All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 118: Grass Sword Technique, Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art!

In front of them, there were two huge corpses of ferocious beasts.

The aura on the corpses of these two ferocious beasts was hundreds of times stronger than the Suanni treasure bodies they had just seen.

It was obvious that these two ferocious beast corpses came from very terrifying existences.

At this time, Liu Shen's ethereal voice sounded in the air.

"Xiao Shihao, what are you going to do with these people?"

Willow God's willow branches gently brushed against them, lifting part of the restrictions on the kneeling people in front of them, allowing them to move freely.

The moment the restriction was lifted, this group of outsiders rushed in front of Xiao Shi Hao, knelt down and kowtowed to him.

"Spare your life, spare your life, please spare my life for the sake of this poor villain."

"Young Supreme, just now we were blind and blind, please let us go. We won't dare to do it again."

"Supreme Grandpa, please let me go, grandson. I am really obsessed with my grandson. As long as you let me go, grandson, I will definitely keep your place at home, visit him every day, and burn incense every night."

There were even a few little girls kneeling on the ground, their eyes blurred, looking at Shi Hao with aggrieved expressions.

This group of outsiders includes members of the major forces in the wilderness, including the Zishan tribe, Luofu Daze, the Thunder tribe, etc.

Originally, they were so arrogant that they did not take Shi Hao, a native of the countryside, seriously.

Even though he is the Young Supreme, in their hearts he is just an object to be dismembered.

But at this time, the two poles reversed, and the country bumpkin instantly turned into the ancient hidden power of the young supreme.

This group of people knelt on the ground like pugs and begged Shi Hao for forgiveness.

No one spoke to Liu Shen, because everyone knew that a being of Liu Shen's level would never change his mind just because of a few words of their pleading.

In their minds, it was much easier to fool Xiao Shi Hao than to fool Liu Shen.

After all, he is just a three-year-old child, what kind of world can he see?

Shi Hao looked at the group of people begging for mercy, and everything that had just happened flashed through his mind.

This group of people were discussing over there in front of him how to cut his body and remove his bones.

Except for the woman from Yuntian Palace, no one had any good intentions toward him. Everyone looked fiercely, as if they had a mortal enemy with him.

Even the two little girls, who were kneeling on the ground and felt very aggrieved, looked at him with terrifying eyes just now, and they wished they could take out his Supreme Bone on the spot.

Xiao Shihao said softly: "Just kill them all, they don't deserve to live anyway."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Shi Hao stretched out his hand, and a full moon appeared in Xiao Shi Hao's hand. A green light glowed above the full moon, reflecting a jade palace.

The full moon crossed the sky quickly and disappeared without a trace.

When the light in Xiao Shi Hao's hand dissipated, a thin red mark appeared on the necks of these people. It took a moment for blood to spurt out from their cut necks.

The only ones who survived the scene were the woman from Yuntian Palace and the two little girls with her.

Looking at this scene, the women in Yuntian Palace couldn't help but secretly rejoice.

Fortunately, she saw that Xiao Shihao was so cute that she couldn't do anything, so she stopped those people with a few words, and then she was spared her life.

Otherwise, there would be three more of their dead souls on the ground.

When all the dust settled, the willow branches gradually returned to the willow tree.

"I still need to transform for a while. You can handle the rest by yourself."

After hanging out in the chat group for so many days, Xiao Shi Hao also learned a lot of good habits.

If you kill someone but don’t touch the body, isn’t this person killed in vain?

After picking and choosing, Xiao Shi Hao found seven or eight more treasures in his hand, as well as some bottles and jars. These treasures were all carried by these people.

But it is a pity that these people do not carry the Secret Bone Book with them, otherwise they would be able to learn the treasures of these large tribes.

At this time, Shi Yunfeng had learned everything that happened in Shicun from Xiao Budian.

"The corpses of two ferocious beast overlords and a Suanni treasure body, am I not dreaming!

By distilling all these ferocious beasts into great medicine, I can't imagine how strong the children of Shicun will be in the future. "

At this moment, the little boy sneaked up to the old patriarch.

"Old Patriarch, what, I have a few friends who have helped me and Liu Shen a lot.

So can I give them some of the great medicine that I have prepared? "

The old patriarch had a teasing smile on his face: "Of course, since they have helped a lot, they must also have a share of this great medicine.

No wonder you have been going to my room to search for some cultivation resources from time to time recently.

It turned out to be because I made good friends.

Is there a cute little girl among these good friends? "

Hearing these words, Xiao Shi Hao couldn't help but blush.

During the recent period, he had indeed frequently visited the old patriarch's room to obtain various cultivation resources.

Most of the resources taken away by Xiao Shihao were distributed to Xiao Nannan.

After all, little Nannan's body is so weak, and she is still in the beginning of cultivation, so she needs these resources extremely.

After settling everything, the little boy opened the chat group.

The group was currently discussing the scene where Liu Shen took action just now.

Lu Mingfei (dragon-slaying master): "The ferocious beast overlord in the perfect world is too powerful. I suspect that if the black dragon was thrown into the battle just now, it might not be enough for the bird to swallow it in one gulp."

Lu Mingfei recalled his battle in the Monster Hunter World and couldn't help but feel a little scared. If he had faced this kind of monster, the grass on his grave would be three feet high.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "This is just the beginning. These four beasts are only powerful in the lower realm. After reaching the upper realm, they can only be regarded as minor characters."

After watching this battle, Hong Yi also felt a little scared. He was deeply shocked by the power displayed by the God of Willow.

Hong Yi (Daqian Scholar): "After watching the battle just now, I realized that the duel between me and Hong Xuanji was just like two children fighting in a busy city.

Even if we formed a 100,000-man army of martial saints, it would be like a joke in front of these two beasts."

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "In fact, the system of the Yangshen world is relatively accumulated. Although the combat power is relatively weak in the early stage, the combat power will increase rapidly in the later stage.

When you meet Hong Xuanji again next time, the battle between you may not be inferior to this time."

Hong Yi smiled bitterly: "No matter how many triple jumps there are, there is an upper limit. According to your description, even if I have reached the upper limit, I am not a big shot in the perfect world.

But it doesn't matter. Although I have joined the chat group and can get so many resources, I believe that I can definitely find a way to ascend to heaven that belongs to the Yangshen world."

After joining the chat group, Hong Yi's horizons were broadened a lot. Although he has not even achieved the ghost fairy now, the other shore realm can no longer satisfy him.

Shi Hao (a young cub from Shi Village): "Brother group leader, I asked the village chief for some precious medicine made from exotic beasts. I will send it to everyone after he makes it.

By the way, there is this. Brother group leader, you said before that you wanted to try the taste of the Sky-Swallowing Bird Leg, so I specially made a piece for you."

Little Shi Hao sent a red envelope, Sky-Swallowing Bird Leg Meat.

Seeing this thing, Xu Chenzhou felt his mouth watering.

When he watched Perfect World and The Heaven-Shattering, he was very curious.

How delicious must the meat of these beasts be to make the little baby and Ye Fan roast the meat of the beasts after every battle.

Especially the Sky-Swallowing Bird, which Emperor Huang Tian had never eaten.

When learning about the death of the Sky-Swallowing Bird, Emperor Huang Tian secretly regretted that he could not eat a pot of Sky-Swallowing Bird meat.

So Xu Chenzhou mentioned it when chatting in the group before, but he didn't expect that little Shi Hao would always remember it in his heart.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Thank you, little baby!

By the way, there is one more thing. Since Tianque and Qiongqi are dead, only Maoqiu and Xiaohong are left. Then I think you can try to get the mountain treasure.

Although Maoqiu has not lost his memory and is not familiar with you, you have Liu Shen as your backer, so you can compete with Zhu Yan and Zhuque.

The mountain treasure is too important. If you can get it in advance, it will be of great help to your growth."

Although this mountain treasure appeared in the beginning of the perfect world, it has been running through the entire perfect world and has played a very important role in Shi Hao's growth.

First of all, there is a space hidden in the mountain treasure, and the space contains the inheritance of the Supreme Hall of the Supreme God.

In the Supreme God, there are many treasures, such as the treasures of the roar clan, the treasures of the Luan clan, and even the treasures of the Suanni that Shi Hao just obtained.

If these treasures are placed in the outside world, any one of them can cause bloody storms, but these are just the least important things in the mountain treasure.

The mountain treasure contains the two most important inheritances of the Supreme Hall, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art and the Grass Sword Art, one of the Ten Evil Treasures.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art is the holy fighting method that Shi Hao relies on to become famous. Originally, Shi Hao only obtained the starting move of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art, and he was able to fight against heaven and earth and sweep all enemies in the nine heavens and ten earths.

After obtaining the full text of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art, Shi Hao's combat power increased greatly.

Later, Ye Fan also obtained this ancient method, which also became one of Ye Fan's most important fighting methods in the early stage.

It is enough to prove the value of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art!

The Grass Sword Art is also amazing. A piece of grass can cut down the sun, moon and stars, which refers to the Grass Sword Art, which is one of the three major swordsmanship in the perfect world.

At the same time, the Grass Sword Art is also one of the Ten Evil Treasures, and it can be said to be the first in killing among the Ten Evil Treasures.

But these peerless treasures are not the entire value of the mountain treasure.

The white bone box used to carry the Supreme God's treasure is also quite valuable.

It looks like a storage treasure, but it is actually part of the original true solution and transcendence chapter.

With the original true solution and transcendence chapter, even if you don't become an immortal, you can survive in the sea of ​​​​suffering in the mortal world, and finally be immortal and live forever in the world.

As for where the other part of the original true solution and transcendence chapter is, it is actually in Shi Village. This is the medicine cauldron used by the old village chief to refine the great medicine.

In other words, if Xiao Shihao can obtain the mountain treasure, he can obtain the six reincarnation heavenly skills, the grass character sword tactics, and the original true solution and transcendence chapter, three peerless secret books in one go.

Shihao (Shi Village cub): "Brother group leader, I know that Xiaohong and Maoqiu are very good people. Don't worry, I can handle it."

After saying this, the little guy went offline.

At this time, the Vermillion Bird has landed on the Willow God. It was too seriously injured in the previous battle.

For this little red bird that just tried its best to protect itself, the Willow God will naturally not be stingy. A clear light falls on the tree, slowly recovering the Vermillion Bird's injuries.

Little Shi Hao ran to Suzaku and said, "Xiao Hong, Xiao Hong, come with me to find the mountain treasure later. We will share it equally after we find it!"

Hearing Shi Hao's call, the feathers on the little red bird's head stood up, and the flames were steaming all over the body. It stared at Shi Hao fiercely.

But then the little red bird seemed to have discovered something, and looked at Shi Hao with a very strange look, with an expression of disbelief in its eyes.

The ethereal voice of the God of Willow sounded: "You want to find the mountain treasure, it is very important to you?"

The God of Willow was a little confused. The little one didn't seem to be such a greedy person. Why would he suddenly want to take Xiao Hong to fight for the mountain treasure together?

As for Willow God, Little Bit didn't want to hide it: "My friend told me that the Supreme God Treasure of the Supreme Hall is hidden in the mountain treasure, which contains the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art and the Grass Sword Art, which is very important to me.

And since the mountain treasure contains the art, there is no need to fight to the death. After getting the mountain treasure, I will share the art with Xiaohong."

As for the Transcendence Chapter, Shi Hao didn't mention it for the time being.

It's not that Xiao Shihao is reluctant to give up this art, but it's mainly unnecessary.

Affected by the atmosphere of the chat group, under the influence of group friends, Xiao Shihao has always been exposed to the environment of art sharing.

In addition to Shi Hao's own personality, Shi Hao is very indifferent to things like art, and has no desire to monopolize it.

It's just that the Transcendence Chapter is used to stay in the mortal world for a long time and immortality, and it is not very helpful for improving cultivation and combat power.

No one around him needs to use this art for the time being.

Moreover, to obtain this thing, he had to use the cultivation of the original true solution of the extremely high realm to smelt the mountain treasure and the medicine cauldron, which he could not meet for the time being.

In addition, the Transcendence Chapter was too involved. Once it was leaked, the nine heavens and ten earths would go crazy.

So it was better to keep the original form before fusion for the time being.

Of course, after Xiaohong and Maoqiu left, he would naturally tell Liu Shen.

After hearing what Xiao Shihao said, even Liu Shen couldn't help but feel a huge shock in his heart.

For her, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art and the Grass Sword Art were also a strong inheritance. Being able to read the whole chapter was also helpful to her.

And what really shocked her was Xiaobudan's friend.

When did this little baby make such a powerful friend?

She couldn't find any clues when she contacted Xiaobudan in front of her. Not only that, but he also knew such a secret.

As for Xiaohong, she was even more shocked. It didn't know the origin of the mountain treasure at all. The reason why it came to the Great Wilderness to fight for it was because the strange phenomenon of heaven and earth caused by the mountain treasure was too terrifying.

As a result, the little baby in front of him knew all the information about the mountain treasure.

If the mountain treasure is really just a treasure of martial arts, then it might be a good choice to fight for the mountain treasure with this little one.

After all, the willow god stood behind this little one. If it and the willow god joined forces, who in the whole wilderness could compete with them.

While Xiaohong was still thinking, the little baby ran to Zhu Yan's side again.

Zhu Yan did not leave after watching the show, but shrank his body and followed Xiaohong to Shi Village.

The little baby ran to Zhu Yan's side. I don't know what he said. After a while, I saw Zhu Yan nodded repeatedly and obeyed the little one's words.

Then the little one brought Zhu Yan to Zhuque's side, and then the little baby grabbed Zhu Yan's arm and Zhuque's wings and held them together.

"From now on, we will temporarily form a mountain treasure team and search for mountain treasures together. After we find them, we will share the skills together."

The two beasts were a little confused. They wanted to refuse. They were fighting each other a while ago, so why did they suddenly form a team now?

But looking at the little baby standing between them, and then looking at the willow tree behind the little baby, they couldn't say anything.

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