All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 121: In-group competition, Golden Core Martial Arts

After having enough wine and food, everyone came to the virtual arena.

In the virtual arena, the chat group members can have a virtual battle.

This function is very helpful for the group members, which can increase their combat experience.

Zhang Junbao couldn't hold back as soon as he walked into the door of the virtual training ground.

He glanced at Hong Yi beside him: "Are you coming?"

Sometimes the communication between men is so simple and direct, and Hong Yi immediately understood what Zhang Junbao meant.

He replied directly: "Come!"

The virtual training ground can open a private battle room or an open battle room.

There is naturally nothing to be avoided in the battle between Hong Yi and Zhang Junbao, so they chose the open battle room.

Xu Chenzhou was very interested in the first fight between the chat group members, and directly turned into a spectator and entered the battle room to watch the show.

Hong Yi and Zhang Junbao have already started fighting.

Hong Yi pointed his hand and a flying sword made of Xumi Fire Rock Steel flew out from behind him.

The flying sword was red in color, and the hilt was carved from a fiery red crystal. There was a bright golden line on the sword, which looked extremely luxurious.

Under the huge power of Hong Yi's soul, countless flaming meteors spurted out from the sword made of Xumi Fire Rock Steel, and the meteors scattered, and the flames rolled towards Zhang Junbao.

At the same time, the long sword crossed the sky, and the flames on the sword formed tail wings, leaving gorgeous scratches in the sky.

Zhang Junbao was naturally not to be outdone. He stretched out his hand and pointed, and a flying sword made of Xumi Fire Rock Steel also flew out from behind him.

The two flying swords kept entangled in the air, and the whole space was actually full of gorgeous flame threads. At the collision of the flying swords, sparks flew, and the scattered flames fell on the ground, burning the sandy ground to almost melt.

The Taoist cultivation of the two at this time was almost the same, and the speed of flying swords was almost the same. In the past, the strongest ability of the Amitabha Sutra was to restore the damage of the soul.

No matter how the souls collide, they can be restored to their original state by simply visualizing the past Amitabha Buddha.

The foundation of the two people's Taoism is the past Amitabha Sutra, and it is impossible to tell who will win for a while.

After fighting for a while, Zhang Junbao felt a little boring: "We can't tell the winner even if we fight for another day. Why don't we use Taoism. You use your human immortal martial arts, and I use my martial arts golden elixir, let's see who is stronger."

Hong Yi nodded, and he also had this intention: "Okay, I just want to try how mysterious the golden elixir martial arts you have comprehended is."

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Junbao turned his right hand and hit it fiercely.

A golden dragon roared out from Zhang Junbao's hand. The golden dragon was mighty and slender, and looked extremely realistic, even the scales were visible.

This palm was the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing that shocked a hundred miles.

Having stayed in the Guo residence for such a long time, with Guo Xiang around, Guo Jing had no intention of keeping his knowledge to himself. He had already taught Zhang Junbao all his martial arts.

Not to mention the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, Zhang Junbao had already learned all the Nine Yin Manual.

After condensing the martial arts golden elixir, Zhang Junbao could release his internal strength. This dragon-shaped Qi force could really attack enemies a hundred miles away.

It was truly shocking for a hundred miles.

However, Zhang Junbao naturally did not think that a mere dragon-shaped Qi force could deal with Hong Yi.

His palm shadow was like wind, rain and forest, densely filling the sky. There were countless dragon-shaped Qi forces in the air, rushing towards Hong Yi together.

Hundreds of dragons roamed in the sky, like the Emperor of Heaven inspecting the world.

Feeling the powerful force of Zhang Junbao's palm shadow, Hong Yi did not dare to be arrogant.

The acupoints in his body lit up, and the stars were like the Milky Way.

With the help of the power of the acupoints, Hong Yi's muscles bulged all over his body, and he jumped left and right like a big spider, nimbly dodging the dragon-shaped qi.

The dragon-shaped qi hit the ground, blasting huge holes in the ground, with spider-web-like cracks on the edges of the holes.

Hong Yi rushed in front of Zhang Junbao.

The two of them instantly got into a melee.

Being approached by such a muscle monster, Zhang Junbao was not panicked at all. There was a red golden pill in his dantian that was spinning, and streams of red Nine Yang Qi flowed through Zhang Junbao's body.

The true qi was agitated, the clothes were fluttering, and even his hair turned red under the influence of the Nine Yang Qi.

Every time he hit a palm, a hot Nine Yang Qi was poured into Hong Yi's body.

Looking at this scene of the battle, Xu Chenzhou nodded slightly.

The human immortal martial arts and the golden elixir martial arts have their own merits.

The close combat of the human immortal martial arts is stronger, while the golden elixir martial arts is more comprehensive.

In a close-range fight, Zhang Junbao, who had not yet mastered Tai Chi, was not Hong Yi's opponent, but once the distance was widened and there was room for pulling, Zhang Junbao would be able to gain the upper hand.

The fight between the two was still evenly matched.

After more than half an hour, the two finally decided the winner, and the final result of the fight was quite tragic.

Zhang Junbao was killed by a close-range punch from Hong Yi through the heart, but after killing Zhang Junbao, Hong Yi slowly sat on the ground, revealing a mouthful of black blood, and within a few seconds he also sat on the spot.

Xu Chenzhou knew that this was because Hong Yi's internal organs had long been roasted into charcoal by Zhang Junbao's Nine Yang True Qi.

The ability to kill Zhang Junbao was thanks to the tenacious vitality of the human immortal martial arts and Hong Yi's strong willpower.

The fight between the two made the other group members feel excited.

This kind of fist-to-flesh, life-or-death fight is really exciting.

However, the strength of the other group members is somewhat uneven, and it is still difficult to find such an opponent of equal strength.

Misaka Mikoto looked at Zhang Junbao and Hong Yi who had left the battle room, her eyes sparkling.

At this time, Xu Chenzhou walked up to him.

"Misaka, how is the situation over there? Has the Absolute Ability User Plan started?"

Misaka Misaka shook her head: "Not yet. I have been using the Internet to monitor Accelerator during this period. His every move is under my control.

But I can feel that someone has started to contact Accelerator in secret. I am afraid that the Absolute Ability User Plan will start soon."

Xu Chenzhou nodded: "Is that so? Don't be too stressed. According to my understanding of the chat group, I will most likely be able to start the mission and enter the Academy City at that time."

"Thank you, group leader brother, but I still hope to be able to solve Accelerator by my own strength."

Since she knew about her sisters, Misaka Misaka's mood has become a little depressed, and she has not been very active in the group.

Little girls of this age should like socializing in the group.

But Misaka Misaka didn't. Han Li was the least talkative person in the group, and then it was Misaka Misaka's turn.

It's not that she doesn't want to chat with her group friends, but Misaka Misaka is practicing hard almost every day.

In fact, Misaka Misaka now has a chance to defeat Accelerator.

Although Accelerator's ability is very badass, he can control vector operations in almost all directions. As long as he can understand it, he can control everything. However, Misaka Mikoto has now mastered several powers that Accelerator cannot analyze. Whether it is the soul technique or the treasure technique of the perfect world, Accelerator should not be able to analyze it.

But now Misaka Mikoto does not want to defeat Accelerator in this way.

Although the feeling of cheating is really cool, she wants to defeat Accelerator as the level 5 psychic of the Academy City.

Use the ability mastered by the electromagnetic field to defeat the vector operation.

Of course, Misaka Mikoto is not so rigid. If the sister plan is really implemented, she will definitely cheat without hesitation and defeat Accelerator fiercely.

But if she wants to defeat Accelerator with the power of the super-electromagnetic gun, Misaka Mikoto has a huge shortcoming, that is, the serious lack of combat experience.

To be precise, it is the serious lack of experience in fighting against masters.

After all, there are almost no intersections between the several superpowers in Academy City. Even if they encounter some opponents, they are powerful people with abilities far inferior to them.

A battle like bullying can accumulate a hammer of combat experience.

And now this arena is simply tailor-made for Misaka Mikoto.

In this arena, she can challenge strong enemies at will, test her own limits, and enrich her combat experience.

But who to choose as an opponent, Misaka Mikoto is a little hesitant.

The group members are all very fierce, and it feels that no matter who is chosen, it is a bit beyond the scope.

After looking around, Misaka Mikoto's eyes stayed on Lu Mingfei.

Facing Misaka Mikoto's invitation, Lu Mingfei naturally would not refuse.

After all, except for Xiao Nannan, they are the two most inexperienced in the group now, and it's just right for them to get together and fight each other

Academy City, Tokiwadai Girls' Dormitory.

Misaka Mikoto sat on the bed, wearing frog pajamas, two white and slender thighs were folded, holding a coin in her hand, and was constantly flipping it up and down.

She was still thinking about the battle not long ago.

After these days of practice, her Yangshen Daoshu has reached the realm of possession, and she can split her spirit into thoughts.

Now she has ten thoughts, and ten thoughts are equivalent to ten times the computing power.

With the blessing of ten times the computing power, the power of the super-electromagnetic gun, thunder and other moves has been greatly improved.

What surprised Misaka Mikoto even more was that in addition to the improvement of computing power, Misaka Mikoto's cultivation reached the peak of possession, and her extremely powerful soul also expanded her perception range.

Misaka Mikoto's superpower is to control electromagnetic fields. The larger her perception range is, the farther she can control the electromagnetic field in space.

Now Misaka Mikoto can easily control the electromagnetic field within a radius of five kilometers.

When her soul is out of her body, her perception range can be increased tenfold.

In other words, within a five-kilometer range, as long as Misaka Mikoto is willing, she can drop thunder with a power of 10 billion volts at will.

In addition, Xu Chenzhou specially customized a batch of special warheads for Misaka Mikoto to use the super-electromagnetic gun. This special warhead uses the aviation alloy of the star domain world. It is not only portable like a coin, but also extremely resistant to high temperatures, with a melting point of up to 10,000°C.

Most importantly, the shape of this warhead perfectly matches the air fluid mechanics, which can greatly reduce air resistance and fully exert the true power of Misaka Mikoto's super-electromagnetic gun.

Moreover, Misaka Mikoto also attaches great importance to physical training during this period, because using superpowers requires physical strength, and training the body can significantly improve her physical strength.

After her calculation power and perception range are strengthened, the physical strength consumption of her body when using superpowers at full strength is much greater than before.

Fortunately, there are other training systems that can train the physical body, otherwise she would have been able to squeeze herself dry with a full-strength railgun.

With the help of sufficient resources from the group members, Misaka Mikoto has also perfected the method to the middle stage of moving blood, and has initially mastered the Suanni Treasure Technique.

Her physical strength alone has reached 20,000 kilograms, which is enough for her to use her superpowers to fight for three days and three nights.

Such a powerful strength is definitely much stronger than Lu Mingfei who has not practiced much.

However, although Lu Mingfei's strength on paper was weaker than hers during the battle, the actual result of the battle was completely opposite.

Whether it's a tens of billions of volts lightning that can penetrate steel, or a super electromagnetic gun that can penetrate the void at ten times the speed of sound.

Even Misaka Mikoto had finally mastered some superficial skills of the Suani Treasure, but they had no effect on Lu Mingfei.

It was as if he could predict Misaka Mikoto's attack intentions, and then evaded them in advance, or even launched a counterattack.

If the attack can't hit, no matter how powerful it is, it doesn't exist.

The two of them fought ten times in total, and Misaka Mikoto never won.

After all, he was an old hunter who had returned from the world of monster hunting. Over the past eight years, Lu Mingfei had engraved his combat experience into his bones and was able to seize every flaw in the battle.

In front of Lu Mingfei, Misaka Mikoto felt like she was just a primary school student, making too many mistakes in every battle.

The failure did not make Misaka Mikoto feel downcast, but instead aroused Misaka Mikoto's fighting spirit. It didn't matter if she lost to her friends, as long as she didn't lose to Accelerator.

In the Star World, Zhou Xuanyi's mansion.

Xu Chenzhou and Liu Xuanyan stared intently at Zhou Xuanyi, who was sitting in the center of the martial arts arena.

"Shen Zhou, do you think Lao Zhou has a good chance of success this time?"

"Don't worry, we are fully prepared and we will definitely succeed."

At this time, Zhou Xuanyi was wearing a gray-black martial arts uniform, his face was very painful, and red flames were constantly spraying out from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

The flames dripped onto the ground, burning black marks on the ground.

Zhou Xuanyi's body was filled with all kinds of materials, which seemed to be of various kinds, at least seventeen or eighteen kinds.

These materials include gold, wood, ice, and fire, and each of them is valuable!

Zhou Xuanyi grabbed two materials from the ground. Both materials were an oval red crystal with a hexagonal snowflake inside. The other one is a strip of sky-blue ice, with a cyan insect frozen in the center of the ice.

Zhou Xuanyi violently pressed the two materials into his body. The moment they came into contact with his body, the two materials seemed to be stuck by glue and stuck to Zhou Xuanyi's body.

As these two materials were integrated into Zhou Xuanyi's body, the flames on his face disappeared.

But his hands and feet began to drip water again. The water formed into eternal ice as soon as it appeared in the air, turning Zhou Xuanyi's lower body into a lump of ice.

Then Zhou Xuanyi took out a golden dagger. With a casual stroke, he cut open the flesh on his right abdomen, and then stuffed the dagger inside.

As the dagger entered Zhou Xuanyi's body, the ice on his body was shattered by sharp sword energy.

Then Zhou Xuanyi's eyes became extremely sharp, and he actually produced a sword energy five or six feet long out of thin air, penetrating the ground in front of him into two bottomless holes.

Both of them were used to this scene.

To be honest, this kind of scene is already relatively quiet.

When I first started treatment, the movement was really big.

When the first extraordinary organ in Zhou Xuanyi's body had just been destroyed, the conflict among the five elements in Zhou Xuanyi's body was the most intense. A huge flame ignited from Zhou Xuanyi's body and spread rapidly, almost setting the entire training ground on fire.

But there is nothing we can do about it, break it and then build it up; if you don’t break it, you can’t stand it.

Zhou Xuanyi's problems are too deep-rooted and cannot be solved without this kind of strong medicine.

Xu Chenzhou nodded: "Mr. Zhou's treatment has progressed to this point, and he feels that he is basically stable."

Liu Xuanyan also agreed: “Indeed, the most dangerous thing is actually the first step.

As long as you get through it and use Lao Zhou's experience, there will definitely be no problems.

Now it depends on whether Lao Zhou can use this treatment to directly become a warrior of gods and demons. "

While the two were talking, Zhou Xuanyi completed the last step of the treatment.

He inserted a green wooden vine into the spine. The wooden vine merged with the spinal column and turned into a giant green dragon coiling around Zhou Xuanyi's back.

Xuantian Yi Mu Bone, Liu Ren Kui Shui Xin. The visions of various extraordinary organs emerged outside Zhou Xuanyi's body.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Xuanyi closed his eyes tightly, and his whole person became extremely calm, as if he had fallen into the deepest trance.

But the two people present could feel the five elements flowing on his body, and a mysterious aura was slowly being generated.

The treatment plan given by Xu Chenzhou was broken and then established, going around in circles, destroying and regenerating many extraordinary organs. Only then was the extraordinary organ map in Zhou Xuanyi's body restored to its original appearance, allowing Zhou Xuanyi's body to achieve such a balance. status.

However, there are slight differences between the final map given by Xu Chenzhou and the map of exercises practiced by Zhou Xuanyi.

But it is precisely these few tiny differences that allow the five elements in Zhou Xuanyi's body to reach a completely balanced state, thus naturally giving birth to the yin and yang energies.

Now Zhou Xuanyi only needs to use this yin and yang energy to simultaneously shape the two extraordinary organs of the Tianyuan Divine Palace and the Diyuan Qi Palace to advance to the realm of a god and demon warrior.

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