All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 117 Even if there are only two branches, what is there to fear?

The Sky-Swallowing Bird was already a little impatient at this time.

"Suzaku, I'll give you one last chance, don't let me get out of my way."

The sky-swallowing bird's wings fluttered gently, and countless primitive talismans shone on the sky-swallowing bird's wings. It was already secretly accumulating strength. If Suzaku didn't recognize it yet, it would take action with thunder.

Not to be outdone, Suzaku cried softly and countless flames ignited on his body. It was obvious that Suzaku was ready to fight for his life.

Qiongqi let out a sinister laugh.

"I risk my life for an old willow tree."

Before he finished speaking, Qiongqi suddenly took action, and a huge claw traveled through the void and pressed on Suzaku's body.

This claw was covered with scales and flashed with a black fierce light. Countless runes danced between the fierce lights, carrying an aura of death.

A divine fire ignited on Suzaku's body and collided with Qiongqi's claws.

Under the huge force of Qiongqi's claws, the divine fire on Suzaku's body was scattered, leaving five finger scratches on his chest, and drops of blood burning with Suzaku's divine fire dripped down.

Suddenly the mountains shook and the earth shook, and the earth was boiled into lava by the Suzaku Divine Fire.

Naturally, the Sky-Swallowing Bird will not stand idly by. This is a rare opportunity to kill the Suzaku first and then the old willow tree.

In this way, the probability of it getting mountain treasure is greatly increased.

Suddenly, the sky was filled with runes, countless laws and divine chains intertwined, and even the void was about to be shattered by the confrontation between the three fierce beast overlords.

The group of outsiders looked at this scene and were stunned.

They want to run, but where can they run?

All over the mountains and plains are the divine fires scattered by Suzaku.

With their cultivation, they simply cannot withstand the power of the Suzaku Divine Fire.

In order to avoid the divine fire falling from the sky, the old man of the Thunder Clan ran with his young master as fast as he could.

The Thunder Clan is best at movement. After using the Thunder Bull Technique, they can travel thousands of miles in a day, and their bodies are as fast as lightning.

In an instant they ran a long distance, thinking they were about to escape.

Unfortunately, at this moment, a divine fire fell.

Under the scorching power of the Suzaku Divine Fire, the old man from the Thunder Tribe was burned to ashes without even letting out a scream.

In just two minutes, half of these outsiders died.

Only a few lucky ones are left hanging on the field.

At this moment, a survivor of Yuntian Palace saw the only safe place on the entire battlefield.

That was Xiao Shihao's feet.

There was a willow root sticking out from the ground at Xiao Shihao's feet.

The willow root exuded a faint golden light and held up a bell-shaped protective shield.

This protective shield is somewhat similar to Xiao Shi Hao's body protection technique just now.

Under the protection of this bell-shaped protective shield, even if the Suzaku Divine Fire fell, Xiao Shi Hao would still be unscathed.

Seeing this scene, the survivor of Yuntian Palace was like seeing the light before dawn.

She burned all her essence and blood, sublimated her cultivation to the maximum, and used unprecedented speed to rush towards the place where Xiao Shi Hao was standing.

The speed was so fast that it surpassed all her previous battles.

Xiao Shihao looked up and found that the survivor was the woman from Yuntian Palace who had just spoken for him. He ignored her and just raised his head to look at the three ferocious beasts fighting in the sky.

He was thinking about how he could help Liu Shen, but with his current level of cultivation, he was really not qualified to intervene in a battle of this level.

Even if he asks his group friends for help, the current group friends can't help him.

Xiao Shihao was very anxious, but he could only watch from the sidelines.

The people nearby who were desperately dodging also saw the actions of the Yuntian Palace women, and also noticed the absolute defense around Shi Hao. These people immediately ran towards the bell-shaped gas mask.

But what they didn't expect was that, except for the two little girls from Yuntian Palace, everyone else was shocked by an invisible energy as soon as they entered the air shield. For an instant, they couldn't even move their bodies. Only their mouths could. Barely speaking.

At this time, the friends in the chat group were also very concerned about the trend of this battle. "

Lu Mingfei (Dragon Slaying Master): "Qiongqi and Sky-Swallowing Bird are bullying the minority. It seems that Suzaku can't hold on anymore."

Although Lu Mingfei's current cultivation level is not good, he is definitely the most experienced in the group in terms of combat experience. He can see at a glance how strong the Sky-Swallowing Bird and Qiongqi are.

It was difficult for Suzaku to deal with one person at the same time, let alone two enemies at the same time.

Little Nan (a homeless girl): "In this case, Liu Shen will be in danger. If Liu Shen dies, brother Shi Hao will feel very distressed."

In the entire chat group, the one who treats little girl the best is Shi Hao.

Because in Shi Hao's opinion, the little girl was in the same situation as him. She had a miserable childhood and her relatives were separated.

So he felt very sorry for this poor little girl.

Although the little girl has only joined the group chat for a short time, Xiao Shihao has already provided a lot of training resources to the little girl, and the relationship between the two little guys has become very good.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "There's nothing to worry about. Look at the willow branches under Shi Hao's feet. It's obvious that Liu Shen still has some energy left.

What's more, what do you think of the ancestral sacrificial spirits? Even though they can only exert one-tenth of their power, how can these ferocious beasts in the Venerable realm threaten Liu Shen? "

Hong Yi (Da Qian Scholar): “Indeed, this willow tree has an aura about it that is ethereal and misty, praised by all spirits.

This form alone is in no way inferior to the Amitabha Buddha in the past Amitabha Sutra.

Just looking at her body, I felt something, and my soul was ready to split into new thoughts.

How could something happen to such a great existence? "

The war is still going on, and the scene of the battle between the three ferocious beasts is indescribable. It is as if the world has entered purgatory. The Suzaku Divine Fire ripples, dyeing the entire sky red, and the Sky-Swallowing Bird flies its wings and swallows everything in the world.

But after all, it was one against two, and Suzaku gradually couldn't hold on anymore. The feathers on its wings gradually dimmed, and there were countless wounds on its body, and drops of blood dripped to the ground.

Suzaku retreated while fighting, and finally retreated to the edge of Stone Village. It could no longer hold on.

At this time, the woman from Yuntian Palace in the bell-shaped gas mask suddenly discovered a very terrifying thing.

“The battle between these three ferocious beasts was shattering, but the small village in front of us was actually unscathed.

It shouldn't be. Although Suzaku tried his best to block it, the other two ferocious beasts would not care about the life and death of this small village.

Even the aftermath of the force should be enough to level the small village.

Unless, there is another being who is secretly protecting the small village. "

The woman from Yuntian Palace looked far into the distance, trying to find out what was so magical about Shicun.

But unfortunately, she didn't see it.

The most special thing in the village is a charred old willow tree with scorched bark and only a few new buds.

Could it be that this old willow tree is secretly protecting Shicun?

It's impossible. With the strength of these three ferocious beast overlords, no one in the entire wilderness can stop them.

This old willow tree looks ordinary, and it was even struck like this by lightning. How could it be a boss with the same strength as the three ferocious beast overlords?

While the woman was still confused, the battlefield of the three ferocious beasts finally moved above Shicun.

Seeing this scene, Shi Hao finally couldn't bear it anymore.

This battle was so sudden, and many villagers in Shicun still stayed at home.

Just when Shi Hao was about to take action and find a way to rescue the villagers of Shi Village.

Liu Shen's voice sounded in his mind.

"Little guy, don't worry, I have already protected the villagers of Stone Village."

"Liu Shen, are you okay? Can you handle it? I'm trying to think of ways to help you."

"I'm fine. I was transforming at full power just now and couldn't take action, but now I can use the power of two willow branches.

But even if there are only two branches, just two ferocious beasts, what do I have to fear? "

As soon as Liu Shen's voice fell, the three ferocious beasts were already fighting fiercely right above Liu Shen's body.

Countless divine fires fell from the sky.

The wind is blowing!

Qiongqi spit out streaks of white light from his mouth, tearing the void apart.

Just when these attacks were about to hit Liu Shen, a black-yellow bell-shaped light shield suddenly appeared on her body.

This light shield completely solidified, as if a big bell suddenly appeared on the willow tree in front of me.

On top of the big clock, there are countless mysterious runes flowing. These runes carry a hint of the aura of the heaven and the earth, as if they are the end of the road and the destination of everything.

The Sky-Swallowing Bird was exerting all its strength at this time, and the feathers all over its body were flashing with mysterious runes. A divine wind blew out, containing extremely powerful power, and everything melted under the blow.

A strong wind blew by, and even the ground could not withstand the force, and was instantly blown into powder by the wind.

But this heaven-destroying attack seemed to turn into a breeze when it blew on the bell-shaped air shield outside Liu Shen's body.

The breeze blew by, causing some of Willow God's willow branches to flutter in the wind.

With Shicun as the center, a bottomless pit appeared, which seemed to be at least several thousand meters deep.

But the land where Ishimura stood was unscathed.

From the air, it looked like a huge copper coin appeared on the ground.

Looking at this scene, the sky-swallowing bird showed an extremely horrified look in its eyes.

"How is it possible? Old Liushu, you are clearly in the process of transformation, how can you still have such strength?"

A pleasant female voice sounded: "You came at the right time. I am indeed in the process of transformation. It's just a pity that with your strength, I'm not very good yet."

Before the words could be spoken, several willow branches penetrated the void and appeared in front of Qiongqi and the Sky-Swallowing Bird.

The divine flowers on the willow branches flickered, crystal clear, soft and invisible, like a swimming dragon bound to Qiongqi and the Sky-Swallowing Bird.

As the overlords of ferocious beasts, how could the Sky-Swallowing Bird and Qiongqi escape? Countless runes erupted from their bodies.

Especially Qiongqi, whose blood was boiling at this moment, and he actually evoked a trace of the brand remaining in his blood. Suddenly, a line of purple energy fell from the sky, and the energy of chaos surged.

Under the resistance of the two people, Willow Branch could not go any further.

But immediately, Liu Shen's willow branch suddenly expanded from the thickness of a thumb to the thickness of an arm, like a jade dragon.

The divine dragon soared, and the divine light filled the sky. For a moment, the two ferocious beasts were trapped in the air by Liu Shen, and they could only resist Liu Shen's attack.

This scene shocked the group of outsiders hiding in the bell-shaped gas shield. One soul was born, and the other soul ascended to heaven.

Did they read it right?

A shabby sacrificial spirit from a shabby little village actually has such magical powers.

With his own strength, he can face two fierce beast overlords at the same time.

At this time, the woman from Yuntian Palace spoke. Among the group of people just now, she was the only one who had good intentions towards Shi Hao.

“Little guy, do you know who that willow tree is?

How could it be so scary!”

"That's Liu Shen, the sacrificial spirit of our Stone Village!"

Seeing Liu Shen showing off his power, Xiao Shihao raised his chest and said proudly.


Oh my God!

This willow tree actually calls itself a god.

If someone else calls themselves a god, they might still be doubted, but with the means that the Willow God has shown now, no one will doubt it.

This conversation was heard by other outsiders, and they were instantly more scared.

No wonder this dilapidated little village in front of them could give birth to a natural supreme being and also have a Suanni treasure body.

It turns out that this village actually hides a god.

What kind of bear heart and leopard courage did they eat to dare to attack this supreme being who was protected by existence.

The battle in the sky became more and more intense. The Swallowing Sky Bird and Qiongqi knew that it was time to fight desperately.

They did not hesitate, pushing all the blood and essence in their bodies, burning all the extreme sublimation.

Two huge shadows appeared in the sky, one was a bird covering the sky, with the sun, moon and stars in its beak.

The other was a Qiongqi, who was in the primordial world, with four feet on the ground, as if he was creating the world.

But no matter how much these two beasts sublimate, they are still no match for the mountain in front of them.

The willow branches of the God of Willow are shining green, and it seems that there are small worlds in the divine light.

The willow branches extend from the unknown void, and then extend from afar.

The Vermillion Bird also tried its best on the side, and the divine fire was steaming, and even the sky was about to be burned out.

With the help of the Vermillion Bird, the runes of the willow branch of the God of Willow flashed far into the chaos around Qiongqi, passing through its eyebrows and leaving a bloody hole on its forehead.

The other willow branch, meandering and circling, fiercely entangled, and fiercely tore off the two wings of the Swallowing Sky Bird, and then pierced her heart again.

In an instant, the situation reversed, and the two terrible birds died tragically in the Stone Village.

Finally, everything was settled, and the war ended.

The four beasts confronted each other in front of the Stone Village, and ended with the death of the Swallowing Sky Bird and Qiongqi.

After the war, the villagers of Shi Village who had just gone to Bei Village for support finally arrived.

As they walked, Shi Yunfeng showed a look of astonishment on his face.

Am I not walking on the way home?

Who can tell me what this bottomless pit in front of me is?

Where is my Shi Village?

How can such a big Shi Village disappear after going out for a trip!

Just as Shi Yunfeng was puzzled, the earth and rocks under the deep pit surged, and a bridge rose from the ground and stopped in front of them.

There was a small figure in the distance, waving at him desperately, and he could still hear it faintly.

"Old Patriarch, Old Patriarch, come back soon, God Liu has built a bridge for you!"

Shi Yunfeng recognized that this was the voice of the little one, and hurriedly took the tribesmen to the bridge. As he walked, he found that this bridge actually led to Shi Village.

Their village was intact, standing on the deep pit. The deep pit was so big that even his eyesight could not see the village in the center of the pit from the edge of the deep pit.

As he walked, Shi Yunfeng discovered that there was a stone pillar under the deep pit very close to the village.

This stone pillar was where Shi Hao had just stood.

Back in Shi Village, Shi Yunfeng was stunned by the scene in front of him.

The group of people who had just been arrogant outside the village were now kneeling on the ground like obedient grandchildren.

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