All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 116 Four evil men attack and confront Shicun

Then a bright white light flashed.

The old giant wolf's hair was barbed, and he didn't care about the flesh wing pierced by the claws of the green-scaled eagle. He shrank his body suddenly and moved to the right, trying his best to dodge.

The fairy light was faint and brilliant, like a flying knife that cut off the other intact flesh wing of the old fierce wolf.

The original nine-wave annihilation attack was unparalleled in power. If the old fierce wolf had not dodged in time, it would have died in the northwest at this time.

Xiao Shihao's talent in runes is unparalleled in the world.

Just talking about the talent in the comprehension of the original runes, even if Xu Chenzhou had the blessing of the peak Zhang Sanfeng and Hong Yi's thinking core, he was only on par with Xiao Shihao at this time.

Xu Chenzhou was able to cultivate a Xuanhuang Linglong body protection technique while practicing extraordinary martial arts.

Xiao Shihao has been fully comprehending the treasure technique these days, so naturally he will not only master a Xuanhuang Linglong body protection technique.

The reason why Xiao Shihao had been using the Green Scaled Eagle Technique was because he wanted to save this attack for the old wolf.

This technique is indeed extremely powerful, but it consumes too much energy. With Xiao Shihao's current cultivation, he can only use it once, and then he will be powerless.

Seeing that the old wolf was not dead, Xiao Shihao sighed leisurely.

It's a pity that this attack was dodged by it.

Otherwise, the battle would have been over.

At this time, the group of people in the distance also showed horror in their eyes.

"If I'm not mistaken, this kid is only three years old."

"Tell me, how old is he?

I can't stand this magic."

"Could it be true what the old village chief of Bei Village said just now?"

"I think it's almost certain. This kid is probably a natural supreme being."

"I heard before that a natural supreme being with double pupils appeared in the distant human kingdom. I didn't expect that such a great man could be born in my Great Wilderness."

"But I think this attack just now has exhausted this kid. He should not be able to use this terrifying attack again."

"Don't worry, don't worry, let's wait and see. Although this old wolf is injured, he is not injured in the vital parts. He is still very difficult to deal with."

There was no trace of relief in the old man's words, but some sinister.

The old man from Yunmeng Lake next to him also had a gloomy expression on his face.

The two looked at each other, as if they had reached some kind of tacit understanding.

The old beast fell to the ground after losing its wings, and the expression on its face was almost crazy.

A dignified sacrificial spirit was forced into a desperate situation by a little baby.

It wanted to run, but it felt that the little baby in front of it was already very weak.

After using this attack, the energy in its body was almost exhausted, and it could only use its physical strength next.

Comparing physical strength?

Who has this beast ever been afraid of!

It can't get the remains of the Suanni, can't break through the realm, and it won't live long due to its old age.

Although the old beast's hind legs are lame, it still has two front limbs and can move quickly.

The old beast slapped the ground fiercely, and the whole person rushed towards Xiao Shihao like a cannonball.

The power of this old beast is quite terrible. Although it is so old that its teeth are falling out, the remaining power is still quite terrifying. A slight pounce will shake the earth and mountains.

But Shi Hao was prepared. The animal skin of the second ancestral artifact of Shi Village is now on him.

The animal skin merged into Shi Hao's chest, and a rune full of primitive breath emerged on his chest.

In terms of strength alone, he is indeed not as good as the old wolf now, but with this ancestral weapon.

It is hard to say who will win.

The fight between the two was extremely bloody.

Blood was spilt like rain.

Although the little baby was very small, he was like a terrible beast, and he actually suppressed the old wolf in a head-on confrontation.

Like a tornado passing through and an earthquake coming, cracks appeared where the two stood, and even the earth could not withstand their power and began to crack.

The two fought to the limit, blood was steaming, and with the blessing of the ancestral weapon, the little Shi Hao sublimated to the extreme, and a fierce punch penetrated the chest of the old wolf, crushing its heart alive.

The old wolf looked at Shi Hao with astonishment. No matter what, it couldn't believe that it would die in the hands of this little baby.

However, losing is losing. The old wolf who lost his heart lay on the ground and lost his life forever.

The villagers of Bei Village also slowly died under the pursuit of the Shi Village warriors.

With a three-to-one number difference, and with masters like Shi Yunfeng and Shi Linhu in charge, the people of Bei Village had no room to resist.

There was not even a single casualty in Shi Village, only a few people were slightly injured.

The group of outsiders in the distance saw that the dust had settled, and slowly walked towards the people of Shi Village. The two old men leading them were still chatting as they walked.

"It's a pity for this little guy, his talent is too good."

"Yes, if his talent was a little worse, he could have survived.

It's a pity, a natural born supreme, such a big Buddha, my Zishan tribe can't keep it, nor can I control it."

The forces of this group of people are complicated, coming from various huge forces in the Great Wilderness, including the Zishan tribe, Luofu Dazhe, Yunmeng Daze, Lei tribe, Jinlang tribe, and Yuntian Palace.

The forces are so complicated that no one will watch a natural born supreme being taken in by other forces.

If this natural born supreme grows up, he will be the king of the Great Wilderness.

A force with a natural supreme power becomes the royal family of the Great Wilderness, and no one will allow such a giant power to be born.

Not only that, some people are unwilling to accept it even if it is accepted into their own tribe. After all, it is uncertain who will be the master and who will be the servant in the future if such a big Buddha is invited.

For them, the best supreme in the Great Wilderness is the dead supreme.

"After he dies, the supreme bone on his body will be taken by Yunmeng Daze."

"In this case, the body of Suan Ni will belong to our Zishan tribe."

"Why? You two forces have divided up all the benefits. What will my Lei clan take? We also want that piece of supreme bone."

"Why? Only Zhang Lao and I have the highest cultivation among the people present."

"But my Lei clan and the Golden Wolf tribe have united, and we are not afraid of you Yunmeng Daze."

"Isn't this a bit too cruel? Just take away the body of Suan Ni. This little guy didn't do anything wrong."

The major forces communicated as if no one was around, as if they had already regarded Xiao Shihao and the people of Shi Village as dead.

Only a woman from Yuntian Palace spoke up and said a few words for Xiao Shihao.

The shameless faces of these people shocked Xiao Shihao who was listening on the side.

Where did he get the supreme bone!

His supreme bone had been removed long ago.

As a result, after he had only shown his strength a little, another group of people came out to dig out his supreme bone again.

During this snatch battle, Shi Hao had been broadcasting live in the group. Except for Han Li who was in seclusion preparing to break through to the foundation-building stage, all the others were present.

At this time, he was also quite angry when he saw this scene.

Yang Chan (disciple of Yuxu Palace): "Brother Shi Hao is already so pitiful, and this group of people still want to attack him. They are really a group of beasts."

Lu Mingfei (dragon slayer): "I hate that the chat group does not have the group crossing function, otherwise I would like to cross to the perfect world and cut off the heads of these people with my own hands."

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Mingfei, you should save your energy. Except for Xiao Nannan, you have the worst fighting power in the group now. If you cross over, I guess you can't even beat that little guy. Chunchun is going to deliver food!"

Xu Chenzhou pointed to a seven-year-old child standing next to the old man of Zishan tribe.

This kid looks very strong, with full of blood and qi, and his cultivation is close to the late stage of the blood-moving realm. He also masters the rune magic. Lu Mingfei is really no match for him now.

Lu Mingfei lowered his head, looking helpless, he had no choice.

After all, his identity is different from that of the group members.

Lu Mingfei is still a student, he has to go to class!

This means that even with the time acceleration function, Lu Mingfei's cultivation time is still much less than that of other group members.

Of course, Lu Mingfei can also choose to drop out of school directly, he can't go to school anymore.

With his current ability, whether he is a personal bodyguard of a school beauty, or a guest appraiser of the golden pupil level, or even a half-immortal fortune teller with magic, he can get along well in modern society.

But Lu Mingfei, who has been in the Monster Hunter world for eight years, enjoys this last peaceful student life very much.

This is a rare quiet time in his life.

After all, attending classes at Kassel Academy is not a college life. You have to go out to kill a dragon king at any time. The work intensity is higher than that in Monster Hunter World.

As for not killing dragons and just playing badly, Lu Mingfei is unwilling to do so.

First of all, after eight years of being a monster hunter, who can resist not killing a dragon? It has almost become a muscle memory.

Besides, he has so many secrets hidden in him, and with the existence of the little devil, it is impossible for him to live a peaceful life.

If he really wants to live a peaceful life, he must chop all those messy things, just like he did in Monster Hunter World.

Han Li (disciple of Qixuan Sect): "These people are disgusting, but they all have to die. With Willow God here, Xiao Shihao will be fine."

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "That's what I said, but I still think they got it cheap.

Strictly speaking, Xiao Shihao saved their lives and the tribe behind them.

Their tribe would have been destroyed in the chaos of fierce beasts, but now that Willow God has revived, there is no chaos of fierce beasts..

Not only did they save their lives, but they also targeted Xiao Shihao.

For such a person, it would not be excessive even if his entire tribe was wiped out."

While several people were talking, the old man in Yunmeng Lake was about to take action.

He flipped his hand, and a huge handprint that covered the sky and the sun appeared in the air.

This huge handprint flashed with countless runes, and it was extremely terrifying at first glance!

The huge handprint slapped Xiao Shihao fiercely.

The old man's cultivation was much stronger than that of the fierce beast, and they were simply not on the same level.

But the old man didn't notice that a willow branch had quietly floated behind him at this time.

At this moment, a fierce bird cry sounded from the depths of the wilderness.

A huge bird flew out from the depths of the wilderness and flew towards Shi Village.

One of its wings could cover the entire sky. When its wings were spread, the strong wind blew up countless trees, making the passing mountains and forests bare.

The bird was extremely fast. During the flight, its wings kept flashing mysterious runes, like an arc of light, passing over Shi Hao and others.

A feather on the tip of the bird's wing accidentally swept the old man of Yunmeng Daze who was floating in the sky.

Being swept away by this, the originally unrivaled old man was like a particle of dust. He was beaten and flew out. He spit out large mouthfuls of golden divine blood and fainted.

Looking at the direction of the bird's flight, Xiao Shi Hao's expression changed drastically.

"Swallowing Sky Bird, Shicun?

No, his target is Liu Shen. "

Shi Hao could no longer care about these people who appeared later.

He rode on Auntie Green Scaled Eagle and rushed towards Shicun.

But at this moment, the old man from the Purple Mountain Department was full of joy.

"God help me, Lao Huang was injured by this passing beast, and he deserves to receive this Suanni treasure body and supreme bone from Zishan Department.

Without Lao Huang to hold you back, as long as I take you back and dig up your body to get your bones, maybe I, the Zishan Department, will also be able to obtain a young supreme master. "

The eyes of the old men of the Zishan tribe are full of joy. If they can obtain the Suanni Treasure Bone and the Supreme Bone, they will have the hope of becoming the Lord of the Great Wilderness.

He had read in ancient books that someone had achieved the Supreme Body by dissecting the body and removing bones. How could he not be happy when the opportunity was right in front of him.

Before the old man finished speaking, another giant ape like a mountain ran past them.

The giant ape stepped down hard, and the old man from the Purple Mountain Department turned into a puddle of meat.

These two unparalleled old men were trampled to death by two ferocious beasts as if they were ants before they had time to show off their power.

This horrific scene filled the eyes of this group of outsiders with horror.

"Oh my god, these two elders are masters of the spirit transformation realm, but they are so vulnerable in front of this strange beast."

"What's going on? Why do such overlord-level ferocious beasts appear here continuously?"

But Xiao Shihao didn't care about these people's thoughts. He only had Liu Shen in his heart now.

These two strange beasts were obviously the Sky-Swallowing Bird and Zhu Yan, and the direction they were heading towards was Shicun.

There is only one person in Shicun who is worthy of such a big fight between these two ferocious beasts, and that is Liu Shen.

What happened to make these two ferocious beasts rush towards Shicun.

Shi Hao was so anxious that he could no longer care about anything else. He stuffed the Suanni treasure body into the red envelope and flew towards Liu Shen on the green scaled eagle.

The group of outsiders looked at each other and chased after the Green Scaled Eagle in perfect agreement.

Although these two strange beasts are scary, they are not directed at them. There is nothing to be afraid of, just avoid them carefully.

The most important thing now is to catch the young Supreme and obtain the Supreme Bone and Suanni Treasure Body.

When Shi Hao rushed back to Stone Village, there were already four giant beasts confronting each other outside Stone Village.

A giant bird covered in flames and shining with countless divine fires stood in front of Shi Cun, staring at the giant sky-swallowing bird opposite.

The towering giant ape looked at the old willow tree in the stone village with curiosity.

Next to him, squatting was a ferocious-looking giant beast. The giant beast had complicated patterns and looked very ferocious.

"Suzaku, get out of the way, don't block me!"

"It's impossible. If you want to destroy the willow tree, you have to step over my body first."

"Do you know what a terrifying aura is brewing in this willow tree? Once his transformation is completed, who among the four of us can compete with him?

Don’t you want Shan Bao? "

Lao Qiongqi also smiled sinisterly.

"Indeed, Nirvana is reborn, dead trees are revived, and once the transformation of this old willow tree is completed, this wilderness will be his world.

It's just that now it can't even maintain the balance in its body, allowing a lot of life breath to escape.

Otherwise we wouldn't have discovered its existence.

It is still in the process of transformation, and its ability to maintain the balance in the body is greatly reduced. This is when it is at its weakest.

I couldn't help but be a little excited at the thought of being able to kill such a being. . "

The sky-swallowing bird couldn't help but spread its wings, releasing an astonishing momentum.

"Suzaku, don't drink wine as a penalty, otherwise we will take care of you first and then kill this old willow tree.

Who wouldn’t want to lose one competitor?

Zhu Yan, what do you think? "

The giant ape patted its chest, looked left and right, as if it didn't matter, and didn't pay attention to the sky-swallowing bird's question at all.

Zhu Yan's nature is relatively kind. Although he also wants to compete for the mountain treasure, he does not despise such behavior of taking advantage of others' danger.

It's just that he and Liu Shen are not related to each other, so it is naturally impossible for him to risk his life for Liu Shen.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if you don't take action. Qiongqi and I can fight Suzaku together."

Seeing this scene, Shi Hao felt extremely nervous.

He knew that Liu Shen was still in the process of transformation and was indeed at his weakest.

Because she was in the process of transformation, regaining a new life and shaping her body, Liu Shen had to devote a lot of energy to directing it. Now she can exert at most one-tenth of her combat power.

Suzaku alone could never withstand the attacks of Qiongqi and Sky-Swallowing Bird.

Shi Hao was a little nervous. Liu Shen was really in danger this time.

Shi Hao did not expect this situation. The energy of the towering fortune dew was so strong that Liu Shen directly entered the transformation, and the life energy spilled out was discovered by the four ferocious beast overlords.

At this moment, those outsiders finally caught up with Shi Hao.

But after arriving at the scene, they originally planned to take action, but now they didn't even dare to fart and wanted to turn around and run away. .

They didn't pay attention just now, only Shi Hao was in their eyes.

Although Shi Hao kept flying fiercely in the direction of the two overlords, they were not afraid.

Shi Hao is so weak now. With their fighting power, they can kill him with just one blow.

After killing him, they turned around and ran away. How could these two beast overlords care about little ants like them?

Now they found that they had followed Shi Hao to the feet of the four beast overlords.

The distance was so close that they could even see the wings of the Sky-Swallowing Bird above their heads when they looked up.

The group of people huddled in place like quails, trembling.

The leader of Luofu Lake looked at the four beast overlords with horror and murmured: "Suzaku, Qiongqi, Zhuyan, Sky-Swallowing Bird, what happened to make these four beast overlords gather here.

Could it be that the legendary mountain treasure is in the small village in front of them?"

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