All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 120 Youth Version of Heaven Devouring Magic

After a while, a man who looked somewhat ordinary and a little girl in school uniform with brown hair also appeared in the group's public space.

This was a memorable moment, the first formal meeting of the nine members of the chat group.

When they first met, everyone was still a little restrained, but after chatting for a few words, they slowly relaxed.

This atmosphere was a bit like the feeling of meeting friends in the game group in Xu Chenzhou's previous life.

When they first met, they pretended to be human beings, but after matching the nicknames and faces in the group, they instantly began to release their nature.

Especially for Xu Chenzhou, this feeling was even more peculiar.

For him, the eight people in front of him used to be characters living in a fantasy world. But now they actually appeared in front of him alive, which made Xu Chenzhou feel like a dream.

Han Li had a common face as described in the Mortal Cultivation Biography, the kind of appearance that would not be noticed if he frowned and retreated behind everyone.

Xiao Budian was smart and cute, and Xiao Yangchan was delicate and beautiful. The two dolls were so cute that they didn't look like real people.

Misaka Mikoto and Xu Chenzhou's appearance in the animation are about 80% similar, but she looks more youthful than in the animation.

The one who subverted Xu Chenzhou's impression the most was Lu Mingfei. With the crazy training during this period, the originally thin Lu Mingfei gradually became stronger.

Now Lu Mingfei's body is not a big guy, but the kind of body that looks thin when he is naked.

Xu Chenzhou can see that the muscles on Lu Mingfei's arms are clearly defined, as if they were made of rock.

His original long bangs were also cut off, leaving a clean and neat crew cut, which made his already very delicate facial features fully presented.

Although Lu Mingfei has always been an image of a loser in the original work, he actually looks quite handsome.

After all, this kid's face has the potential to be a top gigolo in Xiaorizi, how can he not look good.

Especially Lu Mingfei, I don't know how he got a shallow scar on his right cheek and two scars on his arm, which makes him look more manly.

He looked like a tough guy, completely subverting the image of a loser in Xu Chenzhou’s mind.

Zhang Junbao looked at Lu Mingfei: "What's the matter with the scar on your face?"

Lu Mingfei shook his head helplessly: "Don't mention it. When I was going home from school a few days ago, I met several Deadpools for some reason.

I didn't want to care, but those Deadpools rushed towards the car where Su Xiaoqiang was sitting.

There's no way. The fairy and I have a good relationship. I can't just stand by and watch her die."

Xu Chenzhou shook his head: "Mingfei, you are not good enough. Four Deadpools have made you like this.

You are still a hunter who can hunt black dragons, but you are getting worse and worse!"

Lu Mingfei smiled bitterly: "It's mainly because the little fairy is here. I dare not take out the weapons from the group red envelope, otherwise it will be difficult to explain.

Those Deadpools are thick-skinned and need several punches to kill them.

I was fighting with two Deadpools, and another Deadpool rushed towards the little fairy. I had no choice but to rush up to help her block it."

Hearing Lu Mingfei say this, Xu Chenzhou instantly became gossipy.

"This kind of hero-saving-beauty plot has a critical hit bonus on high school girls. Did the little goddess' attitude towards you change after you saved her?"

Lu Mingfei's smile became more bitter: "No, she became even colder.

Except that on the second day, the little goddess brought me a bunch of things to thank me for saving her life and apologized to me in person.

I don't know why the little goddess has a cold face when she sees me these days. There were a few times when I wanted to talk to her but she turned around and left immediately. I don't understand what she was doing."

Xu Chenzhou secretly laughed in his heart.

Mingfei didn't know how to fall in love, and he became more straight after eight years in the Monster Hunter world.

It's obvious that Su Xiaoqiang has a strange feeling about Lu Mingfei now, but the little goddess doesn't know how to deal with this feeling, so she turns around and escapes when she sees Lu Mingfei.

To be honest, tsundere has really retired, especially when facing Lu Mingfei, a steel straight man who has been struggling in the Monster Hunter world for eight years, it is even more useless.

However, Xu Chenzhou did not intend to remind Lu Mingfei.

Because although the arrogant has retired, if the arrogant has a rival, everything will be different.

According to Lu Mingfei, Chen Wenwen has also been very interested in him recently. She always invites him to participate in reading activities, and often discusses questions with Lu Mingfei after class.

Even if Su Xiaoqiang is arrogant, she can't just watch Chen Wenwen start a hot formula to Lu Mingfei.

When he thought of Xiao Lu going through an alternative Shura field, Xu Chenzhou said that his soul of eating melons has begun to burn.

Everyone greeted each other and immediately entered into a heated discussion.

After all, the purpose of this gathering is to deduce the prototype of the Heaven Devouring Demon Art based on the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heaven Art and the Basic Body Forging Work of the Star Domain Alliance.

Xu Chenzhou raised his hand directly and summoned a huge conference table and a huge blackboard in the art space.

The main forces of this meeting were naturally Xu Chenzhou, Zhang Junbao and Hong Yi. Most of the work of deducing the exercises was done by these three people.

Especially Hong Yi, he seems to be particularly talented in devouring the origin of people, and has put forward many genius ideas.

But this does not mean that other group members are just slacking off.

Although Xiao Nannan and Xiao Shihao cannot become the main force, the two little ones have very active minds and can come up with very creative ideas from time to time.

Although they don’t know how to implement their ideas, their ideas are quite inspiring to Xu Chenzhou and the other two.

More importantly, Xiao Shihao will exit the group chat from time to time and ask Liu Shen about the problems they encounter.

To be honest, if there is no fulcrum from Liu Shen’s high-rise building, the difficulty of their deduction of the skills will be at least a hundred times higher.

After all, although the group members are all amazingly perceptive, their current cultivation is still too low, and there are many high-level problems that are difficult to consider.

But Liu Shen’s help allowed them to avoid this weakness.

Xiao Yangchan can also put forward some very helpful suggestions from time to time, and the ideas from the perspective of the Honghuang Xiandao system are also very helpful for the deduction of the skills.

Of course, there were also some members who were just slacking off. Misaka Mikoto, Lu Mingfei and Han Li were all confused.

Misaka Mikoto and Lu Mingfei were better, after all, they were modern people with more active thinking, and occasionally they could put forward some opinions based on scientific theories.

Only Han Lao Mo was doubting his life, who was he, where was he, what was he going to do.

No, what were these people talking about, why couldn't I understand anything?

In fact, Han Lao Mo's comprehension was not bad, but he was the type who accumulated a lot and then achieved great success late in life. It was a bit embarrassing for him to participate in such a high-end discussion all of a sudden.

As time went by, the chat group version of the Heaven Devouring Demon Art gradually took shape.

At this stage, the situation was clearer.

After listening for so long, Han Li and the other two gradually understood the concept of the Heaven Devouring Demon Art, and then slowly joined the discussion.

The next step was the trial and error phase, and the chat group members deduced many different directions.

Then each person claimed a few directions and entered the practice space for trial and error.

The cultivation space can simulate the things in this world that the group members have seen, whether it is people or objects, it can be easily simulated.

There is nothing much to say, just simulate and then start swallowing.

Whether it is people or objects, swallow them all, anyway, start the experiment according to the direction they deduced.

Many hands make light work, and the nine people work together to quickly eliminate many wrong options.

To be honest, if there is no time imprint function, they don’t know how many times they will die when deducing this technique.

Xu Chenzhou’s own experience alone has included absorbing the essence of the earth and being petrified and turned into rock, exploding and dying due to too much alien energy, and even once becoming a fool due to brain overload.

The experiences of other group members are also quite exciting.

After going through untold hardships, they finally found a feasible direction.

The technique they deduced is actually just a prototype, with only the most basic part of swallowing everything to enhance physical fitness, and no techniques for subsequent realms.

But this gives this technique an advantage, that is, it is highly expandable and can be integrated into different cultivation systems to deduce the Heaven Devouring Demon Art of different cultivation systems.

Simply put, this technique can be regarded as the youth version of the Heaven Devouring Demon Art.

Xu Chenzhou put this technique in Xiao Shihao's hand: "Take this technique to Goddess Liu and see what she thinks."

Although this youth version of the Heaven Devouring Demon Art has no problem in practicing for the time being, it is still difficult to guarantee that there are pitfalls that they cannot find.

But the problem is not big, after all, they still have the strongest foreign aid Goddess Liu.

If this technique can be recognized by Goddess Liu, then there is no doubt that it can be practiced with confidence.

After a short while, Xiao Shihao returned to the public space of the chat group.

Little Shi Hao came over shaking his head: "I showed this technique to Goddess Liu. She was shocked when she found out that my friend and I had deduced it.

Goddess Liu told me that although this technique is still very rough, it has a high limit in the future. If it can be improved, it can even surpass the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Technique.

Goddess Liu said that she slightly modified a few of the key points. Now this technique can be practiced with confidence, and there will be no hidden dangers."

Xu Chenzhou took the modified technique from Goddess Liu. Xu Chenzhou couldn't even understand the few places modified by Goddess Liu. Even if he used all his strength to activate the two spiritual cores in his brain, he still couldn't understand Goddess Liu's ideas.

No way, this is the absolute gap in the realm of cultivation. Goddess Liu stands high and can see far.

In fact, this time, when the technique was deduced to the later stage, under the endless new ideas of the group friends, this technique has completely broken away from the barriers of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Palace, almost like taking a new path, so there are so many problems.

This time, the deduction of the technique with the help of everyone gave Xu Chenzhou a new understanding of several cultivation systems in the group.

As expected, cultivation cannot be done behind closed doors. The fastest way to progress is always to discuss with fellow Taoists.

No wonder the ancients said that cultivation requires money, friends, methods and places. Having a group of fellow Taoists who can discuss and progress together is really helpful.

This youth version of the Heaven-Devouring Demon Art deduced by group members has become completely different from the original version.

First of all, this technique is no longer limited to devouring the origin of people.

The origins of various physiques can still be swallowed, and each origin is equivalent to a magical medicine.

But in addition to the origin of humans, there are many other things that can be swallowed.

Various precious medicines and magical materials, spiritual things, and even the sun, moon, stars, rivers, mountains, and the universe are all within the scope of swallowing.

Swallowing the sun is the sun, swallowing the moon is the moon, and swallowing the sky is the Tao.

Of course, the requirements for cultivation to swallow the origin of the sun, moon, and stars are very high, and it is still a very distant goal for the group members in the chat group.

Secondly, this version of the Heaven-Swallowing Magic Art is just a beginning, and it has strong plasticity in the future.

You can train your own physique into a chaotic body like the original version, or you can choose other different directions.

After the deduction was completed, at the strong request of Lu Mingfei, Xu Chenzhou organized the first dinner for the group members as a celebration banquet.

Everyone returned to their own world and prepared various foods.

Misaka Mikoto and Lu Mingfei purchased a large number of snacks such as Coke, Sprite, orange juice, potato chips, ice cream, etc. in the supermarket.

Han Li didn't have anything good to bring to the party for the time being, so he took some hundred-year-old ginseng and hundred-year-old red fruit as ingredients for medicinal food.

Xiao Shihao brought some beast meat left over from the last war, and even took out a long treasure from the old village chief's house.

After getting this treasure, Xiao Shihao ran to Xu Chenzhou excitedly.

"Group leader, group leader brother, look, I took a good thing from the old village chief's house.

When I divided the Qiongqi treasure body last time, I saw the old village chief quietly hiding this thing.

It's hidden so tightly, it must be a good thing!"

Looking at the long thing in Xiao Shihao's hand, Xu Chenzhou's face showed a strange look.

To say it's a good thing, it must be a good thing.

After all, it's the Qiongqi treasure whip, Xu Chenzhou didn't dare to imagine how nutritious this thing is.

However, the group is either girls or single dogs, and Zhang Junbao, the only one who has some signs, must not have reached the stage of growth now.

If this medicine is really taken, will it be a bit too nutritious?

Xu Chenzhou wanted to ask Xiaobudian to put it back, but he changed his mind and thought that since he had already taken it, it would be a waste if he didn't try it.

Hong Yi, Yang Chan, and Zhang Junbao also brought food from their own worlds.

Even Xiaonan went to the mountains outside to pick some wild fruits.

Xu Chenzhou even took out a few dragon tooth rice for seeds and the piece of swallowing sky bird leg that Xiaobudian gave him last time.

Put the one-meter-long dragon tooth rice into the pot and boil it over high heat. No seasoning is needed. After melting, it becomes pearl-like rice grains, which are round and elastic with a strange fragrance.

Then came the swallowing sky bird leg. Although it was only a small piece of swallowing sky bird leg, it was almost as long as a person.

Xu Chenzhou did not cut it up. He strung the whole thing on the iron sword and roasted it carefully with the immortal Nanming fire.

After a while, drops of golden oil dripped from the swallowing sky bird leg, and the color of the meat gradually changed from bright red to golden.

Before Xu Chenzhou sprinkled the seasoning, he could smell a strong meaty aroma.

Xu Chenzhou took out the Daluo Mitian steel short sword given to him by the abbot and slowly cut the roasted Tianque leg into pieces.

The cross section of the Tianque leg meat revealed a very beautiful texture, with fine lines arranged one by one, which seemed to glow in the sun.

Xiao Yangchan also caught a few exotic beasts from Yulong Mountain and roasted them slowly with the Three Flavors True Fire.

The future barbecue emperor Shi Hao has not yet mastered his skills, so he can only watch his brothers and sisters operate from the side.

The aroma of the roasted beast meat is so fragrant that the greedy little Shi Hao's tears dripped from the corners of his mouth.

The most outrageous dish is a pot of soup stewed by Xu Chenzhou, which not only contains many medicinal materials from the Star Domain World, the Primordial World, the Mortal World, and the Perfect World, but the most important thing is the seasoning of this soup, the Qiongqi Treasure Whip.

In order to cook this pot of soup, Xu Chenzhou used all his strength to activate the Nine Yang Golden Pill to stimulate the Red Emperor Dragon Flame. It took three hours to cook the Qiongqi Treasure Whip to the point where it could be eaten.

After the food was cooked, the celebration banquet officially began.

Coke, Sprite, potato chips and other industrial products brought the ultimate impact on the taste buds of these group members from another world.

The delicious taste of the meat of the beasts also opened the eyes of Misaka Mikoto and others.

Even Lu Mingfei, who has been in the Monster Hunter world for eight years, praised the Sky Swallowing Bird Leg that Xu Chenzhou roasted, saying that his cooking skills were better than that of Chef Felyne.

The ladies did not dare to try that pot of soup, and the men did not dare to drink too much, because it was really too nourishing.

Xu Chenzhou only drank a small bowl, and with his physique, he could feel his whole body hot and his face flushed, as if he was about to explode.

So in the end, Xiaobudian brought the pot of soup back to Shi Village and shared it with the villagers.

According to Xiaobudian, the whole Shi Village stayed up all night that night, and every household lit a night light.

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