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Chapter 112 Qiankunyiqi Rice, initial commercialization!

"Really or not! Did Shen Zhou get the training plan from the Martial Arts Association?"

Zhao Shentong naturally knew that given Xu Chenzhou's situation, if he wanted to get the opportunity to select a Kung Fu Pavilion, there was only one explanation, and that was that Xu Chenzhou was included in the training plan of the Martial Arts Association.

Xu Chenzhou nodded, but before he could speak, Zhao Shenzhu couldn't wait to speak.

"Confused, junior brother, you are confused!

Since you can get such a good opportunity, you might as well seize it.

You are highly talented and have good understanding. Even the martial arts association looks at you differently.

If you don't seize the opportunity and make brave progress, you are simply too confused to think of giving us two old men a new practice method at this time!

What's the use of learning such good exercises for both of us?

Neither of us can even master the Panshi Fudo Kung Fu. After practicing for more than ten years, we are still ordinary first-level warriors.

Choosing a better technique would be nothing more than a waste of this opportunity. "

Xu Chenzhou waved his hand and said, "Oh, what's so wasteful?"

Besides, senior brother, I have already chosen the exercises I want to practice.

The opportunities given to you are extra, and there is no use for me to take them.

It is impossible for me to choose two exercises and practice them at the same time. If I really do this, I will die from organ conflict. "

Although Xu Chenzhou did intend to practice two techniques at the same time, he did not intend to tell anyone about this matter.

After all, practicing two extraordinary martial arts techniques at the same time is too deviant. No matter who knows about this behavior, they will only say that they are seeking death.

Hearing that Xu Chenzhou got this opportunity as an extra, Zhao Shenzhou was still a little suspicious.

After all, Zhao Shenzhu couldn't imagine how high-level the training program was to be able to get several opportunities to choose exercises after signing the contract.

It wasn't until Xu Chenzhou came to the martial arts training ground and personally demonstrated the Five Emperors, Five Dragons and Five Elements Chaos Kung Fu to Zhao Shenzhu that Zhao Shenzhu was able to dispel his doubts.

"By the way, in addition to the skills, I also have something to give to senior brother."

Xu Chenzhou and Zhao Shenzhu carried the four or five bags in the trunk of the maglev vehicle to the warehouse of the martial arts school.

Then Xu Chenzhou opened the bag. The bag was filled with crystal clear rice grains. The rice grains looked as beautiful as gems under the sunlight.

This bag of rice is exactly Qiankun Yiqi rice.

This kind of rice has been mass-produced with the help of the little green bottle.

In order for the group members to eat rice freely, Han Li poured in six drops of Towering Fortune Dew in one breath, and planted a lot of Qiankun Yiqi rice to distribute to the group members.

Now almost all group friends regard this rice as their daily staple food.

But there is one exception, and that is Xiao Shi Hao.

After Xiao Shihao got the Qiankun Yiqi Rice, his first thought was to share it with the villagers of Shicun.

After eating this kind of rice, the old village chief found that this kind of rice was very helpful for the children in the village to condense their qi and blood and temper their runes. The effect was comparable to the flesh and blood of ancient relics.

This made the old village chief very excited. If this kind of rice could be grown as the staple food of Shicun, then he could not imagine how powerful the children of Shicun would be in the future.

The old village chief learned through inquiry that this kind of rice could be grown, and Shi Hao also had detailed planting information.

So the old village chief was deeply moved.

So Xiao Shihao only ate one meal of Qiankun Yiqi rice, and the rest of the rice was taken away by the old village chief as seeds.

Many members of the Shicun Hunting Team even directly changed jobs and became farmers, and began to farm according to the planting methods provided by the little boy.

This change was even complained by Lu Mingfei. Just because of a few bags of Qiankun Yiqi rice, Shicun directly transformed from a hunting civilization to a farming civilization.

Xiao Shihao told the old village chief that he had a friend who could grow as much rice as he wanted, so he could just make it and there was no need to cherish it too much.

But the old village chief told Xiao Shihao very seriously: "What is a friend's is a friend's. If he is willing to give it to us, we can take it, but even if we take it, we can't feel at ease.

The so-called reciprocity means that if you take something from a friend, you must return the favor. Only in this way can the friendship last long.

Although your friend may have enough Qiankun Yiqi rice to feed the entire Stone Village, this is not the right way to be a friend. "

The old village chief's words made Xiao Shihao feel aggrieved to death.

He didn't want to have sex for free.

Because the small green bottles can now be rented, Han Li will rent the small green bottles to his friends when he is not accelerating time, thereby obtaining more towering fortune dew.

Han Li's reward for the group members was naturally the Towering Dew of Fortune. After joining the group for so many days, Xiao Shi Hao had already received three drops of Towering Dew of Fortune from Han Li as a reward.

One drop of Towering Creation Liquid can produce four thousand kilograms of Qiankun Yiqi Rice. Three drops of Towering Creation Liquid can produce one thousand five hundred kilograms of Qiankun Yiqi Rice.

The 12,000 kilograms of Qiankun Yiqi rice is enough for the entire Shicun people to use for two to three months.

What's wrong with him speaking a little arrogantly?

After seeing the beautiful gem-like rice in front of him, Zhao Shenzhu was stunned.

"Junior brother, what kind of natural treasure is this? Why can rice grow so beautifully? Senior brother, I have never seen such beautiful rice."

Xu Chenzhou shook his head. This was originally a product from other heavens. It would be strange if Zhao Shentong had really seen it.

Moreover, Qiankun Yiqi rice is not beautiful. If we really want to talk about beautiful rice, the dragon tooth rice seeds lying in Xu Chenzhou's red envelope have something to say.

That was the reward for the last cub growth task, but because planting dragon tooth rice requires sufficient thunder and lightning true qi, the group members do not have the appropriate planting technology for the time being.

Misaka Mikoto, the only one who can plant it, still lives in a steel city like Academy City, and does not meet the conditions for planting, so she can only put it aside for the time being and let it lie quietly in the red envelope.

"This rice is a specialty from outer space, brought to me by a friend of mine.

After my sister and I finished eating it, I felt that this rice was really good, and it should be helpful for the martial arts practice of senior brothers, so I took a few bags for senior brothers to taste.

Senior brothers, you try it first, and I will send you new ones when you finish eating it."

Xu Chenzhou now has almost 3,000 kilograms of Qiankun Yiqi rice in his hand, but he and Xiao Baozi may not be able to finish it even if they eat it until they vomit.

Moreover, Qiankun Yiqi rice can provide a lot of qi and blood, and supplement the defective foundation. Both of these functions are very important for extraordinary warriors.

The practice process of extraordinary warriors is to strengthen extraordinary organs, and strengthening extraordinary organs requires a lot of qi and blood.

Therefore, various companies have launched many special medicines for replenishing qi and blood for extraordinary warriors, but no special medicine on the market can be close to one-third of the level of Qiankun Yiqi Rice.

When Zhao Shentong heard that it was rice from aliens, he didn't care too much, but just regarded Qiankun Yiqi Rice as a kind of alien rice with gorgeous appearance.

After all, Zhao Shentong had never thought that Qiankun Yiqi Rice would have such a miraculous effect before he ate it.

Qiankun Yiqi Rice is also one of the projects that Xu Chenzhou wants to cash in.

Of course, the Qiankun Yiqi Rice that Xu Chenzhou wants to make money from is naturally not the original Qiankun Yiqi Rice given to Zhao Shentong, but some degraded rice varieties that Han Li found in the process of planting Qiankun Yiqi Rice.

These degraded Qiankun Yiqi Rice not only have a less gorgeous appearance, but also have a greatly reduced effect, which is almost only 30% of the original effect.

After deterioration, the effect of Qiankun Yiqi Rice in replenishing qi and blood is not even as good as the top special medicines on the market.

However, Qiankun Yiqi rice has a huge advantage, that is, the medicinal properties are mild, no matter how weak the person is, there will be no problem eating Qiankun Yiqi rice.

For some people who have not achieved extraordinary, it is very important to replenish qi and blood, because only in this way can their body-building effect be stronger.

But unfortunately, they cannot use most of the products on the market to replenish qi and blood, and the products that can be used are too weak.

Qiankun Yiqi rice not only has extraordinary medicinal properties, but also has no requirements for the people who eat it. It is simply a magical medicine among magical medicines.

Coincidentally, the majority of members in Baihe Martial Arts School are those who have not achieved extraordinary.

For these people, Qiankun Yiqi rice has a fatal attraction.

Xu Chenzhou plans to let Baihe Martial Arts School sell the Qiankun Yiqi rice package, so as to open up the reputation of Qiankun Yiqi rice.

Of course, Xu Chenzhou's pattern is not so small. Since he has decided to sell rice to make money, he will definitely not limit himself to Baihe Martial Arts School.

How can the member customer base of a mere martial arts school satisfy Xu Chenzhou? Since he wants to make money, he must make a lot of money.

After the degraded Qiankun Yiqi rice became famous through the Baihe martial arts school, Xu Chenzhou planned to put it on the market for sale.

This behavior can also attract more members to the Baihe martial arts school.

Of course, before listing, Xu Chenzhou had to find a way to whitewash the origin of the degraded Qiankun Yiqi rice.

With his current identity and background, it is not a big problem to take out the degraded version of Qiankun Yiqi rice.

After all, the market for ordinary people is really not big, and the real money is to provide products to extraordinary people.

There is a fifth-level martial saint, a god and demon warrior who is about to break through to the sixth level to support him.

As long as Xu Chenzhou does not take out the original Qiankun Yiqi rice, those companies will not do anything for the mere mortal market.

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