All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 113 Willow God: What is the Heaven-shaking Creation Dew? I have never heard of it.

After returning home from Baihe Martial Arts School, Xu Chenzhou heard a reminder from the chat group.

Shi Hao (Child of Shicun): "Brother, group leader, I am about to reach the extreme level of moving blood. Now I can exert a power of one hundred and eight thousand kilograms with one arm.

You promised that after I reach the extreme level of cultivation, you would buy me a lot of animal milk that I have never drunk before.

You have to keep your word. "

What, Xiao Shi Hao has actually reached the extreme level of moving blood. This news surprised Xu Chenzhou.

You must know that in the original world line, Xiao Shihao only reached the extreme level of moving blood when he was almost seven years old.

Xu Chenzhou: "Don't worry about the beast's milk. As long as you can cultivate to the extreme level of moving blood, I will definitely not break my promise.

But Xiao Shihao, how come you practice so fast?

Although there is a time acceleration function in the chat group, it has only been more than a month since you joined the group chat.

Even if it is accelerated ten times, you have only practiced for one year. "

Shi Hao (Shicun cub): "Well, I don't quite understand. When I told Liu Shen about this just now, Liu Shen was also surprised, and the willow branches curled up into a question mark in the air.

But I think it’s because of the Immortal Martial Arts and Sister Yang Chan’s Heavenly Eyes.

The effects of these boxing techniques such as the Ox Demon Powerful Fist, the Tiger Demon Bone Refining Fist, the Spirit Turtle Breathing Technique, and the Wheel of Life and Death are much better than the training methods taught by the old village chief.

Later, brother Hong Yi uploaded another 108 acupoints, and I also tried to develop them, which was of great help to the practice of moving the blood.

Moreover, Liu Shen and the group leader’s brother, Han Li, also provided me with a lot of training resources.

Later, Sister Yang Chan uploaded the Heavenly Eye Treasure Technique. In the process of analyzing the runes, my understanding of the runes deepened a lot, and that was how I was able to practice to the extreme level of moving blood so quickly. "

Xu Chenzhou nodded, so that was it.

Perfect Method has a huge demand for food. In the past few days, he has purchased a lot of food for the group members. Together with the Qiankun Yiqi rice provided by Han Li, this has been a huge help to Xiao Shi Hao's cultivation.

Although Xiao Shihao's Qiankun Yiqi rice has been confiscated by the old village chief and used for farming.

But the kind-hearted group friends naturally would not eat the Qiankun Yiqi rice themselves and watch the little guy starve. They shared some of the Qiankun Yiqi rice and gave it to Xiao Shi Hao so that he could eat it secretly to supplement his nutrition.

After all, if you accelerate ten times, you will consume ten times the food. Although the cultivation space will provide food, how can that food be compared to Qiankun Yiqi Rice?

In addition, Xiao Shi Hao contacted Liu Shen in advance and obtained so many resources in the chat group. In addition, with Liu Shen's guidance, it is reasonable for Xiao Shi Hao to make such progress in nearly a year of training. .

When he was less than four years old, little Shi Hao had reached the extreme level of moving blood. He had never had such a wonderful start.

Lu Mingfei (Dragon Slaying Master): "Xiao Shihao, you have cultivated so fast, so your cultivation level is now higher than that of the cousin who took away your Supreme Bone. You can seek revenge from Shi Yi." "

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "It's hard to say. Shi Yi is more than three years older than Shi Hao. He is almost seven years old now. With the abundant resources provided by the Shi Kingdom, plus having heavy pupils and supreme bones, he is probably already Entering the cave world.

But, now Xiao Shi Hao, if you go to the Virtual God Realm, you will definitely be able to compete with Shi Yi. With the magic of the Sky Eye, your combat power may not be inferior to Shi Yi. "

Shi Hao (Child of Shicun): "What if I give him the lead temporarily? I have now reached the extreme level of moving blood. It won't be long before I can break through to the cave world level."

By the way, these days of studying the Heavenly Eyes Art, I gained a lot of insights into the runes, and finally fully understood the Blue Scaled Eagle Art. "

Shi Hao uploaded the Blue Scaled Eagle Treasure Technique.

Xu Chenzhou nodded. The power of this magic was actually very average. Shi Hao rarely used it after acquiring the Suanni Treasure.

But being able to fully comprehend the Blue Scaled Eagle technique shows that Shi Hao's attainments in runes are already very profound.

In fact, Shi Hao had already comprehended the Blue Scaled Eagle Treasure Technique before, but at that time, Shi Hao had only comprehended the incomplete Blue Scaled Eagle Treasure Technique.

Because this precious technique is engraved on the three blue-scaled eagles raised by Shi Hao.

The chat group can upload the treasure skills of group members, but there is no function to upload the treasure skills of others.

Shi Hao did not realize that there were no complete runes and could only upload the incomplete Blue Scaled Eagle technique, so he never chose to upload it.

Shi Hao (Stone Village cub): "By the way, brother leader, I heard from the old village chief these days that the old Suan Ni deep in the wilderness has entered his twilight years and is about to die of old age.

I plan to take Auntie Green Scaled Eagle to snatch Lao Suanni's body, just like in the information you gave me. "

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Well, that old Suan Ni has run out of gas and energy. You only need to wait until his death explosion is over, and then you can obtain his body without any damage.

But there is one thing you have to be careful about. All the people in Ao Village are despicable people, especially the old one, who is very insidious and cunning.

If you go to rob Suanni's body, you have to be more careful. "

Xiao Shi Hao (Child of Shicun): "Brother, don't worry, I'm already at the extreme level of blood-moving, and I still carry Shicun's inherited ancient artifacts with me. If that old ferocious one dares to come, I'll kill him and skin him." Eat meat, besides, if it doesn’t work, you can still let Liu Shen take action.”

Xu Chenzhou nodded. The group of clowns in Yong Village were actually nothing to worry about. Even without Liu Shen's intervention, Xiao Shi Hao could handle them now.

What he was really worried about was not this. Since the death of Suanni was approaching, it would not take too long for the four beasts to wreak havoc on the entire wilderness in order to compete for the mountain treasure.

That was the real big event.

Among the four beasts, two had more friendly personalities, namely Zhuyan and Zhuque.

These two beasts were Maoqiu and Xiaohong who were with Shi Hao later.

As for the other two beasts, they were quite ferocious. One was Tianque and the other was Qiongqi.

It was the beast tide set off by these two beasts that destroyed the human forces in the entire wilderness.

Although with the protection of Willow God, Shicun finally survived the crisis safely, but Willow God also fell into a long sleep for this, and did not wake up until several years later.

This was nothing. According to the original timeline, Xiao Shihao had been honing his body and impacting the blood-moving realm in the past few years, and there would be no danger and he did not need the protection of Willow God.

But now it is different. Xiao Shihao joined the chat group, and both his growth trajectory and the things he encountered would be very different.

Xu Chenzhou still hoped that Willow God would not fall into a deep sleep, so that if Shi Hao encountered danger, Willow God could protect him.

This was not because Xu Chenzhou had no confidence in Shi Hao, but for the sake of safety.

This kid was too noisy. If Willow God did not fall into a deep sleep, little Shi Hao would always have an extra way out.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Little Shi Hao, after you grab the body of Suanni, you really have to think of a way to get the old village chief to migrate in advance and move to a safe place.

Otherwise, when the battle of the fierce beasts destroyed the entire wilderness, Willow God would have to forcibly move the entire village.

This is a very energy-consuming thing for the newly revived Willow God, and by then Willow God will fall into a deep sleep."

Seeing Xu Chenzhou's words, little Shi Hao had a bitter face, and he knew about this matter.

But the ancestral land of Shi Village is the residence of Shi Village villagers for generations. Even if the villagers love him very much, it is impossible for all Shi Village people to leave their homes and embark on an unknown journey just because of his words.

Unless he can find evidence to prove that if he continues to stay in Shi Village, he will face a terrible disaster.

Shi Hao (Shi Village cub): "I have mentioned it to the old village chief twice, but the old man is still a little hesitant.

Some villagers believe that no matter how fierce the competition for mountain treasures is, it will not affect Shi Village.

And several old people said that they would die in Shi Village even if they die."

Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun): "Maybe you can let Liu Shen speak. If it is Liu Shen's opinion, the villagers of Shi Village should listen."

This is also a way, but in fact it is also difficult. The cruelty of the two beasts exceeded everyone's expectations. Even Liu Shen did not expect them to be so crazy, otherwise she would have led the Shi Village people to migrate long ago.

At this moment, Han Li, who had been diving, suddenly appeared.

Han Li (disciple of Qixuan Sect): "I have an idea, why we must avoid those four beasts.

According to the information of the group leader, the status of the God of Willow is much higher than those four beasts.

If it is the God of Willow in his prime, even a glance can crush these four beasts.

And if I remember correctly, Xiaohong and Maoqiu should also be against the massacre of the creatures of the Great Wilderness.

In other words, if the God of Willow can recover some of his combat power, he can participate in this battle and help Xiaohong Maoqiu kill Qiongqi and Tiantunque."

Shi Hao (young child of Shicun): "That's what I said, but the God of Willow is too seriously injured now. After Nirvana, the God of Willow is even reluctant to take action, let alone intervene in that level of battle."

Han Li (disciple of Qixuan Sect): "Let's just say, is there a possibility that I can make the God of Willow recover quickly from his injuries."

As soon as Han Li said this, Xu Chenzhou's eyes lit up immediately.

He knew what Han Li wanted to do.

Willow God Willow God, the body is naturally a willow tree,

Since it is a willow tree, it belongs to the ranks of plants.

Isn't this a coincidence? Han Lao Mo cultivates plants, and his professional counterpart is a match.

People can't drink the Cangtian Creation Dew, but can't plants use it?

It only needs to revive the combat power of the Willow God a little bit, then this wave is simply a king bomb.

Why do we need to rely on the power of Xiaohong and Maoqiu? What Swallowing Sky Bird and Qiongqi are all small Karami in front of the Willow God, not worth mentioning.

Han Li (disciple of Qixuanmen): "Xiao Shihao, you still have three drops of Cangtian Creation Dew, you can give it to the Willow God first to try and see if it can recover the injury.

If it really helps, I still have five drops of Cangtian Creation Dew in my hand, and I can give it to you first."

In the Perfect World Stone Village, Xiao Shihao was sitting on a huge rock, happily drinking beast milk and watering the group.

While drinking, Xiao Shihao suddenly jumped up and shook his head.

Oh, right, why didn't I think of it.

The Cantian Creation Dew can be used to grow spiritual medicine, so it should be helpful to the Willow God.

Fortunately, Brother Han Li reminded me, otherwise I would not have thought of it.

In fact, this is also because everyone subconsciously regards the Willow God as a cultivator, and no one regards the Willow God as a plant, so they did not think of this.

However, Han Li, holding a small green bottle, is a professional farmer, so he is much more sensitive to such things, so he can associate the Cantian Creation Dew with the Willow God at the first time.

There was an expression of surprise on Xiao Shi Hao's face, and then he shook his head again.

It’s better not to be happy so early. According to the group leader, if you want to directly use the Dew of Fortune, you can at least hope to become an immortal.

In case Liu Shen can't use it, it's better to ask her first.

Xiao Shihao was not worried about the negative consequences of exposing the Towering Fortune Dew in front of Liu Shen.

Regardless of the information given by the group leader's brother or his own feelings, Liu Shen is absolutely trustworthy.

Xiao Shihao happily ran towards Liu Shen, his short legs making a loud sound like a thunderous sound.

Even the houses in Stone Village began to shake. Several aunties who were drying animal meat glared at the little one because the little one ran too fast and brought up dust along the way, staining their animal meat.

Many villagers stuck out their heads and looked at the little boy with doubts on his face.

What happened to this little guy today? Why is he so happy?

Ever since I started practicing the treasure technique, I haven't seen the little guy so out of his element for a long time.

Shi Hao ran and came to Liu Shen.

The willow tree in front of him still retained the traces of being struck by lightning, and was as black as charcoal. Only a green and tender willow branch grew out of the dark stump.

Seeing the little one running over, Liu Shen's willow branch swayed slightly and tapped the little one's forehead.

"Little guy, why are you so excited all of a sudden?

You were not so happy when you told me just now that you had achieved the ultimate level of moving blood. "

"Willow God Liu Shen! I have a good thing here, Towering Fortune Dew. I heard from my friend that it can help you recover from your injuries.

However, the medicinal properties of this thing are a bit strong, and I'm afraid you, Liu Shen, may not be able to bear it.

Liu Shen, do you want to give it a try? "

"How is this possible? I appreciate your kindness, little guy.

I have never heard of this towering creation dew, it should be of no use!

How could something that could help me recover from my injuries exist in the wilderness? "

Liu Shen originally wanted to say this.

Because only Liu Shen himself knew how badly she was injured. If her body was not a willow tree that could be reborn from nirvana, I am afraid that she would have died by now.

With her cultivation base, let alone the lower realm, it would be difficult to find any treasures that could help her even in the upper realm.

But then Liu Shen remembered how outrageous the little guy in front of him was.

Let’s not talk about the deviant Heavenly Eye technique, let’s just say that in just one month, Liu Shen watched the qi and blood in Shi Hao’s body surge every day.

It's hard to imagine how this speed of cultivation could appear in a poor child whose Supreme Bone was taken away.

According to Liu Shen's estimation, even if Shi Hao's Supreme Bone was reinstalled and Shi Yi's double pupils were dug out and replaced with Shi Hao, he would not be able to practice so fast.

Even the pure-blooded descendants of true dragons and unicorns would call him "big brother" when they saw this growth rate.

Forget it, in order not to get slapped in the face, it's better to be cautious.

"Well, since your friends have said so, show it to me over there.

But your worries are a bit unfounded. Even if the medicine in the lower world is stronger, there is no way I can't bear it. "

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