All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 110 Five Emperors, Five Dragons, Five Elements, Mixed Cave Technique

The night was cool as water, the sky was full of stars, and a few moonlights shone on Xu Chenzhou's body, casting a long shadow.

Xu Chenzhou looked up at the sky. Although he had seen it many times, he couldn't help but be fascinated by the starry sky of Shuilanxing.

In his previous life on Earth, he had lived in the city for a long time and had not seen such a bright starry sky for a long time.

Although Shuilanxing's industry was also prosperous, its technology was more advanced, and its means of pollutant discharge and consumption reduction were much stronger than Xu Chenzhou's previous life.

Here, Shuilanxing's companies did not need to reduce emissions by withholding charging heads, and the air could still be kept fresh.

As soon as Xu Chenzhou opened the door, the intelligent central control system immediately noticed that the owner had returned and turned on the lights in the living room.

It was already one or two o'clock in the morning when he came back from Xianke Restaurant.

Xiao Baozi had already gone to bed. She had to go to school tomorrow, so it was impossible for her to stay up so late like Xu Chenzhou, who was on leave.

But Xu Chenzhou was not sleepy at all. He returned to the bedroom, pressed a switch on the desk, and then a virtual screen appeared in front of him.

Although this screen was projected, it did not feel virtual at all. It looked like a real screen, especially the screen color was much brighter than the OLED screen Xu Chenzhou used in his previous life.

Xu Chenzhou entered a URL, then took out the account Zhou Xuanyi gave him and logged in.

The opening animation of this website was quite domineering. Two golden dragons were entangled in the void, and then suddenly a beam of light shone through, and two heavy doors opened with a bang.

Then the interface that appeared was a bookshelf, on which were placed one after another of different names of exercises.

This website is the hidden power pavilion of the Blue Water Star Martial Arts Association.

Xu Chenzhou originally thought that the hidden power pavilion of the Martial Arts Association should be built in a confidential place, with heavy guards to protect the safety of the exercises.

But Zhou Xuanyi told him that it was the interstellar era now, and who would still use the traditional hidden power pavilion.

Now all major forces basically use the cyber hidden power pavilion.

Except for some important parts of the core skills that will be preserved in physical form, most of the skills can be downloaded on a dedicated website.

As long as the members of the faction have the authority, they can download any skills they want to practice, which is very convenient.

As for security issues, there is no need to worry. These major forces that use the Cyber ​​​​Hidden Power Pavilion are almost all protected by powerful supercomputing-level artificial intelligence.

For example, the Martial Arts Association, no matter which planet the branch's hidden power pavilion is, it is uniformly connected to the headquarters' server and guarded by the super artificial intelligence Hongmeng.

Even in the planets in the inner ring that can access virtual information terminals, you can directly enter the Cyber ​​​​Hidden Power Pavilion through virtual devices.

However, Shuilan Star is too remote, even in the planets in the outer ring, it is very remote, so the technological benefits of virtual reality cannot be enjoyed on Shuilan Star for the time being, and you can only rely on traditional methods to access the Internet.

Xu Chenzhou browsed the website and found that the user experience of the Martial Arts Association's Cyber ​​​​Hidden Power Pavilion is quite good.

You can search by realm, by attribute, and by pre-set skills.

For example, now that Xu Chenzhou has input the Flame Demon God Bone, a large number of techniques popped up in the Technique Pavilion for Xu Chenzhou to choose from.

At a glance, there are hundreds of densely packed techniques, even the Burning Flame Demon Fist that Xu Chenzhou inherited from his family is among them.

This made Xu Chenzhou a little dazzled.

The techniques in the Star Domain World do not have a strict grading system like the novels that Xu Chenzhou had read in his previous life.

But this does not bother Xu Chenzhou. You don't have a grading system, but the exchange price will not lie.

Xu Chenzhou directly enabled the price sorting, and it can be seen that the originally messy techniques immediately became orderly.

The prices of these techniques vary greatly.

Some cheap techniques only require 100 Martial Arts Association points to exchange, while some expensive ones require 2,000 Martial Arts Association points to exchange.

Especially the first five, their prices are even more cliff-level leading.

The sixth-ranked technique only requires 800 Martial Arts Association points, while the first five all require 2,000 Martial Arts Association points.

The five secret books are "Quantum Nuclear Magnetic Gong", "Xuan Yang Sun Jue", "Five Emperors Five Dragons Five Elements Mixed Hole Gong", "Da Feng Ge", and "Red Lotus Ascension Manual".

These five books are the most powerful martial arts collected in the Gong Fa Pavilion of the Shuilanxing Martial Arts Association.

Quantum Nuclear Magnetic Gong is a new martial arts that has only appeared in the last few hundred years. It can control the power of fusion and fission. The disadvantage is that it is too single and has strong lethality, but it is weak in other aspects.

Xuan Yang Sun Jue and Five Emperors Five Dragons Five Elements Mixed Hole Gong are more traditional extraordinary martial arts. One can contain the sun in the body, and after practicing the God and Demon Battle Body, it is comparable to the sun in the sky. The other can condense the supreme five elements mixed hole battle body, control the five elements mixed hole to absorb all things, and erase the past and present.

The remaining two books are more abstract. Da Feng Ge is a martial arts method dug out from the ruins of the ancestral star, which can be practiced into the twelve capitals of gods and demons.

It sounds good, but in fact, these twelve capitals of gods and demons are really twelve capitals of gods and demons.

After mastering the Twelve Dutian Gods and Demons Battle Body, the warrior will have eleven more clones, which are connected to each other through the thought network.

Although it is very powerful to cultivate one person into twelve, it is really easy to become a psychopath.

Many warriors who practiced this method ended up with schizophrenia, and the twelve clones fought each other.

The Red Lotus Ascension Manual is an XP created by the predecessor of the robot girl.

His transformation idea is to train his body into a machine in the way of a warrior.

Every time a realm is broken through, a part of the body must be transformed into a machine structure.

Flesh and blood are weak, and the machine ascends.

This method can condense the T2000 Red Lotus to transform the body when it is practiced to the realm of gods and demons.

In any case, according to the picture given above in the introduction of the method, the appearance of this combat body is probably similar to the super-super-super-huge Gundam.

It is so abstract that a good person does not want to be a Gundam.

After careful consideration, Xu Chenzhou first ruled out the quantum nuclear magnetic power.

Although this method has strong lethality, its functionality is too single, and it has similar shortcomings to the Burning Flame Demon Fist.

In addition, the first extraordinary organ to be transformed by the quantum nuclear magnetic power is also the spine, which conflicts with the Burning Flame Demon Fist. If Xu Chenzhou wants to practice the quantum nuclear magnetic power, he must destroy the Flame Demon God Bone and grow a new spine again, which is unacceptable to Xu Chenzhou.

Then Xu Chenzhou ruled out the Red Lotus Ascension Manual and the Great Wind Song. Although the power of these two techniques is also very strong, they are indeed a bit unorthodox.

After thinking about it, Xu Chenzhou still chose the Five Emperors Five Dragons Five Elements Mixed Hole Technique as his subsequent practice technique.

This technique has all five elements and a solid foundation. As a practice platform, it is very suitable for him to integrate into the practice system of other worlds in the future.

Apart from anything else, the Flame Demon God Bone is very compatible with this technique.

Xu Chenzhou only needs to make a slight modification to transform the Flame Demon God Bone into the Red Emperor Flame Dragon Bone of the Five Emperors Five Dragons Five Elements Mixed Hole Technique.

Since he has made a decision, Xu Chenzhou no longer hesitates and directly uses his free redemption privileges to redeem the Five Emperors Five Dragons Five Elements Mixed Hole Technique.

The practice of the Five Emperors Five Dragons Five Elements Mixed Hole Technique is very simple. In the introductory stage, you can choose any of the five articles of gold, wood, water, fire and earth to practice.

Then, according to the order of mutual generation, fire generates earth, earth generates gold, gold generates water, and water generates wood, and different attributes of extraordinary organs are condensed in one realm after another.

Xu Chenzhou must have chosen the fire attribute as the opening, because only in this way can the Flame Demon God Bone in his body be perfectly integrated.

In order to transform the Flame Demon God Bone into the Red Emperor Flame Dragon Bone, some extraordinary materials are needed, so Xu Chenzhou has no way to start practicing immediately.

However, these extraordinary materials can be ordered directly through the shopping system of the Martial Arts Association, and they can be delivered the next day, which is very convenient and fast.

In the process of studying this secret book, Xu Chenzhou had another idea.

The core of the Five Emperors, Five Dragons, and Five Elements Mixed Hole Gong is actually the Five Elements Mixed Hole Grinding Wheel condensed by the power of the Five Emperors and Five Dragons. This is the true essence of the Five Elements Mixed Hole Gong.

The stronger the five elements power that Xu Chenzhou can control, the stronger the five elements mixed hole formed.

But in this case, can we use the Five Emperors, Five Dragons, Five Elements Mixed Cave Gong as a platform and the Nine Yang Magic Art as a foundation to integrate the Xuan Yang Great Sun Art into the Five Emperors, Five Dragons, Five Elements Mixed Cave Gong?

The Xuan Yang Great Sun Art is also of fire attribute, and it is quite compatible with the Nine Yang Magic Art according to the introduction.

Anyway, the round pill condensed by the Nine Yang True Qi is strictly speaking also his body organ, so in this case, what's wrong with transforming it?

No matter how you think about it, it feels like there is a way

Since you think of it, then do it. Xu Chenzhou spent another 2,000 points of the Martial Arts Association to exchange for the Xuan Yang Great Sun Art without hesitation.

Holding the two martial arts books in his hand, Xu Chenzhou carefully studied and found that his idea was indeed feasible.

This martial arts golden pill was condensed by the Nine Yang True Qi in his body, and it was closely related to him, and there was no difference from a part of his body.

If he cultivates the martial arts golden elixir according to the way of Xuanyang Day Jue, then the nine martial arts golden elixirs in Xu Chenzhou's body may really be refined into nine suns.

At that time, the nine suns will no longer be the name of the technique, but a record description.

But here there is another problem, that is, doing so will cause the fire element in Xu Chenzhou's body to be too strong.

In the future, every time Xu Chenzhou's cultivation level breaks through, he must find another carrier like now, and integrate a top-level technique.

However, this is naturally not a problem for Xu Chenzhou who has the Zhutian chat group.

When all these things were done, the sky was slightly bright white.

Now everything is ready, just wait for the extraordinary materials from the martial arts association.

While waiting, Xu Chenzhou was not idle. He downloaded the Xuanhuang Linglong body protection technique from the group.

The three treasure techniques separated by Liu Shen are all very powerful, but Xu Chenzhou still chose this body protection technique first.

Sure enough, after Liu Shen optimized it, the difficulty of practicing this body protection technique has decreased a lot.

Xu Chenzhou roughly estimated that with his current comprehension, it would only take him a month to master this body protection technique.

If the group space acceleration is turned on, this time can be compressed to three days.

Since Xu Chenzhou does not need to do localization adaptation, he still has a lot of chat group points.

Accelerating for three days is just a drop in the bucket for him.

By almost noon, the extraordinary materials of the Martial Arts Association had been delivered to Xu Chenzhou.

This made Xu Chenzhou sigh that the efficiency of the Martial Arts Association is really high.

After having the materials, Xu Chenzhou's transformation to the Five Emperors, Five Dragons, Five Elements Mixed Cave Technique became quite smooth.

After taking the extraordinary material, he began to transform it with ease. After a while, he transformed the Flame Demon God Bone in his body into the Red Emperor Flame Dragon Bone.

The process was very smooth, without the slightest risk. This is the benefit of a high degree of fit in the technique.

After changing the basic technique, Xu Chenzhou began to practice frantically, and five days passed in a blink of an eye.

During these five days, Xu Chenzhou not only comprehended the Xuanhuang Linglong Body Protection Technique.

In the process of transforming his heart into the extraordinary organ, the Immortal Nanming Fire God Heart, he also engraved the runes of the Xuanhuang Linglong Body Protection Technique on his heart.

In this way, as long as his heart is still beating, the Xuanhuang Linglong Body Protection Technique will always be in an activated state.

In addition, Xu Chenzhou also transformed his eyes and left hand into extraordinary organs.

And his strength has also reached the critical point of a second-level warrior. He only needs to go one step further to condense an extraordinary organ with unearthed attributes and enter the realm of a second-level warrior.

The higher the level of the martial arts, the more super-magic organs generally need to be transformed in the same realm.

For example, the Five Emperors, Five Dragons, Five Elements, Mixed Hole Art, requires the transformation of four super-magic organs at the first-level martial artist's realm.

They are the core of the Red Emperor Flame Dragon Bone, and three auxiliary combat bodies: the Indestructible Nanming Fire God Heart, the Mixed Hole Magic Spear, and the Green Lotus Sword Eye.

These three auxiliary organs are the foundations of three martial arts, the Indestructible Nanming Fire God Body, the Five Elements Mixed Hole Magic Spear, and the Green Lotus Scattered Hua Sword.

One for body protection, one for close combat, and one for long-range attack, which is a very reasonable combination.

These three martial arts are also recorded in the Five Emperors, Five Dragons, Five Elements, Mixed Hole Art, but Xu Chenzhou has been a bit busy these days, and has only practiced the Five Elements Mixed Hole Magic Spear for the first time, and has not had time to study the other two.

In his spare time, Xu Chenzhou also tried to practice the Jade Void Qi Refining Technique.

The reason why Xu Chenzhou practiced the Jade Void Qi Refining Technique was because he had decided to let Xiao Baozi embark on the path of cultivating immortals.

Since I want to teach my sister, I must practice first, otherwise how can I teach her if she doesn't understand.

His talent for cultivating immortals doesn't seem to be very strong. Although he can feel the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the air, it is difficult to mobilize.

Xu Chenzhou doesn't care much about this. It's enough to have the talent for cultivating immortals. It doesn't really matter whether it is strong or not.

Anyway, there are many treasures in the prehistoric world that can improve qualifications.

Once Xu Chenzhou uses the method recorded in Yuxu Qigong to practice, the situation is completely different. The originally lazy spiritual energy of heaven and earth rushes to him like crazy, and the posture is more fierce than the uncle who grabs free eggs.

Although it is only practiced in his spare time, under the blessing of Yuxu Qigong, Xu Chenzhou's cultivation quickly reached the third level of Qigong, and he can use some simple spells.

This makes Xu Chenzhou in a good mood, because some spells are simple, but they are really convenient, such as dust cleaning, wall penetration, perspective, etc., which are all recorded in the collection of commonly used spells in the heavenly court.

Especially the perspective technique, which is extremely helpful for judging the strength of extraordinary warriors. Just staring at the extraordinary organs in the opponent's body, you can count the level of the extraordinary warrior on the other side.

Of course, Xu Chenzhou's perspective technique is still at a relatively elementary stage, and it cannot really see into the human body, but can only penetrate clothes, which greatly reduces the practicality of the perspective technique.

The most important thing is that after practicing to the third level of Qi training, Xu Chenzhou has the confidence to guide his sister to practice.

According to Yang Chan, since that day, I don't know why the Nine Yuan Xuan Ling Fruit has grown so fast, especially every time she watered the Cangtian Creation Dew, the Nine Yuan Xuan Ling Fruit would grow rapidly.

Now the Nine Yuan Xuan Ling Fruit she planted has grown a few small fruits, and it will be ripe in a short time.

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