All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 114 Willow God Resurrects, This medicine is a bit strong, let me take it slowly

Xiao Shihao naturally stopped hesitating when he heard that God of Willow was so confident.

He flipped his hand, and three drops of liquid containing infinite vitality appeared in his hand.

"God of Willow, my friend gave me three drops of Cangtian Creation Dew, see if it works"

As soon as these three drops of liquid appeared, the rich breath of life spread in all directions, and the trees, flowers and plants at Shihao's feet became lush and green.

The willow branches of God of Willow floated slowly in the air.

"Such a rich breath of life, these three drops of Cangtian Creation Dew your friend gave you seem to be a bit extraordinary.

Even if it is placed in the upper realm, it is a rare treasure, I am afraid it can really help me."

Xiao Shihao's eyes lit up: "Do you want to try it, God of Willow?

My friend said that Cangtian Creation Dew is very strong, and the flesh and blood body can't stand its energy at all, but God of Willow, your body is a willow tree, so there should be no problem."

The only remaining green willow branch of God of Willow became even greener under the nourishment of the breath of life.

"Come on, let's give it a try."

The little guy immediately dropped a drop of the towering Creation Dew under the charred roots of the Willow God.

The towering Creation Dew immediately merged into the branches of the Willow God, and a huge vitality gushed out from this drop of towering Creation Dew.

The Willow God could feel that the breath of life that was reborn in her dead body was growing rapidly.

The surging vitality rushed into the body of the Willow God like a wave from the sea.

The Willow God could feel that in a short moment, her body seemed to have gone through several years.

The withered and rotten old body slowly fell off, and a corner of the fresh trunk appeared under the dark old skin.

The sound of peeling sounded.

On the dark wooden stake, several new buds actually grew.

Shi Hao looked at the Willow God in front of him with a pair of bright eyes. He knew that the towering Creation Dew was indeed very helpful to the Willow God.

"I want more, I want more!"

The voice of Willow God rang in Shi Hao's mind. This drop of Cangtian Creation Dew was far from enough to satisfy Willow God.

Hearing this, little Shi Hao no longer hesitated and dropped the remaining two drops of Cangtian Creation Dew on Willow God.

At the same time, he quickly opened the group chat.

Shi Hao (Shi Village cub): "Brother Han Li, didn't you say that you still have five drops of Cangtian Creation Dew in your hand? Lend it to me first, and I will return it to you later."

Han Li (disciple of Qixuanmen): "It seems that Cangtian Creation Dew is really useful to Willow God. OK, I will send it to you now."

Han Li uploaded the red envelope, five drops of Cangtian Creation Dew.

On the other side, the changes in Willow God were even more amazing.

After Willow God fell to Shi Village, only a dry and rotten body was left. Although it was larger than an ordinary willow tree, it was not particularly exaggerated.

But after obtaining three drops of Cangtian Creation Dew at this time, Willow God's body began to grow rapidly.

The cross section of the stump grew upward, and another part of the body grew out.

Countless roots grew from the stump, sinking deep into the ground, winding and circling, and soon covered the entire underground of Shi Village.

The dark and rotten trunks on her body began to fall off, revealing the newly grown tree trunks inside.

And the changes continued.

Willow God sensed her physical condition and felt a little excited. She didn't expect that the things the little guy brought would have such a huge effect on her.

These three drops of Cangtian Creation Dew alone saved her at least a hundred years of hard work.

Willow God put all her mind into guiding the vitality energy in her body. This vitality was too turbulent. If she couldn't guide it well, even she would be unable to bear it.

In fact, according to reason, although the vitality of the three drops of Cangtian Creation Dew was a lot, it shouldn't have such a good effect on a person of Willow God's level.

After all, these drops of Cangtian Creation Dew were condensed by Han Li in the mortal world, and they were just the most ordinary quality Cangtian Creation Dew.

It is not as good as the immortal product Cangtian Creation Dew that Han Li condensed after entering the fairyland.

However, the vitality in Cangtian Creation Dew is in perfect harmony with the origin of God Willow, so the effect is particularly good.

It must be said here that for some reason, the Heaven-Holding Bottle cannot absorb the energy of other worlds to condense Cangtian Creation Dew.

However, because the Heaven-Holding Bottle comes from the mortal world, a very small mortal environment can be created for the Heaven-Holding Bottle in the training space of the chat group.

No matter who carries the Heaven-Holding Bottle, the final condensation is the same quality of Cangtian Creation Dew.

As the vitality continues to flow in, God Willow gradually feels that her body is reaching its limit.

After all, her body is a new body after Nirvana rebirth, and its strength is naturally not as strong as when she was the ancestral sacrifice spirit.

The huge and surging vitality makes God Willow feel like a balloon, swelling and about to explode.

This reminds God Willow of what he said before.

Even if the medicine in this lower world is strong, it is impossible for her body to be unable to bear it.

Fortunately, the little guy only had three drops of the Cantian Creation Dew in his hand. If there were a few more drops, I might not be able to bear it.

Fortunately, it was fortunate, otherwise I would be slapped in the face.

At this moment, Willow God noticed that the little guy was sneaking up to her.

No way, what is this little thing trying to do again.

Could it be?

No, no, definitely not, didn't the little guy just say that his friend only gave him three drops of Cantian Creation Dew.

Liu Shen didn't make a sound, and still guided the surging vitality in his body quite seriously.

It's just that this time Liu Shen didn't dare to concentrate on it and put away all his perceptions of the outside world.

She always used a trace of her consciousness to pay attention to the little one's every move.

I saw the little baby raised her milky little hand, turned it over, and five more drops of the towering dew appeared in her hand.

Then he waved his hand, as if he wanted to sprinkle these five drops of towering dew on Liu Shen's body.

This frightened Liu Shen so much that he trembled.

This medicine is a bit strong, so let her take it easy!

She almost couldn't stand three drops. If there were another five drops, she would have to kill the little guy here.

"Wait, wait, Shi Hao, don't be impatient."

The little baby tilted her head and looked at Liu Shen: "But Liu Shen, didn't you just say you wanted more?

I saw that those three drops of Towering Fortune Dew were of great help to you, so I asked my friend for five more drops.

Three drops have brought about such a big change in Liu Shen. If you add five drops, the effect will be as high as heaven.

Could it be that Liu Shen, you can't bear it anymore? "

Liu Shen was a little embarrassed: "Of course not, I am very well, even if I take another five drops, it will be easy for me.

However, transformation will take some time, so there is no rush.

Recovering too quickly can easily leave some hidden dangers

Let me consolidate it for a while first, and then use these five drops of Towering Fortune Dew.

You go do other things first, and I will come back to you after my transformation is complete. "

After she completely digests these three drops of Towering Fortune Dew, her body strength will naturally be greatly improved. By then, it will not be difficult to digest five more drops of Towering Fortune Dew.

Hearing Liu Shen's words, Xiao Shi Hao didn't have the slightest doubt. He didn't think Liu Shen would lie to him.

And calculating the time, Lao Suan Ni should be dying soon. It was also time for him to follow Aunt Green Scale Eagle to fight for Lao Suan Ni's body.

Apart from anything else, Lao Suan Ni's body is a rare treasure. When the time comes to boil a pot of medicine, some of it can be given to the little girl.

In addition, the Suani Treasure Technique cannot be missed. Although the power of the Suanni Treasure Technique is far inferior to Sister Yang Chan's Sky Eye Treasure Technique, the Suanni Treasure Technique can control thunder and lightning.

With this magic, the dragon tooth rice planting plan can be put on schedule.

The little boy whistled and called Auntie Green Scaled Eagle.

The old village chief had known Xiao Dodian's plan for a long time, and he was very reassured about Xiao Dodian. With Xiao Dodian's current strength, and the protection of Aunt Green Scaled Eagle, as long as he was careful, there would be no problems in the wilderness.

Since Xu Chenzhou had known the strategy for a long time, the little boy was not in a hurry to take action on this trip.

He hid in the sky with Aunt Green Scale Eagle and watched Suan Ni's body quietly, watching a bunch of ferocious beasts fighting for Suan Ni's body.

Sure enough, as Xu Chenzhou said, Suan Ni was just pretending to be dead at this time.

His purpose was to kill these ferocious beasts that coveted his body before he died, leaving a safe environment for his young son to grow up.

Watching the ferocious beasts in the field fighting each other, the struggle was extremely fierce.

Suanni roared fiercely and stood up again. Lightning flashed around its body, as if the God of Thunder had come to the world.

Then Lao Suanni released a treasure technique, like the Nine Heavens Immortal Thunder coming to the world, and the heaven sent down the thunder punishment. As the thunder light flashed, a thunder cloud enveloped the fierce beasts present.

Lihuo Demon Niu shouted fiercely, and a scorching flame spread out, like a volcano erupting. The mysterious lines on its body kept flashing, and it fiercely confronted Lao Suanni.

Not to be outdone, the Ape King fought with Lao Suanni with all his hair standing on end. Original talismans flew out one after another, turning the trees into ashes and the gravel into mud.

Bang bang bang, several muffled sounds were heard, and the Lihuo Demon Bull and the Ape King flew out upside down.

The Lihuo Demon Bull was covered in flames, with a horn missing from his head. He stumbled away and fled into the distance. The fire spread out wherever he passed, and the rocks melted and turned into magma.

The ape king lost an arm and ran away like a bereaved dog.

The scene was a mess, with only the unparalleled old Suan Ni standing in the field. Nearly 80% of the ferocious beasts were killed by him, and the remaining ferocious beasts did not dare to stay and ran away with their heads in their hands.

After frightening away all his opponents, Lao Suanni could no longer hold on and fell to the ground quietly.

Little Shi Hao and Aunt Green Scaled Eagle were hovering in the air, not involved in the battle, and remained unscathed.

Shi Hao still didn't take action immediately. He took Auntie Green Scaled Eagle and hovered in the air for a while. Until he was sure that Lao Suan Ni was really dead, he took Auntie Green Scaled Eagle and flew to Lao Suan Ni's body.

A bumper harvest, really a bumper harvest.

In addition to the ancient relic of Lao Suan Ni, Xiao Shi Hao also harvested a large number of bodies of ferocious beasts that were killed by Lao Suan Ni.

These ferocious beasts that dared to fight for Lao Suani's body were actually very extraordinary. Each one of them was an overlord-level ferocious beast in the wild world.

Their body parts are also quite tonic, and they are all great medicine.

Naturally, Xiao Shihao would not waste it. In the original timeline, he could only take away the horns of the Lihuo Demon Ox and the arms of the Ape King.

As for the corpses of other strange beasts, he did not take them away.

It's not that Xiao Shihao doesn't want to take it away, it's just that he has no choice but to take it away.

When I was reading the information, my heart ached. It was all mine, it was all mine!

Now I finally have the chance to catch them all in one go!

But now, he has a chat group, so he doesn't have to worry about taking away these corpses.

He stuffed all the corpses of these ferocious beasts into red envelopes.

However, Shi Hao did not stuff Lao Suanni's body into the red envelope. Instead, he let Aunt Green Scaled Eagle hold it in her hands.

Logically speaking, Xiao Shi Hao could directly stuff Suani's body into the red envelope and ride the Blue Scaled Eagle directly back to Stone Village.

But Xiao Shihao didn't want to do this.

He recalled what the people in Gongcun did in the information and felt furious.

Brother Lu Mingfei talks about fishing and law enforcement in the group all day long.

In this case, I will also try to see if fishing law enforcement works well.

After all, Xiao Shi Hao is only a three-year-old child, and his murderous nature is not that serious.

If those people in Yao Village were not as cruel as the information says, I would let them go.

But if those people are really so mean, then don't blame me for being ruthless.

Under Xiao Shihao's instructions, Aunt Green Scaled Eagle pretended to be poisoned and flew slowly and leisurely, holding Old Suan Ni as she passed over the village.

Then it slowly landed in a valley not far away that Shi Hao had chosen long ago.

Aunt Green Scaled Eagle was half lying on the ground, as if she was about to die, while Xiao Shi Hao looked at Aunt Green Scaled Eagle anxiously, with tears in his eyes about to fall.

Next to him lay the corpse of a majestic Suan Ni. Although it had died long ago, the aura of a wild overlord still made people frightened.

Xiao Shi Hao cut a piece of flesh and blood with rich divine light from Suan Ni's wound, and slowly fed it into the mouth of Aunt Blue Scaled Eagle.

When acting, you have to do a complete set, and actor Xiao Shihao is a professional.

At this moment, the little boy felt a crisis coming from the distance. The little boy raised his head slightly, and an arrow passed through his neck and sank deeply into the rock.

The speed of this arrow was extremely fast, exceeding the speed of sound. After it sank into the rock, the little boy heard the terrifying sound of breaking through the air.

Faced with this sudden attack, the little boy was not surprised but overjoyed. He held his hand behind his back and caught another arrow that was heading towards his heart.

Then he looked coldly at the people of Yao Village who were walking in the distance.

They are indeed a group of shameless people who deserve to be killed!

"What a waste. This is the precious body of the Suanni from my village. You actually fed it to a dying bird. If it eats it, you won't be able to afford the compensation even if it kills you."

"It's not a waste. After all, the corpse of this ferocious bird will belong to our village later, so we can make it into a great medicine together."

Two rough voices came. They didn't see the little one at all. They just stared at the Suan Ni at the feet of the blue-scaled eagle, with greedy flames flashing in their eyes.

"People from Yongcun?

What’s interesting is that after I spared you in our Stone Village last time and made a blood oath, you actually dared to take action against me. "

They didn't take Xiao Shi Hao seriously, and Xiao Shi Hao didn't take these people seriously either.

"Blood oath?

What is a blood oath? Can it be eaten as food?

The fact that this ferocious bird landed near Wo Nong Village means that Heaven also believes that this Suan Ni corpse belongs to Wo Nong Village.

This is called destiny!

Oh, of course, the blue-scaled eagle here should also belong to our village.

With the bodies of these two ferocious beasts, the sacrificial spirits of our village can break through to the next level.

When the time comes, we will destroy you Shicun, and who will know that we have violated our oath. "

After the leader said this, he immediately let out a wild laugh, and the men from the village around him also laughed.

This is how they do things in Yongcun, and it is also the secret to their ability to survive in the wilderness.

As long as the benefits are sufficient, let alone an oath, even the biological father and mother can be betrayed.

The rough man at the head waved his hand: "Kill them quickly and bring these two beasts' precious bodies back to the village."


Dozens of men from the village picked up their bows and arrows and opened them fiercely.

A long arrow that exceeded the speed of sound shot towards Xiao Shi Hao like a violent storm.

The eyes of the leading man showed bloodthirsty pleasure,

Each of these arrows weighs a thousand pounds, and even a ferocious beast cannot bear it. Now if it hits this little baby, it will definitely turn him into a puddle of mud.

This kind of scene is a rare beauty!

Some book friends said that the writing of the main world is not good. Indeed, I also feel that there is something wrong with the writing.

It’s still a newcomer’s fault. The main world was originally too ambitious and the setting was very complicated. In fact, a chat group type book is not suitable for writing a completely unfamiliar main world with nothing to learn from.

If you had chosen a fantasy world or a strange world as the main world, it would be much easier to write. You could even just put a shell on it and put it on King Zhou or some other famous figure. Just think about it, there are a lot of things you can write about. No need to throw away a bunch of settings.

The main reason is that there is not much space to cover the setting, and there is always a lot to explain. The writing is slow, and the plot becomes too watery. In fact, the rhythm of the group world is very fast, because everyone is familiar with it. Just explain if you need to.

Then the main world was pushed very slowly, and there was a sense of separation. And then I had to intersperse the worlds of my friends, so I was always writing settings.

We are not afraid of problems, but we are afraid of not finding them.

I will adjust the writing direction of the main world in the future. Although it is definitely impossible not to write, I will definitely reduce the foreshadowing and speed up the pace.

By the way, please mention the new group friends you want to see in one post, and I will add them as appropriate!

Sorry everyone! (I posted it before, but many people probably haven’t read the single chapter that was delayed, so I posted it again. I also read all the previous comments from book friends and wrote them down!)

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