jun Bao, why do you have to worry about this? Go on!"

I saw Hong Yi directly sending two red envelopes in the group chat.

[Ox Demon Powerful Fist] 3/3.

【Past Amitabha Sutra】3/3.

Hong Yi originally paid little attention to such things as the secrets of martial arts, and he learned about the future development from Xu Chenzhou's mouth.

Hong Yi, who knew how big the world was, didn't even take the two secret books in his hand seriously.

In addition, everyone in the group is in a relationship of mutual assistance, and they are separated by the Ten Thousand Worlds, so they do not affect each other.

Hong Yi is naturally not stingy.

He actually sent out the secret book faster than Xu Chenzhou.

This operation stunned Xu Chenzhou.

I can only say that he is worthy of being Hong Yi. What is the vision of everyone being like a dragon? What is the pattern!

Xu Chenzhou directly retreated tactically!

However, Xu Chenzhou's hands were not slow, and he directly sent out the prepared red envelope.

[The Tenth Set of Basic Body Building Skills of the Star Domain Alliance] 3/3

[Burning Flame Demon Fist] 3/3

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "My martial arts heritage is different from that of your two worlds. Junbao, you can also refer to it.

And this set of Burning Flame Demon Fist is also powerful. I believe it will be of great help to you."

The Burning Flame Demon Fist is the ancestral skill of the Xu family. Only when you cultivate the Burning Flame Battle Body can you truly exert its power. It is said that it can burn mountains and boil seas and burn everything when you practice it to the extreme.

But even without the Burning Flame Battle Body, the moves are just as exquisite. In the Yitian world, it is definitely a unique boxing skill.

Han Li was still a little hesitant, but seeing that the group leader and Hong Yi were so generous, he made a decision in an instant.

He also sent a red envelope in the group chat

[Eternal Spring Skill] 3/3

Han Li (disciple of Qixuan Sect): "Although the Eternal Spring Skill has no combat power at present, it is a cultivation skill after all, so it is still very good as a reference.

And there is a drop of Cangtian Creation Liquid in my Palm Heaven Bottle, which can also give birth to a hundred-year-old medicinal material.

This medicinal material is not very helpful to me for the time being, so I can give it to you first."

"Group leader, Brother Hong, you will have to wait for the spiritual medicine.

But don't worry, Cangtian Creation Liquid can condense a drop in seven days, and the spiritual medicine produced is definitely enough to satisfy our cultivation."

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