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Chapter 111 Two Senior Brothers Super Evolution!

Xu Chenzhou still wanted to continue practicing and break through to the realm of the second-level extraordinary warrior in one go.

But at this moment he discovered an embarrassing thing, that is, he didn't have enough money.

In order to practice the Five Emperors, Five Dragons, Five Elements Mixed Hole Art these days, Xu Chenzhou spent a lot of money.

Whether it is the materials for transforming the Flame Demon God Bone or the materials for the subsequent condensation of the other three extraordinary organs, they are all valuable.

Although the extraordinary martial arts are close to the people, it refers to the skills of ordinary civilians.

Many materials needed for civilian skills have corresponding low-end versions.

For example, the materials for transforming the Flame Demon God Bone, if the low-end version is used, the three together will cost more than 10,000 alliance coins.

Even ordinary families can easily afford it.

Although it will affect the strength after the subsequent cultivation of extraordinary warriors, it is cheap.

More than 10,000 alliance coins can be exchanged for an opportunity to change one's fate, which is quite tempting for ordinary civilians.

But the Five Emperors, Five Dragons, Five Elements Mixed Hole Art is different. As a top-level skill, the extraordinary materials it needs are expensive.

In addition, Xu Chenzhou was unwilling to save money on breakthrough materials. After all, you get what you pay for. The better the materials used, the stronger the extraordinary organs condensed.

Therefore, the materials Xu Chenzhou chose were the best in the same category, and he did not consider the cost performance at all.

Although Xu Chenzhou's combat power has improved a lot in the past few days, he spent money like water.

Although he had obtained 20 million alliance coins from Liu Xuanyan before, and there were more than 3 million alliance coins left in his small treasury,

but this money was not enough for him to spend.

Even Xu Chenzhou's martial arts association points were spent by him.

The remaining martial arts association points were not enough to buy the extraordinary materials needed to break through the second realm.

Xu Chenzhou calculated that he needed seven materials to condense the Yellow Emperor's Earth Dragon Foot, Earth Dragon Blood, Desert Golden Flower, Liuren Earth Crystal, Fire Stone, Earth Dragon Marrow Fluid, Seven-Colored Stone, and Qingyuan Xitu.

To purchase these seven materials, even after using the privileges of the Martial Arts Association, it will cost about 2,000 Martial Arts Association points.

Of course, you can also use Alliance Coins to buy them, but the price will be even more expensive, requiring 100 million Alliance Coins.

Xu Chenzhou now has 2,200 Martial Arts Association points left, which is barely enough to buy these seven materials.

But 2,000 points only buy ordinary quality.

If Xu Chenzhou wants to purchase better quality materials, he will need 3,000 Martial Arts Points to buy them.

It will cost about 150 million Alliance Coins.

Xu Chenzhou sighed and touched his empty pockets.

No wonder they say that the poor are good at literature and the rich are good at martial arts. This kind of top-level skills is really not something that ordinary people can practice.

It costs 150 million to simply break through a realm, which is simply terrifying.

However, even if they are both top-level skills, the money required is different.

For example, the two top-level skills, Quantum Nuclear Magnetic Power and Red Lotus Ascension Manual, are more cost-effective.

The resources consumed in each realm are about ten times less than those of the Five Emperors, Five Dragons, Five Elements, Chaos Technique.

The most expensive of the five techniques is Dafengge. After all, others only cultivate one God and Demon Battle Body, while Dafengge needs to cultivate twelve, which costs more than three times the money of the Five Emperors, Five Dragons, Five Elements, Chaos Technique.

Since you are short of money, then you have to find a way to make money.

In fact, Xu Chenzhou has a lot of resources in his hands, but he was not particularly short of money before, so he was not in a hurry to cash in.

Since money will affect Xu Chenzhou's martial arts promotion speed now, Xu Chenzhou naturally attaches importance to it.

Xu Chenzhou thought about it.

His biggest asset now is the White Crane Martial Arts Hall. Using the White Crane Martial Arts Hall to cash in is the best choice now.

It just so happens that he hasn't been to the martial arts hall for many days, and it's time to check the recent situation of the martial arts hall.

In the White Crane Martial Arts Hall, Zhao Shenzhu was busy sweating in the martial arts classroom, guiding the students in front of him to exercise.

Ever since Xu Chenzhou showed his strength in the martial arts assessment and defeated the examiner who was a second-level warrior.

The White Crane Martial Arts School has welcomed a huge wave of customers.

The appearance of such a young genius in Tiancheng City, and he is also the owner of a martial arts school, has an earthquake-like influence in the martial arts circle of Tiancheng City.

Many customers heard the news from other people, and then rushed here without stopping.

There are so many people who have signed up in the past few days that the threshold of the martial arts school is almost broken.

Although some people left disappointed after learning that they could not directly choose Xu Chenzhou as a coach.

However, there are still many customers who are very curious about Xu Chenzhou and bought martial arts lessons in the White Crane Martial Arts School.

Fortunately, in the past few days, seven or eight one-star warriors came to the martial arts school to apply for coaches because they admired Xu Chenzhou's fame.

Otherwise, the full schedule of classes alone could make these two extraordinary warriors die suddenly.

Finally, this martial arts class ended. Zhao Shenzhu wiped the sweat off his head and walked out of the martial arts training room.

Seeing this senior brother coming out, Xu Chenzhou hurried to greet him.

"Senior brother, how is the business of the martial arts school recently?"

Zhao Shenzhu showed a helpless but happy expression on his face: "Thanks to you, the business of the martial arts school has been very good recently, but there are too many classes,

I can't finish them, I really can't finish them.

If it weren't for the arrival of several new coaches, Lao Li and I would have had to explain ourselves here. "

Seeing Zhao Shenzhu's busy and hard work in front of him, Xu Chenzhou felt a little emotional.

If it weren't for the hard work of the two senior brothers in the past few years, Baihe Martial Arts School would have closed down long ago.

Especially Zhao Shentong, with his qualifications, he had a chance to break through to the realm of a second-level warrior three years ago.

But because of that time, the martial arts gym only had four coaches.

Therefore, in order to make up for the members' class time, he and Li Tiezhu attended classes frantically, even delaying their own cultivation.

In the past few years, his cultivation has not only failed to break through to the level of a second-level warrior, but has even fallen from the peak of a first-level warrior.

Now that the martial arts gym's business is gradually entering a stable period, and his fame has attracted many coaches, it's time to give the two senior brothers a break and find ways to improve their strength.

For Xu Chenzhou, apart from his sister and Chen Mutou, the people he trusts most in the Star World are his two senior brothers.

Improving the strength of the two senior brothers is also a good thing for Xu Chenzhou.

The techniques practiced by the two senior brothers are all the martial arts Rock Fudo Technique inherited from Baihe Martial Arts School.

This technique seemed okay to Xu Chenzhou in the past.

But after seeing the Five Emperors, Five Dragons, Five Elements Chaos Technique and Xuanyang Immortal Art, Xu Chenzhou realized how huge the gap was between top-level techniques and ordinary techniques.

The techniques in the Kung Fu Pavilion are prohibited from being taught to outsiders, and only those who redeem them are qualified to practice. Once someone shows this skill in public without qualifications, it will trigger thunderous action from the martial arts association.

It is a very serious crime to teach Kung Fu to oneself without permission. Once the Martial Arts Association discovers that someone has done this, both the person teaching Kung Fu and the learner will die.

However, Xu Chenzhou, as the holder of the A-level authority of the Kung Fu Pavilion, is eligible to choose two vassals. He can spend martial arts association points to exchange Kung Fu techniques for the two vassals.

The most important thing is that the two vassals enjoy the same cultivation rights, which means that after buying a book of exercises, the two vassals can practice at the same time without spending a lot of money!

Although Xu Chenzhou is short of money now, he will naturally not be stingy with these two senior brothers.

The two of them have done so much for Xu Chenzhou, and a mere skill is nothing.

As for what techniques the two senior brothers plan to choose in the future, Xu Chenzhou has no intention of getting involved.

Anyway, when the time comes, it will be nice to open up the authority of the Kung Fu Pavilion to the two of them and let them freely choose the Kung Fu technique.

After making up his mind, Xu Chenzhou said: "Senior Brother Shentong has really exhausted you and Senior Brother Tiezhu over the years.

Anyway, there are so many new young coaches in the martial arts gym now, why not give all the classes to them, so that you two can take a break! "

Zhao Shentong: “Oh, it’s not that we don’t want to rest.

But Lao Li and I are always worried that these new coaches are not strong enough in their professional skills and will not be able to retain customers.

Some big clients feel more at ease when Lao Li and I do it in person. "

Xu Chenzhou stepped forward and lightly hammered Zhao Shentong's shoulder: "Okay, senior brother, you are always like this. You like to take everything on your shoulders. In fact, sometimes delegating power appropriately is the best choice."

"Maybe, but we are both used to it. After working hard for so many years, if we suddenly stop going to class, we will feel a little uncomfortable."

"Okay, okay, you and Senior Brother Tiezhu will each have one or two classes. Just take one class in two days to get enough of it. There is no shortage of people in the martial arts gym now.

Besides, because you have been busy with classes these years, you and Senior Brother Tiezhu have not improved in their cultivation for a long time. "

Hearing Xu Chenzhou's words, Zhao Shentong was a little crestfallen: "Yes, I have been a first-level warrior for 12 years. At the beginning, my master hoped that I could become a second-level warrior within five years. Unexpectedly, 12 years later, I am still stuck at The first level peak is really worthy of the master’s original expectations.”

"That's alright, now is a good time to practice hard, and junior brother, I recently got an opportunity to choose a skill book from the Kung Fu Pavilion of the Martial Arts Association. I have already submitted the two senior brothers as my vassals. Okay, I will send the website address and account number to you two later, senior brother, you can go up and pick them out when you have time."

Zhao Shentong was shocked when he heard the news. As a martial artist, he was naturally familiar with the Kung Fu Pavilion of the Martial Arts Association.

He deeply knows what kind of existence the Kung Fu Pavilion of the Martial Arts Association is. Almost all the Kung Fu techniques recorded in it are magical and secret techniques that are beyond the reach of ordinary warriors.

The Panshi Fudo Kung Fu he is practicing now is the kind of Kung Fu at the lowest level in the Kung Fu Pavilion of the Martial Arts Association that is purely used to make up for the numbers.

Such an opportunity is simply too precious.

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