All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 119: Deducing the Possibility of Devouring the Heavenly Devil Technique

Another week of peace, the group members are also working hard to practice.

In the practice room, Xu Chenzhou slowly opened his eyes, a ray of light flashed, and the empty room was white.

During this week of practice, Xu Chenzhou has made great progress.

Xiao Shihao has sent a lot of great medicines made from the Swallowing Sky Bird and the Qiongqi Treasure Body in the group chat in the past few days.

Using these great medicines to temper his body, Xu Chenzhou's physical strength has reached 89,000 kilograms, and he is very close to the extreme realm of the Moving Blood Realm.

Moreover, he has not only condensed the acupoints recorded in the Tathagata Sutra to more than 50.

He has also practiced the three treasures uploaded by Xiao Shihao, the original Nine-Dangling Silence Strike, the Xuanhuang Linglong Body Protection Technique, and the Nine-Colored Divine Light Technique, to the entry level.

Although his current extraordinary martial arts is still at the peak of the first level, his combat power is no longer the same.

At this time, the chat group issued another prompt.

This prompt sound was specially set by Xu Chenzhou, and this prompt sound will be issued whenever someone uploads a skill in the group chat.

Xu Chenzhou quickly opened the group chat to check the situation.

Shi Hao uploaded [Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art] [Cao Zi Sword Art] [Roar Clan Treasure Art] [Luan Clan Treasure Art] [Suan Ni Treasure Art].

Little Shi Hao uploaded seven or eight techniques in one breath.

The most important ones are naturally the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art and Cao Zi Sword Art.

Little Shi Hao (Shi Village cub): "After a week of hard work, I finally got the mountain treasure. After getting the mountain treasure, I couldn't open it. Fortunately, God Liu helped me."

The little baby sat on the bed, holding a stack of animal skins in his hands. The ancient and distant breath flowed on the animal skins.

While uploading the techniques, he wiped the milk stains at the corners of his mouth.

The animal milk Xu Chenzhou sent him was really delicious.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Great, we can get the Six Paths of Reincarnation and the Grass Sword Technique, and the combat effectiveness of the group members will be greatly improved.

But everyone must be careful, although the Six Paths of Reincarnation is very powerful, it is also very dangerous.

Even the Saint Honghu lost too much of his essence when he practiced the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and he almost died from practicing it."

Shi Hao (the young man in Shicun): "The God of Willow also told me that I can't control the Six Paths of Reincarnation at my current level. This technique is too vast. The Six Paths of Reincarnation, the extinction of all living beings.

If If you are too obsessed with it, you may wipe out your essence.

However, as long as you don't practice it too deeply and just learn some superficial knowledge, there will be no problem.

This is a safe version compiled by God Liu. You can practice this version first, and then study the original Six Paths of Reincarnation after you have fully mastered it. "

Xiao Shihao recalled the scene when he just tried to practice the Six Paths of Reincarnation. He made six hand seals, and the reincarnation of heaven and earth flowed in an instant. He was like the incarnation of the Great Dao, turning into six black holes. Then the light rain of time flowed, and all the creatures in the universe emerged in it.

Even he himself would be swallowed into the black hole and his essence would be wiped out.

Fortunately, God Liu interrupted his practice process, otherwise he would be ground into powder by his fist.

Xiao Shihao uploaded another [Six Paths of Reincarnation Hand Gesture]

Xu Chenzhou nodded. It was convenient to have a big guy around.

In the world of the Heaven-shaking World, in a cave in the wild, a pretty and cute little girl was staring at a piece of animal skin paper in front of her with a dazed look.

Although the little girl lived in a cave, the furniture in the cave was quite complete, and the clothes she wore were also very clean and tidy.

Under the little girl, there was a pink little bed, and there were several plush dolls at the head of the bed.

There was also a wardrobe next to the bed, and there were more than ten girls' clothes of different styles in the wardrobe.

There were ancient costumes with fluttering clothes and cute frog pajamas, as if they came from different worlds.

Next to the wardrobe was a large bronze tripod, and the divine light in the tripod was shining, and a rich fragrance came out.

Xiao Nannan looked at the Six Paths of Reincarnation in front of her, and her eyes couldn't help but be a little blurred.

What a powerful fist intention this is, the Six Paths of Reincarnation wiped out everything and swallowed everything.

After these days of practice, Xiao Nannan found that her practice speed was a bit slow.

However, in contrast, Xiao Nannan found that her comprehension was quite good, not inferior to Brother Shi Hao at all.

Even in the comprehension of some techniques, her comprehension speed was a little faster than Brother Shi Hao.

In fact, Xiao Nannan's current cultivation speed is not slow. After being transformed into a congenital body by the Nine Yuan Mysterious Spirit Fruit, Xiao Nannan's cultivation speed is faster than that of the true disciples of ordinary major sects.

If we only look at the cultivation speed, Xiao Nannan can be regarded as a little genius now.

But the problem is that Xiao Nannan is compared with this group of perverts.

Whether it is Xiao Shihao, Zhang Junbao, Hong Yi, Yang Chan, or Xu Chenzhou, who is cheating, they are not ordinary geniuses.

This made Xiao Nannan feel a great gap and was very dissatisfied with her cultivation speed.

Xiao Nannan stood up, and her tender little body made a series of hand seals, as if she was practicing the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

For a while, the whole cave was filled with the artistic conception of the reincarnation of heaven and earth and the six paths of reincarnation.

As she practiced, Xiao Nannan became a little depressed.

Xiao Nannan murmured to herself: "No, the current training speed is still too slow.

If I continue to practice at this speed, I don't know when I can save my brother."

Xiao Nannan is a little anxious, because she really doesn't have much time. Every day she delays, her brother will be in danger. She must improve her cultivation as soon as possible to save her brother.

Xiao Nannan (a wandering little girl): "Brothers and sisters, is there any way to improve my cultivation speed?

Even with so many resources, I feel that I am still practicing too slowly.

The mortal body is really at a disadvantage in cultivation."

Although Xiao Nannan has now achieved the innate body, this innate body is the innate body of the prehistoric world. Strictly speaking, Xiao Nannan is still a mortal body in the Heaven-Covering System, but it is a mortal body that cultivates faster.

Yang Chan (a disciple of Yuxu Palace): "I'm sorry, I can't do it for the time being. There are many spiritual medicines in the prehistoric world that can improve resources, but it is a bit difficult to obtain these spiritual medicines."

There are many spiritual medicines in the prehistoric world, but Xiao Yangchan can't get many of them. The most helpful thing for improving qualifications in Yuding Zhenren's hand is the Nine Yuan Mysterious Spirit Fruit, but Xiao Nannan has already eaten this fruit.

Zhang Junbao (Young Sword Immortal): "I do have an idea. The group leader said before that in the original timeline, Xiao Nannan created the Heaven Devouring Demon Art, swallowed all bodies with a mortal body, and finally condensed the acquired chaotic body, and became the Heaven Devouring Demon Emperor.

Although I don't know how Xiao Nannan created the Heaven Devouring Demon Art.

But this Six Paths of Reincarnation Heaven Art has the power to wipe out the ancient and modern times and swallow everything, as if it has the same effect as the Heaven Devouring Demon Art.

And we also have the chat group's original practice Star Domain Alliance Basic Body Forging Practice, which can digest everything and transform it into energy.

If the essence of these two practices can be extracted, maybe we can create a practice similar to the Heaven Devouring Demon Art."

Xu Chenzhou's eyes lit up.

He has the comprehension of Zhang Sanfeng at the peak, which is even stronger than Zhang Junbao's current comprehension. As soon as Zhang Junbao said this, he immediately understood Zhang Junbao's idea.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Junbao is right. Why do we need to swallow the treasure body to transform? The universe, the stars, the mountains, the sun and the moon, what can't be swallowed.

Using the world as food, not only is the pattern bigger, there are more cultivation resources, but the cultivation will also be faster."

Hong Yi (Daqian scholar): "It is indeed good to swallow the universe, the stars, the mountains, the sun and the moon, but there is no need to give up swallowing other people's treasure bodies.

After all, in a sense, various physiques are also the essence produced by the universe.

While swallowing the world, the treasure body cannot be let go."

As this topic was opened, the group immediately began a fierce discussion. Everyone was making plans for how to create a new version of the Devouring Heaven Demon Art.

As they chatted, the chat group suddenly issued a prompt.

Congratulations to the group members for completing the achievement [Group Wisdom], which rewards 5,000 chat group points, the price of the time imprint function is reduced to 20 points, the imprint time is extended to 12 hours, and the group public space is opened.

Group Wisdom, to complete this achievement, more than 80% of the people in the group chat need to participate in the research and development of a skill at the same time.

Xiao Nannan's question in the group accidentally triggered a discussion among the group members, and completed this achievement.

These three rewards are very generous. The first is 5,000 chat group points, which is equivalent to 490 days of practice time.

Then the price of the time imprint function is reduced to 20 points.

Time imprint is a very good function, which allows group members to have no worries when testing the skills.

The only disadvantage is that this function is too expensive. Each time imprint requires 100 chat group points.

If you just practice trial and error, you can barely afford it if you spend one or two hundred points at a time.

But if you use this function to create a new skill, it will be a bottomless pit. You must know that if you want to create a new skill, you need to make too many trials and errors.

If you want to reduce the number of trials and errors, it will take a lot of time to eliminate the wrong direction.

Now this function has been greatly reduced in price, and the price has been reduced to 20 points at once, and an upgrade of the super cup has been given, which increases the branding time to 12 hours, which is simply a perfect compensation for all the shortcomings of this function.

The third group public space is also very good. Simply put, it is a place for face-to-face communication. Group members can enter the group public space at any time for face-to-face communication.

And there is also a virtual battle field in the public space, where group members can fight without scruples.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "I really come to the pillow when I am sleepy. I just feel that communicating with text is not fun enough. Why not go to the group public space to continue the discussion."

Zhang Junbao was also a little excited. Although everyone knew the appearance of others through the group live broadcast, this was the first time they met.

And Zhang Junbao was also a little excited in the discussion. After all, there are really not many people who can keep up with his thinking speed.

In the Yitian world, he also thought about finding a few people to accompany him to study the method of martial arts golden elixir.

But no matter whether it was the great hero Guo or the wise lady Huang, they could not keep up with his pace.

They were discussing together at the beginning, but when they got a little deeper, he was talking and the listeners were confused.

But the feeling of communicating with group members was completely different. He just proposed a prototype of an idea, and immediately two or three group members were able to follow up and perfect the prototype he proposed, and then he could get new inspiration from this perfect idea.

This kind of brainstorming feeling is simply addictive.

Zhang Junbao (young swordsman): "Come on, come on, I can't wait any longer."

Hong Yi (Daqian scholar): "You go in first, I'll deal with the things at hand and come in right away."

Xu Chenzhou was the fastest and was the first to step into the group public space.

All scenes in the group martial arts space can be customized. Xu Chenzhou set it up casually and set the environment on a grassland with birds singing and flowers blooming.

The sky was blue, and from time to time a group of wild geese flew by, like a fairyland on earth.

The next person to step into the group public space was Zhang Junbao.

Zhang Junbao was dressed in a plain white dress, holding a long sword in his hand, and a small sachet hanging around his waist.

This sachet looked very delicate, and the surface of the sachet was embroidered with a figure of a young man flying down from the city wall with delicate needlework.

Then a little baby entered the practice space. His face was rosy, he was wearing clothes made of animal skin, and his eyes were sparkling. He looked very cute.

After the baby entered the space, he looked left and right, and then waved to the two.

"Brother group leader, brother Junbao, I finally see you."

Then the baby's eyes were fixed on Zhang Junbao's waist.

"Hey, brother Junbao, this sachet of yours is so beautiful. Who gave it to you?"

Zhang Junbao's old face blushed: "This was given to me by Xiang'er a few days ago. He said it was to thank me for saving the people of Xiangyang from danger."

"Wow, it's only been a few days, and you even called Xiang'er. The progress is fast enough."

As he spoke, a young man in green clothes holding a scroll appeared in the chat group.

This young man looked ordinary, as if he was just an ordinary scholar, but if you look closely, he makes people feel unfathomable, like a star in the sky.

Zhang Junbao turned around after hearing this and hammered the young man's shoulder hard.

"Hong Yi, you single dog, what do you know? You only know how to stay on the island and practice all day. Why don't you go find your Zen Silver Sand?"

The young man in green shook his head: "What do you mean by staying on the island and practicing all day? I am accumulating strength. When I have enough strength, I will go to seize the Immortal Bag.

As for the Zen Silver Sha, it is just my partner in the past. I haven't seen it yet. Everything is uncertain in the future."

While the two were talking and laughing, Yang Chan, Xiao Nannan, and Lu Mingfei all joined the group chat.

There is another chapter, which will be later

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